Constitution Research Paper

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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Constitution Research Papers

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis on Constitution Research can be a daunting task. The
complexities involved in delving into constitutional intricacies, historical contexts, and legal
frameworks can overwhelm even the most seasoned researchers. Crafting a comprehensive and well-
structured thesis requires meticulous research, analytical prowess, and a deep understanding of
constitutional law.

One of the primary challenges faced by individuals tackling a Constitution Research Paper is the vast
scope of the subject matter. Constitutional law spans a wide range of topics, including historical
perspectives, amendments, landmark cases, and the evolving interpretations of constitutional
principles. Researchers often find themselves grappling with the sheer volume of information,
struggling to synthesize it into a cohesive and meaningful narrative.

Another hurdle lies in the depth of analysis required. A Constitution Research Paper demands more
than a surface-level exploration; it necessitates a nuanced examination of legal precedents, scholarly
debates, and the implications of constitutional decisions. Engaging in such comprehensive analysis
can be time-consuming and mentally taxing, leaving little room for error.

Additionally, the meticulous citation of sources and adherence to academic writing standards add an
extra layer of complexity. The need for accuracy and precision in referencing legal texts, historical
documents, and scholarly works requires a keen eye for detail. Failure to meet these standards can
result in academic repercussions, further intensifying the pressure on researchers.

