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Mask of Zion

“T o smile when confronted with the most severe oppression, is an act of Resistance rooted in unparalleled beauty.” ~
Jonathan Azaziah

F r i d a y, M a r c h 1 1 , 2 0 1 1

26/11 Revisited: Raymond Davis And A Travesty Of Justice

by Jonathan Azaziah

T he events of November 26th, 20 0 8 will forever live in infamy. T he terror

attacks perpetrated against the Indian city of Mumbai shook the South Asia
subcontinent to its core, leaving 195 confirmed dead and at least 295 other
innocents wounded (1). T he terror was said to be manufactured in Pakistan, the
self-declared enemy of India, “the world’s largest democracy.” It was carried
out by expertly trained “Jihadi terrorists” as per the direction of Pakistani
intelligence and elements within the Pakistani government. T his delusional
fallacy however, is devoid of any basis in reality and nothing more than a
concoction of the vitriol-spewing institution known as the mainstream media.

T his institution of vileness, depravity and criminality is owned by a cabal of

individuals who share common interests in supporting a certain illegal entity
nestled on stolen Arab land in what is now known as occupied Palestine. T his
T he 26/11 fals e flag attac k in Mumbai cabal adheres to an ideology which justifies the murderous occupiers’ ethnic
was o ne o f the mo s t brazen
cleansing, land theft, terrorism and 63 years of bloodshed inflicted upon the
in Mo s s ad's blo o dy his to ry.
indigenous Palestinians with xenophobic fairy tales of chosenness.

T his ideology is Zionism and its adherent cabal of Zionist media owners are Redstone, Murdoch, Zucker, Saban,
Bronfman, Bewkes, Immelt, Iger, Sulzberger and Zell to name the most prominent few. T hese men infected the world
with the virus of falsehood in regards to the illegal invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and the annihilation of Iraq.
T hey pieced together a multi-billion dollar Hollywood blockbuster for the September 11th attacks and repeated the
same propagandistic formula for the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai.

In each case, supremely malevolent Arab (and Muslim) villains were presented to the public as the culprits for crimes
superceding the very limits of iniquity. And in each case, these egregious stories were used to cover up the real
perpetrators of the criminal acts: the Israeli Mossad, its worldwide network of sayanim and its allies in the international
intelligence community.

26/11 was a well-planned, well-financed paramilitary operation with Mossad at the head, Hindutvadi India’s RAW serving
as a close partner and the CIA providing additional support. No criminal from any one of these organizations has been
arrested, let alone tried in court. Instead, a 23-year old man who has been framed from the very beginning of the 26/11
operation has been tried, convicted and sentenced to death for being the mastermind of the carnage on that November
day. His name is Mohammad Ajmal Mohammad Amir Kasab, and what has been done to him is a travesty of justice that
began with Zionism and will end with Hindutva. T he Bombay High Court says that this innocent man “should be hanged by
the neck until he is dead (2).”

Mossad and RAW or Kasab?

Ajmal Kasab has been convicted of several criminal counts, including multiple
murders, conspiracy and even war crimes (3). T hree of the victims of these
alleged murders, were former chief of the Anti-T errorism Squad Hemant Karkare
and two of his colleagues, top police officers as well. T he Indian courts would
like the world to believe that this man, this lone 23-year old man, singlehandedly
eliminated three top policemen (among scores of other innocents) and served
as the commander of a multi-faceted criminal conspiracy that took nearly two
decades of planning, when Ajmal Kasab was barely 5 years old. T he conviction 23-year o ld Mo hammad Ajmal
Mo hammad Amir Kas ab
came to fruition based on an absolute lack of evidence. is an inno c ent man
framed by Zio nis m and
Contrary to all diatribes presented by the Zionist media and its Hindutvadi Hindutva.
counterparts and sister networks in India, Ajmal Kasab has no links to Pakistan
whatsoever, let alone “Lashkar-e-T aiba (4 ).” RAW, IB and India’s top police authorities have been manipulating front
organizations posing as “Islamic terrorists” and leaving false flags on their path of destruction for decades; a top Indian
legal officer has even exposed this trickery in court (5). Kasab is a tragic byproduct of this extensive Hindutvadi
operation of deception and sabotage, which RAW learned from a close working relationship with the Mossad (6).

