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Segment 24


I have been blessed to have the privilege, all these days in the
Advanced Class, and at night as well, to have people from across the
country dialing their telephones in here and with the facilities we have
here to send them the teaching. Tonight we have International joined
with us, as International is every night. We pre-arrange this before we
left because, we have to keep a skeleton crew at International all the
time to keep it open during the Advanced Class. So we arranged at
International to send the teaching back every night. And I'm real
blessed that, again today, from International, came twenty four-five of
our top people that are at International came in for the day. They were
here early this morning and they're in the auditorium tonight. And, I'm
just thankful you're here today. But I'm also thankful to God that you
stay back at Headquarters and are working there to keep International
moving and blessing others of our people around the world. But tonight,
also in addition to International, we have Virginia Beach, Virginia with
Sally Martin and her group (applause) and tonight; Sioux Falls, South
Dakota with the Dopps; and Champagne, Illinois with Sue Dorkel. So all
of these have joined us. Give 'em a big hand! (Applause with cheering)

The counterfeit is so much like the genuine, people, you have to

have the text book to be able to separate the two. Which means you have
to know God's Word in order to distinguish between the counterfeit and
the genuine. There's a record in Luke eighteen that I'd like to share
with you, beginning with verse eleven - ah, or ten:

Luke 18:10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee,
and the other a publican.
18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank
thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust,
adulterers, or even as this publican.
18:12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I
18:13 [But] {And} the publican, standing afar off, would not {lift
up} so much as [lift up] his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon
his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

I was at a meeting, one evening, where this scripture was read and
preached on. And this was a meeting of the counterfeit. And at the
close of this meeting, they had an altar call, and people came forward
to get saved. And the minister running this particular extra sensory
perception meeting, invited them to get saved. And salvation, he said:
"just confess with your mouth that you're a sinner", just say "I'm a
sinner". And then ask God: "be merciful to me a sinner". And he had
everybody to pray that; "God be merciful to me a sinner." And they had
that altar call, and I thought of that a thousand times before and
since, of course, very much so. Because, in many of the Evangelistic
campaigns that I attended in past years in what is called the Biblical
Circles, the Bible Belt of the United States, the conservative biblical
theological world, they would invite people to get saved, to come up for
salvation. And they would have them to pray the prayer of this
publican, publicly: "God be merciful to me a sinner and save me for

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Jesus sake." And then they'd claim the people were saved. You don't
get saved by confessing - or saying: "God be merciful to me a sinner,
and save me for Jesus sake."

You get saved by confessing with your mouth the Lord Jesus and
believe God raised him what? (from the dead) You can confess you're a
sinner, and you can pray: "God be merciful to me, a sinner," but that
will not save you. So, those people went away with a new feeling, a
feeling that they were saved. But you're not saved because of feeling,
you're saved because of believing and confession. And therefore, you
have to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, believe God raised him
from the dead, and you believe that - with the heart man believeth unto
righteousness, with the mouth confession is made unto salvation, then
you're saved.

Salvation, class, is not dependent upon feeling. Feelings come and

go, the Lord Jesus Christ liveth and abideth forever and His Word. And
you're saved by confessing the Lord Jesus Christ, the savior from sin,
and believing that God raised him from the dead. So, those poor, poor
people went away believing they were saved. They had a feeling, I heard
many times; "Well, I feel clean - I feel saved." Well, you can get that
type of feeling on a psychologist or a psychiatrist's couch. You can
get that kind of feeling - you're not saved because of feeling, you're
saved because of God and His Word, people. That's why, that sign that's
been up here all day long, you ought to know it from memory, that's why
I wanted it taken off, you better learn this'n: "The secret of his
success is the secret of his moves." See.

There's a record in Philippians, chapter four. Very familiar verse

of scripture, if you've been working the Word, 'cause it's one of the
"greats". First Corinthians - ah, Philippians, four, verse thirteen:

Phil. 4:13 I can do all things . . .

I can do - I can do - not a spirit through me. Not because I'm

possessed or controlled, but I can - I can. By the freedom of my will,
I can, not my grandma, not somebody else, I can. Not some devil spirit
for whom I would be a channel or medium, or who would be my control.
No, sir, I can, by the freedom of my will, do all things:

. . . through Christ . . .

