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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Crafting a Marijuana Legalization Research Paper Conclusion

Crafting a compelling conclusion for a marijuana legalization research paper can be a daunting task.
As you delve into the intricacies of this controversial topic, the pressure to encapsulate your findings
and arguments in a concise yet impactful manner can feel overwhelming. Many students find
themselves grappling with the complexity of the subject matter, struggling to synthesize their
research into a conclusive and coherent endpoint.

The challenge lies not only in summarizing the key points but also in leaving a lasting impression on
the reader. A well-crafted conclusion should resonate with the audience, providing a sense of closure
while leaving room for contemplation. However, striking this delicate balance can be particularly
challenging when dealing with a topic as multifaceted as marijuana legalization.

Understanding the nuances of the issue, analyzing the data, and presenting a coherent argument
requires time, effort, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. With the stakes high and the
expectations demanding, students often seek assistance to ensure their research paper concludes on a
high note.

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Studies shown several health benefits attributed to this drug. The American list includes such
personalities as Seth Rogen, Ed Rosenthal, George McMahon, or Ben Masel to name a few. He then
addressed several arguments that have been raised against the legalization of marijuana such as how
the government should not allow harmful medications to be prescribed, discussing the grounds
which have been used to justify this argument. In this regard, Hayes point out that the debate
regarding the Legalization of Marijuana might soon result in a ruling that might have serious
consequences to the generation that is yet to come. Legalization could potentially decrease crime
rates, enhance treatment for various illnesses, and save up to 14 billion dollars annually in
government enforcement costs. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST, MEASUREMENT AND
EVALUATION IN PHYSICAL EDUC. Its potential benefits greatly outweigh the risks, and I
believe that science can further lessen the risks given the opportunity to perform research. Opponents
of marijuana legalization argue that the legalization will lower prices and, thus, increase the use of
the illicit drug. Thus, a large number of populations globally are against the use of marijuana. About
30% of the prison population are incarcerated due to marijuana charges. The paper will discuss the
implications of legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational use. Scientist have found
chemicals in marijuana that can treat a variety of health complication Photo by eggrole 4. According
to state reports, possession charges have decreased from 30,000 in 2010 to less than 2,500 in 2014.
The quantity of weed related organizations exchanging on open stock trades is miniscule, and
keeping in mind that speculators do have the alternative of working with over the counter trades, a
large number of the best organizations in the early lawful cannabis space have been situated in
Canada or different nations. Marijuana should be available medicinally and recreationally. Cannabis,
Drug, Legality of cannabis by country, Medical cannabis, Pharmacology, Tetrahydrocannabinol.
CON ARGUMENTS Too much consumption of marijuana may lead to addiction Reduction in one's
intellectual level Dullness in ambition Photo by skibler 12. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
Conditions. Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Impact on Youth. In this regard, the journal
proposes the use of the drug to reduce pain levels in the victims.ConclusionIn light of the examples
illustrated in this review, the federal government needs to improve efforts in research on the
advantages of posed by the use of marijuana as a therapeutic alternative. The Obama Administration
has made it clear that it will not legalize any illegal drug. The legalization of marijuana can develop a
large scale tax-paying business yielding a large revenue for the state and the federal government.
This chemical binds to receptors in the brain and supplies the high. While it may be true to some
extent, people have various opinions about it, which makes it one of those controversial topics to
write about. Marijuana faces negativity in that many consider the drug as harmful. While Colorado
isn’t the largest cannabis market within the United States, it does serve as a good indicator on the
national health of the industry. Any change in the current legal status of marijuana legality will
definitely have an impact on adolescents. Medical marijuana is a drug that doctors prescribe to their
patients as a form of temporary relief. SUNSCREEN, definition, classification, SPF value, history,
mechanism, develop.
