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MATRIC NUMBER : 2021454794



1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................ 3

2. RESEARCH PROBLEM................................................................................................................. 3

3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE .............................................................................................................. 4

4. RESEARCH QUESTION / HYPOTHESES ................................................................................. 4

5. CONCEPTUAL/THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ....................................................................... 5

6. LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................................. 5

7. RESEARCH DESIGN ..................................................................................................................... 6

8. POPULATION AND SAMPLING .................................................................................................. 6

9. INSTRUMENT .................................................................................................................................. 6

10. DATA COLLECTION .................................................................................................................... 7

11. DATA ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................... 7

12. RESULT OF MAJOR FINDING................................................................................................... 8

13. FORMAT ......................................................................................................................................... 8

First and foremost, the introduction of background of the study provides a narrative hook
by highlighting the advancements in technology, mobile phones, and the internet. It effectively
sets the context for the problem to be studied. The passage informs the reader about the
current status in the field of study related to the impact of social media on academic
performance. It establishes a clear link between technology, social media, and their role in
education. The identification of critical issues and the integration of previous studies
demonstrate a thorough exploration of the field. In the article, the writer did mentioned about
the critical issue but only from two of the previous study, which can be improved by adding
more back up of previous study about the critical issue. So, the weakness from this
background of study is insufficient connection to previous studies. Because of that, there are
not much elaboration of previous studies mentioned, which the writer not providing detailed
understanding of how it contribute to the discussion of critical issues.

From the problem statement, the important things that required in the article is to highlight
one of the critical issue that was mentioned in background of study and justify them. The
critical issue in this article is, “the impact of social media on academic performance in
mathematics learning”. The justification for selecting this issue is not well-supported by
statistical data or quotes from previous research, making it less convincing. Strengthen the
justification for selecting the issue by incorporating statistical data or quotes from previous
research will add credibility to the importance of the topic. In my opinion the writer should put
the critical issue as the first statement in the problem statement instead of putting the critical
issue in the end of this section. The writer did mentioned a drop in academic performance but
lacks specificity regarding the particular aspects of academic performance affected, such as
grades or study habits. Lastly, I am personally loves this the critical issue that the writer choose
for this study because the statement is relevant in the current digital era, acknowledging the
widespread use of social media, especially among students.

The research objectives provided align well with the title of the research study. Firstly, the
study aims to identify how social media impacts academic performance in mathematics
learning. Second, it seeks to determine how students effectively use and benefit from social
media for math learning. The third objective is to assess the overall usefulness of social media
in relation to academic performance in mathematics. The fourth objective involves exploring
the relationship between the influence of social media on academic performance and students'
utilization and benefits from social media in mathematics learning. Lastly, the study aims to
compare the effectiveness of social media on academic performance in mathematics based
on gender. These objectives are clear and practical, focusing on understanding the role of
social media in math education and its potential impact on academic outcomes.


The research questions align well with the stated objectives, addressing key aspects of
social media's influence on academic performance in mathematics learning. The questions
are clear, straightforward, and mirror the objectives effectively. The first three questions directly
correspond to the respective objectives of identifying, determining, and assessing the use and
impact of social media on mathematics learning. The fourth question investigates the
relationship between social media influence, utilization, and benefits in mathematics learning,
aligning with the objective to determine this connection. The fifth question explores gender
differences in the usefulness of social media for academic performance in mathematics,
reflecting the objective to compare effectiveness based on gender. The hypotheses presented
for research questions four and five are clear and follow deductive reasoning. The null
hypotheses state the absence of a relationship or significant difference, while the alternative
hypotheses posit the presence of such relationships or differences. These hypotheses provide
a concrete framework for testing and measuring the identified aspects of social media's impact
on academic performance in mathematics learning. Overall, the research questions and
hypotheses are well-structured, contributing to a focused and systematic investigation of the

In this article's conceptual framework, the writer explores into the relationship between
students' academic performance and the use of social media. The framework sets up the
independent variable as social media usage and the dependent variable as students'
academic performance. While the article mentions the variables of influence, usefulness,
utilization, and benefits of social media that may impact academic performance, it doesn't
explicitly state the specific theory guiding the study. It would have been helpful if the writer had
identified the theory underpinning the research. However, the framework does touch upon key
aspects like the potential influence of gender on academic performance in the context of social
media use. By exploring these variables, the conceptual framework aims to provide a
foundation for understanding and measuring the impact of social media on students' academic

The writer effectively explores into the relationship between social media and
academic performance in this literature review. They discuss the varied uses of social media,
from communication and entertainment to academic purposes, presenting a balanced view of
its impact on students. The strengths of the literature review include its exploration of studies
supporting the positive influence of social media on academic performance. The inclusion of
diverse perspectives and research findings, such as students utilizing social media for
collaborative projects and assignments, adds depth to the discussion. Furthermore, the
consideration of gender differences in social media usage is a noteworthy aspect,
acknowledging that males and females may have distinct patterns of engagement. However,
the literature review could benefit from acknowledging potential limitations or conflicting
findings in the studies presented. It's essential to recognize that the impact of social media on
academic performance may vary among individuals, and conflicting results exist in the
literature. Additionally, while the writer highlights positive aspects, such as increased
engagement and knowledge expansion, there's limited discussion of potential drawbacks and
challenges associated with social media use, such as distractions and time management
issues.The literature review could be strengthened by addressing the need for further research
on specific aspects, such as the hidden relationship between social media and academic
achievement. Furthermore, the writer could emphasize the importance of considering
individual differences and the need for strategies to minimize potential negative effects.