Through Christ - by way of Christ, who does what?

. . . {which} strengthens me.

There's a beautiful translation of verse thirteen, which I think,

is fantastically accurate: "I'm ready for anything and equal to
anything, through him who infuses inner strength into me." I think that
that is a very beautiful translation. There's also a record in first
John, I'd like for you to read. Hebrews, James, first/second Peter -
first John, chapter three, verse ten:

I John 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children
of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of
God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
3:11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning,

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that we should love one another.
3:12 Not as Cain, who was of [- of - of] that wicked one, and
slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own
works were evil, and his brother's [were what?] {righteous}.

The adversary is really bold, class. Yet, in spite of his

boldness, he's very secretive. He tries to tell people that there's
nothing they can do about his power over them. We had a W.O.W., last
year, who received a "Voodoo" doll, sent to him with all the pins in it.
And that means, in the black arts field, that you're a "dead duck" - or
a dead Voodoo or something. You're supposed to be a dead person -
they're gonna kill you. And, I think, when he got that, he sorta
freaked for the moment, had a little fear. And he called me up on the
phone, bless God, and I showed him, from the Word, that he did not need
to have any fear for he had Christ in him, the hope of glory. And he
that's in you is greater than he's in the world. And I showed him
again, from the Word, that fear enslaves. So I asked him to send me
the doll. (laughter) So, I took the pins out and put them in Mrs.
Wierwille's pin cushion and I burned the doll, see. (laughter) Ha-hah-
hah, yeah. So, I'm still here, and so is our W.O.W., as a matter-of-
fact, he'll be coming in the Corps.

Ignorance is dispelled, people, when light is introduced. And

that's what's able to make you recognize the difference between the
genuine and the counterfeit. And, ladies and gentlemen, this is our
rule book (holds up the Bible), this is our text book. We are spiritual
athletes who play by a spiritual rule book as other athletes play by
rule books, so we play by God's rule book, the Word.

And on page 14 of your syllabus, I have the Genuine and the

Counterfeit set side by side for you. You have that? On the Genuine
side you have God, on the counterfeit you have the satan and the devil.
Perhaps you ought to write the word "adversary" in there, 'cause I've
explained the usage of the word satan and devil to ya.

The primary thing the true God wants is to worship - to be

worshipped. Talked to ya about that in a previous session. He does
not, particularly, want your works. That's secondary, firstly, to
worship Him. While I'm teaching this, class, why don't you just believe
for God's deliverance, and get over your coughing. No sense in you
coughing - if anybody oughta cough, I oughta cough, and I ain't
coughin'. So, if I don't cough, don't you cough. Ah, you see, just
thank the Lord for your deliverance and believe it and forget it.

Worship is on the counterfeit side, but the worship there is always

the worship of the self, of an individual, of a man. Or, they worship
nature. That's a dandy! They see God in everything. Ever heard that?
It's called Pantheism - Pantheism, where God is in everything. You
know, God's in the bush, God's in the bug, God's in the trees, God's in
nature, that's Pantheism. Or they worship idols. One of the greatest
places to see the counterfeit is the Mardis Gras - they've loaded.

The seed of God is on the Genuine side, the Counterfeit, the seed
of the devil. Salvation, Romans 10:9 & 10; and salvation is the
"sinner's prayer" on the counterfeit side, of Luke 18 that I read. And,
I've sat in the meetings - tremendous. Truth is on the Genuine side;
half truth or part truth is on the counterfeit. If it's true, it's

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what? (Genuine) If there's one iota that is not true, then it's no
longer what? (True) That's right. And it's the difference between
best and good. Best is the genuine, good is the counterfeit. On the
Genuine side, you have signs and wonders; on the Counterfeit, you have
lying signs and wonders, but I want to tell you, they are signs and
they're wonders, see.

