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the emphasis on tactical, puzzle-like combat, this scenario

STOP, THIEVES! is not suited to “theater of the mind”-style play. The map is
small to maintain the feeling of an arena, and creatures
Stop, Thieves! is a fast-paced, competitive scenario for two can’t move or be moved beyond the boundaries of the map.
or more players made to highlight the new kobolds The battle map is divided into two halves by a deep
presented in Flee, Mortals! Packet 3. Players divide into chasm. The western half is Kobold Keep. The eastern half is
two teams, each controlling a faction of greedy, jealous the Dark Grotto.
kobolds. The factions attempt to outfight and outmaneuver
each other to steal the other’s treasure, supported by an
unending cadre of eager reinforcements. This scenario is a
combat-only encounter, but the combat itself acts as a Before the scenario begins, each team builds their own
strategic puzzle. It requires no Game Master and each team roster of up to five different stat blocks from the “Kobolds”
can have as many (or as few) players controlling their section of Flee, Mortals! Packet 3, excluding the kobold
forces as they like. Stop, Thieves! is an excellent way to tiro and kobold decanus. A team’s roster determines
have a friendly competition with another adventuring what creatures they can start with and use as
group, a tense tactical challenge, an event where your reinforcements throughout the scenario. For ease of play,
regular GM participates as a player, or a hilarious sidebar it is recommended to print out or otherwise conveniently
encounter. ready the stat blocks from each team’s roster.
From their roster, each team chooses a starting group of
THE STORY SO FAR up to five creatures. The sum of these creatures’
experience points values must be no more than 500 XP.
The Irontooth Kobold bandits hide their precious For example, a team could start with one shieldscale
treasures in the Dark Grotto, while the kobolds of the drangolin (450 XP) and one kobold venator (50 XP), or
Glittering Scales stash valuables in the crumbling ruins of a start with five kobold legionaries (100 XP each).
once-great draconic citadel they call Kobold Keep. Both
factions swore oaths to take treasure from any who dare INITIATIVE
enter their valley and have each amassed a small fortune
To control the chaos of reinforcements rushing into battle,
from attacking unsuspecting caravans traveling through
initiative is determined differently than in a typical fifth
the vale. Now, the little dragons have their sights set on
edition combat encounter. Before the scenario begins, each
each other.
team notes the initiative bonus for each stat block on their
Two groups of short but fierce warriors enter this valley,
roster. Creatures act on an initiative equal to 10 + their
but only one shall claim all the treasure! Victory cannot be
Dexterity modifier. In the case of a tie, roll a d20 to
achieved through force of arms alone. With unending
determine the initiative winner, with higher numbers
waves of reinforcements on both sides, success hinges on
acting first. Additionally, each team spawns
cunning and thievery.
reinforcements on initiative count 0.


After determining initiative, each team places their
Stop, Thieves! is run using a strict interpretation of fifth
starting group of creatures on the map in initiative order.
edition rules. Optional rules, such as flanking, are allowed,
A team can place a creature on or within 5 feet of the
but both teams must agree to them before the start of play.
reinforcement spawn points on their faction’s side of the
map. Once the starting groups are placed, the scenario

The goal of the scenario is to steal a treasure chest from

the enemy faction. To steal a faction’s treasure chest, a ENCOUNTER STRUCTURE
creature from the other faction must start their turn in the
This scenario runs like a typical fifth edition combat
same space as that treasure chest. Once a faction’s treasure
encounter, with each creature acting on their initiative
chest is stolen, the game is over, and the team who stole
the treasure is declared the victor!

