Teenage Drunk Driving Research Paper

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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Teenage Drunk Driving Research Paper

Crafting a thesis on teenage drunk driving is an intricate task that demands meticulous research,
critical analysis, and adept writing skills. Delving into this topic requires a deep understanding of the
complex factors contributing to underage alcohol consumption and its devastating consequences on
road safety. However, navigating through the vast sea of information and organizing it into a
coherent and compelling research paper can be overwhelming for many students.

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Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Although ten states prohibit the checkpoints,
research shows that these crack downs are improving the drunk driving conditions on the roads.
Once they have determined that they are, they will need to file a petition and complete any
necessary paperwork. All people have equal opportunity when it comes to life and drunk drivers
should not ruin that for anyone. The young adults may become habitual drinkers if they are not
being stopped from drinking frequently. Students need to know that alcohol affects their brain more
than it affects adults. Another survey shows that approximately 1,794 children of ages 14 years were
died in the alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents in 2006. Despite this fact, there is still a
considerable number of people who choose to drive while under the influence. Drinking and driving
is one of the most dangerous situations you can put yourself in or anyone else on the road. If one
refuses this test, the refusal will result in a license suspension of one to five years, depending on
driving history and DUI arrest scenarios, the refusal can be used against the arrestee in court as
evidence to their guilt, and the officer may apply for a search warrant to draw the arrestee's blood
without his or her consent. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. To bring this
statistic down, schools should educate students on the consequences of drunk driving because
teenagers are more likely to get into a fatal car crash than any other age group. Loss of life is not
only the issue caused due to accidents caused by Drunk Drivers, property loss is even a major
concern of this issue. Do not forget to make a small conclusion and smoothly transition into the next
paragraph. In addition, they can be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 3 months. Teenagers most
likely will drink in their lifetime. If a teenager is caught, the legal ramifications can include jail time
for up to six months, loss of their licenses and fines up to 1,000 dollars. Drinking is prohibited for
the teenagers because their systems are under development and needs energy to grow mentally and
physically, which eventually, is affected because of the drinking habits. The BAC is more common as
it is easier to check in the field by using a breathalyzer. Most states require the person to be of at
least a certain age in order to qualify for an expunction. At a BAC of above ten percent for instance
one has a very poor reaction time, deteriorated motor control, poor vision, mood changes, and over-
expression. Officers found out that he was driving while drunk. Professor Date Teenage drunk
driving Teenage drinking and driving is a shocking reality among many youths in the United States
of America. Apart from that, there is age factor as well according to which, the teenagers believe that
hey can handle every type of situation very easily without any problem and can act like invincible
and believes on the notion of personal freedom. Many employers look at criminal records and won’t
hire based on past charges. Not only will your teen need to deal with these consequences, the charge
will always be on their record, following them around wherever they go. To browse Academia.edu
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
The number of young alcohol consumers is gradually increasing with the passage of time. Roughly
five thousand American soldiers have died in Afghanistan and Iraq since the 2003 conflict in the
middle east started. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically
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Mr. Aranda is just wonderful and will take time and meet with you personally regarding your case.
