Medical Marijuana Research Paper Example

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Title: Medical Marijuana Research Paper Example

In the realm of academic pursuits, writing a thesis stands as a pinnacle of scholarly achievement. It is
an arduous journey that demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and coherent presentation of
findings. Among the myriad of topics explored in academic writing, the discourse around medical
marijuana holds a significant place, reflecting the intersection of healthcare, policy, and societal
attitudes. Crafting a comprehensive research paper on medical marijuana presents unique challenges,
requiring a nuanced understanding of scientific evidence, legal frameworks, and cultural contexts.

The complexity of writing a thesis on medical marijuana stems from the interdisciplinary nature of
the subject matter. Researchers must navigate through a vast array of scientific studies, ranging from
pharmacology and neuroscience to epidemiology and public health. Moreover, they must grapple
with the legal landscape surrounding cannabis use, which varies widely across different jurisdictions.
This multifaceted nature necessitates a thorough literature review, wherein scholars must sift through
divergent perspectives to form a coherent argument.

Furthermore, the contentious nature of the topic adds another layer of difficulty. Medical marijuana
remains a polarizing issue, with proponents touting its therapeutic potential and advocates expressing
concerns about its societal implications. Thus, crafting a research paper requires delicacy in
addressing conflicting viewpoints while maintaining scholarly rigor.

For aspiring scholars seeking guidance in navigating this intricate terrain, ⇒ ⇔
offers invaluable assistance. With a team of experienced academic writers specializing in various
fields, ⇒ ⇔ provides tailored support to students embarking on their thesis
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In conclusion, while writing a thesis on medical marijuana may seem daunting, it is a rewarding
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Apa citation format newspaper article custom papers writing guide. Other illegal drugs such as
cocaine and diacetylmorphine are classified as Schedule II, even though they are considered wont
organizing and unsafe, where marihuana, classified as a Agenda I, has ne’er caused a decease or
overdose and is non considered habit-forming. Unfortunately, there is no objective data proving the
relief. This issue has become more than merely marihuana for intervention of the sick, it has grown to
include the federal authorities ’ s want to keep its laterality over the province authoritiess. By
clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Most medical
marijuana dispensaries offer edibles, such as, lollipops, brownies, ice cream and several other types of
food that have the medicine in them. HIV results from the progressive infection of the immune
system by retroviruses (Bennett, 2018). If you continue using our website, you accept our Cookie
Policy. Accept. In their current state, illegal drug-related laws are ignorant of freedom and personal
liberty. Some states have already begun to reap the benefits of such a system, but there are still
barricades and complications in those states that could be eliminated. The failure of these agencies in
warning the public properly about the cons of marijuana use, forced the public to believe that
marijuana use is comparatively safer. It should be note that legalization of physician assisted suicide
or mercy killing is gaining grounds at present. Marijuana should be legalized because it can have
many positive effects in the United States. Although Indiana has now legalized the use of
cannabinoid (CBD) oil, the oil must be THC free. Marijuana should be available medicinally and
recreationally. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time.
However, Marijuana should not be in that category because marijuana has useful functions. It is
therefore considered an excuse to argue that cannabis is possible for medical purposes. This can be
summed up by the fact that the peace and well-being of people around the world will certainly
improve if most governments around the world legalize cannabis. Suppose the government
substitutes the high profits with a tax enforced on marijuana cigars. Thus, on the basis of the above
discussion, it can broadly be affirmed that the federal government possesses a strong as well as a
supreme legitimate power or authority towards limiting the passage of medical marijuana laws that
are introduced by different states. Moderate consumption of marijuana may not cause many
damages to the health. Those who are opposed to the legalization of marijuana continue to do so
even if there are claims of medical benefits from its use. In 1972, the American Congress kept
marijuana in Schedule I of their Act of Controlled Substances. Look past all the pandemonium and
or dangers of marijuana and see that it actually has legitimate medical uses. There are several,
important reasons for the legalization of marijuana, including research concerning these issues are
beneficial in understanding both sides of the debate. The entire assignment was quite a great
challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. According to the DEA (Drug Enforcement
Administration), Marijuana is a. If cannabis is a treatment option for this client, is it legal in the state
in which they reside. In the 1920’s, after the Eighteenth Amendment took effect, alcohol still
continued to be produced, circulated, and consumed, despite being banned.