My hope is that the DEA reschedules marijuana to either a Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 substance, so
that marijuana will be allowed for medical use in all states. It is, therefore, viable and logical to
legalize marijuana in the contemporary society as a means to reduce the number of new addicts and
users, especially among the youths. For instance, 58% of the Blacks and 55% of the Whites are for
the Legalization of Marijuana use. Research indicates that an adolescent who has been provided with
marijuana is 7 times more likely to use the drug than an adolescent who has not been provided with
marijuana (Joffe and Yancy e636). Starting with the Brits, we have John Lennon, marijuana essay
topics, George Harrison, marijuana essay topics, and Richard Branson. This problem can be
addressed marijuana essay topics the help of detailed research, which is why it is so important even
for your college writing tasks. As you can imagine, there remain a myriad of angles from which you
can write an essay about marijuana. However, the downgrading of cannabis from a Class B drug to a
Class C drug is set to go ahead on the 29 th of January 2003. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST,
under the age of 21 years consume most of the illegal drugs, thus, organized crime and illegal market
will continue to thrive. In countries where marijuana is illegal, the drug is often controlled by
organized crime groups, who profit from its sale and distribution. Report this Document Download
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document useful (13 votes) 15K views 10 pages Final Research Paper - Marijuana Legalization
Uploaded by SaberUmbra There are simply not enough adequate reasons why marijuana should
remain an illegal substance. Cannabis can grow in soil that is not fertile making it better than other
plants that help make fuel. The main adverse health impact linked with smoking marijuana is
respiratory system damage. Likewise, you can focus on marijuana essay topics historical points as
you work, which can easily become a great addition to your coursework or a nursing reflection
journal. In several instances, marijuana consumption helps in reduction of pain and the related
condition. Class A drugs are considered the most harmful and carry the most severe sentences for
both possession and trafficking while Class C drugs are considered the least dangerous and carry
much lighter sentences. Most of the causes are, drinking and driving, crashes, other accidents,
marijuana essay topics, falls, fires, marijuana essay topics, and alcohol-related homicides and
suicides. It gives a mind-altering experience to the user that differs with their mood, the strain of
marijuana, and the amount consumed. Well it is safe to say that it is probably because they have
marijuana in their system. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. The
prohibition of marijuana came in 1937 when the state declared its consumption illegal (Havelka 1).
California passed Proposition 215 in 1996, allowing for medical marijuana use. They have actively
contributed towards criticizing any move to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. Although
marijuana sometimes has a negative impact on society, no one ever thinks of the various positive
ways. Since it is one marijuana essay topics those influential and controversial topics, college
students like to engage in marijuana essay topics debates regarding the pros and cons of marijuana
use. This plant, the material to make marijuana, has appeared for a long time, the scientists have
found that the Chinese used cannabis seed as one of their food sources Cannabis Marijuana Medical
Marijuana. Marijuana faces negativity in that many consider the drug as harmful. This will improve
the health of the population by ensuring that marijuana sold to the population conforms to the health
standards set in the provisions. Therefore, if the illegality of marijuana does not limit its
consumption, then state governments should consider its legalization.
The terms refer to various forms which compose of dried flowering composites that includes seeds,
stems and leaves derived from the Cannabis plant. After legalization, traffic fatalities hit record lows
and the state's economy is thriving with unemployment rates dropping to levels not seen since 2008
and well below the national average. Cannabis can also reduce the reaction time in an individual,
and this is important in road traffic accidents. The question as to whether the drug should be legal
draws considerable support and disregard from a range of diplomatic, social, economic and health
grounds. Marijuana should be legalized because it has many benefits such as developing biofuels,
feeding livestock for stamina boosting, and most importantly helps people who are terminally ill
temporarily relieve chronic pain. The drug can interfere with activities linked with school, work,
family, etc. The effect illegal business on the economy is adverse through reduced revenue collection.
Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain. While some groups do not support the use
of inhaled or smoked marijuana for medical purposes, they advocate for further research. By clicking
“Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Chronic bronchitis
symptoms are more prevalent in cannabis smokers than cannabis non-smokers and lung function is
more likely to be impaired later in life if you are a cannabis smoker as opposed to a cannabis non-
smoker. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. This would be viable through
enactment of laws with provisions on the taxation of marijuana sales transactions that would improve
revenue generation to support and improve the economic situation. Effect on the Individual’s Health
Marijuana usage is linked to certain conditions that may be detrimental to the user. To conduct this
study, a 7-question survey was filled out by 61 respondents across various North Carolina universities
Marijuana College Students. Independent and rational choice making is part of basic rights of human
beings given that their actions are not harmful to the society and the people themselves (Rosenthal
and Kubby 2). The government maintains that this is not synonymous to the legalisation of the drug
(2), but the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, was ready to admit that in the majority of cases of the
possession of cannabis, the police will merely “issue a warning and seize the drugs” (3). He argues
that there is conclusive evidence of brain damage caused by the use of marijuana. Studies shown
several health benefits attributed to this drug. All these qualified for Shri Ram Hospital NABH
registrations. This paper presents a strong argument against the Legalization of marijuana in the
United States covering how its decriminalization will affect individuals and the country as a whole.
The uses of medical merijuana are treating pain, nuasea, and vomiting associted with chemo therapy,
and severe weight loss assoicited with AIDS. Legalization would lower the number of new addicts of
marijuana and its consumption and abuse. Washington, DC: Office of National Drug Control Policy,
2010. Print. Ries, R. K., Miller, S. C., Fiellin, D. A., and Saitz, R. Principles Of Addiction Medicine.
There will always be many people that would have an opposing opinion that it would hurt them some
how but it can’t. This plant, the material to make marijuana, has appeared for a long time, the
scientists have found that the Chinese used cannabis seed as one of their food sources Cannabis
Marijuana Medical Marijuana. Tobacco and alcohol products are among the psychoactive substances
that are mostly abused by adolescents. Opponents of the legalization of marijuana argue that
marijuana use should be discouraged because it is harmful. It is therefore evident that the claims of
the opponents are not based on facts and therefore they are not valid. Cannabinoids are found in the
highest concentration in the leaves and blossoms. Marijuana can be eaten or inhaled and affect the
central nervous system.
