BB 9 - D23 Dec 2023

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Marks:100 BB-9 Time :
Section A
• Choose correct answer from the given options. [Each carries 1 Mark] [50]

1. f : N ® N, f(x) = x3 is ...... .
(A) one-one and onto function (B) one-one but not onto

(C) not one-one and not noto function (D) not one-one but onto
2. Let R be the relation in the set {1, 2, 3} given by R = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)}. Choose the correct answer.
(A) R is reflexive and symmetric but not transitive.
(B) R is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric.
(C) R is an equivalence relation.
(D) R is symmet
3. Let A = {1, 2, 3}. Then the number of relations containing (1, 2) and (1, 3) which are reflexive and
sym metric but not transitive is ......
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
4. If tan–1 x + tan–1 y = , then cot–1 x + cot–1y = .......... .
2p 3p p
(A) p (B) (C) (D)
5 5 5
5. If cosec–1x = y, then y Î ...... .
é p pù ìpü é p pù æ p pö
(A) ê - , ú (B) [0, p] - í ý (C) ê - , ú - {0} (D) ç - , ÷ - {0}
ë 2 2û î2þ ë 2 2û è 2 2ø

é æ 3 öù
6. sin -1 êcos ç sin -1 ú = ...... .
ëê è 2 ø÷ ûú
p p p p
(A) (B) (C) - (D) -
3 6 6 3
7. Value of cos[sec–1x + cosec–1x]; | x | ³ 1 is ......
(A) (B) – 1 (C) 0 (D) p
écos a –sin a ù
8. If A = ê sin a cos a ú and A + A' = I, then the value of a = ...........
ë û
3p p p
(A) (B) (C) p (D)
2 3 6
9. Let A be a square matrix of order 3, then |KA| = ..........
(A) 3K |A| (B) K2 |A| (C) K3 |A| (D) K |A|
10. If the matrix A is both symmetric and skew symmetric, then .......
(A) A is a diagonal matrix (B) A is a square matrix
(C) A is a zero matrix (D) A is a identity matrix

é 2 -2 ù
11. If A = ê then A–1 = .......
ë 4 3 úû
1 é 3 -2ù 1 é 3 2ù 1 é -3 2 ù 1 é 3 2ù
(A) - (B) - (C) (D)
14 êë 4 2 úû 14 êë -4 2úû 14 êë -4 -2 úû 14 êë -4 2 úû
é1 3 3 ù
ê1 4 3 ú
12. If A = ê ú , then A(adj A) = ...........
êë1 3 4 úû
(A) –2I (B) I (C) 2I (D) –I
13. If (k, 0), (4, 0), (0, 2) be the vertices of triangle and area of triangle is 4 sq. unit then k = ......
(A) 0, 8 (B) 0, – 8 (C) 0, 16 (D) 0, – 16
é 1 - cos q -1 ù
14. Let A = êcos q 1 - cos q ú where 0 < q < , then
ê 1 cos q 1 úû 2
(A) det(A) Î [2, 4] (B) det(A) Î (2, ¥) (C) det(A) = 0 (D) det(A) Î (2, 4)
15. If x = a(1 – cosq) and y = a(q + sinq) then = ...... .
q q
(A) cotq (B) cot (C) tanq (D) tan
2 2
16. If ey(x + 1) = 1, then what is the value of = ..........
dx 2
2 2
æ dy ö æ dy ö æ dy ö æ dy ö
(A) - ç ÷ (B) çè ÷ø (C) - çè ø÷ (D) ç ÷
è dx ø dx dx è dx ø
d æ sin -1 x + cos -1 x ö
17. çe ÷ø = ......
dx è
p 2 2
(A) (B) 0 (C) (D)
2 1+ x x (1 - x )

18. x = acosq, y = asinq, then = ......
dx 2
3 3
cosec q sec q
(A) cosec2q (B) - (C) – sec2q (D)
a a
19. In which of the following intervals the function y = x2 e–x is increasing ?
(A) (0, 2) (B) (–2, 0) (C) (2, ¥) (D) (–¥, ¥)
20. f(x) = 10 – 6x – 2x2 is strictly increasing in ......
æ 3ö æ 3 ö æ 3ö æ 3ù
(A) ç - ¥, - ÷ (B) ç - , ¥÷ (C) ç - ¥, ÷ (D) ç - ¥, - ú
è 2ø è 2 ø è 2ø è 2û
21. For what value of a the function f(x) = x2 + ax + 1 is increasing on [1, 2] ......
(A) –2 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 3
22. The approximate change in the volume V of the cube of side x meter caused by increasing the side
by 2% is ......

