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ao As contains 20 printed pages. [aa Neel Ge oe eT SINo. 1900414 Her near 05 ( ) Set No. of Question Paper, (MARCH, 2023) circle against which is to be| (SCIENCE STREAM) darken in OMR sheet. Part-A Part -B: Time : 2 Hours / Marks : 50 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 1) (CLASS - XII) ime : 1 Hour/ Marks : 50 1 0 (Part - A) [Maximum Marks : 50 There are 50 objective type (M.C.Q.) questions in Part - A and all questions ” are compulsory. The questions are serially numbered from 1 to 50 and each carries 1 mark. Read each question carefully, select proper alternative and answer in the OMR sheet. The OMR sheet is given for answering the questions. The answer of each question is represented by (A) 0, (B) O, (C) O and (D) O. Darken the circle @ of the correct answer with ball-pen. Rough work is to be done in the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only. Set No. of Question Paper printed on the upper- most right side of the Question Paper is to be written in the column provided in the OMR sheet. Use of simple calculator and log table is allowed, if required. a Ity=5.cos x3 sins, then 2 = (A) 0 @B) y G - 909 ay Rough Work 2) If x=a(@+sin@), y= a(1-cos@), then x a rgné ) @ (A) _ VB) tan’ 16 1 (Cy Z0t> (D) 7m? 3) The rate of change of the area of a circle with respect to its] p27 KL radius r at r = 6 cm is ' Jk on (A) 107 (B) 8x ah EO) 120 (0) in 4) The interval in which y=? eis increasing is (A) (-*.%) (B) (2%) © (2,0) 4D) (0,2) 5) The slope of the normal to the curve y = 2x” +3sinx atx=0 is . x (A) 3 (B) -3 mre 1 1 © 3 PS 5 i; d 2 6) Themaximum value of [x(x-1)+1P,0 (D) 0 OKY30(10) 2 1 0 f——a= _ ) Sas 7 ee (A) (I4+log x) (B) 1+logx A j Le) logllog(ex) () = dx 8 . +c, > (A) logls—14V2x— | 4B). sin“(x-1) (©) log S| (D) cos*(x-1) 9% pacde +C, a Oe (x-17 o Gy OKyY30(10) 3 G-909 Rough Work f (PTO) ( dx \ wcr4 109%) Woy [Vie 804 7d = +e. (A) T+ 9Iog)r—44 vie —8x-+7| (B) 3h 4)Vx? 8x47 — 3V2log|s— asve =8r+7| © 5+ 4VF 8047 +9t0g)e 44 Vie a7] \o) 5-9 847 —Soghe— dala? 87] 11 3 o Oop ayy. ] ; elhstem ss . = 2X & 5 2% bil wie 7 4 2 m x + 16) The area of the region bounded by the ellipse 7>+“g =! is . a 43 sq. unit. (A) 1442 @) 12 16 US 12" o) > OKY30(10) (PT.0,) 17) The area bounded by the curve y = cos x between x = 0 and a , > is sq. unit. “i é) 3 (D) 4 (C) 2 18) The order and degree of the differential equation @yy (ayy d (¢ (2 +sin( 2) 1=0 are and ly. (A) 2.3 i" 2, not defined (D) not defined, 2 (C) 3,2 19) ‘The number of arbitrary constants in the particular solution of a differential equation of third order are ; @) 3 (B) 1 © 2 UB) 0 20) The general solution of the differential equation yas xd) 9 ig y (A) wee VB) y=er (©) x=07 (D) y=er OKY30(10) ‘ i G-909 Rough Work 21) The area of a triangle having the points A (1, 1, 1), B (1, 2, 3) and C (2, 3, 1) as its vertices is .. v2 VA) oe () 221 ©) Var wo 2 22) Forthe vectors @ and 5, i 2 and @xé is unit vector, then the angle between @ and 5 is z x A & ® F z z Ww F © F 23) The value of é-(7x f)+J () 3 ®) 1 1 @) ° 24) For vectors 45,2, if a+b +é =0 and then 4-5+5-€4+é-a= — (A) 0 i) -19 © 1 (D) 38 OKY30(10) 7 G-909 Rough Work ACh it) 6(¢,213) laa) (442) (0,7 C4, 42,0 jaxbl =) Sin = VE c vie (eT.0) 25) If the vectors @=/+3j+k, b=2i-j-k and #7438 are coplanar then 4= eS 0 (B) 3 () -3 (D) 5 26) For any vectors @ and 5, we always have \a-8}. vay > ®) < © > (D) < 27) Distance between the two planes 2x + 3y + 42 = 4 and 4x + 6y + 82= 12 is units. (A) 2 ®) 8 ey oe © 4 ) 5 os el 28) The angle between the line = 10x+2y-1lz=3 is (8 (8 (a) os (3) sy si $) © 29) The direction cosines of the normal to the plane Sy + 8= 0 are (A) 5,80 By 0,10 (C) 25, 64,0 (@) 0,5,0 G- 909 Rough Work jusr] 2-1 +} 50 a ol Any 3 (6x0 | jays <|atb| at | clay) cen” OKY30(10) 8 G-909 30) The corner points of the feasible region determined by the] Rough Work following system of linear inequalities : 2v + y < 10,x + 3y-< 15, x.y > 0 are (0, 0), (5, 0), (3. 4) and (0, 5). Let Z = px + qy, where p,q > 0, condition on p and q so that the maximum off gy 4a = Sq Z occurs at both (3, 4) and (0, 5) is a A) p= (B) p=34 © pm2q VO) = 3p 31) For linear programming problem the objective function Z = 10500 x + 9000 y, if the corner points of the bounded feasible region are (0,0) (40, 0) Ge, 20) and (0, 2 then the maximum value of Z ig (A) 5,95,000 0B) 4,95,000 (©) 6,20,000 (D) 4,50,000 32) For linear programming problem the objective function Z = 8000 x + 12000 y, if the comer points of the feasible region are (0, 0), 20,0), (12,6) and (0, 10), then maximum value of Z occur at | Gomer point. (A) ©.9) UB} (12, 6) (C) (20, 0) () (©, 10) 33) ‘Two events A and B will be independent, if. (A) Aand Bare mutually exclusive (B) P(A) = P(B) ey P(A’) =[1- PAIL PB)] (D) P(A) + P(B)=1 OKY30(10) 9 (P-T.0.) 34) IfA and B are two events such thé then = a) AcB (B) B= (©) BcA (D) A=@ 35) In a box containing 100 bulbs, 10 are defective. The probability that out ofa sample of 5 bulbs, none is defective is (A) 10" oy (ia) () (C) 2 9 ©) 10 36) R= {(a,b):a = b~2, b> 6}. Then choose the correct option from the following. (A) (2,4)€R (B) (ER (© GER \) (6,8)ER OKY30(10) Let R be the relation in the set N given by at P(A) # 0 and P(B/A)= 1, G-909 Rough Work 10 37) Iff: RR be given by #(x)=(3-¥)* then (ffx) 38) Number of binary operations on the set (3, 5} are (A) 8 (B) 15 (©) 10 Oy 16 where x> 1. 39) ct" ( LA sec'x (B) sin'x (C) cosec"'x (D) cos'x OKY30(10) u G-909 Rough Work 5 V5 (30) seeO>! ROS ya gec8 cof + Gt ®) yen (P.T.0.) 