Beneath The Azu-WPS Office

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Beneath the azure skies so wide,

Stands a sentinel with branches wide,

Majestic in its silent grace,

The ancient tree, a timeless embrace.

Roots delve deep in earth's embrace,

Anchored firm in their quiet place,

Whispers of ages in every leaf,

Tales of time, beyond belief.

In springtime's bloom, a verdant crown,

Dressed in emerald, nature's gown,

A symphony of rustling leaves,

As gentle wind through branches weaves.

Summer's shade, a cool retreat,

A haven from the sun's fierce heat,

Birdsong dances in its boughs,

Nature's chorus, a tranquil vow.

Autumn's hues, a fiery dance,

Leaves ablaze in a fleeting trance,

A blaze of gold and crimson bright,

Before they fall in gentle flight.

Winter's cloak, a frosty shroud,

Boughs adorned in snowy cloud,

Yet in its quiet, dormant sleep,

A promise of life, buried deep.

Oh, noble tree, so steadfast, true,

A symbol of life in all you do,

Through seasons' dance, you stand tall,

A timeless witness to it all.

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