(A) 0.02 x3 m3 (B) 0.6 x3 m3 (C) 6 % (D) 0.006 x3 m3

x4 + x2 + 1 x3
387) If
23. ò x2 + 1
dx =
+ f(x) + C, then f(1) = .......... .

p p 1
(A) (B) (C) 0 (D)
2 4 2
x + 100
24. ò (x + 101)2
ex dx = ......... + C.

1 x 1
(A) ex (B) ex (C) ex (D) (x + 101)ex
x + 100 x + 101 x + 101
æ 2019 – x ö
25. ò log ç
è 2019 + x ø÷
dx = ........... .

(A) (B) 0 (C) p (D) 1
æ 2019 – x ö
390) ò log ç
è 2019 + x ø÷
dx = ........... .

(A) (B) 0 (C) p (D) 1
òæ 2
dx = .......... .
4 3ö
çè 30 – x 2 ø÷
38 19 19 19
(A) (B) (C) (D)
99 33 66 99
392) If f(a + b – x) = f(x), then
27. ò x × f (x ) dx is equal to .......... .

b b b b
a +b a +b a +b b –a
2 ò f (b – x )dx (B)
2 ò f (b + x )dx (C)
2 ò f ( x )dx (D)
2 ò f ( x )dx
a a a a

ò cot
28. -1
396) x dx = ......
(A) (B) p (C) 0 (D) 2p

ò sin x
cos3 x
399) If
29. dx = p cos 2 x + q log | sin x | + C , then p + q = ......

3 1
(A) (B) 2 (C) 0 (D)
2 2

òp ( x
30. + x cos x + tan 15 x + 1) dx = .......
- 2
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) p (D) 1
31. The area of the region bounded by the curve y = 3 cos x, 0 £ x £ is ......... Sq. units.
3 1
(A) 3 (B) 1 (C) (D)
2 2
32. The area of the region bounded by the curve y = | x – 5|, X-axis and the lines x = 0, x = 1 is .........
Sq. units.
9 7
(A) (B) (C) 9 (D) 5
2 2
33. The area of the region bounded by the circle x2 + y2 = 4 and the lines x = 0 and x = 2 in the first
quadrant is ....... Sq. units.
p p p
(A) p (B) (C) (D)
2 3 4
æ dy ö
34. The integrating factor of x ç ÷ - y = x 4 - 3x is ..........
è dx ø
(A) x (B) log x (C) (D) – x
35. The Solution of - y = 1 , y(0) = 1 is given by ..........
(A) xy = e–x (B) xy = – e–x (C) xy = –1 (D) y = 2ex – 1
dy y + 1
36. The number of solutions of = , when y(1) = 2 is ..........
dx x -1
(A) none (B) one (C) two (D) infinite
® ® ® ®
37. The angle between the unit vectors a and b is 2q. where q Î [0, p]. If | a - b | < 1 then
q Î .......... interval.
é pù ép p ù é 5p ù é p 5p ù
(A) ê0, 6 ú (B) ê 6 , 2 ú (C) ê 6 , p ú (D) ê 2 , 6 ú
ë û ë û ë û ë û
The angle between the unit vectors a and b is 2q. where q Î [0, p]. If | a - b | < 1 then
q Î .......... interval.
é pù ép p ù é 5p ù é p 5p ù
(A) ê0, 6 ú (B) ê 6 , 2 ú (C) ê 6 , p ú (D) ê 2 , 6 ú
ë û ë û ë û ë û
® Ù Ù ® Ù Ù Ù
38. In DABC, AB = 3 i + 4 k and AC = 5 i - 2 j + 4 k . Length of the median drawn from A is ........
(A) 18 (B) 72 (C) 33 (D) 45
® ®
39. If x = ( a , 4, 2a ) and y = (2a , - 1, a ) are perpendicular to each other then a = ......
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) Any real number
40. The projection of (1, 2, – 1) on i is ........
1 1
(A) (B) - (C) 1 (D) – 1
6 6
® ® ® ® ® ®
41. x and y are unit vectors and ( x y ) = q . Iff q = ....... then x + y will become unit vector..
p p p 2p
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 2 3 3
x-2 y -8 z+5 x -5 y +2 z +5
42. If the lines = = and = = have same direction then k = ..........
k -3 9 1 1 k
1 1
(A) 3 (B) – 3 (C) (D) -
3 3
x -1 y - 4 z + 3 x +1 y - 3 z -1
43. If the lines = = and = = are perpendicular then c = ..........
1 c -3 -c 2 1
3 -3
(A) (B) (C) – 3 (D) 3
5 5
44. The im age of the point (1, 2, 3) in the line r = (6, 7, 7) + k (3, 2, – 2), k Î R is (5, 8, a) then
a = ..........
(A) 8 (B) 9 (C) – 15 (D) 15
45. The point at which the maximum value of Z = 3x + 2y subject to the constraints x + 2y < 2, x >
0, y > 0 is ..........
(A) (0, 0) (B) (1.5, – 1.5) (C) (2, 0) (D) (0, 2)
46. The constraints x + y < 4, 3x + 3y > 18, x > 0, y > 0 defines on .........
(A) bounded feasible region (B) unbounded feasible region
(C) feasible region in first and second quadrants (D) does not exist
47. z = 30x – 30y + 1800 is a objective function. The corner points of the feasible region are (15, 0), (15,
15), (10, 20), (0, 20) and (0, 15). z has the minimum value at .......... point.
(A) (0, 20) (B) (0, 15) (C) (15, 0) (D) (10, 20)
48. Let A and B be two events such that P(A) = 0.4, P(A È B) = 0.7 and P(B) = p. For what choice of p
are A and B independent ?
1 1 3 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 4 6
49. A problem in mathematics is given to three students A, B, C and their respective probability of solving
1 1 1
the problem is , and . Probability that the problem is solved is ......
2 3 4
3 1 2 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 2 3 3
4 3
50. The probability that A speaks truth is, while this probability for B is . The probability that they
5 4
contradict each other when asked to speak on an event is ......
7 1 3 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
20 5 20 5
The probability that A speaks truth is, while this probability for B is . The probability that they
5 4
contradict each other when asked to speak on an event is ......
7 1 3 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
20 5 20 5
Section B
• Write the answer of any 8 questions from given questions. [Each carries 2 Marks] [16]

