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A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in

Clothing Industry During Pandemic

hjDon Honorio Ventura State University

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in

Clothing Industry During Pandemic

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Business

Research 1

Submitted by:

Atchico, Arelle Jane A.

Deduro, Jihla Rose C.

Mallari, Mina Aira V.

Montoya, Ana Marie C.

Regala, Erica Mae G.

Villanueva, Angeline D.

June, 2022
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Comments/ Suggestions from the Panel Action taken by the Researchers

1. Remove the line in the upper part of The researchers removed it as per the advice of the

2. Revised the Conceptual Framework Added important details and removed those that are not
especially the output part, show the


3. Align the SOP together with the The researchers change it and align these three

Conceptual Framework and Instrument

4. Investigate Both Criteria in Physical Before the instruments use has no criteria, then the
researchers investigate it and put criteria in the
Store and Online Shop

5. Where are the criteria in both physical As the suggestions of panels researchers puts different
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

and online. 5 statements will do criteria on the instruments

6. In RRL find a theoretical framework The researchers found out theoretical framework that
can support the dimensions
which is the same with its dimensions




Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Problem and Review of Related Literature

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Conceptual Framework

1,3 Statement of the Problem

1.4 Scope and Delimitation

1.5 Significance of the Study

1.6 Definition of Terms

Chapter 2: Methods

2.1 Research Design

2.2 Research Respondents for Quantitative Research

2.3 Research Instrument

2.4 Data Gathering Procedure

2.5 Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

2.6 Ethical Considerations

Survey Questionnaires

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic


Shopping is one way of people to relieve stress, cope with the challenges, and to enjoy

life and its leisure especially during the pandemic.

This study delves into the preference of the consumers in purchasing products during the

pandemic, specifically, purchasing clothes in a physical store and online shops which are the

college students of Don Honorio Ventura State University, from first to fourth year college

taking business course.

The study utilized descriptive research which sought to accurately and systematically

describe a phenomenon or situation. It is used to investigate one or more variables.

Furthermore, the researchers conducted survey thru survey questionnaire among the

respondents to gather all data needed in which the responses were thematically extracted to

derive an elaborated result from the quantitative data.

It has been found out that, the respondents prefer both online shop and physical store in

purchasing clothes during the pandemic. There were factors which the respondents have and are

considering such as the experience, convenience, and policies.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

In addition, respondents were very crucial in purchasing products --- both physical and

online stores/shops --- especially during the pandemic because the respondents were more

specific and particular in the products that they are purchasing.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic



1.1 Introduction

In today’s world shopping is one of the most common habits that people want to do, they

buy some of their necessities and even desires. It is also part of everyday lives and becomes a

way to relieve stress. As stated by Kaur S. (2018) shopping adds flavor to the mechanical life, it

fulfills the desire in minds, and probably one of the oldest terms that people have been using in

the past years. Customers have different preferences in choosing where they want to buy their

needs and wants, through shopping in a physical store and with the use of technology which is

online. They always consider the quality and benefits they can get in purchasing a particular


Shopping in a Physical Store allows customers to choose whatever he/she may want, they

can easily recognize if the product is quality for its price and they can also know if it's worth it to

buy. According to Kaur V. (2018) buying products from physical stores is continuing over the

years. Mostly, customers go to a physical store in order to examine the product and hold the

possession of the product just after the payment for the product. In today’s world

customer’s loyalty depends upon the consistent ability to deliver quality, value and

satisfaction. The experience shoppers get from physical stores cannot be replicated online.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Most of the clients want to visit stores and discover new things, once they get in,they walk

around, and liking the goods displayed enables customers to learn about new products in

the market. Being able to shop in a physical store provides an experience that helps

customers to know the product they want to purchase ( Clark T., 2020).

In accordance with Sunitha C. and Gnanadhas E. (2014), nowadays the lifestyle of the

people is different. People feel uncomfortable and time consuming when going to crowded

markets. So, E-Shopping is a boon as it saves a lot of time. Online shopping is a process

whereby consumers directly buy goods, services etc. from a seller without an intermediary

service over the Internet. Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of their house

and shop as by sitting in front of the computer. Online stores are usually available 24 hours

a day and many consumers have internet access both at work and at home. So it is very

convenient for them to shop Online. One of the most enticing factors about online shopping,

particularly during the holiday season, is that it alleviates the need to wait in long lines or

search from a store for a particular item. Variety of goods are available online.

Based on the study of Rahman M. (2018), online shopping is the easy solution for busy

life in today’s world. In the past years, there have been a lot of changes in the way customers

purchase products. It also saves time in the present, because people get so busy and they don’t

have enough time to do shopping. In accordance with Khatwani A. (2017) it is an act of buying

products or availing services over the internet, known as online shopping. It has
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

revolutionized the business world by making everything anyone could want available by

the simple click of a mouse button.

The comparison between physical stores and online shops, some people think about

where they can look for a better deal, online or in the physical stores. These are customers

who prefer to do their shopping online and then there are those that do not so when it

comes to online shop vs physical store, both sides have their advantages and

disadvantages. When compared to online shops, in physical stores it is a secure option to

shop because they know from where the goods come, no one can steal your information,

even you can feel the desired quality and see the product as simply seeing pictures it

doesn’t work every time. (Khatwani A.,2017). As indicated by Kaur S. (2018) when it comes

to buying decisions consumers should be aware about the medium to purchase whether it is

online shop or in physical store. It is a must to decide what channel for them is best suited

regarding buying their needs and wants and which can satisfy them. In this competitive

world, customers should also consider what particular medium to be used in purchasing

goods because it is very necessary to understand from a managerial point of view.

Consumers determine how they shop, depending on their desire. Before pandemics,

the majority of consumers still preferred to shop in traditional land-based retail stores in

order to have an authentic experience. Consumers differ from each other in their personal

preference of shopping online or offline. Compared to online shops brick-and-mortar

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

stores have a greater maturity. Consumers who chose those have fewer expectations of

finding a lower price when comparing prices with different stores 20 close by. Conversely,

consumers who shop online are more sensible for prices and try to find the best deal by

comparing several websites (Scarpi, Pizzi & Visentin, 2014).

In the study of the U.S Census Data report (2020), 90 percent of retail sales happen

in physical stores. Despite online shop overgrowing, many consumers prefer buying from

physical stores. Online shopping becomes the fastest growing shopping environment,

brands are still continuously opening physical stores. Online brands such as Amazon are

coming offline and opening physical stores. Despite e-commerce overgrowing, the value is

still in physical stores. Right now, physical stores have the opportunity to get back their

importance over online shops. As people are yearning during the pandemic to get out of the

house, strategic retail locations will become a destination once again for consumers to

interact with brands more meaningful and powerful (Kyle Jeffery, 2020). Physical stores are

very good at cultivating meaningful and direct relationships with customers, which is

impossible through digital spaces.

According to Gupta P. (2015) the increase in technology provides good

opportunities to the seller to reach the customer much faster, easier and in an economic way.

Online shopping is emerging very fast in recent years. Nowadays the internet holds the

attention of the retail market. Millions and millions of people shop online. On the other hand,
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

the purchasing of products from the traditional market has been continuing for years. Many

customers go for purchasing offline so as to examine the product and hold the possession

of the product just after the payment for the product. In this contemporary world

customer’s loyalty depends upon the consistent ability to deliver quality, value and

satisfaction. Some go for offline shopping, some for online and many go for both kinds of

shopping. The focus of the study is on the consumer’s choice to shop on the internet and at

the traditional stores at the information gaining period. However online shopping is easier

for the people and less expensive than offline shopping. While making any purchase decision

consumers should know the medium to purchase whether online shopping or offline

shopping. Consumers should decide the channel for them which can best suit their needs and

wants and which can satisfy them. Nowadays, it's easy for a customer to buy the product

that they want as long as they have the money whether they will go to a Physical Store or

Online Shop, they can purchase that particular product they need.