40) san V3-cor (V5) = (A) x (B) 0 ey -F ) 23 3427 Fe then x= 1 41) sin” Ssin 42) sin" (I-x)-2sin"'x =, then x= 1 (A) OW 8) 0 : 1 «c a ) (D) 3 43) Total number of possible matrices of order 3 x 3 with each entry 2or9is (A) 27 (B) 81 (C) 18 \) 512 OKY30(10) 12 G - 909 Rough Work 44) Ifa, B are symmetric matrices of same order, then AB-BA is tA) askew symmetric matrix (B) azero matrix (C) asymmetric matrix (D)_anidentity matrix 45) If A is square matrix such that A? = A, then (I + AP — 7A (A) A ey (C) I-A (D) 3A c 46) For square matrix Aif A = B + 2 , where B is skew symmetric. matrix and C is symmetric matrix, then C= Us A+A’ OR ae p) Aca’ (C) AWA’ Os 1 2 13 47) FordeterminantA,ifA=|3 0 5 and p, q and rare cofactors. 6 7 11 of 13, 5 and II respectively, then p + 39+ 6r= (A) 232 (B) 241 we 0 (D) 243 OKY30(10) 13 G-909 Rough Work calne -94) ct 8 T+A+3A+38 9A (P.-T.0.) 48) Let A be a nonsingular square matrix of order 3 = 3. Then ladj A= () IA ®) iar @ wr ©) 3/4) 49) Ifarea of triangle is 35 sq. units with vertices (2, -6), (5, 4) and (k, 4), then k= (A) 12 (B) -12,-2 () 2 US 12,-2 koosx 4. BOSE it xed 50) flxy={7~2* « is continuous function at x 30, if x=% if x=¥ x3 then k= : yy 6 ®) 6 () 3 @) -3 OKY30(10) 14 G-909 Rough Work 2 | So ¥ 44 6 (s-b)420-4K *t0 Sp —iplesap Seat yep FEN. 3 FL G-909 050 (E) (MARCH, 2023) (SCIENCE STREAM) (CLASS - X11) - ; (Part - B) Time : 2 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50 Instruction: 1) Write in a clear legible handwriting. 2) There are three sections in Part - B of the question paper and total 1 to 18 questions are there. 3) All questions are compulsory. Internal options are given. 4) The numbers at right side represent the marks of the question. 5) _ Start new section on new page. 6) Maintain sequence. 7) Use of simple calculator and log table is allowed, if required. 8) Use the graph paper to solve the problem of L.P. SECTION-A Answer the following 1 to 8 questions as directed in the question. (Each | question carries 2 marks) [16] cosx ) 37 as thesi “1 )-— 10, x0,y>0. [3] 14) The probability of a shooter hitting a target is 3. How many minimum number of times must he/she fire so that the probability of hitting the 13] target at Ieast once is more than 0.99? 1ON-C Answer the questions no. 15 to 18 as directed in the question. (Each question [16] carries 4 marks) 15) Prove that os zy xy [4] I G~ 999 16) Find the intervals in which the function f given by 4 f(x) = S8inx=2v=xeosx 2+cosx i) increasing ii) decreasing OR ; 4 16) Show that the semi-vertical angle of the cone of the maximum volume [4] and of given slant height (/) is tan'/2. [4] * xtanx 17) Evaluate f Ser 7 5 ion 18) Find particular solution ofthe differential equation © + ycotx = 4xcoseex (x #0) given that y = 0 when x = 18 OKY30(10) This Question Paper contains 20 printed pages (Part ~A & Part - B) SLNo. 99997 wa WR Be ioe ell aed ada OMR eller ag s2ettr) 28 8. Time : | Hour / Marks : 50 Time : 2 Hours / Marks : 50 054 (E) (MARCH, 2023) (SCIENCE STREAM) (CLASS - X11) Set No. of Question Paper,| lcircle against which is to b darken in OMR sheet. 09 Time : 1 Hour] (Part - A) [Maximum Marks : 50 Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) There are 50 objective type (M.C.Q.) questions in Part - A and all questions are compulsory. The questions are serially numbered from 1 to 50 and each carries 1 mark. Read each question carefully, select proper alternative and answer in the OMR sheet. The OMR sheet is given for answering the questions. The answer of each question is represented by (A) O, (B) O, (C) O, (D) O. Darken the circle @ of the correct answer with ball-pen. Rough work is to be done in the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only. Set No. of Question Paper printed on the upper-most right side of the Question Paper is to be written in the column provided in the OMR sheet. Students may use a simple calculator and log-table, if necessary. Notations used in this question paper have proper meaning. ET GES62(09) One of the fusion reaction in Sun is given by Rough Work 7H+\|H> }Hety+_ Fill in the blank with correct option. (A) 5.49MeV (B) 12.86MeV (C) 1.02MeV (D) 0.42MeV 1 G-911 (P.T.O.) G-911 2) For a radioactive clement half life is 1.5 days. How many | Rough Work minutes will it take to disintegrate this element by 75%? WA) 4320 ar 1 (B) 1260 ist (©) 3240 * ye 4 , (D) 2430 Cake ate 3) Given figure is the equivalent of which logic gate? ——e oe B (A) AND (B) OR 4©) NOT (D) NOR 4) When a forward bias is applied to a p-n junction, it (A) raises the potential barrier (B)_reduces the majority carrier current to zero (€) lowers the potential barrier (D) none of the above 5) Figure shows electric field in which electric dipole J is placed. Which of the following statement is correct? (A) The dipole will experience a net force towards right (B) The dipole will not experience any force (C)_ The dipole will experience a net force towards left (D) The dipole will experience a net force upward GES62(09) 2 6) The dimensional formula of electric flux is vA) MIETAAt (B) MLTSAt (Cc) MLSTAt (D) MLSPAt 7) Aplastic rod rubbed with wool is found to havea negative charge of 8 x 10°C. The no. of electrons transferred (from which to which?) is (A) 5 10'', from plastic rod to wool (B) 5 10", from plastic rod to wool (C) 5 * 10!°, from wool to plastic rod 4) 5 * 10, from wool to plastic rod 8) | Howmuch charge should be placed on a spherical shell of radius 3 ym? 25 em to have a surface charge density of = C/m?? WAS 0.15C (B) 0.25C (Cc) 057 (D) 05C GES62(09) 3 G-911 Rough Work 2- pr Eds ee ts e 2 ates AT = aban grionte v6 Jon & 6 wee) ae 6 Xt oe x uacas) Cot) (P-T.0.) 