Research Paper Schizophrenia Outline

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Navigating the intricate process of crafting a thesis can be a daunting task for many students,

especially when delving into complex topics such as schizophrenia. The journey from formulating a
coherent research question to synthesizing vast amounts of literature and data into a structured
argument requires meticulous attention to detail, critical thinking skills, and extensive time

One of the most challenging aspects of writing a thesis on schizophrenia is the depth of
understanding required about the disorder itself, its etiology, symptoms, treatment modalities, and
societal impact. Furthermore, conducting original research or analyzing existing studies demands a
high level of proficiency in research methodologies and statistical analysis.

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This is because living with someone with SZ is difficult and distressing for all the family as it has an
impact on everyone, not just the patient of SZ. How ever, the Americans had a mor e negativ e
experience, sa ying the voices wer e violent and ha teful. Scholars can use them for free to gain
inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Some of these environmental factors
happen during pregnancy or during birth or a young stage of childhood. Activity for thesis statement
You can ruin a team, that was the field of science competitions and was supplemented with written
and continues to be creative thesis paper on night by elie wiesel paranoid schizophrenia essay papers.
The authors reviewed the literature with a special focus to the recent papers published from January
1970 to present. This might affect the child that had already had brain problem at young age. This
suggests the symptoms are judged differently by psychiatrists with different. Detecting the
symptoms at an early age is crucial for treatment of the disorder but detecting them is difficult. For
example, Haracz (1982) received post-mortem studies of schizophrenics and found most of those
studied who showed elevated dopamine levels had received anti-psychotic medication shortly before
death. However, more recent and methodologically sound studies, that use blind diagnosis, tend to
report a lower concordance rate for monozygotic twins. A family may end up being social outcasts
as they avoid social events that may bring embarrassment. Outline and evaluate biological
explanations for schizophrenia. For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document
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Print Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 1 Search inside document. However genetic
explanations cannot account for the patients who have no family history of the disorder. The positive
symptom entails the deformation of the expected behavior of a person. We are moving from the
structure of joint families to the nuclear family and it is becoming the major reason behind the
separation of human beings from the emotional world. However a problem with studies carried out
into levels of dopamine and schizophrenia is that they carried out “post mortem”. Add Books
Studylists You don't have any Studylists yet. In such a state we are not able to express our thoughts
as the synchronization of our thinking behavior and action is not proper. There ar e further problems
with v al idity when looking cro ss culturally. He believes that people with schizophrenic have the
inability to generate willed action, the inability to monitor willed action and the inability to monitor
the intentions of others. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder characterized by disturbances in
thought, emotion, In schizophrenia of the paranoid type, delusional concerns about. It affects both
men and women and all ethnic groups globally. Earning money and living a luxurious life with own
ideologies is the correct idea. We come up with mixed and confusing statements when going through
this disorder. Experiences such as these are said to cause SZ as they prevent the development of an
internally coherent construction of reality, in the end they are likely to experience SZ type symptoms
such as delusions and hallucinations, and in some cases, paranoia. Research evaluated that
schizophrenia develops towards the adulthood stage. Despite the longer period of study relating to
schizophrenia, the origin and development are still hard to ascertain. Therefore, to avoid the
development of mental disorders in the young child, mothers are advised to go for regular medical
check up (Gunter 2010).
This was supported by Linszen who found this to be four times more likely. The positive symptoms
are also regarded as active symptoms because the hallucinations and delusions exist while the
negative symptoms are loss of speech and emotional effects. A person dealing with this debilitating
illness may think that people are going to kill them, or kidnap them. But there is nothing good in
horrifying the problem rather we should pay attention to the point that how to deal with it.
Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder characterized by disturbances in thought, emotion, In
schizophrenia of the paranoid type, delusional concerns about. The introduction showed that the
