Sheet (5) - Dynamics PDF

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Dynamics (MEC022)

Level 0
Faculty of Engineering Sheet No. (5)
Curvilinear Motion

(1) The box slides down the slope described by the equation y = (0.02x2) m, where x is
in meters. Given that the vx = -3 m/s, ax = -1.5 m/s2 at x = 5 m. Determine the y
components of the velocity and the acceleration of the box at x = 5 m.
(Ans. vy = - 0.6 m/s and ay = 0.06 m/s2)

(2) At a given instant the jet plane has a speed of 550 m/s and an
acceleration of 50 m/s2 acting in the direction shown. Determine
the rate of increase in the plane’s speed, and also the radius of
curvature ρ of the path.
(Ans. at = 17.1 m/s2, an = 46.98 m/s2 and ρ = 6.44 km)

(3) The motorcycle starts from rest at t = 0 on a circular track

with a 400-m radius. The tangential component of the
motorcycle’s acceleration (m/s2) is given as a function
of time by at = 2 + 0.2t. What is the motorcycle’s
velocity in terms of normal and tangential components
at t = 10 s? What distance s has the motorcycle moved
along the track at t = 10 s?
(Ans. v= 30 et m/s, and s = 133 m)

(4) In a bike race, a bike rider is going at a speed of 90 km/hr along a curved road of
radius 290 m. Determine the tangential, normal and total acceleration of the bike.
Further, if the bike is accelerated to a speed of 144 km/hr in 6 seconds, then determine
the tangential, normal and total acceleration. (Ans. at= 0, an= 2.16 m/s2 , a = 2.16 m/s2
and at= 2.5 m/s2, an= 5.52 m/s2 , a = 6.06 m/s2)

(5) To anticipate the dip and hump in the road,

the driver of a car applies her brakes to
produce a uniform deceleration. Her speed
is 100 km/h at the bottom A of the dip and
50 km/h at the top C of the hump, which is
120 m along the road from A. If the
passengers experience a total acceleration
of 3 m/s2 at A and if the radius of curvature of the hump at C is 150 m, calculate:
(a) The radius of curvature at A. (Ans. ρA = 432 m)
(b) The total acceleration at the inflection point B. (Ans. at = - 2.41 m/s2)
(c) The total acceleration at C. (Ans. a = 2.73 m/s2)
(6) The car travels around the circular track having a radius of
r = 300 m such that when it is at point A it has a velocity of 5
m/s, which is increasing at the rate of 𝒗̇ = (0.06t) m/s2, where t
is in seconds. Determine the magnitudes of its velocity and
acceleration when it has traveled one-third the way around the
track. (Ans. v = 43 m/s and a = 6.52 m/s2)

(7) Rotation of the radially slotted arm is governed by,

θ = 0.2 t + 0.02 t 3
where θ is in radians and t is in
seconds. Simultaneously, the power screw in the arm
engages the slider B and controls its distance from O
according to r = 0.2 + 0.04 t 2, where r is in meters and
t is in seconds. Calculate the magnitudes of the velocity
and acceleration of the slider for the instant when t = 3s.
(Ans. v = 43 m/s and a = 6.52 m/s2)

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