On initiative count 0 of each round, each team spawns
Use the provided battle map when running this scenario. reinforcements. A team can place one creature worth up to
Due to the placement and density of terrain features and 50 XP from their roster on one of the four reinforcement
spawn points on their faction’s side of the map, or the
closest unoccupied space to one of those spawn points if KOBOLDS VS. KOBOLDS
the point’s space is occupied. Alternatively, a team can
One player should read or paraphrase the following boxed
choose to forgo spawning a reinforcement that round and
text to begin the encounter:
instead bank 50 XP to be applied to the next time a
reinforcement is spawned. Banked XP is cumulative, but a
team loses all banked XP when they spawn a The Irontooth Kobolds are about to go to war with the
reinforcement. Glittering Scales for control of the valley and its treasure.
Newly spawned creatures act on initiative of 10 + their However, both sides have an unthinkable number of
Dexterity modifier, rolling to break ties. Each team has an reinforcements who make a war of attrition a difficult
endless number of reinforcements. proposition. But there is another way.
Through clever ploys, you have found a way to steal the
DEATH AND DYING priceless artifacts of your enemy: a shining chest bursting
with riches. Without their treasures, your enemy will be
Players are accustomed to their characters making death completely demoralized and break, scurrying back to their
saving throws when reduced to 0 hit points. However, underground homes and ceding the valley to your people.
during this scenario, each creature dies when they are Ready your defenses and set plenty of traps, your rivals
reduced to 0 hit points, rather than falling unconscious. come!

After the initial crash of starting creatures, expect the battle to COMMON FEATURES
turn more strategic as critical reinforcements slowly arrive. As
the number of active creatures dwindle, trap levers become The battlefield has the following features, which are
harder to defend and routes to the treasure chests become indicated on the map.
easier to traverse. This forces players to try to find the fastest
and sneakiest routes across the map to claim the treasure chests. DEEP CHASM
This jagged cleft opens in the earth like a rock-covered
BE SUPPORTIVE AND FUN wound. From the Kobold Keep side of the map, the chasm
is 50 feet deep. From the Dark Grotto side of the map, the
Stop, Thieves! is a competitive, head-to-head way to play a chasm is 40 feet deep.
game that is typically a cooperative storytelling experience. A creature is unimpeded when jumping from Kobold
This format has the potential for elevated emotions which, Keep to the Dark Grotto. Due to the elevation difference, a
when handled inappropriately, can lead to harmful creature jumping from the Dark Grotto to Kobold Keep
behavior and hard feelings. Since this is a new dynamic for must succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check or hit
many groups, players should adhere to the etiquette listed the cliff face and fall into the chasm.