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In conclusion, writing a Constitution Research Paper is undoubtedly challenging, but with the right
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One of the cannons of interpretation used for Statue Interpretation is the Doctrine of Harmonious
Construction. Innovation and competition are the key drivers of the consumer freedom, offering
goods at all prices. Since its creation, a notable 27 amendments have been mad to it. The Supreme
Court of the United States held in a 5-4 decision with respect to the Second Amendment in
McDonald v. That is why the Constitution allows Representatives in the House that are voted on by
the people, but limit the ordinary person from directly playing a part in the politics. U.S. Census
Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012. It can therefore be argued that the
undemocratic way through which the document cam to be nullifies the premise of democracy which
it was meant to inspire. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. However, in t he beginning, not everyone was allowed to vote f or such Representatives.
Miller also argued that the section within the Firearms Act, controlling the transporting of weapons
also violated the regulation enacted in terms of the Second Amendment. The warrant specifically
mentions the place that is going to be searched and the items to be seized. New Jersey v. T. L. O
(1985)8 is a suitable example to the issue. Once it was passed and signed by the president, this
system by Madison involving checks and balances enabled the House of Representatives to
effectively hinder its implementation. With due regard on the issue, the discussion henceforth
intends to briefly discuss about the Second Amendment enacted in the US Constitution taking into
account the various controversial arguments related to the enactment. Let us write or edit the research
paper on your topic. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
It will be then observed that the issue will be solved to a maximum percentage ensuring more
individuals enjoying their privacy and rights.23 Social Policy Implication: It should be assured that
rules and legal principles should implement the purpose. The fundamental principles of the German
constitution express human dignity, federal structures, and separation of power and rule of law as
valid in perpetuity. When the united states Constitution was ratified in 1788, suffrage was not
discussed in the text, except by reference to the age of qualification to hold certain office, and by
mention of the census, for which Native Americans were excluded and African Americans were to
be counted as three-fifths of a white man for the purpose of this head count. Although a significant
portion of it continues to be applicable, there exists a disparity between the constitution and
contemporary individuals regarding moral. However, after the revelations of such incidents which
has caused trouble for both the agents; and the companies have led a decline in the association of
these companies with FBI and other agencies. It had numerous new authorities not presented to the
Congress in the Confederation Articles, and each State had benefits it wanted to defend. Since its
initial enforcement in 1789, the constitution of the United States has been amended 27 times. It ca
therefore be concluded that Madison and other signatories of the U.S constitution had vision. In all
the provisions covered by the four major parts, it is clear that these are still very general. Although
the bill of rights was initially signed as a compromise, it came to give most rights needed in a
democracy. It is impossible for the government to work and serve citizens with unlimited power. The
framers clarified that the states will continue to possess their powers to matters such as education,
public health, business organizations, work conditions, marriage and divorce, local taxation and
ordinary police powers. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the US can be considered as
one of the major controversial enactments in the history of the nation. Gun Cite. Gun Homicides, No
Date. Web. 13 Sep. 2012.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
The amendment drove the lucrative alcohol business underground, giving rise to a large and
pervasive black market. 17:32 Gardatilar: The Founding Fathers created a stable, well-planned and
carefully designed system -- and it works. Since the defendant had already the disclosed the
numbers to the phone company therefore, there remains no sign of privacy as all the details that were
observed through the pen register were digital numbers and did not include any search16. This was
later amended as well as other articles and laws to be made and included in what we now know as
the constitution. The Competing Claims of Sectional Interests In a large and diverse country such as
the United States, there is no way that there is unity among the interests of the people. Unlike other
countries, the constitution of the UK has no single legal documents which set out the central
regulations and delineate the functions of the state. The law was made by the government for the
public, however it seems that the government made the law to violate the citizen’s right. The United
States has operated under two constitutions. The rights of the accused are furthered by Amendment
VI in requiring a jury trial and counsel for a fair defense. Ideally, the founders of the doctrine of
separation of power come up with such doctrine to ensure that those who made the law could not
execute it and those who implemented it could not make it satisfy their private needs. This wording
of Robert Potter’s proposed amendment under which “No claim of eleven leagues of land or more
shall be valid” failed to be included in the final version of the Constitution. How did the events of
the first three decades of the American Republic reflect the issues enumerated in the Preamble to the
constitution of 1787. Fair trade usually focuses on products coming from third world countries
especially those ones that are sold in first world countries. The US Patriot Act remains the most
controversial legislation passed by the Bush administration even. It was also going to abolish slavery,
meaning the propertied white would have to find an alternative source of labor3. It offers protection
for the people of a given country. Seeing as, Westminster still holds the supreme power. Relevant
Court Cases Regarding the Second Amendment to the Constitution. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. The delegation of responsibilities and powers in the branches of the
government assure a check and balance system that would require a vast, probably impossible,
conspiracy to prevail in order to overthrow the American government.The US Constitution is a living
document, that, by way of its amendment process, and because of the check and balance systems;
has been the most successful constitution of any country in the world. An information flow is a
communication need between a source-sink pair in response to which a data item is transmitted
meeting flow QoS requirements. Maintaining democracy requires several modifications to the
constitution. The original 13 Articles of Confederation, while they were enough to prevent the
country from sliding into chaos; were not sufficient in content or wide enough in breadth that they
covered ever facet of government with which the founding fathers knew that the new government,
and subsequent governments, would need to govern with. The less there is government participation
in the market, the more businesses thrive and make an innovative and competitive atmosphere. This