Kasab has accused RAW and the Zionist entity of framing him, planting false evidence and shooting him to make it
appear like he took part in the heinous 26/11 assault (7). Not only was Ajmal Kasab framed, his life destroyed, his
reputation tarnished forever, and his very existence now at the mercy of Zionism and Hindutva due to the 26/11 event,
he was kidnaped at least two years prior to the false flag in Mumbai and illegally held in an Indian dungeon, waiting to be
“activated” as the patsy for the comprehensive intelligence operation. Ajmal Kasab, along with nearly 20 0 others, were
kidnaped by RAW while on a business trip in Nepal some time before 20 0 6. Human rights advocates and the parents of
Ajmal Kasab filed petitions with the Nepalese Supreme Court, but to no avail. T heir son disappeared without a trace,
only to resurface in 20 0 8 as a murderous “terrorist (8).”

Ajmal Kasab is a victim of 26/11, not the perpetrator of it. 26/11 was an intricate, multi-layered intelligence and
paramilitary operation that involved Mossad at the highest level, RAW and IB as its working partners, and CIA providing
the Israeli mass murder organization with vital support. T he operation began in 1992 with the demolition of the ancient
Babri Masjid. It escalated with the slew of bombs that terrorized Bombay (Mumbai) in 1993. T raining exercises with
Zionist-trained Hindutvadi operatives in the field were conducted in 20 0 6 and September 20 0 8, in Mumbai and Malegaon.
T his groundwork prepared all of the criminal parties involved for November 26, 20 0 8.

T he purposes for the attack were to demolish peace talks between India, Pakistan and Iran, cover up the excessive
Hindutvadi-Zionist crimes against humanity in occupied Kashmir, permanently eliminate AT S chief Hemant Karkare for
investigating links between Zionism, Hindutva and false flag terrorism throughout India and solidify India’s participation
in the T API pipeline, a vastly lucrative energy project controlled by the Mossad-headed Merhav Group (9). Kasab’s
conviction and sentencing puts one more stamp on the cover-up while the criminals, who reside in Washington D.C.,
Herzliya, T el Aviv and New Delhi, remain at large.

Davis, Kasab and Fission Field Warfare

On January 27, 20 11, a man claiming to be a US diplomat under the pseudonym

‘Raymond Allen Davis,’ gunned down two young, unarmed Pakistani men in front
of the American embassy in Lahore. ‘Davis’ claimed that the men were armed
and they were attempting to rob him. Nothing could be further from the truth.
What ‘Raymond Davis’ actually is, isn’t even in the same galaxy where agents of
diplomacy exist. Davis is not only tied to infamous hunter-killed mercenary firm
Blackwater {Xe} (10 ), he is an ex-special forces officer who was the acting head
of the CIA in Pakistan after the Pakistani people drove out Islamabad CIA station
chief ‘Jonathan Banks (11).’
Raymo nd Davis : Murderer,
Blac kwater c o ntrac to r,
T he innocent Pakistani men were not shot dead because they were attempting
CIA Chief,
to rob Davis. T hey were shot dead because they witnessed Davis and another Drag o n Po lic y ag ent.
group of mercenaries loading their cars with machine guns and explosives, and
overheard them discussing their trip into an area of Lahore known for “terror bombings.” While Davis was detained, the
other car, full of mercenaries, jetted away and ran over another innocent Pakistani in the process (12). T he phone
found in Davis’ car, revealed that the CIA-Xe murderer made several calls to an organization known as the ‘T ehrik-I-
T aliban (13),’ a group linked to hundreds of bombings across Pakistan in the last 10 years. Pakistani police also
discovered photographs of sensitive military defense installations on Davis’ camera, including the Balahisar Fort, the
headquarters of the paramilitary Frontier Corps in the strategically important city of Peshawar and several Pakistan
Army bunkers on the border with India (14 ). Pakistani police want Davis charged with espionage.

