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Circular permutation

In how many possible ways can 11 players of the hockey team be arranged in a circular huddle for a

Taken all at a time

A med student wants to arrange his 6 medical books in his bag nicely and neatly starting from his
morning schedule to afternoon schedule. How many permutations can he create if all of his 6 medical
books are selected at a time?


How many ways can student government desires to select 7 people for the positions of President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, P. I.O, and Peace Officer out of 9 people from a group?

Distinguishable permutation

Mr. Reyes gives his class an activity about distinguishable permutations in order for them to give value
of how significant the permutations are. In how many possibilities of arrangements can Mr. Reyes's class
figure out with the word CHATTAHOOCHEE?

Conditional permutation

A group of 8 bestfriends go to the cinema to watch a movie entitled "Ready or Not". How many ways
can they arrange themselves if 4 of them insist to seat together for some reasons?


A girl wishes to pick flowers in a beautiful garden of her aunt but she is only allowed to pick limited
varieties of flowers. How many ways can she pick 7 flowers out of 12?
How many possible ways can an individual give invitation cards for his/her party if he/she is only to give
and select 3 people from his/her 11 bestfriends to receive the card?

A lady was requested by her boss to buy fruits in the market, there, 10 pieces of apples, 8 pieces of
oranges, and 11 pieces of pomelo are left for her to choose. In how many different ways can 12 varieties
of fruits be bought by the lady if there should be 4 fruits in apples, oranges, and pomelos?

In a milk tea shop nearby, there are 3 different add-ons (Nata de coco, blackpearls, and coffee jelly),
where a customer can order any number of these add-ons. If a customer desires to dine at the said
beverage shop, with how many possible add-ons can you order for your own milk tea?

Ranvier is about to go out for their family will be having a vacation tomorrow. He prepares his OOTD but
he cannot bring them all with him due to the lack of space of his luggage bag. In how many possibilities
can he select 9 outfits from 11 outfits, and then arrange those outfits in a bag if there is space enough
for 7 outfits only?

Linda is choosing household chores to do as she was obliged by her mother before leaving home for
malling together with her friends as they have leisure to spend for their bondings. In how many ways
can she choose her 6 chores if her mother demanded her to do 3 household duties.

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