But the Chinese Themis is especially merciless in relation to drunk drivers who caused the accidents
with victims. By court order, they can be sentenced to death. Although impressive reductions in
alcohol-related fatalities occurred between 1982 and 1997, during which all 50 States enacted the
basic impaired-driving laws, progress has stagnated over the last decade. In the process, many
students fall ill, both mentally and. These injuries and deaths are all easily preventable. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. Cite This paper. Select a citation style: Copy to
Clipboard Copied. Accident related medical bills are a challenge to the authorities, essay on drunk
driving, they led to economic retardation essay on drunk driving stretching of medical facilities. With
all this information provided above, it has become clear that driving is obviously not allowed to
youngsters with or without parents' permission because it is a government legislation which is
required to be followed by all the citizens of the country. Let us write or edit the research paper on
your topic. If you have already driven and didn’t expect to become intoxicated, the best thing to do
is call someone for help or hire a taxi. Another reason for teaching teenagers about drunk driving, is
that if they are taught about the legal ramifications it might discourage them from getting behind the
wheel while drunk. Furthermore, the united states need to be prominent in enforcing their laws and
they need to be more advanced in enforcing those laws. In the United States of America, the leading
cause of deaths for people under the age of 24 has been branded as motor vehicle wrecks due to
drinking and driving. Joanne Kerr and Jack Elwell’s journal offers honest material on the Problem of
drunk driving, especially on youngsters complete with its laws and consequences. Sadly, many
Canadians have personally witnessed the loss of loved ones due to drunk driving, causing them
significant emotional distress and potentially leading to depression. Many people driving everyday
do not know that the driver of the next to them at the red could be impaired. Show them you’re on
their side rather than against them. This problem of DUI not only costs lives but avoidable. There is
no doubt that nobody forces anyone to drink and drive in this condition, it is done intentionally and
personally, it just happens. Substantial changes in the laws and policies or funding for the
enforcement of the criminal offense of driving while intoxicated (DWI) are needed for further
substantial progress in reducing alcohol-related crash injuries. With this in mind, schools need to
focus on drunk driving to continue reducing the number of drunk driving deaths. In the application
of the social theory as a deterrence of Drunk Drivers, a severe punishment like a five-year
imprisonment, without bailing on bond, would be demotivating towards drunk driving (Chui, 2003).
In order to. finish college, it is imperative for every student to clear each course. DUI driving is a
common and deadly aspect of driving anywhere. This indicates the high probability of having road
accidents caused by Drunk Drivers. According to Joseph Carter, the president of the IACP, More
than two decades of research have demonstrated that sobriety checkpoints and other law
enforcement efforts make a difference. This means for the first three DUI arrests and convictions
someone receives in Tennessee it is a Misdemeanor not Felony. I would like to start by just stating a
few statistics related to drunk driving. These unprofessional and unskilled young drivers go through
the severe conditions of peer pressure, emotional and puberty changes while being drunk (Tim 2008).
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Teenagers most
likely will drink in their lifetime. They often use alcohol, drugs and intoxications more and more as it
has become a traditional adventure for the nations' youth. Parents choose to wait up for them to
come home from a date or hanging out with friends. These unprofessional and unskilled young
drivers go through the severe conditions of peer pressure, emotional and puberty changes while
being drunk (Tim 2008). Both self-report and biological measures were taken. If search for facts
online, always check the websites you take information from. Use Google Scholar to be on the safe
side and find books or journal articles on the topic. Rethinking a duty on a collision course with
itself. In this case, the main reasons were to avoid accidents (28.3%) as opposed to avoiding
sanctions (10.4%). On the contrary, the remaining 9.7% acknowledged they had driven after
consuming alcohol. Allowing people to drive drunk would also reduce the number of accidents
occurring on the road systems. To guarantee the safety of innocent people on the road, all offenders
must go to jail immediately. DUI driving is a common and deadly aspect of driving anywhere.
Extensively drunk college girls most of the time face sexual assault and rape. A teenage driver may
get pulled in by the interesting factor of drinking, or that teenager might not realistically consider the
severe results of drinking and then driving. Because of these reasons, Write- Cheap- Essay has
decided to enter the. Follow the rules of the chosen formatting style to cite all the factual
information in the paper. You have to support every statement with facts and figures. Statistics by
FBI states that in the year alone over million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of
alcohol or narcotics How to Write an Essay on Drunk Driving Driving involves the mind of the
driver; for safe driving, drivers should make the right decision when on road; they should follow
traffic rules as required by the law. The main aim of the free ride was to provide intoxicated drivers
with a cheap mode of transportation so that they are able to reach home safely along with mitigating
the chance of harming anyone else on the road. (Gieck, D, Joseph, and David M Slagle ) It is
important for such programs to be effective all over and not just in parts of the world because
according to harm theory, it has been suggested that most accidents due to the effects of alcohol
happen due to secondary measures. While under the influence, teenagers are 17 times more likely to
get into a fatal car crash, compared to driving sober (Burgess). There are many factors taken into
careful consideration when planning for an advertisement of a product. He set the plan in motion,
and my case was actually finished fast. However, usually, time is not their friend, which is why.