9) The Coulombian repulsive force between two alpha particles kept at a distance of 3 em in air is (A) 1.024 « 108 \(B) 1.024 x 108 (C) 1.024 x 1077 (D) 1.024 = 1078 10) Figure shows the field lines of a positive and negative charge respectively. Give the sign of potential difference V, — V,, SY NY (A) +ve,-ve AB) +ve, +ve G-91L Rough Work _ FG) AE) (C) -ve,+ve (D) -ve,-ve 11) Energy of a charged capacitor is U. Now it is removed froma battery and then connected to two other identical uncharged capacitors in parallel. What will be the energy of each capacitor? wa) 34 (B) U wes YG 0 % GES62(09) 4 gy of 2uC charge is 3 « 10° J ata field. The electric potential at that 12) The electric potential en point in a uniform el point _ tA) 15 (B) 6 © 5 (D) Zero 13) Equipotential surfaces at a very large distance from the collection of charges whose total sum is not zero are approximately ofA) planes (B) spheres (©) paraboloids © ellipsoid 14) Two batteries ofemf e, & &, (€, > &) and internal resistance 1, & r, respectively are connected in parallel as shown (A) The equivalent emf &,,, is smaller than &, (BY The equivalent emf &,, of the two cells is between 6&6, 18.6 < by fe g (A) 3x +2y (B) x-y (C) 2xt+y A) 3x-2y 46) In which of the following condition eduction potential of hydrogen half cell will be negative? PH, =2 atm and {H"]= 1M —ve (B) PH,=2atmand([H"J=2M vt 6 (C) PH, = latm and [H" (D) PH,= 1 atm and [H"]=2M wl 47) What will be the unit of rate constant for following reaction? CH ie CH Hye @ s (B) mol L's (C) molLS" (D) mol? L2g-1 PNK73 (09) 14 48) For -> P reaction, following graph is given: Potential energy > Reaction coordinate > ‘What will be enthalpy change for the given reaction? (A) 50K (B) 120kI JG -S0kI (D) 170kd 49) Time taken to complete zero order reaction is, (A) (C) 2k ik, um Th Eh (D) [R], 50) Which pair of emulsions can be diluted by water? (A) (B) (C) milk and cream butter and cream cream and vanishing cream WHE milk and vanishing cream PNK73 (09) G-910 Rough Work Oe AH * Dt r vu {c= ery) (PTO) G-910 052 (E) (MARCH, 2023) SCIENCE STREAM (CLASS- X11) ee (Part - B) Time : 2 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50 Instructions 1) Write in a clear legible handwriting. 2) There are three sections in Part - B of the question paper and total 1 to 18 questions are there. 3) All the questions are compulsory. Internal options are given. 4) The numbers at right side represent the marks of the question. 5) Start new section on new page. 6) Maintain sequence. 7) _ Use of Simple Calculator and log table is allowed, if required. SECTION-A Answer the following Q.No. 1 to 8 in brief. 2 Marks for each question. [16] 1) How catalyst increases the rate of reaction? Explain it by graph. 2) Explain the method for refining impure Copper. A _ Qs 1 How is leaching carried out in case of low grade Copper Ores? Qo ; OF Q 3) _ Explain the nature of bonding in metal carbonyls. © ae} 4) Write down chemical equations to prepare following substances from 1-Chloropropane. c-e-(- 8 ead c. Mook CC i) Propene cL ii) Propan-I-ol. ce Ae “bh 5) Write down chemical equations to prepare orange and yellow dye from diazonjum salt. Ae * © Aid + 2N,0 65" One) [S.No. Time (s) Total Pressure (atm) | 1 el | 0512 Calculate the rate constant. | 11) Explain shape selective catalysis by zeolite, 1 12) What is aqua regia? Write down balanced chemical equations of ts reaction with Auand Pt fut ntecee nop hoe. : OR For identification of which ion brown ring test is carried out? Write down | chemical equationsinvolved inthistest. ¢e4®4 qu0Qy> NO FeS 7 Ae 2 13) Give reason : Nno+{ Fel HO} TF ele is 4c i) Transition elements exhibit higher enthalpies of atomisation, ii) Inaqueous solution, CP" is stronger reducing agent than Fe™. i iii) The second ionisation enthalpy of Cu is higher than Zn. ot ' Sao 4s PNK73 (09) 17 (P.T.O.) wo lees. G-910 14) Explain dehydration reaction of alcohol to form alkene. OR Explain different Friedel-Crafts reactions of anisole. SECTION-C m Answer the following Q.No. 15 to 18 in detail. 4 Marks for each question. (16) 15) Vapour pressure of Chloroform (CHCI,) and dichloromethane (CH,CI,) at 298 K are 200 mm Hg and 415mm He respectively. i) Calculate the vapour pressure of the solution prepared by mixing 50 g of CHCI, and 30 g of CH,Cl,at 298 K. ii) Calculate mole fractions of each component in vapour phase. [Atomic mass : H= 1, C= 12, Cl=35.5] OR Calculate the depression in the freezing point of water when 10 g of CH,CH,CHCICOOH is added to 250 g of water. Ka= 1.4 10°, K,= 1.86 K kg mol" [Atomic mass : H = 1, C= 12, O= 16, Cl= 35.5] 16) A, for NaCl, HCI and NaAc are 126.4, 425.9 and 91.0 Sem’mol respectively. Conductivity of 0.00241 M acetic acid is 7.896 x LO § em. Calculate molar conductivity and dissociation constant of acetic acid. 17) [Mn(1H,0),* contains five unpaired electrons, while [Mn (CN), }* contains only one unpaired electron. Explain using crystal field theory, ‘An organic compound with the molecular formula C,H,,0 forms 2,4-DNP derivative, reduces Tollens’ reagent and undergoes Cannizzaro reaction. On vigorous oxidation it gives 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid. Identify the compound and write down it’s above chemical reactions. AAR ong PNK73 (09) 18 This Question Paper contains 16 printed pages [esas : Q sd page lade (Part - A & Part - B) 2a Raeran SLNo, 03 er ee oe ag seat 28 8. 006 (E) Set No of Question Paper ircle against which is to be (MARCH, 2023) “darken in OMR sheet SCIENCE STREAM (CLASS - XI) 0 9 Part-A : Time: 1 Hour / Marks : 50 Part - Time : 2 Hours / Marks : 50 (Part - A) Time : 1 Hour] [Maximum Marks : 50 Instructions : 1) There are 50 objective type (M.C.Q) questions in Part - A and all questions are compulsory. 2) The questions are serially numbered from 1 to 50 and each carries 1 mark. 3) Read each question carefully, select proper alternative and answer in the OMAR. sheet. 