If the client is prescribed antiepileptics, administer those as ordered. By continuing, you agree to our
Terms and Conditions. The Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), which keeps track of
marijuana-related emergency room visits, reports that this statistic has risen steadily in the past three
decades (Parker). “THC is a fat-soluble substance and will accumulate in fatty tissues in the liver,
lungs, testes, and other organs. Marijuana should be available medicinally and recreationally. But as
the scientific and medical world denounces the usage of marijuana it is banned in most countries.
Initially, the drug was being developed in an attempt to stop abnormal bleeding. Once I got the
completed paper, my last doubts were gone. These participants were categorized into having PTSD
or not. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. I have
personally witnessed the positive effects of such research. Over a third - 35 percent- feel their doctor
does not take their Fibromyalgia seriously. It holds that the organic structure ’ s critical energy ( chi
or chi ) circulates through 14 channels, called. When inhaled some effects are a relaxed feeling,
increased appetite, paranoia, and etc. Conversely, the state governments have been identified to
consider the medical value of marijuana holding the conception that this particular substance would
be able to cure various complex diseases by a considerable level. Approximately 69 million people,
above 12 years of age have used marijuana at least once. This is a great example of profound
research work. Joseph Legalization of Marijuana The purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana
and compare the issue of legalizing it from both sides. It can cause immense damage to the physical
and mental health of a person. Marijuana has good effects when used in medicative scenarios for the
intervention of hurting; therefore it should be an. My hope is that the DEA reschedules marijuana to
either a Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 substance, so that marijuana will be allowed for medical use in all
states. Can you create it for me like Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. The supporters of
legalizing marijuana argue that the police resources that are being used for trying to prosecute users
of marijuana could be better used for violent crimes such as murder and rape. In this article, Bierson
presumes that “pot” is hurtful from numerous points of view, including mind harm, harm to the
conceptive framework, and debilitating of the insusceptible framework (Bierson). Is it ethical to
inhale cannabis before driving or operating heavy machinery. Cannabis, Cannabis laws, Global
Marijuana March 1124 Words 4 Pages Thesis Statement: The legalization of marijuana in the U. This
will also give room for researcher to try to look for other medical values of the substance because its
production and availability will increase in the society. This also means that the respective
government does not get any tax from 1. You'll see how helpful they are and how inexpensive they
are compared to other options, Especially for Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. In fact Spice like
alternate products offer an option to the drug abusers to escape from punishments for using illegal
drugs. According to John Walters (Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy) “smoked
marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs, and immune system.
Based on Jonathan, Hawken, Kilmer and Kleiman 5 cannabis-use can be dated from India where it
was primarily The drug was essentially sold as tincture which was a medicinal tea and was quickly
adapted by the English cultures. In fact Spice like alternate products offer an option to the drug
abusers to escape from punishments for using illegal drugs. There can be no clinical testing of
marihuana because the federal authorities will non let them ( Conant 26 ). Therefore, the topic of
legalizing marijuana is presented from a completely different perspective. Suppose the government
substitutes the high profits with a tax enforced on marijuana cigars. It is important to consider how
the legalization of. Although Indiana has now legalized the use of cannabinoid (CBD) oil, the oil
must be THC free. However, Marijuana should not be in that category because marijuana has useful
functions. Currently, the prison system is extremely flawed, creating a cycle of repeat offenders due
to a prison culture that demands that people become tougher than they may have been before in
order to survive, no matter what offense got them in prison in the first place. There was a dose
dependent increase in the subjective highness score reported after marijuana exposure, which
persisted into the late time course. These two chemicals act on two receptors in the body: CB1 and
CB2. As we progress and progress into the 21st century it is becoming clearer and clearer that
Marijuana is just-as-if-not less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. Statistics from the CDC show that
those who take Rx opioid painkillers are forty times more likely to be addicted to heroin, as opposed
to just three times more likely with marijuana use. On the other hand, critics of marijuana argue that
marijuana should not be used as a medicine because of its side effects. Teenagers get addicted to
marijuana more easily than the adults. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
your own, that is cheating. Also you. According to research by Stinson and DeAngelis (2016), the
two most endogenous chemicals of cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the
psychotropic component, and cannabinol (CBD), which produces the therapeutic effects. Many
researches have shown that marijuana can adversely affect the memory and learning capacities of the
children. When inhaled some effects are a relaxed feeling, increased appetite, paranoia, and etc.