Davis’ connections to Blackwater (Xe) and his occupation as an operative for the CIA, along with his cold-blooded
murder of two innocent men are more than enough to have him prosecuted and convicted of multiple crimes. But it is
the details beneath the surface of the double homicide that connect Davis to a much greater, and much more sinister
conspiracy. T he conversations with the ‘T ehrik-I-T aliban,’ his photography of military installations that serve as the
stomping grounds for the upper echelons of the Pakistani defense establishment, and his crew of mercenaries traveling
to a “terror hotbed” destination point with explosives and machine guns directly link Davis to a long-running false flag
terrorism operation known as the ‘Dragon Policy,’ run by the Zionist entity and its confederates inside RAW, the CIA and

T he Dragon Policy is one of the most successful enterprises of the illegitimate

Israeli state’s fission field warfare, the pinnacle of false flag terrorism. T his
highly sophisticated operation is a multi-faceted cohesion between intelligence,
military, media and politics, all for the purpose of fragmenting nations that are
seen as threats to the global agenda of international Zionism. Excluding
occupied Iraq, no nation has been hit more ruthlessly than the Islamic Republic
of Pakistan. And no area of Pakistan has been hit more barbarically than
Peshawar, which has been transformed into a Mossad-RAW stronghold. Hence,
Hindutva and Zio nis m: T he Davis’ photos of military installations in the city.
des tro yers o f Pakis tan and
the o c c upiers o f Kas hmir.
Mossad and RAW, the two principal executors of the Dragon Policy, set up four
agencies in 20 0 1 which would target Pakistan’s societal top tier, from finance
to politics, religion to military. T hese agencies would seduce, blackmail, train and employ young Pakistani men from
different sects and serve as their handlers in carrying out terrorism across Pakistan. Once the recruits are in the field,
they are met by their handlers under the guise of ‘Al-Qaeda’ or the ‘T ehrik-I-T aliban’ and issued money, weapons and
other supplies. T hese meetings are then reported by the Zionist media as coordination between terror groups. When
these stooge agents are unable to secure a ‘checkout,’ or completion of their mission, the ordnance units of Mossad
and RAW take to the field in collaboration with sleeper cells of Xe contractors to spread the chaos. T he blood-drenched
end result is still reported by the cabalistic Zionist media as “Islamic extremism,” to the detriment of Pakistan (15).

Davis’ exploits aren’t just another example of American military malevolence exercised on the hallowed grounds of a
sovereign Muslim nation, they are an example of a full-blown Israeli intelligence operation that is tearing Pakistan
apart. And Davis’ arrest does not just have the potential to cripple the relations between Pakistan and the United
States, it has the potential to remove the curtains on the vampiric Zionist entity’s criminal activity in Pakistan and
bring it to light for all of the world to see. Every moment that Davis remains alive, Israel and its allies in RAW, the CIA
and Blackwater are at risk. Do not be surprised if Davis winds up dead at the hands of one of the Dragon Policy’s endless
supply of patsies.

T he Pakistani government refuses to give into the United States’ diplomatic pressure at the hands of Zionist lapdogs
like warmonger Hillary Clinton and Skull-and-Bones alumni John Kerry. Pakistan’s government is seeking to prosecute
Raymond Davis to the fullest extent of its anti-terror laws (16). Under pressure already from its citizens over the
incessant murders of thousands of innocents at the hands of CIA-operated drones, as well as the rape, torture,
brutalization and illegal detention of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui by various military factions of the USA, the Pakistani government
is on the verge of collapse if it makes one more ill-advised political decision.