However, in the wake of the 20th century, it was classified by many countries as an illegal drug.
With all the advantages weed has this shouldn’t be a discussion. Countries such as Mexico, Uruguay,
Netherlands and Argentina among others have partially legalized the use of marijuana whereby
citizens are allowed to consume and possess certain amounts of the drug for recreational purposes
(Bakalar, 2007). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Enlightening the public of the effects of marijuana is a possible avenue to address the issue. Contrary
opinions argued that legalizing marijuana would diminish the black market. CBD is what causes the
alleviating effects that justify marijuana’s use as medicine. If it doesn’t harm a pregnant woman then
what could possibly be so wrong about marijuana being legalized. Proponents of marijuana
legislation have developed many theories regarding the association between violence and drugs.
Some people use marijuana recreationally to create a sense of well-being or to alter their senses.
Thus, in the case of California, this will be a huge burden because young people under the age of 21
years make 62% of all the primary treatment episodes of marijuana (Kilmer et al. 36). Marijuana Is a
Harmful Drug Marijuana is a harmful drug and, thus, the government should not permit doctors use
it as a prescription. Archaeological evidence indicates that the first physical human requirements to
be fulfilled by marijuana plant were the cloth making practice to offer protection from environmental
hazards and climatic changes. Besides reducing the expenses used to ensure no marijuana use,
legalizing marijuana in would serve as a source of revenues. However, in the 20th century, most of
the countries banned the use of marijuana both as a recreational and medicinal drug. Marijuana can
be used also for patients with cancer to take their mind off the fact that they have limited time to
live. These are applicable in the use of marijuana, given its prohibition. Arguments against its
legalization based on its effects on human health also lack sufficient scientific support. It is the most
widely used illicit drug in the world and has been a controversial topic for decades. Other roles
played by the drug include prevention of weight loss, increasing appetite, reducing depression as a
result of sleep loss, and controlling nerve pain in patients.Report 3 of the Council on Science and
Public Health (I-09) Use of Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes (Resolutions 910, I-08; 921, I-08; and
229, A-09)The hemp plant contains 60 unique chemicals with structural relationship to other
approved medicines. Governments tend to lessen the raising of marijuana facilities by law
enforcement officers (Welchand and Leinwand 1). In this regard, the journal proposes the use of the
drug to reduce pain levels in the victims.ConclusionIn light of the examples illustrated in this review,
the federal government needs to improve efforts in research on the advantages of posed by the use of
marijuana as a therapeutic alternative. The more expresses that authorize cannabis, the lower the
expense of authorization would probably be, if pot somehow happened to be sanctioned on a
national level, these expenses would almost certainly drop impressively. Owing to the risks
associated to its use when not regulated, many governments have opted to banning the use of
marijuana, unless directed for medical purposes. They believe that the illegal character of drug
trafficking, production and its use instigate violence and crime and this is not the irrational behavior
prompted by the drugs (United States Drug Enforcement Administration 1). Despite its initial
appearance, Colorado has undergone significant changes in data since the legalization of marijuana
for adults. Marijuana has not shown any long term effects on the cognitive processes of the
individual. Numerous sources have suggested and in some cases proven that legalizing or at least
decriminalizing marijuana can reduce violent crime and significantly reduce the amount of people
who are imprisoned for drug use. Over the years, medical researchers proved that cannabis is no more
addictive than caffeine or any other substance. Additionally, 23 other states have either
decriminalized or legalized medical cannabis.