disease affects the society and is characterized by usual manners. By continuing, you agree to our
Terms and Conditions. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder characterized by disturbances in
thought, emotion, In schizophrenia of the paranoid type, delusional concerns about. Children may
blame their parents for passing on the disorder to them. The disorganized symptoms of schizophrenia
are characterized by irregular behavior, tedious speech and wrong influence. An effective way of
investigating the genetic link with schizophrenia is by looking at studies that determine whether the
schizophrenics closer related relatives are more affected than the distantly related relatives. The fifth
type relates to persons who have had schizophrenia before and are regarded as having residual
schizophrenia (Durand and Barlow 2010). Research shows that schizophrenia symptoms have been
categorized into three. Furthermore the research revealed that there is a similarity in the development
of schizophrenia in all cultures. Common treatment Since the cause of the ailment remains unknown,
treatment of schizophrenia deals with symptoms that the patient shows. This results in f alse
diagnoses or patients be ing undiagnosed, and thus lower s the reliability of th e methods.
Conclusion The research has shown has clearly explained the main causes of schizophrenia. Walter
Heinrichs (2001) writes that Schizophrenia is a disease of ideas, emotions, ultimate privacy, and the
annihilation of privacy (p. Discrepancy in normal behavior relating to speech is regarded as a
negative symptom of schizophrenia. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with attention.
Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your
writing easier are also offered here. Therefore it is unclear whether there is an impact. Again, this is
also a positive symptom, particularly a false belief or delusion of persecution of a schizophrenic
person, believing that they are someone else, such as a prophet or any famous historical figures
(National Institute of Mental Health, 2009, p. 4). Another psychiatric assessment that would support
the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia is extreme religiosity which is also evident in the patient’s
condition. Outline and evaluate psychological therapies for schizophrenia. Paranoid schizophrenia,
also called schizophrenia, paranoid type, is a sub-type of Foundation, Inc, a non-profit organization
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view. Experiences such as these are said to cause SZ as they prevent the development of an
internally coherent construction of reality, in the end they are likely to experience SZ type symptoms
such as delusions and hallucinations, and in some cases, paranoia. This theory therefore suggests that
the home environment and the relationships a child has with their parents through messages plays a
role in the development of SZ. These symptoms include diminished emotional expression, delusions,
and hallucinations, etc. This suggest s the sympt oms are judged diff er ently by psy chiatrist s with
differen t backgrounds. Paranoid schizophrenia, also called schizophrenia, paranoid type, is a sub-
type of Foundation, Inc, a non-profit organization Privacy policy About Wikipedia Disclaimers
Contact Wikipedia Developers Cookie statement Mobile view.
Thus, the diagnostic manuals are culturally biased, leading to higher diagnosis rates in. An effective
way of investigating the genetic link with schizophrenia is by looking at studies that determine
whether the schizophrenics closer related relatives are more affected than the distantly related
relatives. To be diagnosed with schizophrenia, one must experience positive or negative symptoms
for at least 6 months or have a marked decline in daily functioning. Disorganized Schizophrenia is
where by the patient suffers from disorganized speech and behaviour. To improve this the writer
needs to expand and elaborate on the point (they could say what the treatment programmes involve
and compare them to alternative treatments. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample
there. They prove that patients are not alone in their experiences and that many go through what they
have. Adoption studies support the genetic theory that schizophrenia can be inherited as they
provide evidence that the environment does not affect inheritance rate. Join our team of reviewers
and help other students learn. Christians believe that the cause of schizophrenia is the sin because
scientists have been in search for the main cause of the disorder with no results. This theory
therefore suggests that the home environment and the relationships a child has with their parents
through messages plays a role in the development of SZ. The authors reviewed the literature with a
special focus to the recent papers published from January 1970 to present. This lack of evidence
means that treatments produced to help those with schizophrenia may not be successful in treating
schizophrenia as there may be a possibility that the dopamine hypothesis is not accurate in explaining
schizophrenia. Resources Dive into our extensive resources on the topic that interests you. This
method applies two forms on patients with schizophrenia. Some of these environmental factors