Transition: Drunk driving has always been something where. Certainly, not enough time to learn all
of the laws, ramifications of drinking and driving with peer pressure, and how one decision, at the
time seemed harmless, could lead to countless avoidable deaths. Once I got the completed paper, my
last doubts were gone. According to Duke University, Drunk Drivers show deviations from pure
rational decision making (4). The term drunk driver is not defined separately and one definition is
used to refer to individuals who drive under influence of any particular substance. The drunk driving
by the teenagers is another topic under discussion by the school systems, parents, and media because
it brings lots of dangers and hazards from both safety and health point of view. They are vitally
effective techniques to get impaired drivers off of our roads (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).
It is very important for people to be able to judge the level of alcohol that they have consumed before
riding their vehicles on the. The number of young alcohol consumers is gradually increasing with the
passage of time. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. However, their false imagination leads to any disasters
and serious consequences which are not good either for the young adults, or for their parents or
guardians. Please upgrade your browser in order to navigate without issue. Furthermore, during
parties teens tend to binge drink and then instead of calling their parents to pick them up, they try to
drive home or get a ride with someone who is also drunk (Lindsay). Talking to your teen and being
proactive can help further reduce the teen drinking and driving rate and make the roads a safer place.
Additional efforts are needed to better manage a problem with such important social and practical
consequences. Sterner took the lives of his four friends on March 3, 1994 in Sanibel Island on
Florida 's west coast due to drinking and driving. It is important to understand that these teens have a
far more adult outlook regarding their lives due to their life experiences, duties, and responsibilities.
The officers will run BAC tests on suspected drivers. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. All DUI's can be prevented and many people choose to drive a small distance even
when they know they are impaired and cannot drive safely. Everyday, teenage drunk driving kills
eight (8) teens on average. Many also suggest choosing a time when you’re not rushed and you can
spontaneously spark up a conversation without suddenly having to end it. On a normal weekend
evening, one driver among the 10 drivers present on the road is drunken teen driver. What should i
do if i have been Hit by a Drunk Driver. Custom Written Essays on Drunk Driving When writing on
drunk driving there can be no various opinions and evaluations. The social issue I picked to write on
is drunk driving, which in today’s society A Problem of Drunk Driving. Removal Request. If essay
on drunk driving are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work
published on IvyPanda. The accused teenager drunk drivers usually have to go through some legal
consequences or treatments; such as, stiff lines, alcohol education, probation, alcohol treatment,
revocation of their driving privileges, potential jail or prison, and community service charges.
