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Academic stress is a common occurrence within the education environment of a student, it

has been one of the most major impacts on a students’ academic performance. This study

explores the various perspective at Tomas Cabili National Highschool students about the

relationship between academic success and academic stress. Academic stress is one of the

biggest causes of stress, anxiety, and depression among students. It is very common and it can

become quite overwhelming at times.

The key to managing it is being aware of what you need to do and work through each

challenge. As a student how do they cope with the pressure of academic stress? Academic stress

is often associated with high school students preparing for college, but younger students

experience it as well. Students of all ages must juggle the pressure to perform well academically

with extracurriculars, homework, and standardized testing. One factor that causes stress could

also be found within the environment described stress as “the relationship between the person

and the environment” emphasizing both “the characteristics of the person” and “the nature of the

environment”. (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984, p. 21) In this respect, it proves that the learning

environment of a student can greatly affect their well-being and academic success.

(Lazarus and Folkman, 1984, p. 21)

Stress is commonly reported as a significant impediment to academic performance among

college students. Those who perceive stress as affecting their performance tend to have lower

GPAs, higher stress levels, and lower coping self-efficacy (P Frazier, 2019)

Managing stress effectively can help students cope with it and even improve their academic

performance. Strategies for coping with stress play a crucial role in mitigating its negative

impact on academic outcomes. (Akanpaadgi, Emmanuel & Binpimbu, Felicia & Kuuyelleh,

Esmond, 2023)'_acade

Academic-related stress can reduce academic achievement, decrease motivation, and increase the

risk of school dropout, emphasizing the detrimental effects of stress on students' educational

journey (Pascoe, Hetrick, Parker, 2019)

“When students are overwhelmed by stress, it can take over their ability to focus and study on

and off campus.” (Pompilus, 2021)


Lack of motivation caused by stress is one of the factors related to the increasing dropout of

students dropout of classes and school. (Pompilus, 2021)


According to (Pompilus, 2021), stress is the body’s ability to respond to change as a feeling of

emotional or physical tension.



1. What are the varied perspectives among students at TCNHS regarding the impact of

academic stress on their academic performance?

2. How does academic stress affect their scholastic performance differently?

3. How do the students of TCNHS handle their stress on a daily basis?

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