happen during pregnancy or during birth or a young stage of childhood. The psychodynamic
approach is beneficial to the patient when it is used with medication because the patient’s symptoms
would be reduced. The second type is characterized by disrupted speech and behaviour; in this view,
the person is said to have disorganized schizophrenia. This suggests the manuals are not always used
correctly by psychiatrists, resulting in misdiagnosis. Children may blame their parents for passing on
the disorder to them. From the research, prevention of the main causes of schizophrenia is important
because it is seen to tackle the root cause. This environmental factor may affect the patient as early
as before birth. This paper seeks to discuss incidence and prevalence of Schizophrenia. We’ll
occasionally send you promo and account related email. With the help of her parents and therapist,
she was able to move forward and graduate high school, further continuing on to college (Nami,
2018). Gottesman’s research (1991) found a genetic link with schizophrenia when looking at children
and their relatives. The main aspect of this explanation is the Dopamine hypothesis. Brain damage at
a young age especially during birth or damage of child’s brain at a young age causes schizophrenia
later when the child is beyond puberty. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new
creative ideas for their writing assignments. These manuals must be re liable in order to be u seful, in
terms of classifica tion and diagnosis.
Mental disorders such as Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder share the same risk genes (Kring et al,
2011). Mar 2017 This essay ways to improve bus research paper schizophrenia disorder services
everyone should know about this my rav told me not buy. Specifically, it lacks in ter - ra ter
reliability. Medical treatments, which may be unsuitable, are then imposed on individuals. This looks
at the types of schizophrenia e. paranoid. They are classified using the DCM and. There is no test for
it, resulting in the diagnoses involving the recognition of negative symptoms that impact social
functioning. Amphetamines are a dopamine agonist drug, which stimulates the neurons containing
dopamine. Issuu turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every
channel. Patient may refuse to eat or follow nursing care due to suspicion. Additionally, research has
shown that the development of schizophrenia is increased by problems arising during pregnancy for
example disease. But there is nothing good in horrifying the problem rather we should pay attention
to the point that how to deal with it. In the simplest of definitions schizophrenia is a severe, often
disabling, and chronic brain disorder. These symptoms include diminished emotional expression,
delusions, and hallucinations, etc. Furthermore the research revealed that there is a similarity in the
development of schizophrenia in all cultures. This was supported by Linszen who found this to be
four times more likely. Scientists have concluded that development of diseases such as dyslexia,
hyperactivity and autism is also caused by viruses such as influenza. Additionally dopamine does not
account for the variety of schizophrenic symptoms and seems more relevant to the positive
symptoms. Finally effectiveness of drugs used to target levels of dopamine do not work for all
patients and whilst they block the dopamine receptors immediately, symptom relief takes days or
weeks, which shows there is not a direct link between dopamine and schizophrenia. His explanation,
the Double Bind theory, states that SZ can occur due to conflicting messages given from parents to
their children, for example when a parent expresses care but does so in a critical way. They found a
higher prevalence of expressed emotion was one of the main causes of relapse, as there is a lot of
negativity in the families which in the end leads to high levels of stress which they find it very
difficult to cope with. This study suggests that the more time a SZ patient spends with a family with
high levels of EE means that they are more likely to relapse. This could be due to the fact that the
drugs blocking dopamine activity can sometimes increase dopamine levels as the neurons struggle to
compensate for the sudden deficiency. If schizophrenia was caused 100% by inheritance and degree
of genetic similarity, the concordance rate for monozygotic twins should be 100% as they are
genetically identical. It affects both men and women and all ethnic groups globally. Luhrmann
interviewed schizophrenic adults from Ghana, India and the US. The common known positive
symptoms of schizophrenia, hallucinations and delusions, can interfere with their ability to socialize
with others. Because of this, scientists have considered genetics as a cause of the disorder. Let us
write or edit the research paper on your topic. The diathesis-stress relationship combines both nature
and nurture. The study has shown that the disorder’s main characteristics are hallucinations and
delusions mainly regarded as psychosis. This looks at the types of schizophrenia e. paranoid. They
are classified using the DCM and.

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