Unlike the recent wave of revolutionary fervor that has gripped the Middle East and North
Africa, which is comprised of real rage but equally real globalist-manipulation, any folly
with the fate of Raymond Davis will trigger a real revolution and bring down the Zionist
Power Configuration’s puppet regime and send Zardari and his band of thieves to the
gallows (17). Many are advocating a deal that would swap Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s freedom for
the CIA-Xe murderer’s freedom. Millions of Pakistanis already want to see Dr. Siddiqui
come home and put her Zionist-designed nightmare behind her (if that would even be
humanly possible), from those residing in squalor in Pakistan’s most downtrodden slums to
those operating clandestinely in the zeniths of Pakistan’s intelligence community (18). Any Dr. Aafia S iddiq ui's life
has been des ec rated by the
other scenario is utterly unacceptable.
Zio nis t "War o n T erro r."

An integral part of Israel’s fission field warfare, and the grandfather of the policy, the Fracture T heory of Zion (FT Z), is
the origin point; the very reason for an operation to be orchestrated to begin with. T he death sentence of Ajmal Kasab,
and its broadcasting across the global networks of Zionist-owned news outlets, has taken the world’s mind off of
Raymond Davis and his double murder, his espionage and his links to Israel’s conduction of terrorism in Pakistan. Davis’
possible outing is the origin point for the Zionist entity’s latest batch of media lies about the 26/11 false flag attack.
Now, international attention is on Pakistan for its “training and funding” of Ajmal Kasab, instead of Raymond Davis’
murder of two unarmed Pakistani men and the lawlessness that the United States has spread at Israel’s command
throughout the Islamic nation. Kasab’s fate is nothing more than cannon fodder for the Zionist entity’s global chess
game in which it looks to bury all of its criminality in proverbial sarcophaguses.

Conclusion: Another Tragedy and Occupied Kashmir

Raymond Davis’ murder of two young Pakistanis on January 27, 20 11 was not only
an act of war against Pakistan and a despicable criminal act, it was a gruesome
tragedy. T hese men had families like any other human being residing on this
planet, no matter how inconceivable that may be (due to the xenophobic hatred
towards Arabs and Muslims spread by the pro-Israel media monopoly). T he wife of
Muhammad Fahim, one of the young men murdered by Davis, committed suicide
by swallowing rat poison. She just couldn’t bear living without her husband whom
she loved dearly. T he young woman’s last wish was to see Davis brought to
justice for his monstrous crime (19).
S humaila Kanwal, the wife o f o ne
o f Raymo nd Davis ' vic tims ,
In addition to the evidence which has surfaced that links Raymond Allen Davis to
c o mmitted s uic ide o ver the
lo s s o f her hus band. the Dragon Policy of Zionism and Hindutva, it is now confirmed that Davis’
activities were not just confined to Pakistan but occupied Kashmir as well. Davis
was attempting to penetrate several “jihadist” groups in occupied Kashmir (20 ), or in terms devoid of Zionism, groups
of indigenous Resistance. Flattening the Azadi Movement in occupied Kashmir is a top priority for the Zionist-Hindutvadi
nexus in the South Asia subcontinent.

Hindutva’s security forces have been trained by the Zionist entity since the 1980 s. T hese brutal thugs carry Israeli
rifles, are well-schooled in Israeli torture techniques and there are 50 0 ,0 0 0 -70 0 ,0 0 0 of them occupying the soil of
Kashmir at all times, making Kashmir the most militarized zone on earth. T he human rights violations by Indian soldiers
are vast, from mass graves to torture, rape to kidnaping, and they are fully protected by the Hindutvadi government
through the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and the Public Safety Act (PSA). T hese two acts allow Indian
troops to shoot to kill, arrest with no warrant, and kidnap with no provocation with complete impunity.