1 é -1 2 x y ù
-1 1 -
1. Find the value of the following : tan êsin + cos ú , | x | < 1, y > 0 and xy < 1.
2 ê 2 2
ë 1+ x 1+ y úû

2. Differentiate w.r.t. x : (log x)log x, x > 1

dy cos 2 ( a + y )
3. If cos y = x cos(a + y), with cos a ¹ ±1, prove that = .
dx sin a
4. An Apache helicopter of enemy is flying along the curve given by y = x2 + 7. A soldier, placed at (3, 7),
wants to shoot down the helicopter when it is nearest to him. Find the nearest distance.

5. Find ò( cot x + )
tan x dx.

x2 y2
6. Find the area of the region bounded by the ellipse + = 1.
16 9

x2 y2
7. Find the area of the region bounded by the ellipse + = 1.
4 9
8. Find the equation of a curve passing through the point (–2, 3), given that the slope of the tangent
to the curve at any point (x, y) is .
9. Find the area of a triangle having the points A(1, 1, 1), B(1, 2, 3) and C(2, 3, 1) as its vertices.
10. Find the shortest distance between the lines l1 and l2 whose vector equations are
® Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù ® Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù
r = i + j + l(2 i - j + k ) and r = 2 i + j - k + m(3 i - 5 j + 2 k ).
11. Bag I contains 3 red and 4 black balls while another Bag II contains 5 red and 6 black balls. One
ball is drawn at random from one of the bags and it is found to be red. Find the probability that
it was drawn from Bag II.
12. A man is known to speak truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a dice and reports that it is a six. Find the
probability that it is actually a six.

