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Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following best describes an author exhibiting confirmation bias?
a. Presenting evidence that contradicts their thesis
b. Seeking out sources that support their pre-existing beliefs
c. Conducting experiments with unbiased methodologies
d. All of the above
2. My son's girlfriend is very rude! She calls so late at night! Last week she called me Sara instead of Mrs.
Reye. I quickly corrected her. So disrespectful. Today she came over for lunch and brought cookies--without
even asking if it was okay. What if I had already made cookies? The author is biased against...
a. rude children b. her son c. her son's girlfriend d. dating
3. Which of the following statements is an example of unbiased writing?
a. Filipinos are the best singers in the world.
b. High school dropouts will not be successful in life.
c. Asian people have a diverse and rich cultural heritage.
d. Students who are good in Science and Math are brainy.
4. Which statement of the writer expresses bias?
a. This bag is made of leather.
b. This shampoo uses organic ingredients.
c. This perfume costs twice the price of a sack of rice.
d. The car that he bought was impossible to purchase given its price.
5. Which of the following statements shows the positive view of the author about mobile games?
a. It distracts teenagers from their academic priorities.
b. It enhances the analytic and critical skills of players.
c. It promotes messages about violence among teenagers.
d. It negatively affects their physical and psychological health.
6. Which of the following statements shows the negative view of the author about social media?
a. It breeds cyberbullying and depression.
b. It can be an avenue for business opportunities.
c. It develops the information and communication (ICT) skills of teenagers.
d. It allows people to create online communities and friendships.
7. Identify if the author is biased for or against:
The Pinto Art Museum is a famous tourist spot in Rizal. Many people have visited this place in their free time.
The place contains a collection of modern paintings, sculptures, and art installations. It is my favorite art
haven in the mountains of Antipolo.
a. Bias for b. bias against
8. Which of the following contains a bias statement?
a. The Pinto Art Museum is a famous tourist spot in Rizal.
b. Many people have visited this place in their free time.
c. The place contains a collection of modern paintings, sculptures, and art installations.
d. It is my favorite art haven in the mountains of Antipolo.
9. Literature reflects the culture of a certain place. In the story, Ramayana of India, Rama shows his undying
love for Sita by risking his life just to protect her. Which of the following Filipino cultures mirrors this value?
a. A husband remains loyal to his wife despite the trials that they met.
b. A husband works hard to provide the needs of his family.
c. A husband remembers the wedding anniversary with his wife.
d. A Filipino family loves gathering especially during special occasions
10. How does literature serve as a mirror to a shared heritage of people with diverse backgrounds?
a. By reflecting common cultural values and experiences
b. By excluding minority perspectives
c. By promoting division and stereotypes
d. By ignoring historical contexts
11. What role does the reader play in interpreting literature as a reflection of shared heritage?
a. Readers do not influence the interpretation of literature
b. Readers bring their perspectives and experiences to the text
c. Readers should only focus on the author's intentions
d. Readers should avoid engaging with diverse perspectives
12. What values are evident in the story Ramayana?
a. trust and hatred c. loyalty and responsibility (dharma)
b. pride and prejudice d. humility and thriftiness
13. “Long ago, the kingdom of Ayodhya was ruled by a wise king. Ayodhya is part of the Ancient Sarayu in
India.” What literary element is emphasized from this statement?
a. character b. plot c. setting d. theme
14. “Ravana abducted Sita and forced her to be his wife. Rama came to rescue Sita. He fought and confronted
Ravana and his evil brothers. Finally, Rama killed Ravana and freed Sita.” In this situation, the struggle is
directly set between the protagonist and the antagonist. What type of conflict is used by the author?
a. man vs. man c. man vs. society
b. man vs. self d. man vs. supernatural
15. “While it is true that Rama’s stepmother, the second wife, is against Rama to be crowned as the next king,
Ravana is considered as the main antagonist of the story Ramayana.” What literary element is emphasized in
the text?
a. character b. plot c. setting d. theme
16. The theme is the central meaning or idea that the writer conveys to the reader. What do you think is the
theme of the story Ramayana?
a. seeking happiness c. forgiving and forgetting
b. doing one’s duties d. giving importance to wedding
17. What kind of issue is presented in the following situation? Children die quietly in some of the poorest
villages on earth because the families cannot afford medical services.
a. social issue b. moral issue c. economic issue d. psychological issue
18. What kind of issue is presented in the following situation?
High fuel costs and soaring commodity prices, together with fears of global recession, are worries of all
a. social issue b. moral issue c. economic issue d. psychological issue
19. Which of the following situations shows a moral issue?
a. A job seeker finds it difficult to land a job.
b. A family experiences a financial crisis due to the pandemic.
c. A father resorts to stealing to support his family.
d. A community sees a surge in drug addiction cases.
