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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Thesis on PTSD: A Solution at ⇒ BuyPapers.

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Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is a formidable task, and when the topic is as intricate
as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the challenge becomes even more daunting. The
intricacies involved in delving into the nuances of PTSD require extensive research, a deep
understanding of psychological complexities, and a meticulous approach to presenting findings.
Countless students find themselves overwhelmed by the magnitude of this undertaking, seeking
assistance to ensure their work meets the high standards demanded by academic institutions.

The difficulty lies not only in the sheer volume of information to be processed but also in the
emotional toll it can take. Addressing a topic as sensitive as PTSD requires a level of empathy and
expertise that goes beyond conventional research. Moreover, the academic standards for such a thesis
are stringent, demanding a thorough exploration of both theoretical frameworks and empirical

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The symptoms of the disorder can occur suddenly or gradually. There were also large amounts of
data that was collected by government sources. Some of the symptoms that can be diagnosed with
PTSD include avoidance of trauma associated stimuli, re-experiencing the original trauma via
nightmares or flashbacks, and increased arousal. Many experts on the topic have different views on
the size, causes and resolution of substance abuse and relapse prevention among female substance
abusers. Dr. Leveque has worked with numerous veterans of war that suffer from PTSD. Veterans
that experienced war-zone related PTSD commonly experienced major depression, alcohol abuse,
and non-alcohol substance abuse. PTSD is a complex disorder and it is very difficult to treat as told
by Leveque, 2007. Also in this category are those who live in locations where crime rates are high or
in areas with heavy traffic that are prone to frequent vehicular accidents. Post- traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) Post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) “Post- traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, is an
anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave
physical harm occurred or was threatened”(National institute of mental health, 2011). If Veterans do
not find appreciate treatments, their mental condition could get more complicated, leading to serious
harm to society. A traumatic event that can spark post- traumatic stress disorder is often a life-
threatening situation that an individual is personally involved in, such as feeling threatened, or else
involves death, physical, psychological, or sexual virtues. The individual must have persistently
reexperienced the traumatic event through distressing images, thoughts, dreams, flashbacks, or
intense physiological-psychological reactivity. PTSD Comorbid with Major Depression and
Substance Abuse. Assume that 25 percent of patients who undergo the treatment but who. There are
variable levels of stressors, they can be physical, psychological, or both that a person experience
throughout the lifespan (Giddens, 2013). There are thousands of soldiers returning from war that are
diagnosed each year with PTSD. According to this journal the drug Prazosin, when administered to
patients, saw improvement in several outcomes. Treatments There are different treatments for this
disorder, such as different types of therapy treatments, that psychiatrist's have found for people with
post-traumatic stress disorder. The traumatizing events makes the victims feel frightened, anxious,
and sad. Non-pharmacological treatments include counseling, meditation, art therapy, music therapy,
acupuncture, physical activity, and the most important is social support (Trakalo, 2015). By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Vietnam) but the actual months or
years were not provided, it is not included here. Since the veterans may not usually have any
engagement, they are more likely to indulge in drinking or substance abuse to escape their memories
about the traumatic events they encountered while in active military service. Many studies also point
to the fact that lack of awareness and education acts as barriers in the treatment of the problem.
Also, in some cases psychopharmacology is used in order to help supplement the counseling therapy.
Post- traumatic stress disorder may either occur immediately after being exposed to a terrifying
event or it may be noticed weeks or months or even, in some cases, years after the event. A nurse
helps the individual to relieve the traumatic incidence by encouraging him to recall the rates that took
place. Currently the most common treatments for PTSD are those which treat depression. Post-
traumatic stress disorder is a serious mental disorder that needs timely treatment. The committee
found the evidence inadequate to determine efficacy of different types of pharmacotherapies, of
three different psychotherapy modalities, and of psychotherapy delivered in group formats.
Post- traumatic stress disorder may either occur immediately after being exposed to a terrifying
event or it may be noticed weeks or months or even, in some cases, years after the event. However,
some aspects of trauma are still debatable globally such as definition of trauma, diversity in
expression and response across individuals and cultures. Thus, responses were more honest, and
comfortable about their feeling. This just shows that regardless of state laws, medicinal marijuana is
still illegal. On the other hand, while physical injury is often a causative element of trauma, it is not
essential for its occurrence. Even if the state allows its use medicinally, the government can still
prosecute patients for its use. Traditional healers monks, mediums, traditional birth attendantswho
played an important role in maintaining the mental health of communities in the past, have lost their
designated positions in the community following the conflict N Engl J Med. The experience may be
harming physically or psychologically causing an interference with ones ability to cope with
experiences that resemble the original trauma. Dobson said the army standard counseling sessions are
90 minutes long. Subsequently there are many types of treatment for this disorder. Other cognitive
theorists have postulated that cognitive schemas are disrupted after victimization. Even on their
return from active duty, memories of these traumatic events keep haunting them and, as a result,
their stress levels persist. A keen look at him can reveal symptoms suggestive of PTSD as classified
under DSM-5. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. However with an open mind and insight, they
would see the legal sale of prescription cannabis far outweighs felony fine money. PTSD sufferers
can be startled easily and may have violent rages. “People who suffer from PTSD usually relieve the
traumatic experience in the form of nightmares and disturbing recollections. (Bearman, 2006). Those
who suffer with PTSD are difficult to treat. According to Army (2011), the “Army substance abuse
Program mission is to rengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army?s workforce, to
conserve manpower and enhance the combat readiness of Soldiers. Thus, to erase the haunting
memories and to seek solace from the constant stress, they turn to alcohol, drugs or other substance
abuse. Thesis Statement: Bullying statistics indicate bullying is just getting worse. They develop
memory problems and difficulty in concentrating, which is believed to be a paranoid response. Pare,
J. R. (2011). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Mental Health of Military Personnel and
Veterans. There is no other psychotherapeutic drug with these synergistic and complementary effects.