Very admirable presentation in the session today, when Earl Burton

so admirably, again, presented this tremendous subject that he delt with
so completely and beautifully. I know, and I've been there, where
they've had a - what an individual went through as a major surgery, that
ordinarily would take three to five hours in the best medical
institution. And this particular Psychic Surgeon, ah, did it in less
than a half hour. And the scar is no more than a hairline. And, it's
just unbelievable how the counterfeit lying signs and wonders intrigue

A number of years ago, I was involved in a situation of a man in

jail for embezzling money from a Bank. He never did embezzle that
money. He never took that money, but he went to jail for it. But that
money was taken out when he was supposed - when he was there, you know,
supposed to be there, watching over it, and he was accountable for it.
But it was taken by devil spirits who dematerialized it and produced it
at another place.

I have been in meetings, where ten dollar bills, twenty dollar

bills, ones, fives, fall out of a trumpet. A trumpet - float around the
room and stop over top of the man doing the seance meeting, and dollar
bills, five dollars, tens and twenties would come out and fall on the
table. I've seen cigars like that - must have been for fellas who liked
cigars, I don't know, but - come out. I've seen a trumpet go around the
room, and somebody'd go to sleep and the trumpet'd hit 'em on the head.
Ha-hah-hah! I like it - interesting.

Hey! Where do you think the adversary gets that money? I know
where he got the money, that's why the man went to jail. The adversary
took that money, dematerialized it, put it some place else. And the
fella couldn't find the money, so, the adversary sent him to jail. Boy,
this stuff - I told ya, I can't spend too much time on experience,
'cause I gotta get to the Word, teach ya the Word. But I've been there,
I've seen this.

One of the first things that occurred in my office, many years ago,
when my pianist, Rhoda, was - you know, she knows about this, we had a
very important piece of document. This is years ago, and Lordy, we knew
that we had put it in the file. 'Cause my Rhoda, she's sharp, she
doesn't miss a thing, she knows more about this ministry than I do.
But, boy, we'd put it away. And it was an incriminating piece of
literature, or papers that we needed to protect the ministry that we
represent. And, lo and behold, we wanted to find that piece and it had
disappeared - it was gone, it was not there. And then, of course, I
learned some things, and since that time, we've never had a thing to
miss. We've never missed a thing of important papers, or anything else,
to this day, 'cause there is one thing that I do. And that is; when I
put something into a file which belongs to The Way Ministry, I thank
God, always. I live this way. I don't stop there and lay my hands on
it all the time, and tell ya, Lord to protect it. You see, I wouldn't

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get anything done but that. But in my heart, I live this way, and I
just believe: God'll protect it, nobody'll touch it. And there hasn't
been one devil spirit inside of the place, ever has taken a thing.

Same way with things that are said. I know that the adversary can
pick up former information. But when you get deep enough with the true
God and love God enough and His Word and you really commit yourself.
And quit screwin' around tryin' to sit on the fence. I don't give a
hoot about your past. You just thank God that the devil can't get his
stupid nose into it and you believe it. And I don't give a hoot what
you did in the past, he can't know, and he won't know. And if he don't
know, he can't ever tell anybody else, through a devil spirit, what
you've done. You can protect yourself that completely.

I sat in on a meeting today that I did just that. 'Cause it's

nobody else's business what we talked about. I know there are people'd
like to know, but they're never gonna know, 'cause I just claimed God's
protection over the top. And I told that group, when they - when we
started; "Now, when you leave here, it's a closed corporation." I think
they thought, what I meant, they shouldn't talk about it. Number one,
they're right, they oughta keep their mouths shut. But, what they did
not know, is that it's a closed corporation, as far as God is concerned.
'Cause I believe God to cover it completely, that nobody else in the
whole world will ever know. That, I believe, is the power of God.

You see, I've seen the devil spirit world do this money trip,
dollars falling and tens. And I've seen people, like this one instance,
be in jail for embezzling. He did not, devil spirits take it. For
instance, if you've got a real responsible job, I guess today, they
insure ya or somethin'. That, if you count a lot of money, you're
insured. I wanna tell ya something, you can - the best insurance you've
got is God! Man, if you're honest at that job, you can count a million
dollars a day, or whatever you're counting, you'll be honest, the devil
can't slip any of that stuff out of it. But that's how a lot of the
Spiritualists, and these other people, get so much money to work with.
'Cause they're stealing it from the good people, dematerializing and re-
materializing it, and they are not accountable for it. That's going on