Customer perception in shopping is something that can’t be defined easily. Some

want it in Physical Store and others want to purchase it in Online Shops. In terms of the

clothing industry there are a lot of choices to choose from, it depends on the customer

whether they want to buy their clothes in Physical Store or Online Shops. In the study of

Pezzini G, (2021) he gave some reasons why people should invest or buy in Physical Store,

first, when it comes in products specially in clothing people are more likely to buy when

they’ve seen it in person, they can easily recognize if the clothes that they want is fitted on
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

them. Then, the brand experience is still inherently physical, because it will allow you to

create an engaging brand experience, like when people bought branded clothes the

excitement that they feel is matter. Last is when customers pick up items like clothes in

Physical Store there is a possibility that they will buy extra stuff in short they can purchase

as long as they wanted, like in clothing if they are planning to buy one particular clothes,

then they have seen another one that captured their taste, definitely they will grab it.

As mentioned in the study of The Access Project (n.d.) buying clothes in Online shops

have advantages, they have better prices because customers can directly get the products

from the seller, most Online Shops are giving discounts and rebates too. Another advantage

is more variety because customers can find products or brands from various sellers and all

of it in the same place. There is also a must of choices when it comes in sizes, colors then the

stock are plenty. Next, convenience because they don’t need to ask a lot of queries or

request for assistance when purchasing the clothes or goods that they want. Some things

that also mentioned are no crowd, customers can avoid this scenario if they do Online

Shopping, the price comparisons, it’s very easy to search in internet the prices of an item

that customers wants to have, last fewer expenses because when customers buy through

Physical Store they might end up spending lot of money, but if they go through online

especially when purchasing clothes they can prevent this and save more money.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

The researchers want to determine the customer preferences between shopping

through physical stores and online shops. This will include the comparison between the two

methods of shopping platform. The researchers also want to find the reason what are the

factors that one customer considers when it comes to shopping. In addition, the proponents

will look at how the pandemic affects the shopping behavior of every customer, because as

they observed when the pandemic arrives it changes everything especially the shopping


Literature Review

This part of the research will present related literatures, studies, and articles crated and

crafted by credible and reliable sources of information such as experts and professionals in the

field of the study --- business.

The analysis of each related literature will be shown in this part to further discuss and

elaborate ideas. Factors which affect both the physical store and online shop will also be evident

in this part of the research.

Purchasing Behavior

Gu, S., Slusarczyk, B., Hajizada, S., Kovalyova, I., and Sahkbieva, A. (2021). The study

revealed that, the pandemic has made some changes in the purchasing behavior of the customers

especially in purchasing products online. The impact of consumer awareness and experience has
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

increased. Online consumers have become more experienced in buying and purchasing products

in any online store/shop which has influenced the activity of their buying behavior. The

increasing importance of the speed of decision making by consumers when purchasing goods

and services online was determined.

Consumer behavior was influenced both by the COVID-19 pandemic itself and by

government restrictions. Consumers of all generations during the COVID-19 crisis were more

likely to buy goods and services digitally. Overall, there was a significant shift toward e-

commerce spending.

Matz, M. (2021). The ongoing change in the retail industry is a well-known phenomenon.

The retail sector is continuously evolving due to the continued wave of digitalization

(Kagermann & Winter, 2018; Hagberg, Sundstrom and Egels-Zandén, 2016). Nowadays,

consumers face a challenge when deciding whether to shop online or offline. It needs to be

determined which mode of shopping can fulfill consumers' shopping interests and maximize

their satisfaction (Schwartz et al. 2002). PWC (2016) highlights that physical stores have an

annual decrease in customer visits between April and July. However, most consumers still favor

shopping in a traditional physical store due to the better evaluation of the product.

Jeb, S., and Choura, A. (2021). The retail sector is rapidly developing over the past years.

Retailers are investing more efforts and resources to provide a seamless experience through

multiple channels. These developments led to significant changes in customer behaviour.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Customers buying activities and way of selecting the products and retailers faced different

changes and developments. The online retailing sector is entitled to continuous development.

The latest development was due to the Covid-19 global pandemic that came without any

previous notice. The customer behaviour starts adopting the digital online channels in most of

their needs and wants. The appearance of new customer behaviour patterns due to Covid-19 lead

to the emergence of new customer behaviour

Enjoyment and excitement

Excitement is defined as a high level of enjoyment and stimulation that has a positive

emotional state, (Chauhan A.,2020) came from the study of Russell, 1980. Excitement can also

be associated as to satisfy retail outcomes (Dawson, 1990). According to Lotz, Eastlick and Shim

(1999), the emotion that has been considered as the key experience that attracts customers to a

shopping mall is excitement. Jeong, Fiore, Niehm and Lorenz (2009, p.109) cited from (Eroglu,

Machleit and Davis, 2003; Mano and Oliver, 1993) that emotional pleasure is defined as the

degree of happiness and pleasantness and arousal as the degree of stimulation, excitement, and

alertness; therefore, dimensions of emotional pleasure and arousal may mediate consumer

experiences and web site patronage intention. Similarly, as the web site's shopping is more

enjoyable, consumers are more likely to purchase a product (Monsuwe, Delleart and Ruyter,

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Based on the research of Chauhan A.(2020) this author cited from Dennis (2002), he

suggests that shopping from physical stores will be more enjoyable than online shopping as

regarded by the consumers. Hunter, (2006) suggested that retailers should increase the level of

positive emotions in their shopping mall by creating an exciting and happy experience. The

research of Millan and Howard (2007) resulted in Hungarian shoppers visiting shopping centers

for both utilitarian and experiential reasons; some viewed shopping as a leisure activity

accompanied by somebody and enjoyed looking around while accomplishing their shopping task.

Rajamma, Paswan and Ganesh (2007) suggested that there is a higher importance to the

enjoyment aspect of shopping for consumers who prefer to shop in physical stores compared to

those consumers who feel comfortable purchasing from the online. Otieno, Harrow and Lea-

Greenwood (2005) stated that women enjoyed shopping because of the fashion, trends, fun, for

browsing, felt special, looked good on the apparels, claimed to be "shopaholic", retail therapy,

forget other problems, love for clothes, etc. While in an online shop, consumers are expected to

relate enjoyment and excitement with the experience absorbed in the purchasing process and the

excitement level is expected to arise during the product delivery process.

Increase in Shopping

Young, M., Soza-Parra, J., and Circella, G. (2022).There is an increase in online

shopping during the pandemic. It is shown in the study that consumers are purchasing products

online at least once a week. he COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing stay-at-home orders, lockdown

measures, and general reluctance to shop in-person led to a further increase in online shopping.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Due to its broader socioeconomic and behavioral implications, which may include influencing

residential location decisions, modifying travel mode preferences, and changing day-to-day retail

activities (Circella & Mokhtarian, 2017), the e-commerce sector has caught the attention of

policymakers and has led many to examine the determinants of such behavior.

Retailing Transformation

The expansion and growth of the internet are leading the retailing sector to more

developed channels and rapid growth as e-commerce and digital marketing (Rita, 2019). The

transformation in the retailing sector and the transitions that happened over the last decade

provided the customer with more features and power in the market (Lombart, et al., 2020;

Juaneda-Ayensa, . The several options that appeared in the market created an unstable situation

which led to different results and implications and more complexity in the customer attitude and

the retailers’ performances (Rita, 2019; Juaneda-Ayensa, 2016).

However, offline retailers are attempting to interact with different customers by entering

the e-commerce world to attract and reach a broader range of customers (Rita, 2019). Wherefore,

the customer behavior and shopping habits are going with the flow and changing accordingly.

Customers and consumers utilize digital channels through devices to compare different articles

and products by different retailers (Juaneda-Ayensa, 2016). The appearance of digital marketing

added additional benefits. The customer got the chance of receiving the desired goods and

products by ordering them from the couch while sitting, resting and paying from the bank card.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

The access to different stores and brands for shopping or comparing requires a minimum cost

that attracts many users and buyers (Rita, 2019).

Influences on Customer Behavior

Customers are a significant factor for the continuation of any business, Azad, et al.,

(2013) stated the impact of customer behavior on business planning and efficiency in different

areas and scopes. Understanding the customer personality and its buying behavior is crucial for

all businesses to influence the customers’ performance and planning phases. Customer behavior

can be influenced by different factors that were categorized by Wadera & Sharma (2018) into

internal and external influences. The factors can affect the purchasing process periodically in

three different stages pre, during, post the purchasing process.

A. Internal Influences

The internal influences differ from one customer to another, affecting the buying process and

the customer behavior. These influences caused by different dimensions that refer to the

customers, i.e. culture, personal aspects, and customer loyalty (Wadera & Sharma, 2018;

Vebrová, 2016; Hoyer & Krohmer, 2020).

