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Name : Nabila Tisa Lathifah

NIM : 22018143
Class : K1-22
Subject : English Language Teaching Curriculum and Design
Submit here your understanding on the learning environments and
instructional activities (four perspectives on the design of the learning
environment) must contain of 500 words, supported by your references
(2 articles about Learning environments and instructional activities .
Include the sources when you submit the references. Your assignment
should be in 1 file (your understanding and your references).

Learning environments are dynamic spaces where education unfolds.

They encompass not only physical classrooms but also virtual platforms,
social contexts, and emotional atmospheres. Effective instructional design
involves deliberate choices that shape these environments to optimize
learning experiences. we will explore four distinct perspectives on
designing learning environments, drawing insights from scholarly articles
and educational research.

1. Student-Centered Perspective

Understanding the Learner

The student-centered perspective places learners at the heart of the

educational process. Here are key considerations:

Individual Differences: Recognize that each student brings unique

characteristics, prior knowledge, and learning styles. Personalize
instruction to accommodate these differences.

Motivation and Engagement: Foster intrinsic motivation by aligning

learning experiences with students’ interests and aspirations.

Active Learning: Encourage participation, collaboration, and self-directed

exploration. Students learn best when they actively engage with content.

One study by Könings, Seidel, and van Merriënboer (2014) emphasizes

the importance of participatory design in learning environments. By
integrating perspectives of students, teachers, and designers, the study
advocates for a holistic approach that acknowledges individual needs and
2. Teacher-Centered Perspective

The Role of Educators

Teachers significantly influence the learning environment. Consider the

following aspects:

Pedagogical Expertise: Teachers draw on their knowledge of effective

teaching strategies, curriculum design, and assessment practices.

Classroom Management: Organizing physical spaces, routines, and

resources to facilitate learning.

Instructional Strategies: Selecting appropriate methods (e.g., lectures,

discussions, group work) based on learning objectives.

According to the University at Buffalo (n.d.), effective learning

environments are created through the skillful orchestration of
instructional strategies by educators. Their expertise in pedagogy and
classroom management ensures that learning experiences are engaging
and productive.

3. Designer-Centered Perspective

Crafting Effective Learning Experiences

Instructional designers play a critical role in shaping learning

environments. Consider the following principles:

Learning Design: Blend theory, research, and practical insights to create

engaging and impactful learning experiences.

Alignment with Objectives: Ensure that the environment aligns with

specific learning outcomes.

Technology Integration: Leverage digital tools, multimedia, and

interactive elements to enhance learning.

Another aspect highlighted by Könings, Seidel, and van Merriënboer

(2014) is the importance of participatory design in crafting effective
learning experiences. By involving students in the design process,
designers can create environments that resonate with learners' needs and
4. Participatory Design Perspective

Empowering Student Voices

Student Involvement: Engage students in the design process. Their

perspectives enrich the learning environment.

Motivation and Ownership: When students actively participate, they feel

valued and motivated.

Co-Creation: Collaborate with students to design activities, assessments,

and resources.

The participatory design perspective emphasizes the empowerment of

student voices in shaping learning environments. By involving students in
decision-making processes, educators and designers can create
environments that are meaningful and relevant to learners' experiences.

In summary, designing effective learning environments requires a

multifaceted approach that considers the needs of learners, the expertise
of educators, the insights of instructional designers, and the voices of
students. By integrating these perspectives, educators can create
environments that foster engagement, motivation, and meaningful
learning experiences.

Könings, K. D., Seidel, T., & van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2014).

Participatory design of learning environments: integrating perspectives of
students, teachers, and designers. Instructional Science, 42(1), 1–91.
University at Buffalo. (n.d.). Learning Environments.

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