4) The OMR sheet is given for answering the questions. The answer of each question is represented by (A) O, (B) O, (C) O, (D) O. Darken the circle @ of the correct answer with ball-pen. 5) Set No. of Question Paper printed on the upper-most right side of the Question Paper is to be written in the column provided in the OMR sheet. eee eee emnnnnen eee eenEenE = Answer questions 1 to 3 after reading the given paragraph. Our desires are unlimited, but our capacity is limited. Due to our limitations, we cannot fulfil all our desires. So, it is realistic to control our desires. If we fail to control our desires, we will fall into despair, and certainly no one can afford to follow a path that leads nowhere except to despair, 1) To control our desires is __ (A) limited (BY realistic (C) unlimited (D) unrealistic WZL57 (09) 1 G-905 (P-T.O.) G-905 2) All our desires are _ 7 B realistic unrealistic (C) limited en unlimited 3) ‘Despair’ means (A) unfortunate (B)_ unlucky ©) hopeless “(D) shameful 4) [jumped over the bench and sat down at my desk, (cum into simple) (A) Jumping over the bench and I sat down at my desk \(BY Jumping over the bench, I sat down at my desk. (© Sitting down at my desk, I Jumped over the bench. (D) As I sat down at my desk, I jumped over the bench, He wrote as large as he could. 5 (change the degree) (A) He could not write larger than he did (B) He wrote the largest (C) He did not write larger than he could 1) He wrote one of the largest 'WZLS7 (09) 2 G-905 6) How quiet it was ! (make it assertive) (A) Itis very quiet. (B)_ It was really a quiet. (C) How it was quiet. ©) Heowas very quiet 7) But the jump made no difference. (add a question tag) (A). didn’t it? UB) did it? (©) wor'tit? (D) hadn't it? 8) The tramp did not say anything. (turn into affermative) (A) The tramp never said anything. (B) The tramp remains silent. AO) The tramp remained silent. (D) The tramp failed to make noise. 9) He will die if he is not operated on. (Use unless) (A) He will die unless he is operated on, (B) He will not die unless he is operated on. \UC) Unless he is not operated on, he will die. (D) Unless he will die if he is not operated. WZLS7(09) 3 (er.0) G-905 10) Itis too early to thank him. (remove ‘too’) (A) This so early not to thank him, (B)_1Lis so early to thank him. (©) This so early that you can thank him. (WD) Itis so early that you can not thank him. 11) He struck it crisply into the goal, (change the voice) (A) Itis struck crisply into the goal by him \ 8) It was struck crisply into the goal by him (©) thas struck crisply into the goal by him. DO) Ithad struck crisply into the goal by him. 12) He seemed lonely. (make it complex) AA) It seemed that he was lonely (B) It seems that he is lonely x It seem that he was lonely (D) It seemed that he is lonely 13) When Gandhiji received the news, he came to Champaran. (use no sooner) ‘eceive the news, he came to Champaran. (A) No sooner did Gand (B) No sooner Gandhiji received the news, he came to Champaran. (©). Nosooner did Gandhiji receive the news than he came to Champaran. or No sooner did Gandhifi receive the news then he came to Champaran. WZLS7(09) 4 6-905 14) The government was baffled (begin the sentence with it) (A) We baffled the government (B) It baffles the government eo It has baffled the government \WD) It had baffled the government 15) Taking the money, the tramp ran away. (make it compound) (A) Taking the money and the tramp ran away. (B)_ The tramp takes the money and ran away. (©) When the tramp took the money, he ran away _ JB). The tramp took the money and ran away. gement, the Champaran peasants were 16) Under an ancient arran; (A) Landlords \WBY Sharecroppers (© Tenants (D) Zamindars 17) was the capital of Champaran. (A) Dhanbad (B) Muzzafarpur WI Motihari (D) Tirhut (PTO) wn G-905, 18) Anyone, suffering from malaria, was given _____—, | (A) castor oil *(B) quinine (©) quinine plus castor oil (D) quinine or castor oil 19) Pancake was (A). bakery item 8) make-up material (©) name of a dish (D) none of the above 20) Who assisted the Maharashtrian head of the Gemini Studio? (A) Shashi Kapoor (B) Ashokamitran (C) Kothamangaiam Subbu \P) Dharwar Kannadiga 21) The author of “The Interview” is (A) Christopher Marlow (B) Christopher D’silva (©) Christopher D’mello \ AO). Christopher Silvester 22) Umberto Eco has written novels against many more scholarly works of non-fiction (A) five 8) four (C) six >(D) seven WZLS7(09) 6 G-905 23) “Words had to be prized out of him like stones out of the ground.” - This ntence refers to (A) Derek (B) Geoff \ (©) Danny Casey (D) Frank = Read the following Passage and answer question nos. from 24 to 26. I went to the pool when no one else was there. The place was quiet. The water was still, and the tiled bottom was as white and clean as a bathtub. I was timid about going in alone, so I sat on the side of the pool to wait for others. 24) The pool is compared to a (A) tiled surface (B) bathroom (©) fountain \er bathtub 25) When the author went to the pool, the water was (A) overflowing (B) quiet | Ves still (D) troubled 26) ‘Timid’ means _—- AA). fearful (B) quiet (©) shocked (D) hesitant (PT.0.) WZL57 (09) G-905 27) Once upon a time there was a man who went around selling (A) apples UB) small rattraps of wi (C) banana: (D)_bedsheets 28) The order from Berlin was _ in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. A to teach only French (B) to teach German and French WES to teach only German (D) to teach only English 29) M. Hamel “Vive La France!” OS shouted (B) cried (©) exclaimed (D wrote 30) Why wasn’t the boy wearing chappals’? (A) He did not find it vB) His mother did not give him (C)_ Chappals were too small (D) Chappals were very old 31) For elders, a heap of garbage is AS. a means of survival (B) a good fortune (C)_ wrapped in wonder (D) a disturbance WZLS7 (09) 8 G-905 32) Firozabad is famous for its (A) motor (B) glass factory \KC) dangles (D)_ slums 33) Danny Casey was a (A)_ basketball player (B) tennis player (© rugby player (PP foosball payer 34) In those days the Ramsjé iron mill was owned by a very prominent (A) goldsmith (BS. zon master (© blacksmith (D) dancer 35) Edla wanted the tramp to stay with them for (A) christmas \(BY christmas Eve (C) the day after christmas (D) new year 36) Mukesh announced that he would become a (A) motor mechanic (B) teacher (C) painter (D) singer WZLS7 (09) 9 (PT.0) C995 37) The pen name of Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto is XGA) John Keats gy? (B) Pablo Neruda Qy (C) William Shakespeare (D) Robert Frost 38) A thing of beauty is a___forever. (A) happiness SB) joy (©) pleasure (D) inspiration 39) It will never pass into nothingness. (identify the figure of speech) (A) Litotes (B)_ Personification (©) Simile \®) Antithesis 40) The poem ‘A Roadside Stand’ presents the lives of (A) the wealthy (B) the rich (C) the mentally ill <5) the deprived poor 41) Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across (A) a bridge OK a river (C) a screen (D) a farm 10 wii 9) 2) Young trees . 