1. Culture

Culture is inherited from one generation to another; each generation adds, change, and

save some of this transmitted culture (Nayeem, 2012). It appears in human actions and

behaviour, and it affects the human’s decisions and features. People from the same
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

culture share many values, means, and similarities (Tsoukatos & Rand, 2007). All these

cultural factors named as powerful influences on customers behaviour and decision

making. Therefore, businesses always attempt to learn more about their customers and

the different intercultural actors in the market to increase the awareness and the

knowledge internally for meeting and exceeding the customer expectation (Ghazali, .,

2017). Lee and Kacen (2008) asserted the influence of the cultural aspects on customer

behaviour, attitude, and purchasing activities.

2. Personal Factors

Generally, humans act upon their personalities and personal characteristics that were

developed, changed, and affected through lifetime and years (Domie, 2013). The

globalization in the current century led to multicultural mixing that developed several

characteristics and gave birth to new features. Thus, the global multicultural human

personality has been established (Bird & Stevens, 2003). The complexity of the

marketing process increased for the specialists in targeting and predicting their

customers' actions and behaviours (Domie, 2013).

B. External Influences

External influences rely on aspects the customers cannot control it; these influences are

generated by external factors that directly affect customer behaviour and decisionmaking.

For instance, it might be operated by the product/service provider. However, both the

controllable and uncontrollable factors can have pros and cons on both the businesses and the
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

customers, i.e. society, motivational impacts, social media, and crisis (Azad, 2013; Wadera &

Sharma, 2018; Domie, 2013; Ling & Yazdanifard, 2015).

1. Motivational Impacts

Individual behaviours are motivated by several aspects to seek a need or internal

satisfaction (Kian, 2014). Hence, customers behave upon certain motives to perceive and

fulfil a need. The motivational aspects that derive the customer to behave in the way they

do, differ from one to another based on several factors that researchers named complex

(Domie, 2013). Azad, et al., (2013) declared that price discounts are a consumer

advantage motive that retailers induce customers to purchase both on online and offline

channels. Retailers approach customers and attempt to influence them psychologically by

applying sales and discounts that are technically considered methods that persuade the

customer to purchase both hedonic and utilitarian goods (Domie, 2013; Ling &

Yazdanifard, 2015). Along with the promotions and marketing strategies, and activities

that aim to touch the customers subconscious, retailers conduct such strategies and

activities to motivate the customers to make more purchases. All the utilized marketing

strategies influence the customer behaviour externally and the customer decisions

(Domie, 2013).

2. Crisis

Catastrophic events had happened for 5000 years ago and continuing until the present

days. Wars, pandemics, epidemics and catastrophes have been witnessed through the 14-

evolution timeline of the human being’s civilization. Some of these crises were created
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

by nature, and the others committed by humans. The crisis through history had

significant social impacts on the societies and communities, extreme scarcity of food,

water, shelters or the basic necessities of life (Duquenne & Vlontzos, 2013). These

impacts affected the way people live and act in their different daily activities. The most

prominent example is the increasement in unemployment, the leading cause for people to

reconsider many habits they used to (Mróz, 2015). However, these impacts affected the

customers in their way of behaving. Many researchers claimed the decrease of purchasing

rate and the increase of the savings. The change in the customer behaviour due to crisis

has continuous impacts that play a significant role in holding the new customer behaviour

for the future and bequeath some of it to the following generations that would be a factor

that influences their behaviour as well (Duquenne & Vlontzos, 2013).

CoViD-19 Retailing

The Covid-19 pandemic, the global catastrophe of 2020, came with unpredicted

catastrophic effects on humans’ health and economy (Taqi, ., 2020). The impacts of Covid-19

forced the people to change their behaviour in entertaining, purchasing, working, studying, and

many other daily life activities that people had them before. Covid-19 brought a global panic and

stressful situation for all the customers over the world, a born of a new unusual customer

behaviour was recognized. At the beginning of the pandemic, when the globe faced significant

stockpiling of the customers for specific products, i.e. food, was a sign of the pandemic's impact

on changing the customer behaviour toward a new phase of purchasing that did not really exist in
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

the past (Laato, 2020). In the late stages, the customer behaviour starts adopting the digital online

channels in most of their needs and wants especially in the countries that faced lockdown and

strict restrictions (Alaimo, 2020). Zhao & Bacao (2021) stated that the usage of the different

technologies increased since the Covid-19 pandemic appeared, and people perceived benefits

from the existing technology i.e. online retailing, in serving their different needs. Due to the

pandemic and the increase in the need for online channels, retailers followed the strategy of

investing more in their online channels. More development projects were conducted to increase

flexibility and accessibility, i.e. mobile apps, for customers who are seeking more satisfaction for

their needs and desires. The conducted developments from the retailers’ and the organizations'

side were 15 encouraging factors for the customers to feel more safe and perceived trust from the

online purchasing method due to necessity (Zhao & Bacao, 2021). The overall consumption and

general customer behaviour were changed during the Covid-19 pandemic, and more people

started to utilize the online channels for reaching their needs (Alaimo, 2020). However, the

pandemic has led the general global situation to change the people attitude and way of behaving

due to the new legislation, which showed a significant change in the people’s trust, way of

integrating and social awareness (Hassan & Soliman, 2021).

1.2 Conceptual Framework

Input Process
 Demographic  Gathering of
profile of the data through
respondents survey Output
o Age; questionnaire  The significant difference
o Sex; s between the preference of
o Occupation the customers --- physical
; and  Analyzing of store or online shop.
o Income the data
 Statement of
 Presentation
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

1.3 Statement of the Problem

General Problem

This study aims to know the preference of the customers in a clothing industry during the


Specifically, it seeks to answer the following question:

1. The demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 occupation; and

1.4 income

2. The shopping convenience of the respondents be described in terms of:

2.1 preferred shop (online and physical);

2.2 frequency of visiting a store/shop; and

2.3 mode of payment.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

3. the factors that the consumers consider in purchasing clothes in a physical store and

online shop can be described as:

3.1 policies;

3.2 convenience; and

3.3 shopping experience.

1.4 Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on finding out how the pandemic affects the shopping

behavior of customers' preferences between shopping in a physical store or in an online

shop when the pandemic arrives. The study involved the current shopping behavior of the

Gen Z students of College of Business Studies in Don Honorio Ventura State University, Villa

De Bacolor, Pampanga as the respondents of the survey to be conducted. To produce

credible and consistent data, the researchers decided to focus on the customer's

considerations when it comes to shopping. Businesses that are in line with the clothing

industry, gathering the advantages, disadvantages, and problems encountered by an online

or physical clothing business. This will include a comparison between the two methods of

shopping platforms. The goal was to use the information gathered as a benefit for existing

and future researchers.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

1.5 Significance of the Study

The Researchers- This research would help the researchers to find the differences

between physical store and online stores. It would help them to be a better analyst and it

can be used as a reference for more studies in the future.

Professors- This research will aid them their discussions regarding related lessons. It will

be easier for them to tackle related topics about this research.

Students- The results will provide the students with some knowledge on preference of

choosing where they want to buy. It will give the students information about this certain

topic. It also provides students with a comprehensive guide to deciding where they want to

buy. At the end of this study students will understand the significance of deciding whether

to buy from an online store or a physical store

Online store/Physical Store- This study aims to investigate consumer behavior towards

online store and physical store, which further examines various factors limiting consumers

for online and physical shopping behavior. The purpose of the research was to find out the

problems that consumers face during their purchasing through online stores and physical

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Future Researchers- It serves as a guide to those who want to study the most relevant

business in our society either an online store or a physical store and also those people who

choose to buy for their desires and needs at a physical store or online store will benefit

from this information.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Consumer- a person who consumes products based on his/her preference

Consumer behavior – it is the behavior, or attitude of a certain consumer towards a

certain product
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Customer Perception – it is the idea or knowledge of a certain customer towards a specific


E-commerce - is the activity of electronically buying or selling of products on online

services or over the Internet.

Gen Z - is the generational cohort following millennials, born between the late 1990s and

early 2010s.

Online Shop - is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy

goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser or a mobile app

Pandemic- is a disease outbreak that spreads across countries or continents and it affects more

people and takes more lives.

Physical Store - is one of the traditional shopping channels where consumers need to visit

physical stores in person to their shopping activities.

