How To Write Background of The Study Research Paper

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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Solid Background of the Study for Your Research Paper

Crafting a comprehensive and compelling background of the study for your research paper is often
considered one of the most challenging tasks for any academic scholar. This crucial section sets the
stage for your entire research endeavor, providing context, justification, and relevance for your study.
However, navigating through the complexities of this section can be daunting, requiring meticulous
attention to detail and a deep understanding of your research topic.

Understanding the Purpose:

The background of the study serves as the foundation upon which your research is built. Its primary
purpose is to provide readers with essential background information, including the historical,
theoretical, and conceptual framework of your research topic. This section also highlights the gap or
problem in existing literature that your study aims to address, thereby justifying the significance and
relevance of your research.

Key Components:

1. Introduction to the Topic: Begin by introducing your research topic and providing a brief
overview of its significance in the larger academic or real-world context. Engage your readers
by highlighting the importance of addressing the research problem.
2. Historical Context: Provide a historical overview of the topic, tracing its evolution and
highlighting key developments or milestones in the field. This helps establish the historical
relevance and context of your study.
3. Theoretical Framework: Discuss relevant theories, models, or frameworks that inform your
research. Explain how these theoretical perspectives contribute to your understanding of the
research problem and shape your research questions or hypotheses.
4. Review of Literature: Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature related to your
research topic. Identify key studies, debates, and gaps in the literature that your research
seeks to address. Highlight the limitations of previous research and how your study aims to
fill these gaps.
5. Rationale for the Study: Clearly articulate the rationale behind your research, explaining why
it is important to address the identified gap or problem. Emphasize the potential contributions
of your study to the existing body of knowledge.

Tips for Writing:

1. Conduct thorough research to gather relevant information and data for your background of
the study.
2. Organize your thoughts and ideas coherently, ensuring a logical flow of information from
general to specific.
3. Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or unnecessary technical terms that may
confuse readers.
4. Provide citations and references to support your claims and arguments, demonstrating the
credibility of your research.
5. Revise and edit your background of the study multiple times to ensure clarity, coherence, and