Israeli commander Eli Katzir has been operating a counter-terrorism unit in

occupied Kashmir for over a decade and Mossad agents posing as tourists
routinely travel to the Vale to conduct surveillance for their superiors in
Herzliya and T el Aviv. As per the Dragon Policy, drug barons on the payroll of
Mossad, Aman and RAW have infected Kashmiri society with narcotics and
fomented rampant usage of the poison. Over 10 0 ,0 0 0 Kashmiris have been
murdered since 1989 and they continue to suffer unspeakably on a daily basis
(21). 10 Kashmiris, including 6 children, were murdered by Hindutvadi forces in
February alone, 59 people were severely wounded and over 91 civilians were
illegally detained (22). Live ammunition and tear gas are routinely dispensed
on the unarmed population, and none of this misery ever makes the news,
mainstream or otherwise. Kas hmir. An earthly g em o f exq uis ite beauty.
Oc c upied by Hindutvadi fo rc es
and s ubjec ted to daily brutality.
Just like the Zionist entity always generates fission field warfare and fracture
theory operations to cover up its daily abuses and horrors in occupied Palestine, it uses its octopus-like media to cover
up the same abuses and horrors in occupied Kashmir to protect its Hindutva asset. While politicos from the world over
debate the true status of Raymond Davis, Kashmir’s suffering remains ignored and Dragon Policy objectives continue to
be carried out in Pakistan. T he Israeli regime’s favorite weapon and infamous signature, the car bomb, was used to
murder 31 innocents and critically injure 70 others at a funeral in Peshawar on March 9, 20 11. T he T ehrik-I-T aliban, a
known front for the Mossad-RAW nexus, has typically taken responsibility for the bloodshed (23). Peshawar is an
acropolis for Mossad and RAW; a hub for terrorism where agents from the two intelligence agencies have been caught
previously (24 ), and it was a frequent travel stop for none other than Raymond Davis while he worked at the US
Consulate under a Blackwater alias (25).

T he diplomatic war now taking place between Pakistan and the Zionist-occupied United States government over
Raymond Davis will most assuredly remain out of the public eye. Independent media outlets like Opinion Maker,
Veterans T oday and blogs known for their investigative prowess will stand alone as the providers of updates on the dirty
game. Instead, the public will be bombarded with more Zionist-written fantasies about T aliban terror and served a
steady diet of the ingenuity of “Al-Qaeda” extremists finding new ways to hurt America over the Internet or maybe even
greeting cards. T he more ridiculous, the better. Dessert will be the rehashing of the abyssal evil of Mohammad Ajmal
Mohammad Amir Kasab, who carried out 26/11 to bring India, “a flourishing democracy” according to Zionist stooge
Barack Obama, to its knees.

Never will they know that Mohammad Ajmal Mohammad Amir Kasab is as innocent as the Palestinian child in his home in
occupied al-Khalil bulldozed by IOF’s barbarous killers. Or the Lebanese mother in southern Beirut who loses her life to
an American-made Israeli-dropped cluster bomb as she walks out of her door to check her mail. Or the generations of
Iraqis who will suffer immeasurably due to the depleted uranium unleashed on their precious soil by Western occupying
forces and the Zionist entity’s intelligence operatives (26). Never will they know that Mohammad Ajmal Mohammad Amir
Kasab’s life has been ruined by Zionism and Hindutva, and his wrongful, criminal conviction will lead to more savagery
carried out in occupied Kashmir in his name. Never will they know this travesty of justice, or other travesties of justice
carried out by this worldwide elitist network of gangsters and thieves. And what may be the saddest of all is, never will
they even care.

Shumaila Kanwal, the wife of Muhammad Fahim, one of Raymond Davis’ victims, said before she succumbed to the
effects of the poison she ingested in her suicide attempt, “T he way my husband was shot, his killer should be shot in
the same fashion. I prefer death over injustice (27).” Justice for Muhammad Fahim. Justice for Faizan Haider. Justice
for Ibadur Rehman. And now justice for Shumaila Kanwal. Justice will be interpreted as the harshest punishment possible
for the Dragon Policy’s point man in Pakistan, Raymond Davis. Once he is dealt with, may the lions of justice tarry on
the hunt, until the globe holders who dictate Zionist-Hindutvadi hegemony pay for their inhumanity too.