Seller- is any individual or entity that offers any product, service, or financial asset for purchase.

Shopping - the action or activity of purchasing goods through physical and online stores.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic


The chapter contains the information about the research method that will be used by

the proponents in gathering data from the respondents. It also included here the

methodologies and strategies in getting ideas that are included in order to determine the

viewpoint of the respondents between Physical Store and Online Shop. This chapter will be

focusing on determining what will be the research design, who will be the respondents in

the study, the research instrument, how will be the flow of data gathering procedure, also

the data processing and statistical treatment, and the researcher’s perspective about the

ethical considerations.

2.1 Research Design

The researchers used Descriptive research in determining and assessing

information about the most preferred shopping platform by respondent, Physical Store or

Online Shop. Descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically describe a

population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how questions,

but not why questions. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research

methods to investigate one or more variables. The researchers chose this type of research

design because the researchers want to describe and identify the preference of the

consumers in purchasing clothes both in physical store and online store amidst the

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

2.2 Research Respondents for Quantitative Research

The basis in which the researchers select a sample of individuals to be research

respondents is through probability sampling technique, in the type of random sampling in which

every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. The researchers chosen

100 random Gen Z's students under the College of Business Studies in Don Honorio Ventura

State University in Bacolor, Pampanga as the respondents of this study. According to Zikmund,

(2002) Probability Sampling means that every item in the population has an equal chance of

being included in the sample. One way to undertake random sampling would be if the researcher

was to construct a sampling frame first and then use a random number generation computer

program to pick a sample from the sampling frame. Probability or random sampling has the

greatest freedom from bias but may represent the costliest sample in terms of time and for a

given level of sampling error (Brown, 1947).

2.3 Research Instrument

This study used research questionnaires to collect knowledge and data. The researchers

created the questionnaires with the assistance of a research adviser to improve them, eliminate

errors, and ensure their validity.

The study will use demographic data from the interviewees such as: age of the

respondents; sex ratio of the respondents; occupation; and income to analyze the
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

communalities of the selected participants. After gathering enough demographic information, a

questionnaire will be followed up with the proper survey.

The research questionnaires had three parts with their criteria to address the topic. The

researchers also want to find out the reasons behind the factors that one customer considers when

it comes to shopping. Last, the proponents will look at how the pandemic affects the shopping

behavior of every customer. The research questionnaires had four rating scales: highly agree,

agree, disagree, and highly disagree.

In collecting the needed data, the researchers underwent document analysis. Document

analysis is a type of quantitative research that analyzes documentary evidence using a systematic

procedure. The researchers sought a letter signed by the research adviser to serve as permission

for the researchers to distribute the research questionnaires.

The research questionnaires were distributed online through the use of Google Forms.

Upon approval, the researchers proceeded to the actual procedures.

2.4 Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher have requested permission from the Don Honorio Ventura State

University, Villa De Bacolor, Pampanga as well as the consent of the Gen Z students in College

of Business Studies of Don Honorio Ventura State University to participate in the study and will

be assured confidentiality of their answers.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

The letters of approval were sent and secured before the questionnaire is distributed.

Upon approval, the research questionnaire will be distributed online through the use of Google

Forms. The distribution of questionnaires will be handled directly by the researchers to the Gen

Z students under the College of Business Studies in Don Honorio University Ventura State

University, Villa De Bacolor, Pampanga.

2.5 Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The gathered data and information were compiled, reviewed, and examined using the

statistical treatments listed below.

1. In examining the respondents' profile in terms of age, sex ratio, occupation, income,

preferred shop or platform for both physical store and online shop, how often do the

customers shop, and which payment method that the customers most prefer. The

Percentage distribution and Frequency distribution will be used.

2. The researchers will utilize weighted mean for data interpretation using the following

scale to determine how respondents perceive the advantages, disadvantages, and typical

problems that customers encountered when choosing a shopping method:

Mean Numerical Verbal Verbal Interpretation

Range Response Response

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

3.26-4.00 4 Strongly
The respondent has a very high level of agreement
that the statement is an advantage, a disadvantage,

and a common problem in providing insight into the

way of shopping.

2.51-3.25 3 Agree
The respondent has a high level of agreement that

the statement is an advantage, disadvantage, and

common problem in providing insight into the way of


1.76-2.50 2
Disagree The respondent has a low level of agreement that the

statement is an advantage, disadvantage, and

common problem in providing insight into the way of


1.00-1.75 1 Strongly
The respondent has a very low level of agreement
that the statement is an advantage, disadvantage,

and common problem in providing insight into the way

of shopping.

Percentage distribution
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Percentage (%) This was used to describe the relationship of the group with the whole



P = f/N x 100


P = percentage

f = frequency

N = total frequency (population)

Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation, r

2.6 Ethical Considerations

The researchers will conduct the study using ethical principles in a way respect for the

dignity of research participants. The researchers presented an informed consent letter to the

respondents with information about the survey guidelines. Furthermore, the respondents were

given ample time to read and understand the consent. Respondents in this study had the power of

freedom of choice to decide whether to participate or decline. Moreover, the respondents

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

participating in this study had to sign the consent form to indicate their willingness to participate.

The respondents had the right to withdraw from this study to indicate the reason. Additionally,

the anonymity and confidentiality of the respondents were preserved by not revealing their

names and identity. Likewise, the respondents' privacy and confidentiality were managed

thoroughly during the data collection



A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

This chapter will resent all the data gathered by the researchers after conducting a survey

to the respondents of the study. Furthermore, this chapter will present the interpretation and

analysis of all the data computed through the utilization of the most appropriate statistical tool.

I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 will present the frequency distribution and percentage

computation regarding the age, sex, year level, occupation, and monthly income of the


Table 1: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (AGE)

Age Group Frequency Percentage

Below 18 0 0%
18 – 25 99 99%
26 – Above 1 1%
Total 100 100%

As show on the table above, there were no respondents whose age are below 18 years old

since the respondents of this study are College students who are currently taking Business course

in Don Honorio Ventura State University. Most of the respondents or ninety-nine (99) out of

100 respondents are from 18 to 25 years old. This is the normal and usual age bracket of college

student from first year to fourth year. There is only one (1) respondent or 1% of the total sample

whose age is 26 years old and above.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Table 2: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (SEX)

Frequenc Percentag
Sex y e
Male 43 43%
e 57 57%
Total 100 100%

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents’ sex ratio.

Forty-three (43) or 43% of the total respondents are male while fifty-seven (57) out of

100 respondents are female.

Table 3: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (YEAR LEVEL)

Year Frequenc Percentag

Level y e
1st year 6 6%
2nd year 12 12%
3rd year 16 16%
4th year 66 66%
Total 100 100%

As shown on Table 3 above, it shows that sixty-six (66) or 66% of the respondents are

fourth year college students. There were twelve (12) respondents who are already on their

second year in college. Sixteen (16) or 16% of the total sample are already on their third year in

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Table 4: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (OCCUPATION)

Occupation y Percentage
Student 19 19%
Working Student 81 81%
Total 100 100%

The table above shows that nineteen (19) out of 100 respondents are just normal students.

While eighty-one (81) out of 100 respondents are working students basically because they are

supporting their education for them to be able to finish their studies.

Table 5: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (MONTHLY INCOME)

Frequen Percenta
Monthly Income/Allowance cy ge
Below Php 5,000 67 67%
Php 5,001 to Php 10,000 20 20%
Php 10,001 to Php 15,000 9 9%
Php 15,001 to Php 20,000 1 1%
Php 20,001 and above 3 3%
Total 100 100%

Table 5 above shows the frequency and percentage distribution regarding the monthly

income/allowance of the respondents.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

As shown, sixty-seven (67) out of 100 respondents has a monthly income/allowance of

below Php 5,000.00 because there is no turion fee that the students should pay because it is a

state university. Twenty (20) respondents have an allowance/income in a monthly basis of Php

5,001.00 to Php 10,000.00. There were nine (9) respondents of 9% of the total sample who have

a monthly allowance/income of Php 10,001.00 to Php 15,000.00. While there is only one (1)

respondent who has a monthly income/allowance of Php 15,001.00 to Php 20,000.0. There were

three (3) respondents out of the 100 who served as respondents of the study who have a monthly

income/allowance of Php 20,001.00 and above.