Unstated Assumption in Mothers against Drunk Driving. In this paper I am going to be talking about
the problems of drinking and driving and it should concern people on the road. Consequently, it has
been necessary to ensure teenage drunk driving is stopped. Individuals who are most commonly
indulged in drinking and driving cases are mostly those who possess traits of individuals who can be
referred to as psychopaths. Roughly five thousand American soldiers have died in Afghanistan and
Iraq since the 2003 conflict in the middle east started. Most of the teenagers opposed the law of
drinking which is under twenty one years of age to allow an adult to buy and consume liquor. Let us
write or edit the research paper on your topic. It is a serious crime that often causes needless deaths
and injuries (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). The feeling of consuming liquor might be good and
adventurous for the teenagers, but it affects their physical and mental capabilities a lot if seen in the
Please upgrade your browser in order to navigate without issue. However, there are certain criteria
they must meet as well in order to be eligible. There is an urgent call for the United States to improve
on its lenient drunk driving laws and implement harsher laws in order to decrease the rate of
fatalities which has seen minimal decrease for some time now. The drunk driving by the teenagers is
another topic under discussion by the school systems, parents, and media because it brings lots of
dangers and hazards from both safety and health point of view. The paper 'Anti- drunk driving -
Cultural Systems Operating in the Advertisements, Text, and Images' is an engrossing example of
term paper on marketing. With these deterrents in mind, a teen would have to think twice about
getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. Instead, speak to them like you would if you were
having a normal conversation. This quote is important because it shows that drunk driving deaths can
be prevented. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. Drinking alcohol may not
only affect learning capabilities of teenagers, but it also affects their daily routine lives, social skills
and related capacities of growing up. Criminal Implications If your teen is caught drinking and
driving, he or she will receive either a DWI or a DUI. Therefore, there is no reason to engage in such
actions. Sadly, many Canadians have personally witnessed the loss of loved ones due to drunk
driving, causing them significant emotional distress and potentially leading to depression. Tim H,
2008, Teenage Drunk Driving, Ezine Articles, ezinearticles.com, Available online at. If search for
facts online, always check the websites you take information from. Cite This paper. Select a citation
style: Copy to Clipboard Copied. There are multiple reasons why no one should get behind the wheel
while being intoxicated.I strongly wish everyone would be more serious about drunk driving because
of many reasons. If the driver loses 12 points within two years, he or she is deprived of their drivers’
license. If one is found driving while drunk the repercussions include a jail term resulting in criminal
records. Under the influence of alcohol is not a problem as long as you keep it under control, but
once you decided to put the key in the engine is a big problem. It has been said that young adults
used to drink buckets of ale in the Pre-Revolutionary America. Overbey states this as, “to reduce
drunk driving and the deaths and injuries that it causes” (Overbey, 55), showing the need to avoid
drunk driving owing to the consequences to self, family, friends, government, and the society. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. Apart from that, you will also need to create a clincher phrase, which is
a final sentence that calls for further reflections and gives your audience some food for thought. In
addition, they lose 6 points (a point system is used in the country). By using our site, you agree to
our collection of information through the use of cookies. There is a mass of research evidence to
show that driving performance and reaction times are seriously affected by alcohol. Physiology
Alcohol is usually absorbed quickly through the stomach and intestines and thus enters the
bloodstream within 20 minutes of consumption. The teenagers are more likely to get influenced from
liquor and get drunk whenever they get a chance.
Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the
bottom of this page. In Canada, drinking and driving is a leading cause of injuries and fatalities.
When driving under the influence of alcohol, the driver ignores traffic signs, essay on drunk driving,
symbols, and lights; with the ignorance there is high chance that he will do the forbidden causing an
accident. Profiling Drunk Drivers Individuals belonging to different ages, genders as well as race
have been found to be indulged in drinking and driving cases. By understanding the potential
dangers, the audience is supposed to become thoughtful of drunk driving. However, there is no
maximum limit available which could calculate the quantity of alcohol intake by the youngsters. If
more teenagers learned at an earlier age not to be pressured by their friends, drunk driving would not
be so prevalent. This is the reason why driving is allowed only for the individuals and people above
eighteen (18) years of age. Young adults are dangerous drivers because they belong to the high-risk
group, which means that first of all, they are young and then they are totally unaware of the rules
needed to drive a motor vehicle. If you learned something from our blog today, please feel free to
share it with others. Research Paper Report Case Study Assessment Discussion Board Post Other.
This problem of DUI not only costs lives but avoidable. In a different perspective, that is about 35
people every day (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). In fact, the highest percentage of alcohol related
accidents came from the 16-20 year olds (National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Accidents).