” (Mikuryia et al., 2006). We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Journal of the
American Medical Association, requires that study authors. Based on Defense Data Center, the
researchers sent out mail to veterans who returned from home. Professional medical personnel can
offer more advanced health care services that are helpful to the victims. A professional nurse should
have an approach that provide makes the victim comfortable and safe. While there is no current cure
for post-traumatic stress disorder, treatment methods are available in the forms of medication and
therapy, both of which can help the patient learn to cope with the traumatic event and learn to lead a
more positive life unhindered by fear and anxiety. Scientists do know that the receptors in the brain
react positively to cannabis. Proper and regular counseling can be highly useful in creating awareness
in the military personnel and such sessions will encourage them to seek treatment as well as help
nourishing appropriate coping skills in them. Thus, their counseling on return from the zone of
conflict must focus on the concept of educating them about the seriousness of the issue and also
about the options available for treatment.
They develop memory problems and difficulty in concentrating, which is believed to be a paranoid
response. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Post-traumatic
stress disorder has been known to be more prevalent in individuals who have immediate family
members that suffer from PTSD or other anxiety or mood disorder, like depression or bipolar
disorder. Many people who are involved in traumatic events have a difficult time adjusting. When
someone is subjected to a traumatic event, the brain’s response might be an over-reaction of
adrenaline. She reported the diminution and cessation of dissociative reactions to the painful
memories. They have weak memories, and they are less engaged in life-threatening events. Usually
when one thinks of war, blood, battle and death are the first things that come to mind, but
psychological trauma is over shadowed by these popular thoughts. Veterans received Concurrent
Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure, a manualized
integrated treatment combining prolonged exposure with cognitive-behavioral therapy for substance
use disorders as part of a larger randomized clinical trial. The victims become hopeless and if the
shock does not subside the victims get disturbed by painful memories. Preventive measures can be
taken to avoid the development of ptsd. Hypervigilance characterized her presentation; she
described herself as being “all clenched up. ” On follow-up she reported being able to recover and
process repressed memories of sexual abuse from age five to 15 by her father (a preacher) and having
been beaten by her enraged mother. No long-term effects of the drugs or combination of drugs on
the physiological or psychological changes observed could be ascertained after the 13 week program
as the rats were euthanized and decapitated to obtain the serum samples necessary for analysis for
metabolic syndrome. After behavioral testing was completed, serum tests were performed to identify
the presence (if any) of metabolic syndrome. Carrying out any research ethically and with sensitivity
in mind An important thing to bear in mind is that any research you do should be carried out as
sensitively and as possible, whilst fitting within any ethical boundaries. A PTSD sufferer tries to act
normal and may appear normal, however when they are triggered by something that agitates their
regression, they may become hostile and engulfed in rage. The effects that are brought about by
accidents vary in severity, and duration within which they affect individuals either directly or
indirectly attached to the incidence. Oddly enough our brains contain cannabinoid receptors. Risk
factors for adolescents with PTSD are related to the reaction of parents to trauma, and the distance
of the adolescent from the trauma. More precisely, Charcot investigated the connection between
trauma and hysteria, a disorder commonly diagnosed in women. However, the article is purely
anecdotal and lacks empirical evidence on how the war causes PTSD. Seminario biologia molecular-
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. According to the research findings, the patients with the disorder
have shown an altered brain activation in various brain regions. Attach to the mail was the survey and
detail information about the purpose of study. The therapist helps the patient to replace thoughts
about the world and his or herself for thoughts that are less stressful. Cultural diversity in trauma and
related disorders have brought into notice the multi-dimensional nature of trauma which is the focus
of this chapter. Rhrissorrakrai et al. (2015) contend that these failures rise from species-specific
differences in response to specific stimuli. JULIANA BENAVIDES GUERRERO Indian Best
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biotech limited SBL DIGITAL Introducing amazing Healthy habits and fitness Introducing amazing
Healthy habits and fitness Fredrick Amos pediatrics. The nature of the trauma itself also appears to
affect recovery. There are variable levels of stressors, they can be physical, psychological, or both that
a person experience throughout the lifespan (Giddens, 2013).
