Code Refactoring Research Paper

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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on code refactoring? You're not alone.

Crafting a
research paper on this complex topic can be incredibly challenging. From gathering relevant literature
to conducting thorough analysis and presenting your findings in a coherent manner, there are
numerous hurdles to overcome.

Code refactoring, while essential for maintaining and improving software quality, involves intricate
processes and methodologies that require in-depth understanding and expertise. Additionally, keeping
up with the latest advancements and trends in the field adds another layer of complexity to your

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It is a disciplined way to clean up code that minimizes the chances of introducing bugs. As technical
debt grows, your team’s understanding of the codebase decreases. But, for a quick overview, have
created a diagram that would help in basic understanding -. The product functionality remains the
same, and users will not see any difference. Refactoring of rewriting? - What is the difference. Using
replacing method to replace conditional with polymorphism. A developer should add an extra 1 day
to rethink and refactor the code base, to make it ready for the new feature. Boxplot of energy
consumption results of original codes and combinations of refactoring techniques for the laptop
dataset. According to Table 6, the values obtained from the tools show a significant increase in. In
this article, I’ll explain the pros and cons of each method and when to use each. If some similar tasks
started to take more time to be completed than they did at the project launch, but the level of their
complexity did not change, these are obvious symptoms of accumulated technical debt. For the
laptop, measurements were taken in both idle and airplane mode. In this application, the interaction
of refactoring techniques draws attention as a result of the refactoring combination obtained by the.
However, choosing the appropriate refactoring strategy is not always straightforward, resulting in
developers seeking assistance. Figure 2 shows the conceptual framework of the present study. Gout,
Urate, and Crystal Deposition Disease (GUCDD). Renaming x to y is not refactoring unless it
improves some aspect like maintainability. Representation of all possible combinations of applied
techniques. Thus, the process is about taking your existing code and improving it while making it
more readable, understandable and clean. These include extraction and inline method: Extraction
breaks down the code into smaller chunks to find and extract fragments. This approach simplifies the
interface between classes and method calls. Removing this obstacle is another benefit of code
refactoring. In short, the spark faded and you no longer loved your code like you used to. You
should properly plan the refactor and provide spare time for it. Then there is thinning, where large
trees are cut out of thick heavy forests, so the small trees that are struggling can grow and be healthy.
If you have a lot of code refactoring that needs to be done, this technique may be the one for you.
That alteration makes the code simpler and cleaner while system functionality remains the same.
Composing methods encompass the extract method, inline method, replace method complete with
method object, and remove assignment to parameters. Remember that the essence for refactoring a
program’s source code is to make it more readable, reusable, maintainable, and wholly efficient.
In this blogpost we show you 6 reasons why is code refactoring important and benefits linked to this
process. In summary, from the graphs in Figure 5 and Figure 6, and Table 8, we can conclude that the
refactoring technical combinations generally positively affected energy consumption. 5. Threats to
Validity First, the scope of the experiment was limited to two types of programming languages. I
look at a method that is too long or look at code that needs a comment to understand its purpose. It’s
something that should be a part of your product development philosophy, and it creates value in a
way that’s sometimes hard to quantify. This doesn’t mean we disapprove of the way things were
made or that we consider it “bad code”. All of your tests and integrations are there, it’s easy to
verify that you didn’t break anything, to make sure the functionality stays the same. One of the main
advantages of refactoring in legacy code is that it can be done on any software architecture. You can
then unselect the places you don’t want the refactoring to occur. If there is any performance concern,
encapsulation may generate an adverse effect. One of the trickiest cases here is refactoring legacy
code. Then, nothing will limit you from passing an object of the class you’re working with to it as an
argument. The x axis represents the name of each dataset and the y axis represents the energy
consumption. If you’re building software that’s supposed to last for a long time, you should be
regularly refactoring your code. This says that you should never make your data public. The term
refers to the cost of maintaining and supporting software over time. What Decision Makers Should
Know about Generative AI. That is, what you create from coding is valuable but the code used in
building that product is of little to no value. Pull-Up method: It pulls code parts into a superclass and
helps in the elimination of code duplication. If you have such a class in your design then you will
face multiple problems (such as understandability is poor - you will find difficult to understand your
code, reliability issues - since the class is complex you may change the code incorrectly or change in
one aspect leads to bug in another aspect). This method allows you to release the system regularly.
The obtained values of the original source codes of the experimental applications are given in Table
3. Discover their strengths and limitations in our latest blog. Read More. How can you program
faster if you have to refactor the code. The result will see you spending fewer finances on
maintenance. According to their findings, refactoring techniques lead to either an increase or
decrease in energy consumption. This is related to the software features of the Java source code used
and the interaction of the techniques. In this paper, we propose a novel method called theoREm-
from-prooF extrACTOR (REFACTOR) for training neural networks to mimic this ability in formal
mathematical theorem proving. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Doing so helps
avoid making changes to the code and inadvertently affecting the product's functionality. The aim of
the game is to reach the number 2048 by combining the numbers in the 16 squares on the screen with
each other.
The combinations applied are analyzed using the maintainability index. What I mean is, you use
different words to convey the same meaning in a clearer way, like adjusting the phrase, “The
students didn’t show any enthusiasm for the topic” to “The students showed apathy towards the
subject.”. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( ). The end-user doesn't see the effort of the
developers when it comes to refactoring the code. It aims to improve the structure of the code by
reducing redundant or erroneous entries. This doesn’t mean we disapprove of the way things were
made or that we consider it “bad code”. Whereas when you rewrite code, it can mean anything from
completely changing how the application works, switching the software it uses, to rebuilding the
codebase from the ground up. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease (TropicalMed). To learn
more, see our tips on writing great answers. Though to identify what improvements could be made is
gradually acquired with experience, some common code smells that we could easily spot are
duplicate code, code with numerous comments, long methods, and so on. In the 2048 mobile
application, onCreate() and onMove() are the code blocks that. Therefore, your system correctly
working exactly as before. If the function has no more uses, then you can apply “Remove dead
code” to eliminate unnecessary definitions. The x axis represents the name of each dataset and the y
axis represents the energy consumption. In the case of multiple output variables, the method may not
be applied. Anna Buczak 9 min read Last Update: October 2, 2023. In identifying a code smell, you
can also narrow down the set of transformations that you can apply to remedy the anti-pattern.
Energy consumption depends on execution time and power, as shown in Equation ( 2 ). Even though
a code smell could help us notice what could be improved, it doesn't tell us what to do. Splitting
code is a technique that helps developers focus on the modules that are important to the development
of their projects. So, the re-implementation is proposed with a modern set of technologies, but
keeping the exposed APIs and underlying structure same. It aims at removing unhealthy
dependencies that exists amidst classes or packages, debauched allocation of class responsibilities,
code duplication, multiple responsibilities assigned per class or method, along with other confusion
and mess. Some of them will go unnoticed by the end-users since they don’t add new functionality.
Also by using pull-up and pull-down, one can bring the class to OOP and back to sub class. So you
decide to make it shorter by moving the part that calculates the fudge factor into a function called
calculateFudgeFactor() and calling the function instead. To do so, I trust means external to the code,
such as documentation or a tutorial. Thus, the average was considered significant in the current study
and the energy consumed in joules during a test was calculated by multiplying the average watts by
the seconds. Images should be at least 640?320px (1280?640px for best display). A refactor will be
much easier to sell to your product manager. The Red-Green-Refactor method consists of three steps:
Red: Consider what you are developing and write a failing test for it.

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