20. Which of the following situations reveals a social issue?
a. A job seeker finds it difficult to land a job.
b. A family experiences a financial crisis due to the pandemic.
c. A father resorts to stealing to support his family.
d. A community sees a surge in drug addiction cases.
21. Child labor is primarily considered a:
a. Social issue b. Moral issue c. Economic issue d. Political issue
22. What issue is depicted in the scenario?
Anton forcedly asked his friend Arci to eat pork despite knowing his friend's religion is Islam .
a. Moral b. Social c. Economic d. None of the above
23. Which of these factors is NOT part of a moral issue?
A. difference in beliefs or preferences
B. poor regard of the common good
C. lack of compassion for others
D. price increase in basic commodities
24. Which of the following is not an example of social issue?
a. Bullying b. Gang War c. Inflation d. Generational Issues
25. As the advertisement says, “Coke makes your day cooler”, what does the underlined word mean?
a. Coke is bad for your health.
b. Coke can make you beautiful and healthy.
c. In times of bad mood, Coke can make your day cooler.
d. In times of good mood, Coke can make your day cool.
26. Speakers attempt to convince their audience that they and their ideas are “of the people”. The device is
used by advertisers and politicians alike. It is called:
a. testimonials b. bandwagon c. plain folk d. snob appeal
27. What do you think is the right thing for you to do if you see a propaganda of a slimming tablet with a
promo sale of buy 1 take 1 and sold at a very cheap price and you want to lose weight?
a. Immediately buy the product for its very good offer.
b. Buy the product because of its convincing promotion.
c. Not buy the product until I can prove that it is effective.
d. Conduct thorough research on the product especially for possible negative side effects of the product before
buying it.
28. “In a school election, a voter is confused on who he is going to vote for school president, but because
most of his classmates and friends love “candidate X”, he decided to go along with the choice of the majority.”
What propaganda is used in the situation?
a. bandwagon b. loaded words c. name-calling d. simplification
29. Michael Jordan wears Nike shoes and so should you! What propaganda technique is used?
a. Transfer b. Bandwagon c. Testimonial d. Glittering Generalities
30. "Desktop computers are cheaper and more reliable than laptops; ______________, they are more
flexible." Which cohesive device completes the sentence?
a. as a result b. as a contrary c. but d. furthermore
31. Pedro eats his dinner early _______ he needs to finish his assignment.
a. but b. because c. such as d. while
32. "The heaping together of paintings by Old Masters in museums is a catastrophe; likewise, a collection of a
hundred Great Brains makes one big fathead." What cohesive device is used?
a. together b. collection c. a hundred d. likewise
33. Supermarkets, malls and commercial establishments in Pagadian City require Valtrace App for easy contact
tracing of shoppers. _____, wearing of face mask and face shield is enforced.
a. Moreover b. Because c. In fact d. For example
34. "I like autumn, and yet autumn is a sad time of the year, too."
What cohesive device is used in the sentence?
a. like b. autumn c. sad d. and yet
35. What word is correct to make the sentence parallel?
During the lockdown, people were either baking, dancing, or ____________.
a. garden b. gardening c. planted d. planting
36. There are a lot of activities you can do on the beach. You can build a sandcastle, swim in the sea or
a. chill in the cottage c. chilled in the cottage
b. chilling in the cottage d. will chill in the cottage
37. The customer service representative was asked to deal with customers kindly, professionally, and in a
helpful manner. In this sentence, how is kindly, professionally, and in helpful correctly written?
a. as it is c. kindly, professionally, and helpfully.
b. kindly, to be professional, and helpful. d. customers kindly, to be professional, and to be helpful.
38. Which example shows correct parallel structure?
a.Recommended exercise includes to run, to swim, and cycling.
b.Recommended exercise includes running, swimming, and cycling.
c.Recommended exercise includes running, swimming, and to cycle.
d.Recommended exercise includes running, to swim, and cycling.
39. Either I can go to the movies on Saturday or _________________________.
a. go to the mall. b. I can go to the mall. c. going to the mall.
40. The farmers not only export rice but also coffee to certain parts of country.
a. The farmers c. but also coffee e. No error
b. not only export d. to certain parts

Answer Key:
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. C
20. D
21. A
22. A
23. D
24. C
25. C
26. C
27. D
28. A
29. A
30. D
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. D
35. B or D
36. A
37. C
38. B
39. B
40. B

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