I wonder if we might not have people who have moved in spiritualism,

or been there as mediums and stuff, who have similarly seen and
experienced what I know, by my experience of being present on occasions,
where things happened like this in Spiritualist meetings? If ya have,
you might wanna tell Howard, or Don about it, or Walter or some of these

I want to say something else about the counterfeit. Now I know

that the sun and the moon and stars and everything, has effect upon
people. I think Astrology, which is a counterfeit, - but, you know, it
isn't Astronomy, it's Astrology - ah, Astro-Science, they call it, or
the science of Astro- the - it's a counterfeit, and I know that. But
there are still great truths in life like this, in that, the natural
man, born at a certain time, will be influenced by the signs of the
Zodiac, the environment, everything else in which he's born. But, once
you are born again - once you are born again, you are in control of all
the elements. You have Christ in you, the hope of glory, and it doesn't
make one hill a bit of difference what sign you were born under.

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Because the sign of Christ is bigger than all the signs of Astrology or
anything else, people. That's right! (applause) And you've got
absolute freedom of will, walking with Christ, after that, to be victor
over top of all the Astrological signs you may have been born under.
So, Tarus, just let him be "Bully", I don't care - and anything else.

On the Genuine side, you have manifestations: Tongues;

Interpretation of Tongues; Prophecy; Word of Knowledge; Word of Wisdom;
Discerning of Spirits; those. On the Counterfeit manifestations, you
have: Possession; you have Clairvoyance; you have Clairaudience, which
is the counterfeit of prophecy; you have False Prophecy, which is the
counterfeit of word of knowledge; you have Lying Signs and Wonders, the
opposite of discerning of spirits. And then you have Healings, I call
it paid for, because the healings that you receive there, on the
Spiritualist side, are simply to get you to worship and serve the wrong

On the Genuine side, you have Christ's return. On the opposite

side, you have false returns, which gives God's Word a bad image. I
think, the first time I remember he was supposed to come back was 1914,
that I read about. Then, later on, if I remember tonight, I don't care
- maybe accurate on all of them, but I think I am cognizant of at least
nine or eleven returns that people have predicted, he'd come back. I
wanna tell ya, he hasn't come back, 'cause we're here. And the Bible
says: "No man knoweth the day or the hour". So, any time you hear
anybody or any group prophesying the return of Christ on such and such a
day, bet your money, you're not gonna lose it, 'cause he's not commin'
back when they say. 'Cause no man knoweth the day or what? (time)
That's right. So, they're not gonna know.

God's Word is genuine. Mis-translations and misquotations are the

counterfeit. God's law is genuine. Man's self righteousness is the
counterfeit. Christ is the genuine - the antichrist is the counterfeit.
The Genuine is to give to the work of God's ministry, which is the best.
The other is give to a good cause, ya know, campaigns for hospitals,
cancers, lot of other things. According to the genuine, the stars are
for signs and seasons - the counterfeit, Astrology. The genuine is free
will, people. The counterfeit is possession, or a channel, or a medium.
On the genuine you have Guardian Angels - in the counterfeit, you have
all the occult, devils.

Perhaps I oughta just share with you that devil spirits tend to
live in groups. They like company. They get lonesome, just like you
do. They tend to live in groups. You've heard the old cliche; If you
have two suicides in a community, you'll have a third? It's right on -
right on, heh-heh. Generally, that's what happens. This was concluded
by observation, through the years. But yet it's, generally, a spiritual
reality. Devil spirits like company. They tend to live in groups.
Later on, as we get, tonight and tomorrow, further into this, I'll show
you the groups that live, many times, together - how they work. Luke
chapter eight.