is done through judicial reviews, wherein the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution and applies it
in order to judge certain cases. People are now more aware of their constitutional rights and claims.
By giving people more access and control over the government and its institution, democratization of
the United States, the promise of a country by the people has been realized. Merchants wanted a
government that could get them advantageous trade agreements abroad.While changing the Articles
was not viewed as urgent among the southern and Mid-Atlantic States, their leaders too appreciated
that free navigation of the Mississippi River and a solution of the dispute with Spain needed a
response from a stronger government.Why some white males who owned were opposed to the new
constitution. Although, the smaller states were objected to the balanced exhibition and answered
Political science The Virginia Plan James Madison was the author of this plan and it was presented
by Edmund Randolph made on day four of the constitutional convention. This essentially enshrines
the very essence of democracy. Article 2 was mainly concerned with the executive branch.
This tendency would naturally lead to national disunity and would render the federal government
less effective in pursuing its own goals and programs. It should be the national legislative bodies that
should be decisive when it comes to the merging, separation, and establishment of states. The details
of blue print of the new government under the new constitution and which bound all the American
states were: The article I of the constitution provided for the functions and separation of the
congressional powers. The paper “Confederation and constitution in the USA” seeks to evaluate the
Articles of Confederation ratified in 1781. Innovation and competition are the key drivers of the
consumer freedom, offering goods at all prices. The original signed Declaration resides at the Texas
State Library and Archives in Austin; however, the fate of the Constitution is shrouded in mystery. It
is impossible for the government to work and serve citizens with unlimited power. Let us write or
edit the research paper on your topic. The United States has operated under two constitutions. It is in
this respect that they incorporated in the constitution a space for classical liberalism. ReferenceScott
v. Illinois, 440 U.S. 367, 99S. Ct. 1158, 59L. Ed.2d 383 (1979). Preview Essay. Initial Document
Which Governed the Constitution of the constitution essay help US. Strict construction is
problematic also in the sense that the world has changed since its creation in the late 18th century.
Article 3 was the base of the formation of the judiciary. There is the tendency to overlook the well-
being of the entire country and favor instead the state. Overall, researching a constitution requires a
combination of historical, legal, and analytical skills. This ensures smooth running of the federal
government. As stated earlier in this text, the constitution on the United States was created not only
behind closed doors, but by people who did not have the mandate to create it. Now days,
consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits is increasing in regard to canned food. From this
statement, one can assume that the relationship between a slave and the master was not of cruelty
that is usually perceived in masses. Are there any weaknesses that compromise its status as the
supreme law?Critics often contend. Heller, the Second Amendment was ruled for the last time in
United States v. The typical division is that observed in the U.S; legislature, executive and judiciary.
It bared the courts from convicting citizens of foreign countries. Article 4. The original 13 Articles of
Confederation, while they were enough to prevent the country from sliding into chaos; were not
sufficient in content or wide enough in breadth that they covered ever facet of government with
which the founding fathers knew that the new government, and subsequent governments, would
need to govern with. People are able to live their life the way they see fit and not what the
government thinks is fit (Samples, 195). There are five famous principles that they based on the
national government. It denied congress the power to abolish the slave trade before 1808. One of the
cannons of interpretation used for Statue Interpretation is the Doctrine of Harmonious Construction.
This protects citizens from bringing lawsuits against those of other states or nations. If a person
whose home is being searched without a search warrant issued by the court, but with his own
consent; then in the eyes of law and the US Constitution the process is completely legal and do not
violate any law.
One question that has been pondered since the times of Greece. This was later amended as well as
other articles and laws to be made and included in what we now know as the constitution. Therefore,
this research paper will be based on an argument with regard to the law against illegal immigration
today, as well as whether the law is right or wrong. Originally comprising of only seven articles, the
U.S constitution of which the first three deal with the separation of powers. One of the cannons of
interpretation used for Statue Interpretation is the Doctrine of Harmonious Construction. This can be
gleaned from reading these sacred texts. Therby making the government the most powerful entity in
the land. Federalism basically refers to a system of government where sovereign power is, as a
function of the constitution, divided between constituent political units such as states and provinces
and the central government. This wording of Robert Potter’s proposed amendment under which “No
claim of eleven leagues of land or more shall be valid” failed to be included in the final version of
the Constitution. The typical division is that observed in the U.S; legislature, executive and judiciary.
A limited government lowers the waste, inefficiency and fraud. Personal My First Time Away from
Home Leaving to go to research was my paper first time away from home, and it took a lot of
adjusting to a new surrounding. The Art icles of Confederation had too weak of a central
government to ha ndle all the responsibilities with just one central Confederation Congress.
However, Parliament may do such things if it wishes to do so, as it is much evident the supreme
power remains with parliament. As chaos ensued in the United States government during the time of
the Articles of Confederation, it became imperative to establish a stronger and more centralized
government that promotes democracy. Such rights should be limited to only those who deserve it. 3.
Article IV, Section 3 While the existence of the states is recognized, the Constitution should be clear
that the federal government is more decisive than the state governments, especially when it comes to
changes in the political and territorial divisions. A balance of safety fr om the mob rule that could
take place and the liberty and freedom of the common man needed to be r eached. The Constitution
guarded against tyranny in several ways which were federalism, separation. Crimes and Crime Rates
by Type of Offense: 1980 to 2009, 2012. May 14th saw the Constitutional Convention meeting at
Philadelphia and on September 17th, the constitution was finished and signed by the delegates.
However, in this case too, the court ordered results in favor of Olmstead. There are examples of the
editing process for the draft of the Constitution throughout its pages. Another important aspect of
constitution research is understanding the role and significance of the document in contemporary
society. Constitution Essay Help, how long is a typed essay if constitution essay help handwritten,