4 8 (ees sprinting” ~ identity the figure of speech. (OA) Personitication (B) Oxymoron (©) Paradox (D) Metonymy ) Wi 43) When was the persona in the poem driving her mother to the airport? (A) Saturday AB) Friday (© Sunday ey Monday 44) Who has the rat's eyes? (A) one unnoted 28) children from the slums (©) the tall gir UB the paper - seeming boy 45) js there to bind us to the earth. (A) A ribbon ‘BY A flowery band (© A black sweater (D) A green paper 46) Fishermen in the cold sea would not harm (A) elephants \a whales (© conches (D) bivalves WZiS7 (09) iW G-905 (P.-T.0.) and the tiger are enemies “s, The astrologer explained A) the lion WAY the butt (©) the leopards (D) the elephant 48) What was Sadao? (A) Captain (B) Colonel Ww Surgeon (D) Soldier 49) Some kids used to call Mr. Lamb as AS Lamey - Lamb (®) Creamy - Lamb (C) Milky - Lamb (D) Honey - Lamb 50) vats the senior prison officer on D wing. (A) Mike Yarwood (B)S.MeLeery (C) Evans HO) Jackson WZ157 (09) 2 mH Answer the following questions in five to six sentences each 905 006 (E) (MARCH, 2023) SCIENCE STREAM (CLASS - XI (Part - B) [Maximum Marks ° 50 Write in a clear legible handwriting. There are five sections in Part - B of the question paper and tot questions are there. All the questions are compulsory. Internal options are gi The numbers at right side represent the marks of the questions. jal 1 to 21 SECTION - A 1) What did Franz notice as he entered the classtoom? u 2) Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry. Pre! “of 3) How did Douglas overcome his fear of water? i )viom Dovyl! 4) The peddler wrote and signed the letter as “Captain Von Stale’, Explain. oborer C44 5) How was Gandhi able to influence lawyers? Give instances. (puis Ascher ECTION-B Answer the following questions in five to six sentences each + {6 6) With reference to the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’, list the things that cause Jyh, jects suffering and pain. hora 08), vedsalthy bowe 7) What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us to achieve 8) Briefly describe the elementary classroom of the slum. WZLS7 (09) 13 (P.T.0.) an ON G-995 ™ Answer the following questions in five to six sentences each ? 4 9) Antaretica is a place to go to understand the earth’s present, past and future, 10) What i: rais laborate. s the moral issue that the story ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’ > Tobe (CTION-C ™ Rewrite the sentences using the correct meanings of the given phrases / idioms. 1) 11) The tramp had to resort to both begging and petty thievery to keep body and soul together. (for his health, for his livelihood, for his well-being) 12) never saw him look so tall. (Physically very tall, look very dissatisfied, seem very confident) 13) From the beginning, I had an aversion to the water. (strong dislike, strong desire, strong liking) 14) Report the following passage into indirect form of narration. [4] “Why do you do this?” I asked. “I have nothing else to do.” Saheb muttered. “Go to school,” I said glibly realising immediately how hollow the advice must sound. “There is no school in my neighbourhood. When they build one, I will g0.” = Reetify the Errors : yo 3) Errors Correction The next I remembered 1s) oe I was lying upon my stomach 16) _.oo besides the pool, vomiting 17) — 5 : ‘WZLS7 (09) G-905 SECTION -D 18) Study the following chart and interpret it in six to seven sentences. (Eco club members - 100 students) : ~ tree lovers Student's liking of trees Mango Mango tree - 50% tree Neem tree - 25% (50%) Apple tree - 13% Banyan tree - 12% OR Paraphrase the following poem in six to seven sentences. He tums an old key in the latch And checks the whole house well, Just like a chick, about to hatch ‘Turns round inside its shell. Then, having stopped to set the clock, ‘Through darkened halls he winds; And having checked the back door lock ‘And having drawn the blinds, He takes one long and pensive look At where his heart's desire Would sweetly sit and read a book Beside a roaring fire. o 19) Draft an E-mail to your friend providing him the details about # fore? University for admission. #1 10) WZLS7 (09) 15 "TION -E 20) You are Priyank / Priyanka residing at 202, Pushpak Vihar, Mansa Road, Viiapur. Dratt an application for the post of a Medical Representative in Cadila Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad. 21 Write an essay in about 250 words on any one of the following topics. »{A) Impact of Social Media on teenagers (Points : technology ~ development ~ importance of social media — impacts — effects — your views) S A Stitch in time saves nine (Points : Proverb ~ meaning ~ significance ~ relevance - example — conclusion.) OR You are the secretary of the literary and Debating Association of your school. Prepare a speech in about 250 words for its inauguration for the year 2020, WZLS7 (09) 16 WH AMell Ae oe ePefl | able adn OMR alle | SINo 4 > . | we sede. | 331 (EF) seasergnesion rapes (MARCH, 2023) | circle against which is to be (SCIENCE STREAM) |_darken in OMR sheet. (CLASS - NID), | 09 Time : 2 Hours] Instructions: 1) There are 100 questions in this question paper. All questions are compulsory. 2) Select proper option to make the statement correct. 