Thought it was a tremendous thing, today, as Duke put together the

cross of Jesus Christ, where he was to be lifted up. And taking it back
in the Old Testament, and tying that serpent who looks at that - no
longer, and tying it all together. I thought, man that's great
teaching, that's the beauty of the greatness of the Word again. And I've

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just been tremendously blessed, day after day, with the amount of Word
that's been here, tremendous Word, rightly divided in every session. And
I'm like a hawk over the top of this, these are my kids! If they got
off at one little iota, I'd most likely be jumpin' over seats, er
somethin', see. But I listen with - because I wanna hear the Word too -
but I listen with my ability and spiritual perception, and handling of
the Word. And I was just tremendously blessed. Like the morning
watches, and everything right down the line, the tremendous amount of
the integrity and accuracy of God's Word. And very especially at this
particular time when we're dealing with the Discerning of Spirits.
You see, there's a Greek word; "Daimonion". It's spelled: D-A-I-M-
O-N-I-O-N, that's the Greek. Is devil or devil spirits, and one or more
may do the possessing. This word "daimonion" is the word that so many
translate into English as "Demon". They do not use the word "Devil". A
lot of the modern translations of the Bible do not use the word "devil"
they use the word "demon". And clergy men that you hear speak - I'm
talking biblical, conservative, ah Bible belt clergy - they'll not use
the word "devil", they'll use the word "demon". And it's this word
"daimonion" that they translate into English as "demon". That in itself
is the trick of the devil - to translate "daimonion" as "demon".
Because, that's exactly what the devil wants you to do - translate it
"demon". Because, the word "demon" sounds less harsh. It sounds less
evil. Therefore, he prefers that the translators translate it "demon".
Well, dang it! Daimonion is a Greek word, demon is a Greek word, we
speak English, let's translate it "devil" whether he likes it or whether
he doesn't like it. So, I don't wanna hear any of you talkin' about
"demons" I want to hear you talkin' about "devils", if you're gonna use
the word, O.K.? Good enough?

Then there's the word "Daimon", D-A-I-M-O-N. This does not mean
the devil, "Diabolos," but it means a ruling or controlling devil
spirit, like a five star general. Not the commander-in-chief. The
commander-in-chief is the adversary, called the devil, called satan - he
is diabolos. But under satan, under the devil, come many ranks of
spirits until you finally get down to the spiritual "buck-privates."

Then there's another word "Daimonizomai," and that word simply

means; "someone or something possessed of a devil spirit or devil
spirits." A person may be possessed of one or many. In possession,
class, it is devil spirits working directly under the devil or satan's
command. He is the commander-in-chief, the devil, the adversary. But
under him are five star generals, fours, threes, captains, all the way
down to buck-privates. If you've got a five star general in there, he
can invite "friends" in, 'cause he's five what? (star) But you don't
see a buck private inviting a general. It works like this in the spirit
world just exactly like that. But, if you have a lieutenant in there,
or a captain, he can bring a buck-private in.

Now, here, in Luke eight, is a fantastic record - verse twenty six:

Luke 8:26 [There] {And they} arrived at the country of the Gadarenes,
[they arrived,] which is over against Galilee.
8:27 And when he [Jesus] went forth to land, there met him out of
the city a certain man, which had devils long time, . . .

They'd been housed there a long time. The word "devils" here, is
the word "daimonion," or daimonia, but it's from the word "daimonion",

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meaning "lower ranking." Had a whole mess of 'em in there, plural.

. . . and [he wore] {ware} no clothes, . . .

He'd be real modern today, wouldn't he? Heh-heh. I hear, in

Florida now, the ladies swimming wear "Band-Aids." So, (laughter) this
fella didn't even have a banded on. And he didn't live in a house, but
he lived among the tombs, among the places where dead people were

. . . {neither abode in any house, but in the tombs}.

Hah-hah-ha. Shoot, it's a great world. When I was initiated into

the fraternity - I would have enjoyed the sorority more, but they
wouldn't have me - ah, (laughter) they gave me a pack of these little
matches, ah stick matches, you know, they come in boxes about that long,
the pack of that, a pencil - a pen - a pencil it was, and a little pad.
And they made me go to the cemetery and get twelve names off of
tombstones. That was part of the requirement. But I had heard they had
done things like this before. So, at the time of the hazing of that
particular experience, I, deliberately, had gone out and hidden a
flashlight along the road. So, ah, I went and got the flashlight, but
(laughter) ha-ha-hah, that's right. But I had to run like crazy in
order to get it, 'cause they sent me a different direction. So, I had
to run two and a half miles to get the flashlight so I could go over to
the cemetery and (laughter), and get stuff. But I - I figured they were
gonna pull somethin'. I didn't know they were gonna send me to the
cemetery, er somethin'.