~ The End ~


(1) 195 Dead As Mumbai Siege Ends by USA T oday

(2) Mumbai Attacker’s Appeal Rejected by Al Jazeera English
(3) 26/11: Bombay High Court Confirms Death T o Kasab by Indian Express

(4 ) Ajmal Kasab Has No Link T o Pakistan: FBI by Geo T elevision Network

(5) Indian Lawyer Exposes How Indian Police Create Fake T errorists With Fake Pak Links by Ahmed Quraishi, PKKH

(6) RAW Kidnaps T hree Pakistanis For Use In Future T error Dramas T o Blame ISI by Ajay Mehta, T he Daily Mail Of Pakistan

(7) Kasab Is Innocent? by Aangirfan

(8) Ajmal Kidnaped From Nepal Before 20 0 6: Lawyer by T he Pak T ribune

(9) 26/11: Mossad T errorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(10 ) ‘US Embassy Official Blackwater Agent’ by Press T V

(11) Raymond Davis ‘Was Acting Head Of CIA In Pakistan’ by Rob Crilly, T he T elegraph

(12) America’s Murderer-Diplomat In Pakistan, A Strange T ale by Gordon Duff, Veterans T oday

(13) “If Raymond Davis Is Released, Pakistan’s Government Will Fail” by Raja Mujtaba and Gordon Duff, Veterans T oday

(14 ) Davis May Also Face Espionage Charge by Qaiser Butt, T he Express T ribune

(15) Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(16) Pak Stance On Davis Case T ermed Diplomatic Win by Maqbool Malik, T he Nation

(17) Raymond Davis: Still Making Headlines by Brigadier General Asif Haroon Raja, Opinion Maker

(18) “Raymond Davis” – Can Imran Khan Save America’s Relationship With Pakistan? by Gordon Duff, Veterans T oday

(19) A CIA Spy, A Hail Of Bullets, T hree Killed And A US-Pakistan Diplomatic Row by Declan Walsh, T he Guardian

(20 ) 30 0 CIA Contractors Working In Pakistan by T he Gulf T imes

(21) Israel And India: Brothers In Occupation Of Kashmir by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(22) Indian T roops Martyr 10 Innocent Kashmiris In February by Kashmir Media Service

(23) Pakistan Bomb Blast Kills 31, Injures 70 by Press T V

(24 ) Peshawar Police Chief Claims RAW, Mossad Behind Killing Of T hree Chinese by Andhra News
(25) Raymond Davis And America by Brigadier General Asif Haroon Raja, Opinion Maker

(26) Occupied Iraq: New Year, Same Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(27) Fahim’s Wife Commits Suicide, Saying “I Prefer Death Over Injustice” by PKKH

Mask Of Zion at 5:4 4 AM



Noor al Haqiqa March 12, 2011 at 10:19 PM

I am the first to admit my ignorance of many of the facts re 26/11. I have se e n image s of Ajmal Kasab during the committing of the
crime . Can you ple ase te ll me how he is innoce nt? Or dire ct me to a source that will clue me in.

I was unfamiliar Dr.Aafia iddiqui and whe n I re se arche d he r she was painte d most vile ly. Of course I look to source for that slant and it
was fairly e asy to re ad be twe e n the line s, lie s, and backward spe ak.

Was Kasab a victim of MK ultra, pe rhaps a De lta, as we re so many othe r patsie s and assassins and the n hung out to dry and take the
blame ?

I would truly appre ciate this. Once again, Jonathan, you have ope ne d my e ye s to a whole othe r political me ss I was e ithe r not aware of
or just ... avoiding for some re ason or anothe r.
Re ply

Anonymous March 13, 2011 at 7:4 2 AM

End Rothschild Ce ntral Banks, dissolve the British Monarchy, and Israe l will disappe ar the ne xt day. T hat is the he ad of the snake
Re ply

Jonat han Azaziah March 13, 2011 at 10:4 8 AM

Pe ace and ble ssings Noor,

As de scribe d in the article siste r, Kasab had no links to Pakistan whatsoe ve r, the FBI confirme d it. He was kidnappe d by RAW, India's
inte llige nce age ncy, in Ne pal prior to 2006. He was he ld in an Indian dunge on along with 200 othe r innoce nt pe ople , awaiting activation
as a patsy. Whe n 26/11 rolle d around, he was droppe d into the fie ld... and frame d as an attacke r, the n the le ade r, the n the
maste rmind of the e ntire ope ration.

