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V C1 C2

Apa yang terjadi ketika batere

dihubungkan pada rangkaian listrik
di atas?
Muatan dari Q1 = C1 V terakumulasi pada C1.

Muatan dari Q2 = C2 V terakumulasi pada C2.

V C1 C2

Kita Gambarkan Rangkaian Ekivalen

dengan Kapasitor Pengganti

+ +(Q1+Q2)
V Ceq
_ - (Q1+Q2)

Ceq = (Q1 + Q2) / V

Ceq = C1 + C2
+Q -Q
+ +Q
V C1 C2
_ -Q

Apa yang terjadi ketika batere

dihubungkan pada rangkaian listrik di
Q1 = Q 2

V1 + V2 = V
+ +Q -Q +Q
V C1, V1 C2, V2
_ -Q

Kita Gambarkan Rangkaian Ekivalen

dengan Kapasitor Pengganti

+ +Q
V Ceq
_ -Q

Ceq = Q / V

V 1 = Q / C1 V 2 = Q / C2 V = V1 + V 2
+ +Q
Ceq = Q / V _
V Ceq

Ceq =
Q / C1 + Q / C2

1 1 1
= +
Ceq C1 C2
Di Toko hanya ada tersedia
kapasitor yang kapasitas
kapasitornya 2 mikrofarad,
sedangkan yang anda butuhkan
yang 5 mikrofarad. Bagaimana
cara anda yg mendapatkannya
dan gambarkan rangkaiannya
Di Toko hanya ada tersedia
kapasitor yang kapasitas
kapasitornya 2 mikrofarad,
sedangkan yang anda butuhkan
yang 6,5 mikrofarad. Bagaimana
cara anda yg mendapatkannya
dan gambarkan rangkaiannya
DV = 1 Volt
Sebuah elektron
dipercepat dengan
e- beda potensial
sebesar 1 Volt.


It gains kinetic
energy as it moves
across the potential,
losing potential

This amount of energy is known as...

The amount of energy 1 electron gains
when accelerated through a potential
difference of 1 Volt.

1 eV = (1.6 X 10-19 C) (1 V) = 1.6 X 10-19 J

Can you name some
examples of devices
that use the energy
stored in capacitors?

Capacitors store charge.

It takes work to put charges on capacitors.
That work becomes the potential energy of
the capacitor. So capacitors store energy.

We take advantage of this all the time!

How much work does it take to
charge a capacitor?


Start with uncharged plates. V = 0

So it requires almost
no work to bring up the
first bits of charge, Dq.

Now that our capacitor has a charge Dq,
what is the potential difference between
the plates?


-Dq V=Q/C

Slope = 1 / C

As we bring up more and more

charge, V increases with Q at
Q the rate 1/C, so we can plot V
Dq as a function of Q:
The total amount of work to bring charge Q
onto an initially uncharged capacitor,
therefore, is simply the area under the curve:

1 Q 1
W  U  QV   CV 2

2 2C 2
1 Q 1
W  U  QV   CV 2

2 2C 2
U = INTERNAL ENERGY of the capacitor.

Capacitors store the energy used by many of

our cordless, rechargeable devices…When it’s
gone, we have to plug the devices into the
wall socket to recharge the capacitors!
Insulating materials
placed between
capacitor plates.

In the circuits we have dealt with thus far, that

material is air. It could be other insulators
(glass, rubber, etc.).

Dielectric materials are characterized by a

dielectric constant k such that when placed
between the plates of a capacitor, the
capacitance becomes

C = k Co Co is the vacuum (air) capacitance.

Dielectrics, therefore, increase the charge a
capacitor can hold at a given voltage, since...

Q = C V = k Co V

k Co
It’s time to develop an understanding of
electrical systems that are NOT in electrostatic
equilibrium. In these systems, charges move,
under the influence of externally imposed
electric fields. Such systems provide us with
the useful electricity we get out of flashlight
batteries and rechargeable devices.
We’ve already used this concept, even though
we haven’t formally introduced it.

What do you think of when

you hear the word “current?”
Electrical Current is simply the
flow of electrical charges.

charge carriers
moving charges.
can be + or -

The current is the number
of charges flowing
through a surface A per
unit time.
By convention, we say that the
I direction of the current is the
Dt direction in which the positive
charge carriers move.

Note: for most materials we examine, it’s

really the negative charge carriers that move.
Nevertheless, we say that electrons move in a
direction opposite to the electrical current.

Leftover from Ben Franklin!

Why do charges move?
Well, what happens when you put an
electric field across a conductor?

electrical force on the charges in the conductor.

charges can move in conductors.

a current flows!
Vd Dt

The charge carriers, each with charge q, move
with an average speed vd in response to the
electric field.

If there are n charge carriers per volume in the

conductor, then the number of charge carriers
passing a surface A in a time interval Dt is given by

DQ  nqAvd Dt DQ
I  nqAvd

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