Well, anyways, a number of years ago, ah, Mrs. Wierwille and I were
ministering to a lady, we took eighteen devil spirits out of her. And
the only place she wanted to live, and she drove her husband nuts, she
always wanted to live next to the cemetery. Every time they moved, I
think two or three times, and every time they moved, she wanted to live
next to a cemetery. And, of course, when we ministered to her, that's
where she was living. And ah, took some devil spirits out of 'em, and
one of 'em, of course, belonged to that category of death.

Well, anyways, he abode among the tombs. Knowing from the Word
here, I know what kind of devil spirits he had, some of 'em. "And when
he saw Jesus," verse twenty eight:

8:28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and
with a loud voice said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus,
[God most high?] . . .

(NO! - laughter) If ya just can't believe the truth of God

Almighty saying "This is my beloved SON," how about believing devil
spirits? They'll tell ya the truth here. (laughter) Even devil
spirits know he wasn't God, but that he was the Son of what? (God)
That's what it says - most high. Heh-heh, that right. See, this man,
wearing no clothes, he was insane, was off his rocker, had an unsound
mind. But he fell down, which is pseudo-worship, and he said: "What
have I to do with thee, Jesus,"

. . . thou Son of God most high? I beseech thee, torment me not.

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This word, "torment," comes from the word meaning "touchstone."
You rub upon a touchstone, which is a fine grained dark stone, like
jasper. And it's used to test the fineness of metals - gold and silver
- to determine or to test their fineness and their quality. And he said
to him; "I beseech thee, torment me not." What are ya rubbin' me
wrongly for? This kinda stuff. Verse twenty nine:

8:29 (For [verse 29] he ["was commanding" is the text] {had

commanded} the unclean spirit [You have a parentheses here,]
to come out of the man. For oftentimes it [the unclean spirit]
had caught him: and he was kept bound with [what?] {chains}
and in fetters; [but] {and} he brake the bands, and was driven
of the devil into the wilderness.)

This word "devil," here, is not the word - same word, it's
"daimonos." It's a five star general, here, in verse twenty nine. This
boy had a big one, plus a lot of others. He was a man, they bound him
with bands, and he broke them. I think I heard one of you share, yes I
did, of how this woman threw all these other girls right off of her, and
she was just a little gal, see. Here's a man, they put him in chains,
and he busted 'em - in fetters, he busted 'em, he break the bands.

Mrs. Wierwille tells about her working in the hospital, in

Cincinnati, and it was sorta neat, because, in the one cell, she had a
man who was "Jesus Christ", and just a few cells over, she had "the
Virgin Mary" (laughter). But that man, who was "Jesus Christ," when
that devil spirit came upon him, they really had to watch. 'Cause he
would take regular steel bars, that you ordinarily would have, and he'd
just take 'em and bend 'em apart. Take a bed, a metal bed, and just
crush the thing up, see. Well, this driven of the devil, see - devil,
driven of the devil - it's possession. He's not in control of his mind.
That five star general is calling the shots in his life - he's possessed
him, he's controlled him. And he was strong, broke the chains.

8:30 And Jesus asked him [not the man - he spoke to the devil
spirit, the five star general], saying, [What's yer name?]
{What is thy name?} And he said, [Ooh, we are] Legion:
[meaning, whole mess of us in here] because [it describes it]
many [what?] devils {were entered into him}.

Many devils - daimonion - lesser rank - five star general, plus

everything else down the line, are in there. Verse thirty one; the
"they" in thirty one, is the word "it." And it - IT - the five star

8:31 And [it] {they} besought him [Jesus] that he [Jesus] would not
command them to go out into the [abyss - out in the] deep.

You can't walk beyond your revelation. Now, I know this must sound
funny to you, to hold a conversation, but this is exactly what will
happen, at times. Those devil spirits will talk right to you. They'll
even give their names. That's what these are doin'. It besought him -
besought Jesus, that he would not command them to go out in the deep.