The instance of working while studying has become an increasingly common

phenomenon among students in the higher education system (Jewell, 2014; Tumin & Faizuddin,

2017) because Ansong & Gyensare (2012) believed that university students have numerous

challenges to overcome in order to attain their optimal academic performance. Nowadays, it is

very common for students to work while studying in pursuit of their dreams in life. Despite

experiencing and facing various challenges, working students tend to find alternative ways to

overcome difficulties. They are adaptable and persistent in the face of adversity (Tus et al, 2022).

These working scholars are fighters who continue striving for their scholastic visions to earn a

degree despite the challenges of both work and studies. They are worthy of emulation and are

regarded as living superheroes because they work hard to achieve the grades they desire while

also working to earn a living and ensure their survival. The need of these students to work more

may be linked to parents’ limited means of providing financial support to their children,

suggesting that working alongside studies is linked to financial demands. In particular,

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

socioeconomic factors greatly affect the academic performance of students (Balacuit, 2018).

However, combining work and studies has more detrimental effects on academic success if the

student's job is not related to their studies (Sanchez-Gelabert et al. 2017).

II. Convenience of Shopping

This part shows the frequency and percentage distribution on the survey conducted by the

respondents regarding the preference of the respondents in purchasing products, the number of

times the respondents usually visit the stores, and the mode of payment that the respondents use.

A. Physical Store

Table 6: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (PREFERRED SHOP)

Frequenc Percentag
Physical Stores y e
Malls 36 36%
Clothing Boutiques 39 39%
Thrift Shop 25 25%
Total 100 100%

The table above shows that most of the respondents prefer to buy in clothing boutiques

which are cheaper as compared to stores in malls. There were thirty-nine (9) out of 100

respondents who are purchasing product in clothing boutiques. There were thirty-six (36)
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

respondents who prefer to buy or purchase items in malls. There were twenty-five (25)

respondent who prefer to buy in thrift sores because of their very tight budget.

Table 7: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (FREQUENCY OF


No of Times Visiting a Physical Frequenc Percentag

Store y e
Daily 1 1%
Weekly 18 18%
Monthly 46 46%
Once in 3-6 months 35 35%
Total 100 100%

As shown on the table above (Table 7), most of the respondents use to visit a physical

store in a monthly basis during the pandemic. There were forty-sex (46 out of 100 respondents or

46% of the total sample who are visiting physical stores monthly. There were thirty-five (35)

respondents who visits a physical store once in 3 to 6 months because of their very tight budget.

They still need to save for the educational expenses. There were eighteen (18) respondents or

18% of the total sample who visits a physical store in a weekly basis. There is only one (1

respondent who visits a physical store in a daily basis.

Table 8: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (MODE OF PAYMENT)

Payment Method Frequenc Percentag

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

y e
Cash/Direct Payment 97 97%
Banks/E-wallet 3 3%
Debit/Credit card 0 0%
Total 100 100%

As shown on Table 8 above, there is no respondent who uses a debit/credit card as their

mode of payment as they pay the products that they have purchased in a physical store. Since the

respondents are still students, they prefer to have cash on hand rather than having a bank account

which gives them the access to having a debit/credit card. Most of the respondents or ninety-

seven (97) out of 100 respondents use to pay their purchased products thru cash payment or

direct payment. There were three (3) respondents whose payment method is thru the use of

banks/e-wallet which is rampant nowadays such a GCash, Paymaya, and other online banking

platforms. It is more convenient on their end because their money is protected and safe.

B. Online Shop

Table 9: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (PREFFERED SHOP)

Frequenc Percentag
Online Shops y e
Shopee 73 73%
Lazada 12 12%
Shein 12 12%
TikTok Shops 2 2%
Amazon 1 1%
Total 100 100%
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

As shown on Table 9, most of the respondents prefer to buy or purchase products via

Shopee because of the great deals, promotions, and offers that this platform offers. There were

seventy-three (73) respondents out of 100 who chose the above-mentioned platform --- Shopee.

Seventeen (17) respondents are actually purchasing or buying products in Lazada which is also

one of the greatest competitors of Shopee. There were twelve (12) respondents who chose Shein

in purchasing items online. There were three (3) respondents who are purchasing o other online

shop platforms such as TikTok an Amazon.

Table 10: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (FREQUENCY OF


Frequenc Percenta
No of Times Visiting an Online Shop y ge
Daily 4 4%
Weekly 19 19%
Monthly 52 52%
Once in 3-6 months 25 25%
Total 100 100%

As shown on the table above, most of the respondents use to purchase products online on

a monthly basis. There were fifty-two (52) respondents who are purchasing products monthly.

There were twenty-five (25) respondents out of 100 who are purchasing products once in 3 to 6

months. There were nineteen (19) respondents who are actually purchasing products on the
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

above-mentioned online shops weekly. And, there were four (4) respondents who purchases

products daily on the mentioned online shops above.

Table 11: Frequency Distribution and Percentage Distribution (MODE OF PAYMENT)

Frequenc Percentag
Payment Method y e
Cash/Direct Payment 84 84%
Banks/E-wallet 15 15%
Debit/Credit card 1 1%
Total 100 100%

Table 11 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents regarding

the mode of payment they usually use in paying the products they purchased online. There were

eighty-four (84) respondents who are paying the products they have purchased in a cash basis or

direct payment or usually called cash-on-delivery payment. There were fifteen (15) respondents

who are paying the products they have purchased thru banks/e-wallet of digital banking because

this mode of payment is the most convenient for them. There is only one (1) respondent who is

paying thru debit/credit card which is also one of the payment options on the online shops.

III. Policies of Stores

This part will discuss the averages and verbal descriptors of the computed values

regarding the different aspects of both the physical stores and online shops.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Table 12: Policies of Physical Stores

Statements Weighted Mean Verbal Descriptor

1. I feel so secured when shopping in STRONGLY
a physical store. 3.43 AGREE
2. When I shop, I check if they have
a reasonable return and exchange STRONGLY
policy. 3.34 AGREE
3. I follow the safety protocol
policies of the physical store that I STRONGLY
visit. 3.57 AGREE
4. I think that shopping in a physical
store is safer than shopping in an STRONGLY
online shop/store. 3.4 AGREE
5. I am overall satisfied on the rules
and regulations including the policies
in purchasing an item in a physical STRONGLY
store. 3.47 AGREE

Table 12 shows the five (5) statements pertaining to the policies of physical stores. As

shown above, the verbal descriptors of all the 5 statements are strongly agree. As for the first

statement which is about the security the respondents get in visiting a physical store, the

computed weighed mean is 3.43 with a verbal descriptor of strongly agree. Meaning, the

respondents strongly agreed that they are secured when buying products in any physical store.

The respondents also strongly agreed that the respondents check the return and exchange policies

of the stores which obtained 3.34; the safety protocol policies of the physical store that they visit

obtained 3.57; shopping in a physical store is safer than shopping in an online shop/store
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

obtained 3.4; and overall satisfaction on the rules and regulations including the policies in

purchasing an item in a physical store obtained 3.47.

On the average, the computed overall mean is 3.442 with a verbal descriptor of strongly

agree. This means that, the respondents are satisfied with the policies and guidelines of the

physical stores. This connotates that, physical stores’ policies are effective on he end of the


In support to the current study of Zhang, J., et. al (2021), the authors investigate the role

of the physical store in today’s multichannel environment. They posit that one benefit of the

store to the retailer is to enhance customer value by providing the physical engagement needed to

purchase deep products—products that require ample inspection for customers to make an

informed decision.

Table 13: Policies of Physical Stores (Descriptive Statistics)


Mean 3.442
Standard Error 0.038392708
Median 3.43
Mode #N/A
Standard Deviation 0.085848704
Sample Variance 0.00737
Kurtosis 0.754774297
Skewness 0.646746956
Range 0.23
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Minimum 3.34
Maximum 3.57
Sum 17.21
Count 5
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.106595245

As shown on Table 13, the computed standard deviation is 0.085848704 which means

that, the computed overall mean which is 3.442 which claims that, the respondents strongly

agreed on all the statements pertaining to the policies of the physical stores, this means that, the

claim is true and acceptable as stated in the Standard Deviation Index.