It's not just a trave sty or a trage dy, it's absolute lunacy. I wrote a compre he nsive pie ce about Hindutva, its re lationship with Zionism,
and the 26/11 false flag attacks a fe w months ago. Give it a re ad siste r... it e xplains e ve rything.

http://www.maskofz rroriz e s-mumbai.html


~ Ziah
Re ply

Noor al Haqiqa March 13, 2011 at 11:22 AM

Nods in gratitude .

T hank you ve ry much for this. I shall. For now, I am liste ning to you talking to Mark. Salaam

Re ply

GodSend March 13, 2011 at 1:22 PM

T he Zionist MAT RIX (Home land: Israe l) is "T he Synagogue of Satan". Satan sits at the he ad of the Zionist MAT RIX pyramid. British royalty
are just a royal pain-in-the -ass, some whe re down the de monic line . T hat the Brits put up with T HEM and follow the ir antics re ligiously,
de monstrate s that the y have be e n brainwashe d be yond re cognition - dumbe r than the Ame rican She e ple ! I me an, why would anyone
give a rat's ass about "T he Que e n" or "Prince Philip"? Of course , it's no accide nt that the Brits e nable d the birth of that abortion, "Ne w
Khaz aria", Home land of the Zionist Slime balls - AGENT S of the ANCIENT ALIEN RACE (of Satan).

T he only way to solve the world's #1 proble m is to wipe Zionist Israe l off the map (Ez e kie l 22:20) and turn paradise into a parking lot,
so-to-spe ak. ;) "He will also do it."
Re ply

John Friend March 19, 2011 at 9:07 AM

Phe nome nal article Jonathan. T he rise of Blackwate r (or Xe ) and othe r private military contractors working for the US arme d force s,
State De partme nt and inte llige nce age ncie s coincide s pe rfe ctly with the rise of all this false flag te rrorism. Now, e ve ry time I re ad
about a car bomb or attack in the Muslim world, I almost assume it's one of the se black ops programs, organiz e d and carrie d out by the
Mossad-CIA-RAW-MI6 ne xus.

Jonathan, do you have any insight into how aware the Indian pe ople are to the se facts? It se e ms the Pakistani's are we ll aware of
the se groups and the ir age nda, but I'm not sure about the Indians.

Also, have you he ard what Dmitri Khale z ov has had to say re garding the Zionist false flag attack on 9/11? To me , he make s a lot of
se nse .

http://mrfrie -harari-mossad-and-911.html
Se e he re too: .com/watch?v=uWM6q_dz PP4 &fe ature =playe r_e mbe dde d#at=185
Re ply

Deborah March 23, 2011 at 9:32 PM

Johnathan, I found you through T he Ugly Truth. I truly e njoy liste ning to your vie wpoint. As a se e ke r of T RUT H I was ple asantly
surprise d to find this article footnote d citing source s. While I can find many site s that spe w facts and information, fe w cite the ir
re source s so that othe rs can re ad what the author has be e n re ading. It truly le nds cre dibility to your site and what you have to say. I
appre ciate it so much. T hank you for all of your e ffort.
Re ply

Resist Zionism April 24 , 2011 at 2:15 PM

Salaam Ziah, I'm le arning so much from you. I'm also coming to re aliz e what a difficult struggle lie s ahe ad, far be yond what I have be e n
le ad to be lie ve . Shokran ktir.
Re ply

Anonymous Octobe r 7, 2011 at 5:54 AM

Ziah, I have be e n following the se columns and e ve ry link the y have to offe r to root out the sole truth. I agre e with the vie w points. I no
longe r be lie ve the ne ws we are shown. Pe ople i talk to want to re main naive and not agre e with what i am spe culating. But i have
le arnt what man is capable of, for gain. T hanks so much for your insight. I was kinda lost for some time ove r my own ske pticism the re .
But now i can comple te a picture in my he ad. :D
Re ply

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