Section C
• Write the answer of any 6 questions from given questions. [Each carries 3 Marks] [18]
13. Show that the function f : R ® {x Î R : –1 < x < 1} defined by f(x) = , x Î R is one one
1 + |x |
and onto function.
é 2 -1ù é5 2ù é2 5ù
14. Let A = ê ú , B=ê ú , C =ê ú . Find a matrix D such that CD – AB = O
ë3 4 û ë7 4û ë3 8û
d y
15. If x = a (cos t + t sin t) and y = a(sin t – t cos t), find .
^ ^ ^
16. If with reference to the right handed system of mutually perpendicular unit vectors i , j and k ,
® ^ ^ ® ^ ^ ^ ® ® ® ® ® ®
a = 3 i - j , b = 2 i + j – 3 k , then express b in the form b = b 1 + b 2 , where b 1 is parallel to a
® ®
and b 2 is perpendicular to a .
17. Find the shortest distance between the lines whose vector equations are
® Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù ® Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù
r = ( i + 2 j + 3 k ) + l ( i – 3 j + 2 k ) and r = 4 i + 5 j + 6 k + m (2 i + 3 j + k ) .
Find the shortest distance between the lines whose vector equations are
® Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù ® Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù
r = ( i + 2 j + 3 k ) + l ( i – 3 j + 2 k ) and r = 4 i + 5 j + 6 k + m (2 i + 3 j + k ) .
® Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù
18. Find the distance between the lines l1 and l2 given by r = i + 2 j - 4 k + l(2 i + 3 j + 6 k ) and
® Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù
r = 3 i + 3 j - 5 k + m(2 i + 3 j + 6 k ) .
19. Determine graphically the minimum value of the objective function Z = –50x + 20y ...(1)
subject to the constraints :
2x – y > –5 ...(2)
3x + y > 3 ...(3)
2x – 3y < 12 ...(4)
x > 0, y > 0 ...(5)
20. Suppose a girl throws a dice. If she gets a 5 or 6, she tosses a coin three times and notes the number
of heads. If she gets 1, 2, 3 or 4, she tosses a coin once and notes whether a head or tail is obtained.
If she obtained exactly one head, what is the probability that she threw 1, 2, 3 or 4 with the dice ?
21. A card from a pack of 52 cards is lost. From the remaining cards of the pack, two cards are drawn
and are found to be both diamonds. Find the probability of the lost card being a diamond.

Section D
• Write the answer of any 4 questions from given questions. [Each carries 4 Marks] [16]

é 2 -2 -4 ù
22. Express the matrix B = êê -1 3 4 úú as the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix.
êë 1 -2 -3 úû

23. Solve the following system of linear equations

2 3 10
+ + = 4
x y z
4 6 5
- + =1
x y z
6 9 20
+ - = 2
x y z

3.6) If y = eax sin bx then show that, y2 – 2ay1 + (a2 + b2) y = 0.


25. Show that of all the rectangles inscribed in a given fixed circle, the square has the maximum area.

ò (a
26. Find the integration : 2
dx (Hint : Divide Nr & dr by cos4x)
cos x + b 2 sin 2 x )2

27. .8) A population grows at the rate of 8% per year. How long does it take for the population to double ?
Marks:100 BB-9 Time :

Section [ A ] : 1 Mark MCQ

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

1. B Chap 1 S7 7 QP23P11B1213_P1C1S7Q7
2. C Chap 1 S7 9 QP23P11B1213_P1C1S7Q9
3. A Chap 1 S7 11 QP23P11B1213_P1C1S7Q11
4. D Chap 2 S7 6 QP23P11B1213_P1C2S7Q6
5. C Chap 2 S7 7 QP23P11B1213_P1C2S7Q7
6. B Chap 2 S7 10 QP23P11B1213_P1C2S7Q10
7. C Chap 2 S7 17 QP23P11B1213_P1C2S7Q17
8. B Chap 3 S9 7 QP23P11B1213_P1C3S9Q7
9. C Chap 3 S9 9 QP23P11B1213_P1C3S9Q9
10. C Chap 3 S9 11 QP23P11B1213_P1C3S9Q11
11. D Chap 3 S9 13 QP23P11B1213_P1C3S9Q13
12. B Chap 4 S10 5 QP23P11B1213_P1C4S10Q5
13. A Chap 4 S10 7 QP23P11B1213_P1C4S10Q7
14. A Chap 4 S10 8 QP23P11B1213_P1C4S10Q8
15. B Chap 5 S12 8 QP23P11B1213_P1C5S12Q8
16. D Chap 5 S12 11 QP23P11B1213_P1C5S12Q11
17. B Chap 5 S12 15 QP23P11B1213_P1C5S12Q15
18. B Chap 5 S12 17 QP23P11B1213_P1C5S12Q17
19. A Chap 6 S8 6 QP23P11B1213_P1C6S8Q6
20. A Chap 6 S8 10 QP23P11B1213_P1C6S8Q10
21. A Chap 6 S8 15 QP23P11B1213_P1C6S8Q15
22. C Chap 6 S8 18 QP23P11B1213_P1C6S8Q18
23. B Chap 7 S14 387 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S14Q387
24. C Chap 7 S14 388 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S14Q388
25. B Chap 7 S14 390 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S14Q390
26. D Chap 7 S14 391 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S14Q391
27. C Chap 7 S14 392 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S14Q392
28. B Chap 7 S14 396 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S14Q396
29. B Chap 7 S14 399 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S14Q399
30. C Chap 7 S14 406 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S14Q406
31. A Chap 8 S5 13 QP23P11B1213_P2C8S5Q13
32. A Chap 8 S5 15 QP23P11B1213_P2C8S5Q15