Table 14: Policies of Online Shops

Statements Weighted Mean Verbal Descriptor

1. It is fine with me to do an auto replace
policy in an online shop especially if the
item that I choose is already sold out. 3.13 AGREE
2. I am glad that online shops allow the
process of an item to make a return or
refund policy. 3.5 STRONGLY AGREE
3. I am following all the policies of an
online shop before placing my order to
avoid misconception/misplaced of orders. 3.5 STRONGLY AGREE
4. I think that shopping in an online shop
is safer than shopping in a physical store. 2.8 AGREE
5. I am overall satisfied on the rules and
regulations including the policies in
purchasing an item in an online shop. 3.3 STRONGLY AGREE
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

As show on the table above, the respondents agreed on statements 1 and 4. The

respondents strongly agreed on statements 2, 3, and 5.

The statements which have a descriptor of agree and obtained a specific average are; do

an auto replace policy in an online shop especially if the item that they choose is already sold out

obtained 3.13; shopping in an online shop is safer than shopping in a physical store obtained 2.8.

The statements which have a descriptor of strongly disagree and obtained a specific

average are; online shops allow the process of an item to make a return or refund policy obtained

3.5; following all the policies of an online shop before placing the order to avoid

misconception/misplaced of orders obtained 3.5; and overall satisfaction on the rules and

regulations including the policies in purchasing an item in an online shop obtained 3.3.

On a general manner the computed overall mean which is 3.246 has a verbal descriptor of

strongly agree. Meaning, the respondents strongly agreed that the policies of online shops are

valid and reliable and are off great effect on the satisfaction of the customers.

In support to the current study of Bhalerao, J. (2019), the intention of current study is to

understand why buyers are opting online shopping over traditional shopping & their online

shopping experiences. Hi-tech innovations have entirely changed the business process across all

industry today. This change in technology and internet usage has reduced the gap between

business and buyers. In this digital world, there is high use of digital devices such as laptops,

tablets, Smartphone’s. In current scenario information, communication and evolving latest

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

technology are moving to Smartphone’s. Different internet services 3G, 4G technology in the

wireless communications have also enhanced the speed, effectiveness and flexibility in the

mobile internet transactions and with many applications in the Smartphones. Almost every

player in E-commerce has introduced their mobile application to increase business. It has been

found that convenience; time, easy approach are some factors affecting online buying decision.

Table 15: Policies of Online Shops (Descriptive Statistics)


Mean 3.246
Standard Error 0.131209756
Median 3.3
Mode 3.5
Standard Deviation 0.293393933
Sample Variance 0.08608
Kurtosis 0.111215652
Skewness -0.946100538
Range 0.7
Minimum 2.8
Maximum 3.5
Sum 16.23
Count 5
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.364296684

As shown on Table 15, the computed standard deviation is 0.293393933 which means

that, the claim that the policies of online shops are effective not only on the shops itself but also

on the satisfaction of the respondents, where the verbal descriptor is strongly agree, this is true

and acceptable.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

IV. Convenience in Shopping

Table 16: Convenience in Shopping among the Physical Stores

Statements Weighted Mean Verbal Descriptor

1. I can easily touch, see and feel the
item that I purchase in a physical store
as compared in online shops. 3.67 STRONGLY AGREE
2. I feel so glad when I shop in a
physical store because I get a lot of
discounts and promos. 3.22 AGREE
3. The items in the physical store can
easily be replaced if ever that there are
damages in the items. 3.54 STRONGLY AGREE
4. Physical stores assists customers in
making decisions whether they will
buy or not a specific product. 3.42 STRONGLY AGREE

5. Shopping in a physical store is very


Table 16 above shows the computed weighed mean and the corresponding verbal

descriptors. Statement 2 got a verbal descriptor of agree while statements 1, 3, 4, and 5 has a

verbal descriptor of strongly agree.

The statement which has a verbal descriptor of agree and obtained a specific average is:

they feel so glad when they shop in a physical store because they get a lot of discounts and

promos obtained 3.22.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

The statements which have a verbal descriptor of strongly agree and obtained a specific

average are: can easily touch, see and feel the item that they purchase in a physical store as

compared in online shops obtained 3.67; the items in the physical store can easily be replaced

if ever that there are damages in the items obtained 3.54; physical stores assists customers

in making decisions whether they will buy or not a specific product obtained 3.42; and

shopping in a physical store is very convenient obtained 3.33.

The computed overall mean which is 3.436 indicates that the respondents strongly agreed

that, it is more convenient to shop in a physical store because you get to see in person all the

products and can check them, from the quality down to the smallest details.

In support to the current study of Devaraj, A. (2016), Offline shopping has been known

to be the traditional way of carrying out marketing. It involves the other uses of sources ofmedia

such as newspaper ads, classified ads, brochures, etc., which it’s build up an effective way to

advertise your business and gain maximum profit. Offline marketing is any promotion or

advertisement that is published and released outside the internet. It effectively reaches and grabs

the attention of people who are currently within the vicinity of said marketing activity. The

internet is not needed to make people participate and gain feedback from them. Retail involves

sales of goods from single point (malls, markets, departmental stores) directly to the consumer in

small quantities for his end use. People purchase product for fulfil their needs and satisfy their

wants in the stores.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Table 17: Convenience in Shopping among the Physical Stores (Descriptive Statistics)


Mean 3.436
Standard Error 0.078651128
Median 3.42
Mode #N/A
Standard Deviation 0.17586927
Sample Variance 0.03093
Kurtosis -0.920325393
Skewness 0.204131287
Range 0.45
Minimum 3.22
Maximum 3.67
Sum 17.18
Count 5
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.21837054

Table 17 shows the application of descriptive statistics which is connected on the results

on Table 16. The values used are the computed weighted mean on each statement.

The computed value of the standard deviation is 0.17586927 which means that, the

claims that the statements pertaining to the convenience in purchasing products in a physical

store with a verbal descriptor of strongly agree is true and acceptable.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Table 18: Convenience in Shopping among the Online Shops

Statements Weighted Mean Verbal Descriptor

1. It is very easy on my part to browse
items that I want to buy in an online
2. In just one click, I can easily find the
things that I want to buy in an online
shop as compared in a physical store. 3.41 STRONGLY AGREE
3. The sellers are very responsive
whenever I ask questions about the
product that I am planning to buy. 3.03 AGREE
4. I prefer to shop online because I do not
have to go outside, in just few days the
item will arrive, quickly. 3.13 AGREE
5. Shopping in an online shop is very
convenient. 3.26 STRONGLY AGREE
Overall Mean 3.244 AGREE

The table above shows that, statements 3 and 4 has a verbal descriptor of agree and

statements 1, 2, and 5 has a verbal descriptor of strongly agree.

The statements which have a verbal descriptor of agree which obtained weighted mean

that falls under the mentioned verbal descriptor are: they prefer to shop online because they do

not have to go outside, in just few days the item will arrive, quickly obtained 3.13; and the sellers

are very responsive whenever they ask questions about the product that I am planning to buy

obtained 3.03.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

The statements which have a verbal descriptor of strongly agree and a weighted mean

that falls under the mentioned descriptors are: it is very easy on the part of the customers to

browse items that they want to buy in an online shop obtained 3.39; in just one click, they can

easily find the things that they want to buy in an online shop as compared in a physical store

obtained 3.41; and shopping in an online shop is very convenient obtained 3.26.

The computed overall mean indicates that, the statements pertaining to the convenience

in purchasing any product in an online shop are true. It has a computed value of 3.244 with a

verbal descriptor of agree. Meaning, the respondents still find physical stores convenient as

compared to online shops.

As mentioned by Pham, Tran, Misra, Maskeliunas, and Damasevicius (2018) examined

the impact between Convenience, Perceive Value, Repurchase Intension on connected spending

of Vietnam. Search, Evaluation, Transaction, Post purchase and Access uses dependent variable

and Apparent and post purchase uses independent variable.

Table 19: Convenience in Shopping among the Online Shops (Descriptive Statistics)


Mean 3.244
Standard Error 0.073457471
Median 3.26
Mode #N/A
Standard Deviation 0.164255898
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Sample Variance 0.02698

Kurtosis -2.024174621
Skewness -0.337664016
Range 0.38
Minimum 3.03
Maximum 3.41
Sum 16.22
Count 5
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.203950635

As shown on the table above, the computed standard deviation will indicate if the claim

on the table above (Table 18) is true and acceptable.

As mentioned in the Standard Deviation Index, if he computed standard deviation is less

than or equal o 1.25, then, the claim is true and acceptable.