3) The OMR sheet is given for answering the questions. The answer of each question is represented by (A) O, (B) O, (C) O, (D) O. Darken the circle @ of the correct answer with ball-pen. 4) Each question carries 1 mark. 5) Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only. 6) Read the questions carefully before your answer. +) Set No. of Question Paper printed on the upper-most right side of the Question Paper is to be written in the column provided in the OMR sheet. A Jy In CSS stylesheets dialog box, which button should be clicked to create a style for a particular selector? (A) Internal stylesheet (B). Sheets and rules (C) Newstyle rule _(D) Create style rule DW InCSSstylesheets dialog box, under which tab Text decoration, Font family etc. options are available? (A) General _(B) Text (C) Borders (D) Background (Space for Rough Work) VO161(09) 1 G-915 (P.T.0.) G-915 3) Which of the following tab is not available in Advanced Property Editor dialog box? (A) Onsubmit (B) HTMLAttributes A(C) Inline style (D) JavaScript Events 4) What can be called anywhere from within the source code in JavaScript? (A) Function lB) Event (©) CSS stylesheet (D) HTMLForm 5) Whats used to control the web browsers window or the web page we use? (A) Focus method (B) Function (C)_ Browser Object Model (D) css 9 Which object represents the browser window or individual frame within the window? (A) Location (B) History (©) Form {B) Window a What should be clearly identified before creating a website? (A) Speed of connection \®) Purpose of the website (©) Content (D) Medium 8) Whichkind of content provides an overview of the site, organization, products and services and other items? (A) Detailed (B) General (C) Long fP) Short (Space for Rough Work) VOI61(09) 2 G-915 9) Identify : “A gap between the edge of the cell and text within it.” (A) Alignment \(B) Spacing (C) Padding (D) Size \ 10) Which option of Image Properties dialog box is used to specify height and width of the image? (A) Link (B) Location KO) ) Custom size option of Dimensions tab (D) Appearance M1) Which Menu option is used to change the page title of web page? : Format — Page Title and Properties (B) Format — Page Title (C) Edit > Page Title (D) File -> Change Page Title 12) Which of the following can manipulate cookies using the cookie property of the document object? \ S&S CSS (B) HTTP (C) FIP (D) JavaScript _A3) Which of the following open source IDE, comes along with a large number of additional plugins? (A) Amaya SPY" Aptana Studio (C) BlueGriffon (D) W3c *% G-915 14) Which open source WYSIWYG web editor, was initially started as an HTML/ CSS editor and has now grown into an editor for many XML-based systems? NOX Amaya (B) BlueGriffon (D) Aptana Studio X00) KompoZer AS) Which of the following is a good example of C2C model? (A) Online purchasing (B) E-newspaper (©) Auction sites (D) Information services 16) Which of the following is a proper example of Consumer to Business (C2B) business model? (A) (B) \(GF (D) ) Which of the following is a limitation of E-Commerce? (A) Teamwork (B) Lower cost ox boundaries or geographical limitations Security A) “No sharing of information with competitors”, isa feature of which kind of commerce? (A) M-Commerce (C) L-Commerce (B) E-Commerce 4D) Traditional Commerce (Space for Rough Work) VOI61(09) 4 G-915 “The process of buying and selling products or services by offering and selling the product to the highest bidder.” (B) Marketing fA) Auction (C) Online billing (D) NetBanking 49) Identity the customers to bid the pric . 2) Which of the following was one of the first applications of E-Commerce on Internet? Electronic newspaper \QBJ_ Internet bookshops (A) (C) Net Banking (D) Marketing and Selling 21) Which of the following can be used to search any book from online book store? (A) Title of the book (B) Author’s name PY All(A),(B) & (C) (C) Publication name Which are data centres, which perform the credit card transactions and settle 22) funds to the merchant? (A) Acquiring Bank \@Y Issuing Bank (C) Processors (D) Payment gateways 23) Which ofthe following is akind of payment card that transfers fund directly from the consumer’s bank account to the merchant? (A) Debitcard 48) Credit card (C) E-Wallet (D) Net Banking fy Which of the following security aspect ensures that the information must not be accidentally or maliciously altered or tampered in transit? Integrity (A) Authorization (C) Confidentiality (D)_ Non-repudiation (Space for Rough Work) (e.0) G etween thenetwork andthe Inteme 2) W nichotthefollowingisadevieepinced ve local network a to monitor and control the traflic between the company § the outside world? (A)_ Digital certificate (B) Antivinis OF Firewall (p) Ceyptoeraphy rk, making it Bb Which is an attack used to shut down @ machine or netwo inaccessible to its intended users? (B) Spoofing JAY Denial of service attack (D) Sniffing (C)_ Cyber Vandalism cervices can be used for tracking of 27) Which ofthe following location based s tracking stolen cars etc.? graphic location, (B) Tracking services (A) Mapping (DY Navigation (©) Emérgency services assets, locating friends in a geo! : 28y Which of the following keeps the data safe from unintended actions ana vertent access by outside objects? ~ (B) Data Abstraction (A) Polymorphism (C) Aggregation Lo Encapsulation inad) / 7B) Wiieh sa general concen used to embody all the common features of a particular set of objects? us, Class (A) Behaviour (D) Method (C) Attributes (Space for Rough Work) G-915 30) Which of the following statement/s is/are true for object oriented programming language? (i) Init. focus is on writing functions or procedures. (ii) Itenables the programmerto create modular, reusable and extendable code. (iii) Ituses object as its fundamental building block. (A). Only (ii) and (iii) (B)_ Only (i) and (ii) (C) Only (i) and iii) WPF (i), (ii) and (iii) 31) Which symbol represent package visibility in class diagram? (A) # (hash) (B)_- (hyphen) J + (plus) (D) ~ (tield) 32)” What is the full form of UML? (A) Unified Modified Language (B) Universal Modified Language y (JC) Unified Modelling Language (D) Universal Modelling Language 33) InAggregation, which kind of relationship is shared between two classes? J is-a-kind-of (B) non-exclusive (C) exclusive (D) is-a A» In object-oriented programming, which of the following allows defining more than one method having same name but different signatures? (A) Messaging (B) Method overloading (C) Function overloading \ YJ Both (B) & (C) 35) Inclass diagram, which symbol represent inheritance? (A) Anarrow pointing to superclass (B) Empty diamond (C) Filled diamond xB) Anarrow pointing to subclass 11 a? avalid var jable in Java? » is nol 36) Which of the following IS ™ ra ale i Ww) callcost «cy Ame . f integer literals. 399. Mateh the following for proper examples © Lype ofnumber example (i) Hexadecimal (p) Ob10110 Gi) Octal (q) -17777 (rt) OXFF7A ii) Binary (iv) Decimal (s) 045 (A) () > ©). Gi) > @). Git) > © GY) > (s) By (@) > @, Gi) > (s), (iii) > (A: (iv) > (q) (©) @ 36). (i) > ©. Gi) > @. Gv) > ®) ©) (> @). Gi) > ©), Gi) > GY) > O 38) What will be the value of y, where x = 5 andy=4+x++? (A) 9 ) 4 (C) 10 (D) 6 39) Which of the following expression is same as q && = p? (A) p&&q (B) q&p HO) a==P (D) q=q&&p Wy What will be the result of arithmetic expression —25.8 % 7? ub) -4.8 (B) 4.8 . ©4 (D) -4 41) Which kind of comments are used for creating API documentation from the code? ( Documentation comments (B) Multi-line comments (C) Single-line comments . (D) Classic comments. 42) In Java. what is the range of values for ‘short’ data type? (A) 1228 to 127 BY -32768 to 32767 (C) 16-bit unicode character (D) true, false x ° - 43) What will be the extension of file, when the program gets compiled without errors? UA) javac (B) java (C) class (D) tex 44) Which loop will evaluate the test expression after executing the statements ina loop? VA) for (B) while (C) do...while _ @) switch 45) What is used when there are many alternative actions to be taken depending upon the value ofa variable or expression? (A) while loop Ve for loop (C)_ do...while loop (D) switch statement 46) Which methods are used to define behaviour of an object? 4(B) Class methods (A) _ Instance methods (D) File methods (C)_ Object methods vy 49). Which part of Java looks for unused objects and reclaims the memory that those objects are using? SAY heap (C)_ block Which methods are global to the class itself and available (B) garbage collector (D) object 48) je to any other classes or objects? (JAF Instance methods (B) Class methods (C)_ Object methods (D) Variable methods (Space for Rough Work) G-915 (49) Which ot the following variables are ereated when the method or block is started and destroyed when the method or block has completed? thy Instance variables (D) Global variables fined no-argument (A) Class variables AC) Local variables 50) Which of the following is a proper way to provide a user-det constructor? (A) {} (); (C) {class name} ()(); (B) (class name) {} ()s xD) () {35 51) Which visibility modifier seems extremely restrictive and provides data encapsulation? (A) Private eB) Protected (©) Public (D) Package 52) In Java, in class definition what is used to create a subclass? (B) extends (A), super (D) Dot operator ) new 53) Which keyword returns a reference to an object that represents an instance of the class? (B). super WA) static (C) new (D) extends 54) Which of the following can not be invoked explicitly elsewhere in the program? (A) new operator (C)_ variables 1-48) instance methods (D) constructors 55) Which of the following are used to access or modify attributes? (B) class (D) variables LE) objects ea A SS 2 kK Winel-) (A) methods 56) 57) A 60) 61) 62) G-915 Which of the following is the correct syntax to declare a 1-D array? (A) sdatatype> {} {} (B) {data type} { | {array name} [] MC) sdatatype>[] (D)_ [datatype] <> [array name] Which method of Arrays class is used to search an element in an array? (A) Search () BJ Linear Search () (©) Array Search () (D) Binary Search () Which property of 1-D array is used to know size of each row? (A) sort {GJ length (C) fill (D) search Which of the following constructor can be used to create a string object with its initial value using ary argument? (A) String (String literal) 48) String (char ary[]) (C) String () (D) String (String strObj) Which of the following method returns character at index position from the invoking string? WA int indexAt () (B)_ byte Atindex () (C) char indexAt (int index) (D) boolean indexAt() Which methods of Date class returns number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT? \JAK. Date (long Time) (B) Date() (C) long getTime() \ (PY void setTime () Which constant of calendar class display Hour in 24-hour notation? \ fA) HOUR_IN_24 (8) HOUR (C) HOUR_AM_PM (D) HOUR_OF_DAY memory locations. 