Because of its medicative value and the deficiency of an effectual replacement, marihuana should be
reclassified as a Schedule II drug alternatively of a Agenda I drug, which would let it for certain
medical usage s. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS). However, why use a template when you can write your entire manuscript on SciSpace, auto
format it as per Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research's guidelines and download the same in Word,
PDF and LaTeX formats. Then SciSpace would allow you to download your references in Cannabis
and Cannabinoid Research Endnote style according to Elsevier guidelines. People use reason and
their emotions in order to guide their actions. Some names that it is called a joint, nail, pot, Mary
Jane, hive, etc. The federal laws concerning the use of marijuana have been identified to be quite
serious and to be depicting severe punishment to those individuals who broadly engage in the
production or the allocation of marijuana. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out
how to manage cookies. In this article, Bierson presumes that “pot” is hurtful from numerous points
of view, including mind harm, harm to the conceptive framework, and debilitating of the
insusceptible framework (Bierson). Not only is the research on cannabis growing, so is the
legalization for it. However, lately the discussions of whether this substance should be legalized, at
least for medical purposes, are appearing more and more often.
It has been confirmed that alcohol and tobacco are harmful to the human body because they can
cause cancer and hepatic cirrhosis, among others. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
Conditions. The proposition 19 on the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 sought to
allow the collection of marijuana taxes, in addition to regulating the civil and criminal penalties that
related to marijuana (Kassirer and Bakalar, 369). Many researches have shown that marijuana can
adversely affect the memory and learning capacities of the children. No American courts so far took
any favorable stand in administering marijuana as a drug because of the lack of scientific evidences
to prove the credentials of marijuana as a drug. One of the most jarring moments in a bad
presentation is the lack of transitions. Third, some categories of people constitute the permanent
underclass without any considerable social opportunities. Palliative care focuses less on treatment or
curation of the illness and more on relief, comfort, and reducing stress. According to the DEA (Drug
Enforcement Administration), Marijuana is a. People will become more educated on how cannabis
works within the body and how it may affect certain populations differently. The country is divided
into two factions - one being the freedom demanding, marijuana legalizing while the other being the
anti-drug, let us crush all the drugs and drug takers. It's very easy. If you need help, our support team
is always ready to assist you. The Act was mainly established in order to persuade both state along
with federal governments for adopting as well as implementing deliberate steps towards ensuring
secure and sensible drug allocation to the patients in necessity4. No prescription drug offers the
benefits and potency of marihuana. This also means that the respective government does not get any
tax from 1. In order to address the issue concerning the raiding the providers linked with medicinal
marijuana, the dissimilarities or the diverse viewpoints particularly of state and federal governments
regarding the perception of marijuana can be taken into concern. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. It has been apparently observed
in this context that California has been a foremost leader in adopting marijuana legally3.Before the
year 1996, California prohibited the sale as well as the possession of marijuana but the state once
again started to endorse in making limited drug usage for medical reasons only with the
commencement of the aforementioned Act. Cannabis has been consumed for a very long amount of
time. Soon, cannabis will not be considered a drug; it will become the future of medicine. The author
shows specific examples on how this reward center works and presents its possible implications.
Joseph Legalization of Marijuana The purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana and compare the
issue of legalizing it from both sides. As we progress and progress into the 21st century it is
becoming clearer and clearer that Marijuana is just-as-if-not less harmful than alcohol and tobacco.
Marijuana should be available medicinally and recreationally. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This is owing to the reason that
the federal government strongly treats marijuana as a highly addictive substance alike cocaine and
does not possess any sort of medicinal value to the patients in need. For Later 0 ratings 0% found
this document useful (0 votes) 124 views 11 pages Final Research Paper Marijuana Legalization
Uploaded by Shainna Geverola AI-enhanced title Full description Save Save 164084880-Final-
Research-Paper-Marijuana-Legalizat. On the other side there are people who object to the
legalization of marijuana, even for the medical purposes, and they claim that the legalization might
result in an increase in the number of drug addicts. However, in 2017, Indiana’s governor legalized
marijuana for the treatment of epilepsy that has been proven resistant to any other forms of treatment
(“Medical marijuana bill,” 2018). Marijuana has many alone utilizations as a signifier of intervention.
Many think that it is non deserving legalising marihuana, many seem to believe it should be
legalized, and a group of people say it should merely be legalized for medicative intents. Central
Idea: Marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes. Most of the drug addicts and alcohol
addicts are using these things to change their moods. Research shows that marijuana mokers had
problems regarding their studies in school, which affected their skills of memory and concentration.
Problems most people illegal drug users face are the quality of the drugs they purchase. Is it ethical to
smoke cannabis before going in for a shift at the emergency room. The first step to a career in
veterinary medicine is deciding that it is the right path for you. Joseph Legalization of Marijuana The
purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana and compare the issue of legalizing it from both sides.
