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Trial Questions
Create a folder with your index number (e.g. 413001-20) on the desktop. Copy obs, Do Same and Country
Shapefiles into your folder (e.g. 413100-20). Create the following folders in the index number folder: Q1 and Q2.

Question 1
The land Use/Cover map of the Ashanti Region with the following types are needed for a mining project headed by
the beautiful Mildred Eyeson Gharbin:
Closed Forest Spruce Green
Open Forest Macaw Green
Planted Cover Open Pasture
Riverine Forest Vegetation Grassland
The Ashanti Regional boundary should be vineyard and a Ghana map be inserted in the layout. All the district
capitals must be labeled, and the map must have all rivers in the region. As a staff of Mildred Eyeson Gharbin,
produce the map as JEPEG.

Question 2
Select new map file or lunch Arcmap and add the layer Regions in your folder. Open the
attribute table of Regions and delete all the fields except FID, Shape*, NAME and CAPITALS.
Add the following fields: Pop10; Pop20; Area and Popdensity. You are to create a population
density map of Ghana for 2020 using the equations 1 & 2 as well as Table 1. Your map should
have the colour ramp: Yellow to Dark Red; the legend should be at the top right corner of your
map and label all the regions. You are to save your map as Population Density 2020 and export
your layout as JPEG with your index number (e.g. 412100-11) in your folder (e.g. Ama
Table 1: Population Data
Name Area Pop2010
Upper East 8842 1046545
Upper West 18476 702110
Northern 70384 2479461
Volta 20570 2118252
Brong Ahafo 39557 2310983
Ashanti 24389 4780380
Eastern 19323 2633154
Western 23921 2376021
Central 9826 2201863
Greater Accra 3245 4010054
(Source: GSS, 2010)
Pop20 = Pop10 (1 + r)n …. Eqn 1
Popdensity = Pop20/Area …. Eqn 2
Where r = 2.5%; n = 10 yrs

Question 3
Select new map or lunch Arcmap and add the Regions layer in your folder. Open the attribute table of Regions and
ensure that you have the following fields: FID, Shape*, AREA, PERIMETER, NAME, CAPITALS and Population.
Add the following fields: Skin and SIR. You are to create a Skin Incidence Rate (MIR) map of Ghana using
equations 1 and Table 1. Your map should have the colour ramp: Yellow-Green Bright and label all the regional
capitals. You are to save your map as Malaria Incidence Rate Map of Ghana and export your layout as JPEG with
your index number (e.g. 413001-20) in your question 3 folder. A good layout will attract significant mark.
SIR = ([Skin/Population] x 10 000) …. Equation 1
Table 1: Skin Cases
Name Skin
Upper East 842
Upper West 8476
Northern 7384
Volta 2570
Brong Ahafo 3557
Ashanti 2389
Eastern 1323
Western 2921
Central 826
Greater Accra 1245

Question 4
The Chief Executive Officer of Kofama BH Ltd has contacted you as a UMaT graduate with
basic skills in ArcGIS to produce a Ghana map with the following details:
Feature/layer legend/symbol size/width

Regional Capitals circle 3 12

Rivers river 2
Railroads railroad 4
Basal Sandstone yellow
Birimian Sediments pink
Birimian Volcanics Any coulor
Under Geology
Upper Voltain any red
Tarkwain any apple
Togo series blue
The regional capitals of Ghana must be labeled, and you are to save your map as “Geological
Series Map of Ghana and export your layout as a pdf with your index number (e.g. 412100-20)
in your folder (e.g. Ama Owusuaa_GL IV). The legend should be at the top right corner of your

Question 5
Use the geostatistical analyst wizard to map the spatial distribution of Mercury concentration
using IDW. Your north arrow should be 45˚ from the true north. Clip the layout to the extent of
the point map supplied in excel format (obs) and your legend colour ramp should be any of your
choice. Note that obs dataset has other heavy metals but you are to use only mercury for this

Question 6
Open the JPEG file “Do Same” in the Exam_Folder of your folder (e.g. Ama Owusuaa_GLIV)
and take a good look at the map and reproduce same. Your are to save your map as “Forest Map
of West and export your layout as a pdf with your index number (e.g. 412100-11) in your folder
(e.g. Ama Owusuaa_GLIV)

Prof Bernard Kumi-Boateng

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