63) How many integer values will be stored in contiguons when array is created using, int marks | J [ ]= new int{6] [2 (A) 12 -(B) 24 (p) 15 wo 8 can be referred without any object ethods are declared as static and 64) Which m in the class? (A) Variable methods (B) Class methods (C)_ Instance methods oO ‘Array methods 65) Which of the following method will fill all elements oflistarray with v alue ‘7? (B) fill list. 2.7 Dd 2) AA) fill Gist, 7, (6-1) (D) fill list. (641 (C) fill (list, 7) urs during a v4 Which of the following is an indication of problem that oce ly signals an error? program *s execution and usuall: Exception (B) Behaviour OX Method (D) Object 67) Which kind of exception will occur when user type following statements in Java? inta[ ]=new int[4]; a[13]=99: Exception ) Arithmetic OutOfBoundsException (B) ArrayIndex' (C) NullPointerException (D) Numbe' ‘ormatException =a ace for Rough rk) —__—— G-915 68) Which kind of cateh block has to be placed at the end of all catch blocks? (AY detinutt NAB) finally (©) null (D) empty #9) Which of the following will be used when we wanil to be hat some particular code is to be run, no matter what exceptions are thrown within the associated ty block? (A) Null eateh block (B)_ First catch block \UCY Finally block (D) Multiple catch blocks 70) Which of the following can be used in a method declaration or constructor declaration to inform that the code within the constructor or method may throw an Exception? UA) finally block (B)_ throw clause (C)_ multiple try blocks (D) throws clause 71) Which of the following is a correct syntax of try block? (A) try (Exception_Type) // clean-up code to be executed last } SH) ty { i (C)_ try (Exception Type Exception _Object) // code to handle the exception // code to handle compile time error (D) wy // set of statements that may generate one or more exceptions a _ (Space for Rough Work) (P.T.0.) VOI61(09) - Y G9 72) Which ofthe following class encapsulates information about the properties ofa tile ora directory? (AY (B) ja (C) javaioanil y” java.util 78) Which of the following method returns an array of abstract pathnames »package denoting the tiles in the directory? (A) boolean list () , (B)_ String [] list) (SED. File [ ] listFtes () (D) String getPath () 74) Which of the following is an abstract representation of an input or output device that is used as a source or destination for data? (A) class (B) stream (C) file ) directory 75) Which class can be used especially when the input is to be typed in hidden form? (A) javascanner V6) java.util (C) (D) 76) Which of the following statement is true? (A) Volatile storage lasts only a few seconds (B) Volatile storage is lost when a computer is shutdown (C) Computer disks are volatile storage devices PF Allof the above are true G-915 77) Which of the follow; following is a vat ieee A sipee ee ) java (©) mp3 (UB) class 78) Which of the follow wnshera © following are useful for applying few commands to a small \ ext such as a part ofa line, few lines or a paragraph in LaTeX? UA) Packages (B) Environments (C) Documents (D) Groups 79) Wi i ) Which package is used for page layout tasks like setting paper size, orientation, margins etc.? (A) geometry v6) setspace (C) amsmath (D) easylist 80) Which option of document class is used to display formulas and equations flushed left (left-aligned) rather than centered in LaTeX? (A) amsmath (B) landscape (C)_ fleqn (2) listings 81) Which fonts are typically used for computer code listings? JA Sans serif (B) Roman (C) Large (D) Monospace a Which command is used to create fractions in LaTeX? (A) \fraction {numerator} {denominator} Yh \frac{numerator} {denominator} (C) \raction{begin} {end} (D) \frac{denominator} {numerator} (Space for Rough Work) wTro) 7 G-915 83) _InLaleX. which of te following are numbered in Roman numerals (1, I HL and so on)? (A). Parts (B) Chapters <0) Sections (D) Subsections 84) In Skype, which button should be clicked if you have a Skype name and Password? (A) 1Agree US Login (C) Signin (D) Confirm password 85) Which of the following allows to manage independent projects that do not have common resources and has no interrelations between different projects? (A) RationalPlan Viewer (B)_R Software ©), RationalPlan Multi (D) RationalPlan Single 86) Which is the default view of Google maps? (A) satellite image view (B) mapview VET 3-Dview (D) motion clip view 87) In VLC media player which Menu option is used to save playlist? (A), Media Save Playlist to File (B) Tools Save Playlist (GJ File > Save Playlist (D) Media— ConvervSave 88) Which is a very common format for distributing software or bundles of files on the Linux platform? Zip (B) JAR (C) Tarball (D) XRP f) Which of the following gives rapid access tothe files on both local machines and remote servers? (A) PageArea (B) Status bar Site Manager (D) Composition Toolbar (Space for Rough Work) VOI61(09) 90) Which method does no 2 A) Ger have any restrictions on data length? (Cc) SET BS POST (D)_ INPUT 91) InPage colors and Back to give background co} (A) Advanced Edit ‘ground dialog box, which option should be selected lor of your choice? a (B) Reader's default colors Sey ‘ackground Image (D) Use custom colors 92) Which Menu option is used to open the file which has been opened recently? File + Recent Pages (B) File» Open (C) File->OpenRecentPages (D) Form -> Open File 93) Which of the following tab shows all details of the HTML code and helps in editing the source code? (A) Source (B) Design (C) Split \B) HIML Tags view (9, Which element is used to specify the values that are to be displayed in the menu? (A) Select 8). Option (©) Textarea (D) Input 9) Which of the following is a software application, which provide coriplete iliti develop software? facilities to programmer to HTML Form (A) Compiler ®) (D) Textarea IDE. (Space for Rough Work) P10.) G-915 96) Which of the following clement allows multi-line text input? (A) Input (B) Form (C) Select )) Textarea Which of the following is a simple, light weight programming language, which 97) does not contain the advanced programming functionalities of languages like Cand Java? (a) css (B)_ Scripting language (©) HTML . PB) Both (A) &(C) 98) Identify : “A specific JavaScript code, which will be executed in response to any event.” (A) Css (B) Eventhandler {LM Focus method (D) Document Object Model 7 19 Which event would occur when loading of image is cancelled? (A) unload (B) blur UO) abort (D) error A) Which Menu option is used to make sure that KompoZer uses CSS by default? (A) Tools -> CSS stylesheet (B) Tools—> CSS lI Tools + Preferences (D) Tools—> Default CSS x x XxX (Space for Rough Work) VOI61(09) 18

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