Any of you people that have been farmers, or cattlemen, especially

dairy herds, have ya ever had a cow, you could beat her in the head with
a ball bat, but she'd kick you every time? And then you had to put

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"hobbles" on her to keep her from kickin'? And then, time and time
again, she'd break those and "sock it to ya?" - horses like this, dogs,
I've seen, that were real gentle and, all at once, they get bitey.
Whenever you see this kind of thing in an animal, you ought to reach in
"Daddy's Cookie Jar," and see what's in there. You might be surprised.
'Cause when they're controlled like that, animals get controlled by
devil spirits, and when you've got an animal that's controlled by a
devil spirit, no man can tame that animal - unless you cast the spirit
Now here in verse thirty two:

8:32 And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the
mountain: and they besought him [devil spirits] that he would
suffer them to enter into them. And he [said Okey-dokey]
suffered them.
8:33 Then went the [daimonia] devils out of the man, and entered
into the swine: and [the hogs] the herd ran violently down a
steep place into the lake, and were choked.
8:34 When they that fed them saw what was done, they fled, and
[they] went and told it in the city and in the country.
8:35 [Verse 35: And] {Then} they went out to see what was done; and
came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the [five star
general, plus all the rest] {devils} were departed, sitting at
the feet of [what?] Jesus, clothed, [clothed,] and in his
right [what?] {mind}: . . .

Then what was he in verse seven, when he wore no clothes, and

abode, not in a house, but in the tombs? He was in his wrong mind,
which is an insane mind - insanity. The word "right" is the word
"sound" (S-O-U-N-D). Right mind is a sound mind.

My father used to talk about horses as sound. Then he used the

phrase "as a dollar". That was before the inflation or somethin'. He
had this phrase - he always - when he saw a beautiful horse, and he'd go
over it and feel it on the neck and shoulders and down the legs and he'd
check 'em all out, check their teeth, everything. Then, if it was a
real great horse, he'd say: "Boy, that horse is sound as a dollar!"
That was the phrase. That's the word used here, a sound mind - no

"Sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind." He

was in his right what? (Mind) He was no longer insane. In verse twenty
seven, he was insane. Jesus Christ brings sanity to the mind of a man.
That's what he did here. But the last phrase is:

. . . [the people] {and they} were [what?] afraid.

People are afraid of sanity. They would rather have people

screwed-up, because then you're just a slave to everybody - you're just
a channel, you're just a medium - they - people, they found Jesus in his
right mind, and the people were what? (afraid) Right.

8:36 They also [verse 36] which saw it told them by what means he
that was possessed of the devils was healed.

This is from the word "daimonizomai," used here in "possessed of

the devils," and the word "possessed" - look at the accuracy of it - not

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freedom of will but what? Possessed. Possessed, and possession is just
like being a puppet, pull the string and the puppet goes this way.
Possession is just like that. In freedom of will, you are in absolute
control. The moment you lose that control, it's under possession.

Now, there's a vast difference between: my allowing myself, or

yourself, to go into a hospital and allowing a doctor to administer to
you ah anesthesia, or whatever you call it, that's a lot different. But
when you give your mind over to a spirit, that is possession. Because,
what the medical profession does in a hospital, that'll wear off
whenever, you know - if I - they know what they're doin' - half hour,
hour after, or ten minutes after you come out of surgery - I don't know.
But there - that's not at all where you give your mind over. That's
just, by the freedom of your will, you make a decision, it'd feel better
to have the operation with a little anesthesia than without, see.

So, you just for that moment, but possession - possession, people,
they come when they want to, and they leave when they're ready. In
freedom of will, honey, you've got the privilege to pick this thing up
and to keep it as long as you want to. But if it was possession, it
would come upon you and it would stay as long as it wanted to - that's
the difference. You just never allow anybody to possess your mind. You
just don't allow anybody to control it. You have freedom of will,
freedom of mind, to make up your mind. And that's a great, great thing
that God put in the body of man. It's a fantastic truth, people.

8:37 {Then} the whole multitude [in verse 37] of the country of the
Gadarenes round about besought him [besought Jesus to get out
of there] {to depart from them}; for [they were afraid] they
were taken with great fear: . . .

