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1.0 Introduction

In today's fast-paced and digitally evolved world, traditional attendance tracking systems are
becoming increasingly outmoded and ineffective. Manual entry and paper-based systems are
error-prone, time-consuming, and lack the security required to prevent fraudulent activity such as
buddy punching. To solve these problems, there is an increasing demand for automated
attendance systems that use biometric technology like fingerprint scanners to precisely and
securely record attendance data.

This project focuses on the design and implementation of an automatic attendance system that
employs fingerprint scanner technology. By leveraging fingerprints' unique biometric properties,
this system provides a dependable and effective approach to track attendance, minimizing the
need for manual processes and lowering the risk of errors and fraud. Through careful design and
implementation, this system aims to streamline attendance management processes, improve data
accuracy, and enhance overall security.

1.1 Background of study

The design and implementation of an automated attendance system using fingerprint scanner
technology offer numerous benefits for organizations and educational institutions. By leveraging
biometric technologies, these systems provide efficient and accurate solutions for attendance
management, ultimately improving organizational efficiency and enhancing academic
Attendance management is a critical aspect of organizational efficiency, aiming to minimize time
theft and optimize employee or student presence in the workplace or educational institution (1).
Traditional methods of attendance tracking, such as manual entry or signing sheets, are prone to
errors and can be time-consuming. With advancements in technology, automated systems using
biometric technologies like fingerprint scanners offer more efficient and accurate solutions for
attendance management (2).

Implementing an automated attendance system using fingerprint scanner technology requires

careful consideration of various factors, including hardware selection, software development,
and data security measures (3). Challenges such as ensuring data privacy and system reliability
need to be addressed through proper design and implementation strategies. Despite these
challenges, automated attendance systems have been successfully implemented in educational
institutions to track student attendance (4). These systems help improve attendance monitoring,
reduce administrative burden, and enhance overall academic performance.

Biometric technologies, including fingerprint scanners, have gained popularity due to their
reliability and security in identifying individuals (5). Fingerprint scanners offer advantages such
as accuracy, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional methods of attendance
tracking. As such, they have become integral components of automated attendance systems in
various sectors.

1.2 Statement of the problem

It has been discovered from observation that many universities use traditional method or style to
take the attendance of the students present in a class or institution. The students write names and
other information on papers in this case. This approach results in the students acting dishonestly
as they try to help others who are not present. Likewise, involvement in the traditional approach
results in loss or division of attention. Students who then consume more time, increase
requirements for the workforce and duplicate efforts. Hence the need to develop a fingerprint
scanner for attendance management.

1.3 Objectives
The study aims to:

I. Eliminate duplicate data entry and errors in time and attendance entries.

II. Eliminate paperwork and save time.

III. Automatic calculation of attendance

IV. To Increase security.

V. To involve parents in student attendance performance.

1.4 Purpose of the study

The study "Design and implementation of an automated attendance system using fingerprint
scanner" aims to disrupt the existing techniques of attendance management used in educational
institutions. The study's goal is to create an efficient and automated system for tracking
attendance using fingerprint scanner. This solution aims to address the shortcomings of manual
attendance recording, which include inaccuracies, inefficiencies, and time-consuming
administrative activities. The study's goal is to improve the accuracy, accessibility, and
accountability of student attendance data by designing and implementing fingerprint scanner
system. Finally, the goal is to maximize resource usage, increase overall efficiency, and improve
communication and decision-making inside educational institutions.

1.5 Significance of the study

The system being developed is economic with respect to School or College’s point of view. It is
cost effective in the sense that has eliminated the paper work completely. The system is also time
effective because the calculations are automated which are made at the end of the month or as
per the user requirement. The result obtained contains minimum errors and are highly accurate as
the data is required. The system working is quite easy to use and learn due to its simple but
attractive interface. User requires no special training for operating the system. Universities,
lecturers, admins, students who still use the old styles to mark attendance will benefit from this
project. It will assist in monitoring attendance. It will also benefit the school authority as it will
only allow accredited students to enter the premises of the school.

1.6 Scope of the study

The scope of this study is to track, record and maintain the attendance of FUNAAB students
during the class or examination activities.

1.7 Limitations of the study

One limitation of the study "Design and Implementation of an automated attendance system
using fingerprint scanner" is its possible dependency on consistent internet connectivity, which
could impede real-time data recording and access. Furthermore, the initial investment in
fingerprint scanning technology, as well as the continuous maintenance expenditures, may
provide financial issues for some educational institutions. Users' acceptance and adherence to the
system, as well as potential resistance to change, may all have an impact on its success.
Furthermore, the study's findings may have limited relevance to certain educational situations,
and some complications, such as handling exceptions and privacy concerns, may exist even after
the system is implemented.

1.8 Definition of basic concepts


1. Bevan, W. H. (1998). Employee attendance management: A guide to building a better

attendance strategy. McGraw-Hill.
2. Sayanekar, M. V. (2016). Automated attendance management system using face
recognition. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies,
7(4), 2074-2076.
3. Hasanein, K. A. (2018). Design and implementation of attendance management system
using biometric. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
16(1), 63-68.
4. Yuru, J., & Liping, L. (2013). Design and implementation of campus student attendance
system based on RFID and fingerprint recognition. 2013 IEEE 10th International
Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2013 IEEE 10th International
Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing, 447-452.
5. Fakolujo, O. A., & Olaniyi, E. O. (2013). An enhanced automatic student attendance
system using fingerprint biometric recognition technique. International Journal of
Scientific & Engineering Research, 4(12), 918-923.

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