The symptoms may develop after a month or a year depending on the intense of the traumatizing
event. There were questions and posts relating to different support groups. The focus of this disorder
is on dissociative features, and, consequently, the symptom criteria include at least three of the
following: a sense of numbing, detachment, or lack of emotional responsiveness, a reduction in
awareness of surroundings e. PTSD occurs on veterans returning home from deployment. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The environment in which
people work regularly or live has proven to have a connection with the development of PTSD.
American Journal of Public Health, 105(2), 380387. Schnurr, P., M. Friedman, D. Foy, M. Shea, F.
Hsieh, P. Lavori, S. Glynn, M. Wattenberg, and. Most of them, to escape the haunting memories in
the conflict zone, turn to alcohol or other substance abuse. Post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Substance abuse, and trauma Course University Tutor Name Date Post- traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) Introduction Over the past decades, there have been numerous debates and studies on post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), what causes this type of disorder and how to treat it. Depression
and irritability had been eased. (Mikuryia et al., 2006). Veterans especially Army and firefighters are
the majority group likely to get PTSD. Further, the committee understands that clinicians and
investigators are. FIGURE 5-1a?? Potential impact of attrition: illustrating the importance of proper.
It also touches on the potential for co-occurring mental health conditions, which can further
complicate treatment and recovery. Also, in some cases psychopharmacology is used in order to help
supplement the counseling therapy. FDAa??s approval of the SSRIs sertraline and paroxetine (in
1999 and 2001. Thus, TRiM can be highly useful to people who rather prefer not to work with
professional healthcare personnel. Since each person responds differently to traumatic events, the
causes of individual PTSD will vary depending on the circumstances. However, following Operation
Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, suicide rates have been steadily on the rise amongst
the younger generation veteran and active duty service member populations (Finley et al., 2015). The
purpose of this paper is to clarify the effectiveness of social support for Veterans with PTSD. Brady,
K., T. Pearlstein, G. M. Asnis, D. Baker, B. Rothbaum, C. R. Sikes, and G. M. As outlined in the
recommendations above, better understanding of the. Khan, A., S. R. Khan, R. M. Leventhal, and W.
A. Brown. 2001a. Symptom reduction and. Dissociative identity disorders are expressed in bizarre or
inappropriate behaviors with intense sadness, fear, and anger. What is a good thesis statement for an
expositiory paper on ptsd. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if
available. There were also large amounts of data that was collected by government sources. Self-
reported distress and craving ratings were collected during each imaginal exposure session. The side
effects may also include the worse possible side effect which is death. The article says it is hard to
find adequate psychiatric care, outside of the military because most psychiatrist's have a hard time
comprehending combat conditions.
Paroxetine, Sertraline, Pluoxetine, Citalopram, Fluvoxamine May produce insomnia, restlessness,
nausea, decreased appetite, daytime sedation, nervousness, and anxiety, sexual dysfunction,
decreased libido. The patterns continue for a long period making the person hyper-responsive to the
emerging fearful situations. Symptoms resulting from the event must be present in a certain way
over a period of time and for certain duration. The high level of the stress hormones suppresses the
hypothalamic activity, and this leads to the development of PSTD (Krippner, 2012). They have to
face unwanted memories, trauma events that happened during deployment. This procedure is mostly
done to the victims who become unconscious as a result of the traumatizing moment. Psychological
Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 3(3), 300-308. The victim experiences nightmares as
images of the terrible event come into his mind. Even on their return from active duty, memories of
these traumatic events keep haunting them and, as a result, their stress levels persist. Scientists are
very close to discovering why cannabis works. Then data were collected according to participants
responses. Strength. JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). 2007. JAMA instructions
for authors. Post- traumatic stress disorder is a serious mental disorder that needs timely treatment.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 73(3):515-524. Individuals do not allow themselves to
talk or even think about the traumatic event, repressing the memories to the point of denial that they
occurred. As outlined in the recommendations above, better understanding of the. Seminario biologia
molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Thesis statement for ptsd research paper 2022-10-28.
The symptoms of occur when the distressing event leads to an over-reactive response of the
adrenaline hormone that results in neurological patterns in the mind. Thus, problems such a PTSD in
military personnel need to be recognized and addressed immediately with suitable means of
intervention so that they can function efficiently in their assigned roles. Patients report high levels of
aggressiveness, with mind being dominated with pictures of punishment of alleged offenders, fights,
disputes with the use of physical force that frightens patients and, therefore, causes the reduction of
contacts with others to a minimum. Thus, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains a common
problem among the combatant military personnel even after their retirement. I would not be able to
handle problems calmly and successfully. Military units that exhibit higher levels of cohesion and
unity tend to have a lower risk of suicidal ideations among their soldiers. PTSD developed soon
following the trauma, so time since trauma is not. Little, R. J. A., and D. Rubin. 2002. Statistical
analysis with incomplete data. New York. Will the England football team win the world cup in my
lifetime. RELATED PAPERS College Talk Taylor studies, teaches the history of civil rights
Aldemaro Romero Jr. The support groups that yield the most effective and positive results for
soldiers are informational (52.7%) and community (19.3%) systems. Social support is considered as
many occurring resources, such as family members, coworkers, friends, organizations who provide
material, psychological during stressful events (Lincoln, 2000).

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