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Writing a compelling background of the study requires time, effort, and expertise. If you find
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Remember, crafting a solid background of the study is essential for laying the groundwork for your
research paper. By following these guidelines and seeking assistance from ⇒ ⇔,
you can master the art of writing this critical section and showcase the significance and relevance of
your research to your readers.
If different line styles can clarify the meaning, never use colors or other thrilling effects or you will
be charged with expensive fees. When the figure returns in the final section, it will have taken on a
new and richer meaning through the insights you have encountered, created in the process of writing.
About the Author Kristyn Hammond has been teaching freshman college composition at the
university level since 2010. If not, you have probably come up with a theme or field, not a question.
It clarifies the structure of your thesis and helps you find the correct focus for your work. It would
go on to be set as along lasting memory amongst several millions of people on the gulf coastand other.
Read the guide on how to write a background for a research paper. Since the theory is the foundation
for your data analysis it can be useful to select a theory that lets you distinguish between, and
categorise different phenomena. Make sure that each of your body paragraphs flows nicely into the
one after it. In other words, you investigate a phenomenon from several different perspectives.
Here’s your chance to exhibit you have understood the value of your findings and you can handle
applying theory within an independent manner. This is your opportunity to show that you have
understood the significance of your findings and that you are capable of applying theory in an
independent manner. However, if there are not enough literature on this topic in New Zealand, then
we need to conduct initial interviews with these students or make actual classroom observations and
record instances of mathematical anxiety among these students. If you have not yet identified the
gap in your proposed research, you might as well go back to our lesson on how to identify a research
gap. For published articles, other people who made substantial contributions to the work are also
listed as authors. This will help you to see aspects which were not apparent for you in the project
preparation stage. Dear Sampath, There are several incidences of post-operative problems which can
be attributed to lack of proper nursing care. First of all, once you have your research topic, you
would need to come up with a research question about your subject. The background of the study
helps your reader determine if you have a basic understanding of the research problem being
investigated and promotes confidence in the overall quality of your analysis and findings. This is
where you report your findings and present them in a systematic manner. Its purpose is to get groups
of classified, generalized, and interpret data for the guidance of application in immediate future.”
The results of this study had revealed that all of the participants who travels a long distance from a
school has a class scheduled at 7:00 AM and most of them are females. Again, it is for this reason
that the researcher attempts to determine the lived experiences of those junior high school students in
New Zealand who are experiencing a mathematical anxiety.”. A concept paper is a one or two page
document that lays the groundwork for the new activity or program proposal. This will help you to
get more tailored results than a very general search would. Step 3 Write a thesis statement or research
question. It clarifies the dwelling of the thesis helping you find the appropriate focus for the work.
Background of the study meaning: The background of the study is a part of the research provided in
the introduction section of the paper. The section of literature review follows the background of the
study section. Do not include any information that is not relevant to your topic, and do not include
information that you do not understand. Some theses require a conclusion, while for other people a
summing up is going to be appropriate.
Some methods and techniques are more reliable because they have been used many times. Be
realistic, and plan enough time to research, write and edit. Also, if you are highlighting the problem
in your thesis project, then are you going to suggest any remediation as well. Narrowing the scope of
your thesis can be time-consuming. Doing so will create false expectations, and suggests that your
work is incomplete. Some theses require a conclusion, while for other people a summing up is going
to be appropriate. Sample background of the study january 31 2014 admin thesis writing in the
philippine setting dehydrated fruits are produced by bulk processors in comparison to foreign
household wherein dehydrators are common kitchen equipment and food dehydration is as common
as regular cooking of meals. It clarifies the structure of your thesis and helps you find the correct
focus for your work. Although the specific structure described here is most relevant for empirical
theses, much of the advice is also relevant for theoretical work. They include any supporting
documents that are necessary for readers to understand the proposal. Secondly, you will write about
two or three ways in which the teachings of the great thinker influenced history. It’s nonetheless
smart to focus on a draft continuously. It is simply an overview of the research question or thesis
topic. This is your opportunity to show that you have understood the significance of your findings
and that you are capable of applying theory in an independent manner. Therefore, you shouldn’t
present theoretical perspectives that aren’t being offer use. About the Author Kristyn Hammond has
been teaching freshman college composition at the university level since 2010. It can include both
relevant and essential studies. You can conclude the section with your main research question to
create a deeper impact. You may also concentrate on a particular text, thinker or problem. For
students, this can be a difficult section to write, especially since its purpose may not always be clear.
Demonstrate you have given due shown to the validity and longevity of your selected method. Cite
your sources where necessary to avoid plagiarism. To discuss means to question your findings, and to
consider different interpretations. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information
through the use of cookies. Discuss what makes an opening paragraph successful (or not). It is
nevertheless a good idea to work on a draft continuously. This will allow you to see aspects that were
not apparent to you at the project preparation stage. Hyperlink to the tables and figures sections in
the table of contents. How do you know that you have actually investigated what you intended to
investigate. Academiaedu is a platform for academics to share research papers.
Otherwise, you’ve most likely think of a theme or field, not really a question. Hopefully, this
information on the background of the study has been helpful to you. In the introduction, you are
attempting to inform the reader about the rationale behind the work, and to justify why your work is
essential in the field. Doing this can create false expectations, and shows that your projects is
incomplete. Also, make sure you cite the source of every piece of information you are using on each
note so that you won’t forget where you got the information from, just in case you want to use it in
your thesis. Stage 3. Develop and pen down the research question or thesis statement. Colour Organ
Akiko Abe Graphic Design and New Media Research Targets Things to investigate. Appendices are
common to most types of research proposal. Let us also assume that you already have identified the
gap of your proposed research and have already developed the research questions and thesis
statement. Therefore, you should not present theoretical perspectives that are not being put to use. It
includes those aspects which foster growth and development such as family trust and confidence,
sharing of ideas, parents support, approval, parental encouragement, care and affection. The findings
of your research should be included in a separate section of your academic article, as it is the only
section that contains data and results. Muola (2010) conducted a research on the relationship
between academic achievements in Kenyan schools and found that, the home environment factors
such as parental encouragement, family size, parent’s occupation, and education are critical for a
child’s academic success in school. 1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Most pupils came to
school carrying influences from their home environment. Identify the assignment goal, deadline,
length specifications, formatting, and submission method. If any research question or hypothesis is
confirmed by your data and analysis, you can point to a table or figure that illustrates your finding.
This is where you report your findings and present them in a systematic manner. To discuss means to
question your findings, and to consider different interpretations. Experiment, Hypothesis, Proposal
1804 Words 7 Pages informative essay, a research paper, or a persuasive essay. Some theses dwell
too long on theory and never get to the main point: the analysis and discussion. The paper discusses
seven rules that allow the writer to prepare a well-structured and comprehensive manuscript for a
publication submission. Secondly, you will write about two or three ways in which the teachings of
the great thinker influenced history. Note also that you will need to write a background in your final
paper. But in this lesson, let’s just focus on writing the opening paragraphs. Which conclusions are
certain and which are more tentative. Academiaedu is a platform for academics to share research
papers. Remember that a negative conclusion is also valid. Do not think some of the responses above
are wrong no but they have responded based on the anticipated level of student they think are
responding to. So, that’s how you write the opening paragraphs of your background of the study.
Tom Conry Fairfax County, VA Virginia Barney Krucoff Washington, DC Matt Felton Center for
GIS at TU Maryland. International problem solvers marketing research assignments apa format for
research paper outlines. This is because a narrower scope lets you clarify the problem and study it at
greater depth, whereas very broad research questions only allow a superficial treatment.

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