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A Weekend Adventure
Last weekend, Sarah and her friends decided to go camping in the nearby mountains. They packed
their tents, sleeping bags, and enough food for two days. On Saturday morning, they began their
After hiking for several hours, they found a perfect spot by a clear stream to set up camp. They
cooked dinner over an open fire and enjoyed the peaceful evening under the starlit sky.
The next morning, they woke up early to go fishing in the stream. Sarah caught a big fish, which
they cooked for breakfast. They spent the rest of the day exploring the area and taking pictures of
the stunning views.
As the sun began to set, they packed up their campsite and hiked back to the car. Despite being
tired, Sarah and her friends were already planning their next camping trip.

Now answer the following questions

1.- What did Sarah and her friends do on Saturday morning?
A) Went hiking in the mountains
B) Stayed at home
C) Went shopping
D) Played video games
2.- How did they cook their dinner?
A) In a microwave
B) Over an open fire
C) On a stove
D) They didn't cook
3.- Why did they wake up early the next morning?
A) To go fishing
B) To go hiking
C) To go shopping
D) To sleep more

4.- Where did Sarah and her friends set up camp?

A) By a lake
B) By a river
C) By a stream
D) By the ocean
5.- What did they cook for breakfast?
A) Pancakes
B) Eggs and bacon
C) Cereal
D) Fish
6.- How did Sarah feel about the camping trip?
A) She didn't enjoy it
B) She thought it was boring
C) She was already planning the next trip
D) She was scared
7.- What did Sarah and her friends do after dinner on Saturday?
A) Went to bed
B) Explored the area
C) Watched a movie
D) Played cards
8.- How did they travel back to their car?
A) By walking
B) By riding bicycles
C) By taking a taxi
D) By using a carpool

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