But as the scientific and medical world denounces the usage of marijuana it is banned in most
countries. California, Cannabis, Decriminalization 1157 Words 4 Pages 12 July 2009 The
Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana should be legalized not only for the medical benefits, it could
also be taxed such as alcohol, and cigarettes to produce revenue that our country needs, it also could
be utilized as many resources. The following statistics clearly show that neither marijuana, nor the
substitute products are safer to consume. Marijuana remains the most widely used illegal drug and
stirs up constant debate everywhere. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an
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school student. This research paper examines the intake of marijuana as medicines to determine its
positive or negative effects in treatment. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an
academic expert. Marijuana should be available medicinally and recreationally. Randall discovered by
accident that smoking marihuana. Other uses for medical cannabis include arthritis, depression, and
anxiety. CBD is what causes the alleviating effects that justify marijuana’s use as medicine. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Under the traditional legal
environment, the interests of all parties are taken into account and well-balanced. The Drug Abuse
Warning Network (DAWN), which keeps track of marijuana-related emergency room visits, reports
that this statistic has risen steadily in the past three decades (Parker). “THC is a fat-soluble substance
and will accumulate in fatty tissues in the liver, lungs, testes, and other organs. This statement is easy
disproved by the fact that usage of difficult drugs in the Netherlands has decreased significantly
since marihuana was legalized ( Medical Marijuana23 ) U. Marijuana s composing is complex, and
has a figure of physiological effects. It is therefore considered an excuse to argue that cannabis is
possible for medical purposes. For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as
useful 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful Embed Share Print
Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 11 Search inside document. The Drug
Enforcement Agency DEA is an agency under the United States Department of justice and was
created in 1973 Rabkin, 1999. Marijuana sellers enrich the THC content to alarming levels in order
satisfy the users. It is important to consider how the legalization of.
My stance on marijuana is that it should be legalized and regulated for both recreational and medical
use. New research with cannabis may prove the effectiveness of cannabis and its byproducts in the
treatment of several severe and chronic diseases. This statement is easy disproved by the fact that
usage of difficult drugs in the Netherlands has decreased significantly since marihuana was legalized
( Medical Marijuana23 ) U. Under the traditional legal environment, the interests of all parties are
taken into account and well-balanced. It seems that all of their sentiments divide into three basic
groups. Cannabis works several ways within the body, may affect certain populations differently,
requires thorough consideration before use, acts on several disease processes, and continues to be
researched. According to John Walters (Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy) “smoked
marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs, and immune system. In addition, it is evident that jail
space is wasted, clogging up of the justice system is effected, diversion of corrections officials from
other violent crimes and even wasting of police time. If there are any changes to the journal's
guidelines, we'll change our algorithm accordingly. However, they may require more doses as time
goes on to attain a particular mood. However, the research findings presented in the publication have
sustained numerous changes since much has changed from 1970. Thank you, GetEssay, for
delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. It was found that Americans supported the legalization of
marijuana. Cannabis, Cannabis laws, Global Marijuana March 1124 Words 4 Pages Thesis Statement:
The legalization of marijuana in the U. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. Over the years pro medicinal marijuana people has argued that it can be effective
and helpful for different deadly diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, pain, epilepsy and
glaucoma. Apart from legally regulating, the federal government has also been noted to strongly
restrict the use of listed chemicals along with controlling substances by adopting as well as
implementing effective policies or guiding principles. It wasn’t until 1933 that the prohibition was
repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment. From the very beginning, it has been apparently observed
that the federal government powerfully regulates the legal production, distribution as well as
possession of controlled substances. The cultivation of the marijuana plant began as far back as th
Legalization of Marijuana During the Carter, Reagan, and Bush administrations, eight people in the
United States were allowed to use marijuana for medicinal purposes under the Compassionate
Investigative New Drug program. These imperative aspects ultimately support the federal
government to possess supreme power in controlling any sort of activities that are performed by
different states. The Role of Relatedness and Autonomy in Motivation of Youth Physical Activity: A
Self-Determination Perspective. The plant is processed, making it more potent, without the
previously stated risks. It should be note that legalization of physician assisted suicide or mercy
killing is gaining grounds at present. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Analysis
or Discussion California has been viewed to be one of the states, which is certified towards using
marijuana especially for medicinal purposes. This naturally grown plant has an array of properties that
contributes many benefiting factors to the patients it serves. These may include central nervous
system (CNS) effects and psychosocial effects. According to Parmar, Forrest, and Freeman (2016),
nabiximols may be used for neuropathic and cancer-related pain, fibromyalgia, and the muscular
issues associated with MS, such as bladder control and tetany. This is a great example of profound
research work.

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