The research design in this study is quantitative, focusing on numbers and an objective
perspective to investigate the impact of social media on students' academic performance. The
data collection method involves the use of questionnaires, a common tool in quantitative
research. The questionnaire is structured with four sections, starting with demographic
information in Section A and progressing to explore the influence of social media on academic
performance in learning mathematics (Section B), the utilization of social media (Section C),
and the general use of social media (Section D). The choice of a survey as the research design
allows for the quick acquisition of data, and the results can be generalized effectively. The data
obtained from the questionnaires will undergo quantitative analysis, aligning with the overall
quantitative research approach employed in the study.


The population sample in this study is drawn from students at Universiti Teknologi MARA
Puncak Alam, specifically targeting those in Semester 8 from the Faculty of Education. The
researcher chooses for a convenience sampling method, where 100 students are selected as
respondents to answer the questionnaire. The choice of convenience sampling is influenced
by the practicality of conducting an online survey, making it accessible for all Semester 8
students who volunteered to participate. While this sampling method allows for flexibility and
ease of data collection, it may introduce a sampling error, as it might not be fully representative
of the entire population. The sample size of 100 students is not explicitly justified in terms of
statistical considerations, and the total population size is not stated in the provided information.
It would have been beneficial for the writer to provide more details on how the sample size
was determined and whether steps were taken to minimize potential sampling errors.

The instrument utilized in this study is a questionnaire titled "The Impact of Social Media
on Academic Performance for Mathematics Learning in UiTM Puncak Alam." With a total of
23 questions, the questionnaire is structured into four sections to collect data from Semester
8 students in the Faculty of Education. Section A focuses on demographic information,
including gender, age, CGPA, social media ownership, time spent on social media, preferred
platforms for learning, and reasons for their choices. Sections B, C, and D delve into the
influence, utilization, and benefit of social media in mathematics learning, respectively. The
Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), is employed for data
analysis due to its high reliability and validity. The article acknowledges the importance of

reliability and validity, with the questionnaire's reliability tested using Cronbach's Alpha in
SPSS. The reported Cronbach's Alpha values of 0.832, 0.700, and 0.850 for different
questionnaire components suggest good reliability. However, the article doesn't explicitly
mention how validity was established, posing a potential gap in the overall assessment of the
instrument's robustness. The article on research ethics emphasizes the importance of
obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring voluntary participation, and
maintaining confidentiality. The use of an Informed Consent Form at the beginning of the
questionnaire is highlighted as a means to secure permission for voluntary involvement, while
also assuring respondents of the confidentiality and anonymity of their responses. The article
underscores the significance of building trust with participants to encourage honest feedback
and acknowledges their crucial contribution to the study's findings which is good.


The writer describes a methodical approach to data collection in the study, focusing on the
demographic details of Semester 8 students in the Faculty of Education. The careful planning
and approval process of the questionnaire by the supervisor contribute to the reliability of the
collected data. The provision of clear instructions before distributing the questionnaire ensures
that respondents can navigate the survey with ease, minimizing confusion. The emphasis on
privacy and confidentiality in the questionnaire adds a layer of ethical consideration. However,
a potential weakness lies in the absence of explicit mention of a response rate or any
measures taken to address non-response bias. Knowing the percentage of respondents could
provide insights into the representativeness of the collected data. Despite this, the study's
straightforward approach and attention to relevant demographic information enhance its
overall credibility.


The writer employed a combination of descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the
responses from the questionnaire, providing a comprehensive overview of the demographic
information and addressing the research questions effectively. The use of Likert-scale
measurements for Sections B, C, and D allows for a nuanced analysis using frequency, mean,
and standard deviation, ensuring precision in the data obtained. The presentation of results in
tables enhances clarity and facilitates a quick understanding of the findings. However, the
writer does not explicitly justify the choice of the data analysis method, such as why the Likert-
scale and specific statistical tests were employed. This information could enhance the
transparency of the research process for readers. Moreover, while the demographic analysis

is thorough, the writer misses an opportunity to discuss potential weaknesses in the data
analysis method. For instance, there is no mention of potential biases introduced by the self-
reported nature of the questionnaire or the limitations associated with Likert-scale responses,
such as the potential for social desirability bias. Addressing these weaknesses would
contribute to a stronger interpretation of the findings.


The writer effectively presents the major findings in a clear and logically organized
manner, observing to the use of the past tense throughout the results section. The study
explores various aspects of the influence of social media on academic performance and
effectively addresses the research questions through descriptive analyses and inferential
statistics. As for the evaluation of the major finding, the writer successfully identifies a
moderate positive correlation between the influence of social media and academic
performance in mathematics learning. However, the writer refrains from making subjective
judgments about whether this result is good or bad. Such an interpretation is typically left to
the discussion section, which is appropriate.

To put it briefly, the researcher followed to the proper structure for a research paper.
The list of tables and all tables of contents were supplied and were really well-organized.
Additionally, the researcher employed the proper margin and spacing for a study report. In
addition, an accurate citation that adhered to APA format was employed. The way the
researcher builds the tables is likewise correct which the vertical line is not included. Because
the researcher arranged the study in the proper order from chapter one to chapter five, I can
also grasp it very well.

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