The computed standard deviation is 0.164255898 which means that, the claim that the

respondents agree is acceptable.

Table 19: Experience in Shopping (Physical Store)

Statements Average Verbal Descriptor

1. I have faced some challenges like
dealing with unapproachable sellers,
impulsive buying, and lost a lot of time
when I am visiting a physical store. 3.11 AGREE
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

2. I always consider the most important

criteria like salesman advice, price,
discount, quality, payment facility, etc.
when I am buying in a physical store. 3.41 STRONGLY AGREE
3. I consider misleading information,
breach in payment details, and seller’s
behavior as my biggest concern when I
shop in a physical store. 3.36 STRONGLY AGREE
4. It is riskier to purchase in an online
shop using my debit/ credit card
compared in physical store. 3.18 AGREE
5. I am satisfied with the performance of
the products that I bought in a physical
store. 3.43 STRONGLY AGREE
6. I would say that I have a good
experience in shopping so I recommend
purchasing products in a physical store
rather than in an online shop. 3.25 AGREE

The table above shows the computed weighted mean for each statement pertaining to the

experiences of the people in shopping gin a physical store.

The statements which have a verbal descriptor of agree and has obtained a weighted

mean intended for the mentioned descriptor are: it is riskier to purchase in an online shop using

my debit/ credit card compared in physical store obtained 3.18; they have faced some challenges

like dealing with unapproachable sellers, impulsive buying, and lost a lot of time when they are

visiting a physical store obtained 3.11; and they have a good experience in shopping so they

recommend purchasing products in a physical store rather than in an online shop obtained 3.25.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

As for the statements which have a verbal descriptor of strongly agree are: they always

consider the most important criteria like salesman advice, price, discount, quality, payment

facility, etc. when they are buying in a physical store obtained 3.36; they always consider the

most important criteria like salesman advice, price, discount, quality, payment facility, etc. when

they are buying in a physical store obtained 3.41; and they are satisfied with the performance of

the products that they bought in a physical store obtained 3.43.

As for the computed overall mean, it indicates that, the statements pertaining to the

sopping experience of the customers/respondents has a descriptor of strongly agree and a value

of 3.29. Meaning, the customers have a good experience in shopping in a physical store.

As mentioned by Bustamante, J., & Rubio, N. (2017), in a world where customer

empowerment is continuously increasing and changing the service landscape, retailers must

provide memorable shopping experiences to retain and attract new customers. When customers

decide to go shopping in physical stores, they expect to enjoy their visit, experiencing cognitive,

affective, social, and physical responses evoked by in-store stimuli.

Table 20: Experience in Shopping (Physical Store – Descriptive Statistics)


Mean 3.29
Standard Error 0.053229065
Median 3.305
Mode #N/A
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Standard Deviation 0.130384048

Sample Variance 0.017
Kurtosis -1.855598616
Skewness -0.326456392
Range 0.32
Minimum 3.11
Maximum 3.43
Sum 19.74
Count 6
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.136829667

The table shows that the computed value of the standard deviation is 0.130384048 which

indicates that, the claim that he respondents strongly agree on the experiences in shopping in a

physical store is true and acceptable.

Table 21: Experience in Shopping (Online Shop)

Statements Weighted Mean Verbal Descriptor

1. I have faced some challenges like
dealing with unapproachable sellers,
impulsive buying, and lost a lot of time
when I am visiting a physical store. 3.25 AGREE
2. I always consider the most important
criteria like salesman advice, price,
discount, quality, payment facility, etc.
when I am buying in a physical store. 3.5 STRONGLY AGREE
3. I consider misleading information,
breach in payment details, and seller’s
behavior as my biggest concern when I
shop in a physical store. 3.4 STRONGLY AGREE
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

4. It is riskier to purchase in an online

shop using my debit/ credit card
compared in physical store. 3.09 AGREE
5. I am satisfied with the performance
of the products that I bought in a
physical store. 3.23 AGREE
6. I would say that I have a good
experience in shopping so I recommend
purchasing products in a physical store
rather than in an online shop. 3.22 AGREE

It is shown on the table above that the respondents agreed on statements 1, 4, 5, and 6.

While the respondents strongly agreed on statements 2, and 3.

The statements where the respondents agreed are: they have faced some challenges like

dealing with unapproachable sellers, impulsive buying, and lost a lot of time when they are

visiting a physical store obtained 3.25; it is riskier to purchase in an online shop using my debit/

credit card compared in physical store obtained 3.09; they are satisfied with the performance of

the products that they bought in a physical store obtained 3.23; and they would say that they

have a good experience in shopping so they recommend purchasing products in a physical store

rather than in an online shop obtained 3.22.

The statements where the respondents strongly agreed are: they always consider the most

important criteria like salesman advice, price, discount, quality, payment facility, etc. when they

are buying in a physical store obtained 3.5; and they consider misleading information, breach in
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

payment details, and seller’s behavior as my biggest concern when they shop in a physical store

obtained 3.4.

All in all, the computed overall mean is 3.281666667 which means that, the respondents

strongly agreed on all the statements pertaining to the shopping experience of the respondents in

an online shop.

As mentioned by Singh, D. (2020), over the past decade, most business organizations

have been working with technological change. An online store uses technology (such as a

computer) to increase the effectiveness of marketing. And retailers are developing strategies to

meet the demand of online shoppers; they are engaged in researching consumer behavior in the

field of online shopping in order to see the attitude of consumers to online shopping. Customers

around the world are increasingly exploring online shopping. The online shopping experience

helps customers research their product, compare different online shopping domains, and make

purchases easily, without facing traffic and lack of time. This whole process of saving time and

convenient shopping has become a major factor in the growth of popularity of online shopping.

Table 21: Experience in Shopping (Online Shop – Descriptive Statistics)


Mean 3.281666667
Standard Error 0.059409128
Median 3.24
Mode #N/A
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Standard Deviation 0.145522049

Sample Variance 0.021176667
Kurtosis -0.255118797
Skewness 0.449712592
Range 0.41
Minimum 3.09
Maximum 3.5
Sum 19.69
Count 6
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.152716024

The table shows that the computed value of the standard deviation is 0.145522049 which

indicates that, the claim that he respondents strongly agree on the experiences in shopping in an

online shop is true and acceptable.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic



This chapter will discuss the summary of findings of the results of the survey conducted

by the researchers, the conclusions crafted based on the results and the recommendations of the

researchers for the further improvement of the study and for the future researchers.


The following are the summary of the finding of the study based on the results presented

on Chapter 3.

1. On the demographics of the respondents, having 100 total number of respondents for the

study, 99 out of 100 are from the age group 18 to 25 years old. There were 53 or 53% of

the total number of respondents who are female. 665 or 66 respondents are fourth ear

college students. 81 respondents out of 100 are working students and 67% or majority of

the respondents have a monthly income/allowance of below Php 5,000.00.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

2. There were 39 respondents who prefer to purchase products in clothing boutiques out of

100 respondents in a physical store. 46% of the respondents use to visit a physical store

in a monthly basis. And, majority or 97% of the total number of respondents use to pay

their purchases thru cash payment method or direct payment.

3. Most of the respondents purchased products in Shopee, an online shopping platform and

there were 73 out of 100 respondents who chose this. Same with the physical store, most

of the respondents purchased online in a monthly basis. And, there were 84 out of 100

respondents who uses cash mode of payment in paying their purchase.

4. All of the respondents strongly agreed on the following indicators pertaining to the

policies of physical stores. These include security in shopping, reasonable return and

exchange policies, following of safety protocols, safety, and satisfaction on the rules and

regulations that the stores use to implement.

5. Most of the respondents strongly agreed on the following indicators regarding the

policies of online stores. These include process of return and exchange policy, policies

before placing an order, and overall satisfaction which includes the rules and regulations

of the stores. There were respondents who agreed on the indicators which include auto

replace policy, and safety of placing an order online.

6. As for the convenience in shopping in a physical store, the following indicators fall under

the descriptor of strongly agree. These includes checking of items, following of safety

protocols, replacement of items, assistance to customers, and convenience. As for the

indicator which falls under the descriptor of agree, it only include discounts and promos.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

7. Most of the respondents strongly agreed on the indicators about the convenience in

shopping in an online shop. These includes browsing of items, easy to find items, and

convenience. The indicators which fall under the descriptor of agree includes responsive

sellers, and quick arrival of purchased items.