The first solution I always impose amongst my audience is the idea of higher education. At times, the
reports made against the young teenagers bring hazardous effects in their bright future. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. Avoiding drunk driving in the first instance is the ideal,
but if you are caught over the limit, ensure you have a good DUI lawyer to defend you. Working on
such a task helps them learn to reflect on serious issues, find ways out of difficult situations, and
understand the significance of the problems under review. When talking to your teens, there are a
few things you can do to better get through to them and emphasize the importance of abstaining
from drinking. Parents choose to wait up for them to come home from a date or hanging out with
friends. It has been said that young adults used to drink buckets of ale in the Pre-Revolutionary
America. Start each paragraph by introducing the point you are planning to review, show what you
have found when researching it, and analyze these findings. The Drunk Driver Drunk driving cuts
across all racial, ethnic, age, and socioeconomic categories. World peace and security essay Collective
security is one type of coalition building strategy whether global or regional in which a group of. If
you continue using our website, you accept our Cookie Policy. Accept. But people with certain
characteristics are quite involved in such cases. These are just some ways to prevent drunk driving. It
is also brewed with tea and mixed with cakes and brownies. Transition: Drunk driving has always
been something where.
Words4 Pages. Cause and Effect Essay on: Drunk Driving. One reason drivers today are so
dangerous is video games. With regard to the type of sanctions, 90% think that DUI is punishable by
a fine, 96.4% that it may result in temporary or permanent suspension of driving license, and 70%
that it can be punished with imprisonment. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
Apart from that, 16,005 people were reported killed in the road accidents which were underage
drunk drivers in the same year. Most states require the person to be of at least a certain age in order
to qualify for an expunction. While under the influence, teenagers are 17 times more likely to get
into a fatal car crash, compared to driving sober (Burgess). But the Chinese Themis is especially
merciless in relation to drunk drivers who caused the accidents with victims. By court order, they can
be sentenced to death. Data were collected during a 2-hr Friday daytime session at 60 locations and
during 2-hr nighttime weekend periods at 240 locations. An expunction of records can help by
permanently removing the charge from their record. In this case, the main reasons were to avoid
accidents (28.3%) as opposed to avoiding sanctions (10.4%). On the contrary, the remaining 9.7%
acknowledged they had driven after consuming alcohol. Punishment may also include revocation of
one’s driving license. Unfortunately, many individuals continue to make this clearly bad decision far
too frequently. These statistics are presented in the following order (Goodman and Simon 98). An
essay — drunk driving has the capacity to dissuade people from drinking while driving by
presenting the sad state of affairs in places where it has reached dangerous levels. Accessibility, User
Agreement, Privacy, Payments Terms of Use, Cookies, CA Privacy Notice, Your Privacy Choices
and AdChoice. As a result of the sensory impacts of drinking alcohol, driving is responsible for the
many accidents and deaths associated with alcohol. The increasing number of young drunk drivers
on the roads is because of the fact that there is no proper communication present between them and
their parents. Whether your teen drinks a glass of wine or downs a few beers, they will be too
impaired to drive safely. On the other hand, many universities, scholarship foundations, and other
educational institutes base their decisions and criteria on past criminal charges. Whoever becomes 18
years is suppose to learn driving from a reliable institution or elder with proven driving experience,
and then after learning this skill; the newly adult is supposed to get a permit from the government of
his country which allows him to drive certain motor vehicle on the roads freely without the parental
or guardian guidance. In this paper I am going to be talking about the problems of drinking and
driving and it should concern people on the road. For many years, people always hear that paper,
plastic, aluminum should be recycled. Custom Written Essays on Drunk Driving When writing on
drunk driving there can be no various opinions and evaluations. Let us write or edit the research
paper on your topic. This study involved randomly stopping drivers at 300 locations across the 48
continental U.S. states at sites selected through a stratified random sampling procedure. Allowing
people to drive drunk would also reduce the number of accidents occurring on the road systems. To
guarantee the safety of innocent people on the road, all offenders must go to jail immediately.
Conclusions: Knowing how alcohol consumption impairs safe driving and skills, being aware of the
associated risks, knowing the traffic regulations concerning DUI, and penalizing it strongly are not
enough. Although impressive reductions in alcohol-related fatalities occurred between 1982 and
1997, during which all 50 States enacted the basic impaired-driving laws, progress has stagnated
over the last decade. However, usually, time is not their friend, which is why.

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