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33. A Chap 8 S5 17 QP23P11B1213_P2C8S5Q17
34. C Chap 9 S8 43 QP23P11B1213_P2C9S8Q43
35. D Chap 9 S8 44 QP23P11B1213_P2C9S8Q44
36. B Chap 9 S8 45 QP23P11B1213_P2C9S8Q45
37. A Chap 10 S8 28 QP23P11B1213_P2C10S8Q28
38. C Chap 10 S8 30 QP23P11B1213_P2C10S8Q30
39. B Chap 10 S8 31 QP23P11B1213_P2C10S8Q31
40. C Chap 10 S8 35 QP23P11B1213_P2C10S8Q35
41. D Chap 10 S8 37 QP23P11B1213_P2C10S8Q37
42. B Chap 11 S6 15 QP23P11B1213_P2C11S6Q15
43. D Chap 11 S6 16 QP23P11B1213_P2C11S6Q16
44. D Chap 11 S6 20 QP23P11B1213_P2C11S6Q20
45. C Chap 12 S4 18 QP23P11B1213_P2C12S4Q18
46. D Chap 12 S4 25 QP23P11B1213_P2C12S4Q25
47. A Chap 12 S4 29 QP23P11B1213_P2C12S4Q29
48. A Chap 13 S7 28 QP23P11B1213_P2C13S7Q28
49. A Chap 13 S7 29 QP23P11B1213_P2C13S7Q29
50. A Chap 13 S7 30 QP23P11B1213_P2C13S7Q30

Section [ B ] : 2 Marks Questions

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

1. - Chap 2 S2 9 QP23P11B1213_P1C2S2Q9
2. - Chap 5 S8 7 QP23P11B1213_P1C5S8Q7
3. - Chap 5 S8 16 QP23P11B1213_P1C5S8Q16
4. - Chap 6 S5 29 QP23P11B1213_P1C6S5Q29
5. - Chap 7 S12 39 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S12Q39
6. - Chap 8 S1 1 QP23P11B1213_P2C8S1Q1
7. - Chap 8 S1 2 QP23P11B1213_P2C8S1Q2
8. - Chap 9 S7 8 QP23P11B1213_P2C9S7Q8
9. - Chap 10 S6 24 QP23P11B1213_P2C10S6Q24
10. - Chap 11 S4 9 QP23P11B1213_P2C11S4Q9
11. - Chap 13 S5 16 QP23P11B1213_P2C13S5Q16
12. - Chap 13 S5 21 QP23P11B1213_P2C13S5Q21

Section [ C ] : 3 Marks Questions

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

13. - Chap 1 S3 1 QP23P11B1213_P1C1S3Q1
14. - Chap 3 S6 25 QP23P11B1213_P1C3S6Q25

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15. - Chap 5 S8 17 QP23P11B1213_P1C5S8Q17
16. - Chap 10 S6 30 QP23P11B1213_P2C10S6Q30
17. - Chap 11 S2 14 QP23P11B1213_P2C11S2Q14
18. - Chap 11 S4 10 QP23P11B1213_P2C11S4Q10
19. - Chap 12 S2 4 QP23P11B1213_P2C12S2Q4
20. - Chap 13 S3 10 QP23P11B1213_P2C13S3Q10
21. - Chap 13 S3 12 QP23P11B1213_P2C13S3Q12

Section [ D ] : 4 Marks Questions

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

22. - Chap 3 S6 22 QP23P11B1213_P1C3S6Q22
23. - Chap 4 S6 7 QP23P11B1213_P1C4S6Q7
24. - Chap 5 S13 13.6 QP23P11B1213_P1C5S13Q13.6
25. - Chap 6 S3 19 QP23P11B1213_P1C6S3Q19
26. - Chap 7 S13 44 QP23P11B1213_P2C7S13Q44
27. - Chap 9 S10 10.8 QP23P11B1213_P2C9S10Q10.8

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Marks:100 BB-9 Time :
Section A
• Choose correct answer from the given options. [Each carries 1 Mark] [50]



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Section B
• Write the answer of any 8 questions from given questions. [Each carries 2 Marks] [16]



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Section C
• Write the answer of any 6 questions from given questions. [Each carries 3 Marks] [18]


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Section D
• Write the answer of any 4 questions from given questions. [Each carries 4 Marks] [16]



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