8. As for the experiences of the respondents in shopping in a physical store, the indicators

connote a strongly agree descriptor. These includes salesman advice, discount, quality,

facility, misleading information, performance of the physical stores. And as for the

indicators that has a descriptor of agree, it includes challenges with unapproachable

sellers, impulsive buying, risk of purchasing in an online shop, and good experience.

9. The following are the indicators which has a descriptor of strongly agree. It includes

salesman advice, price discount, payment, quality, misleading information, breach in

payment details, and behavior. As for the indicators with a descriptor of agree includes

unapproachable sellers, impulsive buying, time-consuming, risk factor, satisfaction, and

good experience.


The following are the conclusions crafted by the researchers after analyzing the results of

the study.

1. The researchers have concluded that, most of the respondents are from 18 to 25 years old,

female, fourth year, and with a monthly income/salary of below Php 5,000.00.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

2. Most of the respondents used cash as the mode of payment because it is the most

convenient. Furthermore, the respondents’ shops on a monthly basis because of the

restriction due to budget.

3. Majority of the respondents strongly agreed on the policies of the physical stores and as

for the online shop, some of the respondents agreed and some strongly agreed because

the policies on online shops are somewhat not clear or vague which leads to

misconception of the customers.

4. The researchers also concluded that the respondents strongly agreed on the convenience

in purchasing in a physical store because the customers an easily check the products, get

discounts and promos, replacement of products, and assistance that the customers can get.

As for the online shops, the convenience focuses on the idea that the respondents do not

need to go outside and just wait for the items to be delivered.

5. Regarding the experiences of the customers in buying in a physical store, most of the

respondents focused on the quality, satisfaction, overall performance, quality, discount,

and payment facility which contributes to the shopping experience of the respondents.

Same with the online shop.


The following are the recommendations crafted by the researchers to further enhance the

study and for the purpose of the future researchers.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

1. The researchers would recommend that, the study shall also focus on the different factor

which affects the preference of the consumers.

2. The researchers would also recommend that the respondents must shop on both physical

store and online shop and to check which among is the choice of the respondents.

3. The researchers would also recommend that, to show which among the two variables is

the preference of the respondents --- physical store or online shop ---- future researchers

should focus on checking the factors which affect the choices of the consumers.

4. The researchers would recommend to the future researchers to further enhance, develop,

and check for the enhancement of this study.

5. Checking of possible theories to further elaborate and explain this study.

6. Lastly, the researchers would also recommend that this study will be used to disseminate

information to customers which will enhance the knowledge and will help on the growth

of knowledge of the readers.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic


Customer Perception Between Physical Store and Online Shop

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in

Clothing Industry During Pandemic


We, the 4th year marketing students of Don Honorio Ventura State University are

currently conducting research as part of our course requirement in subject Business Research 2.

This study aims to know the most preferred shopping options of customers between going to

physical stores or purchasing through online stores. Your participation regarding giving

information is really needed for this study to become successful. This is voluntary, if you are not

comfortable in answering you have the option to not participate in the data gathering.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Rest assured that all the information will be used for academic purposes only and all the

responses will remain confidentially. Thank you for your time and cooperation, may God bless



Atchico, Arelle Jane A.

Deduro, Jihla Rose C.

Mallari, Mina Aira V.

Montoya, Ana Marie C.

Regala, Erica Mae G.

Villanueva, Angeline D.

Direction: Please select the proper representation needed on the following statement .

Part I. Demographic Profile

Age of the respondents

◻ Below 18
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

◻ 18- 25

◻ 26- Above

Sex ratio of the respondents

◻ Male

◻ Female


◻ Working Student

◻ Student


◻ Below Php 5,000

◻ Php 5,001- Php 10,000

◻ Php 10,001 - Php 15,000

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

◻ Php 15,001 - Php 20,000

◻ Php 20,000- Above

Part II. Convenience Of Shopping

1. Where do you prefer to shop in a physical store?

◻ Malls

◻ Clothing Boutiques

◻ Thrift Shop

2. How often do you shop in a physical store?

◻ Daily

◻ Weekly

◻ Monthly

◻ Once in 3- 6 months

3.Which payment method do you use when shopping in a Physical Store?

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

◻ Cash/ Direct Payment

◻ Banks/ E-wallet

◻ Debit/Credit card

◻ Other

4. In which of the following shopping online platforms do you prefer the most?

◻ Shopee

◻ Lazada

◻ Shein

◻ Other

5. How often do you buy/purchase in an online shop?

◻ Daily

◻ Weekly

◻ Monthly
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

◻ Once in 3- 6 months

6. Which payment method do you use when shopping in an online shop?

◻ Cash on delivery

◻ Payment Center/ E-wallet

◻ Debit/Credit card

◻ Other


Kindly put a check on the box that best corresponds to the statement. Kindly refer to the

descriptors below.

4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

1 - Strongly Disagree

Part 1A: Store Policies (Physical Store)

Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

(4) (1)
(3) (2)

1. I feel so secured when shopping in a physical


2. When I shop, I check if they have a reasonable

return and exchange policy.

3. I follow the safety protocol policies of the

physical store that I visit.

4. I think that shopping in a physical store is

safer than shopping in an online shop/store.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

5. I am overall satisfied on the rules and

regulations including the policies in purchasing

an item in a physical store.

Part 1B: Store Policies (Online Shop)

Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

(4) (1)
(3) (2)

1. It is fine with me to do an auto replace policy

in an online shop especially if the item that I

choose is already sold out.

2. I am glad that online shops allow the process

of an item to make a return or refund policy.

3. I am following all the policies of an online

shop before placing my order to avoid

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

misconception/misplaced of orders.

4. I think that shopping in an online shop is safer

than shopping in a physical store.

5. I am overall satisfied on the rules and

regulations including the policies in purchasing

an item in an online shop.

Part 2A: Purchasing Convenience (Physical Store)

Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

(4) (1)
(3) (2)

1. I can easily touch, see and feel the item that I

purchase in a physical store as compared in

online shops.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

2. I feel so glad when I shop in a physical store

because I get a lot of discounts and promos.

3. The items in the physical store can easily be

replaced if ever that there are damages in the


4. Physical stores assists customers in making

decisions whether they will buy or not a specific


5. Shopping in a physical store is very

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Part 2B: Purchasing Convenience (Online Shop)

Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

(4) (1)
(3) (2)

1. It is very easy on my part to browse items

that I want to buy in an online shop.

2. In just one click, I can easily find the things

that I want to buy in an online shop as

compared in a physical store.

3. The sellers are very responsive whenever I

ask questions about the product that I am

planning to buy.

4. I prefer to shop online because I do not have

to go outside, in just few days the item will

arrive, quickly.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

5. Shopping in an online shop is very


Part 3A: Shopping Experience (Physical Store)

Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

(4) (1)
(3) (2)

1. I have faced some challenges like dealing

with unapproachable sellers, impulsive buying,

and lost a lot of time when I am visiting a

physical store.
A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

2. I always consider the most important criteria

like salesman advice, price, discount, quality,

payment facility, etc. when I am buying in a

physical store.

3. I consider misleading information, breach in

payment details, and seller’s behavior as my

biggest concern when I shop in a physical store.

4. It is riskier to purchase in an online shop

using my debit/ credit card compared in physical


5. I am satisfied with the performance of the

products that I bought in a physical store.

6. I would say that I have a good experience in

shopping so I recommend purchasing products

in a physical store rather than in an online shop.

Part 3B: Shopping Experience (Online Shop)

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

(4) (1)
(3) (2)

1. I have faced some challenges like dealing

with unapproachable sellers, impulsive buying,

and lost a lot of time when I am visiting an

online shop.

2. I always consider the most important criteria

like delivery, price, voucher, quality, and

payment security when I purchase in an online


3. I consider breach of personal information,

breach in payment details, and poor internet

connection as my biggest concerns when

shopping in an online shop.

4. It is riskier to purchase in a physical Store

using my debit/ credit card as compared in an

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic

online shop.

5. I am satisfied with the performance of the

products that I bought in online shop.

6. I would say that I have a good experience in

shopping so I recommend purchasing products

in an online shop rather than in a physical store.

A Comparative Study of Physical Store and Online Shop: Customer Preference in
Clothing Industry During Pandemic


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