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about the beach at night you to organize your essay the right way, not missing a detail. Fair trade
usually focuses on products coming from third world countries especially those ones that are sold in
first world countries. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the US can be considered as
one of the major controversial enactments in the history of the nation. It is the citizens who pay for
programs like salaries and benefits of employees (Kelman, 49). This paper shall discuss the fourth
amendment of The United States Constitution. Some cases concerning the 4th Amendment are as
follows; Katz V. I assume the “manner to be prescribed by law” includes exceptions that explain
these examples.
According to the US Constitution anyone who is in breach of the presented laws is accountable and
shall pay the damages as it is a crime to do so; even if the federal officers have done so they are also
held accountable in front of the Supreme Court. Article I, Section 3 The Vice President, being part of
the executive branch and immediate successor to the president, should not be given any role in the
formulation of laws, particularly in the senate. New Jersey v. T. L. O (1985)8 is a suitable example to
the issue. It has been possible because of the Fourth Amendment that the people can find themselves
safe and that they will never be violated. Narkoba mengakibatkan banyak orang kehilangan masa
depannya. In order to catch him red handed the FBI placed an electronic recorder over the phone
outside of the public phone booth. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. The state constitution performs a number of important functions. But it may be
noted that Islamic law since at least. The rights of the accused are furthered by Amendment VI in
requiring a jury trial and counsel for a fair defense. Presumably, this is to give D. C. N impartial
political stance since it is the seat of the federal government. However, due to transformations in
Irish society, certain amendments are necessary. The creation of the document is itself a testament to
this fact. Even nowadays, people talk of the actually indefinable Bill of Rights of Patient. This states
that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (US
Constitution). In 2008, Greg Roza (2011) reiterated the united states Supreme Court ruled that cruel
and usual punishment was meted by American soldiers when they use waterboarding to torture the
Guantanamo Bay prisoners. Also, the Founders did not provide guidance on interpretation and
therefore it can be assumed that there is no one way to interpret it, which is against strict
constructionism. The United States Constitution constitution essay help is the document on which
American government is based. The Twelfth Amendment changed the way that we choose the
president and vice president. The less there is government participation in the market, the more
businesses thrive and make an innovative and competitive atmosphere. It offers protection for the
people of a given country. Under this model, any state is divided into several branches each with its
own separate powers that are independent together with responsibilities. If it will be passed then the
federal agents will be able to get into the telecommunication and internet services provider’s record
and library directly without needing any warrant or the telecommunication or internet service
provider consent. The delegates did not want the power to be controlled by one man. The action you
just performed triggered the security solution. The original 13 Articles of Confederation, while they
were enough to prevent the country from sliding into chaos; were not sufficient in content or wide
enough in breadth that they covered ever facet of government with which the founding fathers knew
that the new government, and subsequent governments, would need to govern with. It should
however be noticed that the constitution particularly the 4th Amendment was made for the people
and to keep the government away from the backs of the people. With no competition there would be
no need for companies to improve their goods, offer a good customer service and make the goods
cost effective. To be consistent and seal the research gap, the researcher relied on the case of Katz v.
It will be then observed that the issue will be solved to a maximum percentage ensuring more
individuals enjoying their privacy and rights.23 Social Policy Implication: It should be assured that
rules and legal principles should implement the purpose.
The 2009 intake of students at universities is the ?rst group of students that had been subjected to the
OBE approach for their entire school career. The fundamental principles of the German constitution
express human dignity, federal structures, and separation of power and rule of law as valid in
perpetuity. Constitutions guide the citizens on what to do, and all their rights are in it. The separation
of powers model created in ancient Greece is a governance model that shows who controls the state.
This provision could be taken advantage of by groups who seek to the destruction of the US
government by arming themselves. In Carroll v. United States (1925) the court passed orders in favor
of the officers saying that they can search the car without any warrant to look for the suspected
illegal imports. BACK; NEXT; Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching constitution essay
help the ConstitutionTeacher Pass Teaching the Constitution Teacher Pass includes. We use cookies
to create the best experience for you. It is important to know how the framers of the Constitution
balance the competing claims of local self-government, sectional interests, and the national authority.
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discussions. However, people today are violated because of different issues or on probability
chances. This is why there is the creation of a limited government with guidelines on how ought to
act (Hanson, 22).Discussion A government that is limited has positive effect in the society.
Furthermore, in Unites States v Cruikshank and Presser v Illinois, the court held that the second
amendment restricted only the federal government. The constitution also set the modest powers of
the president. Its launch followed the constitution essay help flops of windows and when and how.
This ensures smooth running of the federal government. People are able to live their life the way
they see fit and not what the government thinks is fit (Samples, 195). The issues surrounding the
admission and detention of mentally ill adolescents in. Civilized law is our current position in
society, and natural law exists among. These exceptions are again however in the favor of the citizens
first then the government. The Bill of Rights is essentially what makes the Constitution and the
country not just democratic in words but also in practice. According to the US Constitution some
exceptions have been presented in the 4th Amendment. This is the administration part of the
government; the president and his cabinet secretaries. The United States can now impose taxes in
order to build roads that benefit everyone and can raise an army to protect itself from foreign and
domestic i ssues. This exemplifies Parliament being able to legislate with no legal limits as such. One
of the important amendments of the Constitution is the 8th amendment and its significance lies in
the fact that it has, though the years, promoted humane and civilized forms and methods of
punishing criminals. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.

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