Several economists against the prohibition support the idea to legalize marijuana for its adverse
implications on the budgets of countries. However, in the wake of the 20th century, it was classified
by many countries as an illegal drug. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST, MEASUREMENT AND
EVALUATION IN PHYSICAL EDUC. This saw an increased use of marijuana on a number of
ailments as cancer as well as arthritis. In 1860, studies by the Ohio State Medical Society came up
with similar conclusions. KavyasriPuttamreddy Impact of Early Pregnancy---Lecture-2024 Impact of
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Control measures to stop such advertisements from reaching young people may prove difficult to
implement as witnessed by similar promotion in the past (Joffe and Yancy e634). Tax imposed on
marijuana can help in boosting the amount of revenue collected by the country. Contrary to the
popular belief, the topic of marijuana marijuana essay topics a serious problem not only in the United
States but all over the world. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. The paper will discuss marijuana (definition, its history and the
current debate about legalization of marijuana) and why it should not be legalized. If we take away
the federal law that illigalize marijuana, then we will have less overcrowded prisons, which will
subsequently save the taxpayers money. In fact, think of the other various ways weed could impact
the world and make it even better. Our experts has expertise in complex heart surgeries including
Robotic, Minimally Invasive and heart related surgeries. Not only does it help terminally ill patients
but those who are pregnant as well. To begin, the essay will highlight the main topics to be discussed
and their relative importance in the argument regarding the legalisation of this drug. This will
improve the health of the population by ensuring that marijuana sold to the population conforms to
the health standards set in the provisions. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. This
is also a great benefit because it helps the livestock grow, which means no harsh steroids in the meat
that we eat. Be that as it may, as an ever increasing number of states move to exclusively
decriminalize pot use in different reasons, and as the monetary advantages of a lawful marijuana
industry produce results, there are likewise many convincing motivations to think about across the
nation authorization of recreational marijuana. Class A drugs are considered the most harmful and
carry the most severe sentences for both possession and trafficking while Class C drugs are
considered the least dangerous and carry much lighter sentences. The most important is to provide
information regarding both sides and support each argument pro or against with a credible source.
In as much as many criminals use the drug it is by no means a connotation that the drug causes
criminal tendencies since the legalisation policy has worked in Jamaica where fairly normal
individuals make use of marijuana Marco, 75. Apa citation format newspaper article custom papers
writing guide. This may not instantly appear uplifting news for in general assessment income or for
cannabis organizations hoping to augment benefits. Thus, a large number of populations globally are
against the use of marijuana. Marijuana also serves as a safe therapeutically active substance when
consumed in its natural form. Some people use marijuana recreationally to create a sense of well-
being or to alter their senses. A third argument in favor of legalizing marijuana is that it could reduce
crime rates.
The state of California allowed the use of marijuana as a drug in 1996. He argues that there is
conclusive evidence of brain damage caused by the use of marijuana. Cannabis has been shown to be
effective in treating a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and
Crohn's disease. Having to go through surgery and chemotherapy, the last thing you would want to
feel is pain. I hope simple definitions have allowed you to have a clear idea of boundaries. This may
bring down the worry of animal abuse by a few. There are medicines that have menacing side-effects
but are rarely the topic of debate in congress or legislation. It is therefore evident that the claims of
the opponents are not based on facts and therefore they are not valid. Marijuana refers to the dried
leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. Proponents of
marijuana legislation have developed many theories regarding the association between violence and
drugs. Due to the illegality of marijuana, research on it is stifled, preventing studies that could find
safe and practical medical applications. Despite its illegal nature, the marijuana industry still thrives
in the society. Continuing to invest billions in prohibition may not eradicate the market but could
result in violence reminiscent of America's alcohol prohibition era. Legalization of marijuana,
therefore, would eliminate the psychological effect that strikes the youth to try out its use. Proposals
to highly tax marijuana circulation will not deter criminal organizations from conducting their illegal
businesses. Hayes first major reason for opposing the Legalization of Marijuana in the country is
linked to the fact that smoking or ingesting the weed can cause serious health issue, including lung
cancer, high blood pressure, heart complications, maniac disorders, and mental impairment. They also
point at budgetary benefits as some of the grounds to avoid its legalization. Ensuring a healthy
population is a key role of every government. Marijuana has been proven to promote individual
healing, and is also used to treat cancer, mental health, chronic pain,nausea and vomiting,spasms,
convulsions and to control the symptoms of congenital disorders, gastrointestinal conditions and
glaucoma. This would translate to no effect on the budgetary expenditure and, therefore, create no
constrains on the budget. Overusing marijuana for a long term has increased the number of crimes,
such as smuggling and drugs; which are considered as negative impacts for the society. This would
be a measure of promoting individual liberty. Those in opposition to the prohibition present premises
as reduced marijuana trafficking in the country with prohibition. To assess whether or not the
government should now take a final step and legalise the drug, it is important to firstly study the
health impact of cannabis smoking on health as a whole and as compared to other harmful
substances, such as alcohol and tobacco, which are currently legal and readily available. The revenue
generated from legalization has demonstrated that regulating marijuana similar to alcohol can enhance
its safety for consumption. The American list includes such personalities as Seth Rogen, Ed
Rosenthal, George McMahon, or Ben Masel to name a few. Tax imposed on marijuana can help in
boosting the amount of revenue collected by the country. Thesis Statement: Despite the fact that too
much consumption of marijuana may lead to addiction, reduction to one's intellectual level, and
dullness in ambition, Medical marijuana should be legalized in the Philippines for it has many
benefits, it is scientifically proven to alleviate stress, it is helpful in treating symptoms and it doesn’t
weaken the immune system. It is important to note that parental drug use has a significant influence
on the adolescent’s use of drugs. There are several theories that suggest that illegalizing drug use and
its prohibition boost the usage, on the contrary.

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