They were afraid of Jesus Christ - and afraid of people with right
minds. God, I sometimes feel this thing in the depth of my soul. How,
today, people are afraid of The Way ministry because it's the first time
you ever got a whole and a sound mind. Now they're afraid of ya, that's
right. (applause)

Well, move in good categories, I guess - good associations. they

were afraid of Jesus, they begged him, said "Get out of here!" They
were taken with great fear:

. . . and he went up into the ship, and returned back again.

8:38 Now the man out of whom the devils [the whole gang] were
departed besought him [besought Jesus - He was in his right
mind - he besought him] that he might be with him: but Jesus
sent him away, [revelation - and said] {saying},
8:39 [Go back home] {Return to thine own house}, and shew how great
things God hath done [for] {unto} thee. And he went his way,
and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus
had done unto him.

He went witnessing - he became a W.O.W. Went right out, told what

God had done for him. People, you've got to drive this section of God's
Word into your mind. You have to understand it. So, drive it into your
mind to the end that you understand it and you can teach it to someone.
And you just can't get talked out of this stuff. This is the real

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"McCoy," this is the truth of God's Word.

You can pick up almost any daily paper, or periodical, and there'll
always be something in it along the line: "I did so-in-so because
something came over me," or a phrase like: "Something compelled me to do
it," or a statement like: "I don't know what came into me," "I don't
know why I did it. I really didn't want to do it." - these statements.

Was a couple of years ago, wasn't it, where somebody drowned her -
all of her - two or three of her kids in the bath tub - and, well it's
longer than that. And then they put her in jail. Drowned all her kids,
and they - she went through all the treatments and they declared her
completely sane. She got out and had two babies, or somethin', and then
she drowned those, see. You know, she had passed all the psychiatric
treatments that she was "Okey-dokey", see. Ah, this was in Great
Britain, I think, where this thing occurred, I dunno, just - But anyway,
what she said: "I don't know why I did it, I love my children." I don't
know why I did it, see.

After she had drowned them, and they put her in prison, what do you
think that spirit did that compelled her and forced her to drown her
babies? Well, there aren't any babies to drown in a single cell, so he
"flipped the coup". So they put her through all the tests, and she's
clean as a bell. Then they let her out, the house has been garnished
and swept, and he comes right what? (back) And then he brings others
with him.

Number of years ago, I ministered to the man who did all the great
artwork for the Brach Candy Co. They couldn't figure out why he had all
these problems, bless his heart. And the moment I ministered to him, or
laid my hands upon him, God just showed me a hospital, or you know, with
bars across the windows, he couldn't get out, and he was getting shock
treatments, see. And I loved that, 'cause - what He was showin' me -
the shock treatments - you know, devil spirit, ain't gonna shock him
into anything. But that old dude, while the shock treatments were given
to this man, there laid that little old devil spirit on a pillow, just
sound asleep, you know. That's what God showed me - just sound asleep.
The shock treatment didn't put him to sleep, 'cause you don't shock a
devil spirit into sleep, 'cause he's spirit, right? Didn't shock
anybody. So, while the man was given shock treatments, he was sleepin'.

What was God showing me? The devil spirit wasn't doing anything in
the fella, 'cause he was cool as a cucumber, ya know. He's not hurtin'
anybody, he's sound asleep, see. And what they thought they were giving
him in the shock treatment that was curing the fella, ya know. Didn't
cure him of nothin' 'cause the old dude was sleepin', see. After they
got all through with those treatments, that's when he really got into
trouble. And of course, that's what God had shown me. So, I just took
that little old devil spirit out, there, and then he had no more
problems with it. See, it's a walk of believing and it's ah - just have
to know a little about the field, see.

Tremendous records here. He couldn't help himself, he'd just get

into something, couldn't help himself. I think the "Boston Strangler",
or somebody like that, said that sometime, or one of 'em. I - I just
don't stay up, I hear the stuff, I read it sometime, then I go on.
'Cause the principles are all the same, it's the Word. You know the

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Word, then this stuff answers - you get answers, you know how to handle
situations. They get possessed, and when you're possessed, you're
controlled. You're no longer in your right mind, and then you do stupid
things, which you'd never do if you had your right mind. But it's not
you, it's the spirit in you, and you've got to deal with the spirit in
those people. O.K.? Good, that's all for this session. (applause).


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