• Competitors should hold themselves to the highest

standards of fairness, integrity, generosity, grace, respect, A roaring waterfall sprays mist into the air and feeds a
and inclusiveness. slow-moving river at the southern edge of the map. The 2-
• Respect your fellow players and acknowledge everyone foot-deep river is difficult terrain. When a creature enters
at the table is doing their best. Come to the game with the river for the first time on a turn or starts their turn
understanding and forgiveness. It's about fun, not there, they are moved 5 feet to the east.
harping on people when they make a mistake.
• Toxicity, intolerance, and selfishness aren’t acceptable. ILLUMINATION
• During the heat of battle, stay focused and help your A pale, bright moon fills the battlefield with dim light.
fellow players do the same. A forgotten bonus action or
missed terrain effect can change the game, so you’ll want NARROW LEDGE
to pay attention as best you can, but if you or another
player forgets something, resolve the issue fairly and A thin strip of earth squeezes between the yawning chasm
graciously then move on. to the north and the rushing river to the south. A Small or
larger creature can cross this ledge without risk of falling
These guidelines, alongside a strong sense of by treating the space it occupies as difficult terrain. A
sportsmanship, help ensure everyone has a good time. creature can choose to move across the ledge at normal
speed but must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check or fall into the chasm below.
REINFORCEMENTS SPAWN POINT Iron Bars. When the Dark Grotto traps are active, spear-
tipped, impassable prison bars extend from the floor and
Each faction has four of these teleportation circles in their curve 10 feet upward, creating two 10-foot-square cells.
domain that act as a possible arrival point for their One cell contains the Dark Grotto treasure chest. A
reinforcements. See “Reinforcements” for more creature in a space with the prison bars when the Dark
information. Grotto traps are activated is moved into the nearest
unoccupied space away from the treasure chest and
TRAP LEVER attacked by the spears. The spears make their attack roll
This valley’s inhabitants are masters of traps both devious with a +7 bonus and deal 2d10 piercing damage on a hit.
and cunning. A single iron lever protrudes from the ground The spaces between bars are too small to retrieve any
in each faction’s domain. As an action, a creature with a treasure, but the bars don’t block line of sight or attacks.
free hand occupying the lever’s space can pull the lever River Dock. Ahoy! This dock isn’t a trap, but it activates
and activate that lever’s associated traps. While the when the Dark Grotto trap lever is pulled. Ingenious
creature remains in the lever’s space, they can continue to kobolds constructed this stout wooden wharf from timbers
hold onto the lever and keep the traps active. The creature taken from felled giant mushroom stalks. When the Dark
can let go of the lever at any time (no action required), at Grotto traps are activated, small skiffs secured to an
which point the associated traps immediately deactivate. underwater track float to the surface and can be used. A
The traps also deactivate if the creature leaves the lever’s Small or Tiny creature in the same space as the dock can
space, dies, or is incapacitated. sail one of these Small boats against the river’s current,
moving along the river as if it were normal terrain and
UNDERGROUND TUNNELS ignoring the Floating River terrain effects. The skiffs sink
beneath the water if the traps are deactivated.
Throughout this valley are five entrances to an intricate
Sewage Pipe. A rusty sewage pipe from a bygone era
network of underground tunnels. A Small or Tiny creature
protrudes from the cave wall. The pipe extends 1 inch from
in the same space as an underground tunnel entrance can
the wall, is 20 feet above the floor, and is sealed by a
use only 15 feet of movement to immediately move to
hinged iron cap. When the Dark Grotto traps are activated,
another underground tunnel entrance. If the destination is
the cap opens and effluent spews out onto the walls and
occupied, the occupying creature is pushed 5 feet away
floor drain. It is totally gross. When a creature enters the
from the tunnel entrance into an unoccupied space of their
trap’s area for the first time on a turn or starts their turn
there, they are knocked prone and must make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 4d10 poison
DARK GROTTO FEATURES damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
The Dark Grotto on the east side of the battlefield has the
following features, which are indicated on the map.
GIANT WEBS Kobold Keep on the west side of the battlefield has the
Giant spiders lurk in the depths behind the Irontooth following features, which are indicated on the map.
Kobolds’ encampment. The arachnids have retreated into
hiding while the battle rages, but their webs remain. The ARCANE CIRCLE
webs are difficult terrain for creatures from the Glittering
The ancient power of the lost dragon empire still infuses
Scales faction. A creature in the webs has vulnerability to
the floor of the tallest tower. A circle of inscribed runes
fire damage. When a creature in the webs takes fire
grants a magical boon to those within its bounds. A
damage, the webs in the same space as the creature are
creature in the tower deals an extra 1d6 damage when
they hit with a weapon or spell attack. The damage type is
chosen by the attacker from one of the following types:
SHARP ROCKS acid, cold, fire, or lightning.
The rushing river pushes up against a wall of sharp, jagged
rocks. A creature moved into the rocks by the river or CASTLE BATTLEMENTS
another creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and 1d6
The castle ruins’ crenelated stone walls provide half cover
piercing damage.
(a +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws) to
creatures in a tower from attacks and effects outside that
TRAPS tower.
When a creature uses the trap lever in the Dark Grotto, the
following traps activate.
When a creature uses the trap lever in Kobold Keep, the
following traps activate.
Boiling Pitch. When the Kobold Keep traps are
activated, boiling tar sprays down from gargoyle spouts
carved into the stone tower battlements, covering the area
of burned ground on the map. When a creature enters the
trap’s area for the first time on a turn or starts their turn
there, they are covered in sticky, burning pitch and can
never remove it completely. An affected creature takes 1d4
fire damage at the start of each of their turns until they die.
Fire-Breathing Statue. A carved stone statue of the
progenitor dragon in Kobold Keep is 8 feet tall, but
creatures can move past it as if it were difficult terrain. The
interior of the stonework is hollowed out and filled with
complicated bronze bellows and funnels. When the Kobold
Keep traps are activated, a gout of white-hot flame pours
westward from the mouth of the statue in a 5-foot-wide,
10-foot-long line. A creature who enters the trap’s area or
starts their turn there must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 4d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Spear Thicket. When the Kobold Keep traps are
activated, a fusillade of sharpened, poison-smeared spears
extends out of holes in the ground. When a creature enters
this trap’s area or starts their turn there, they are attacked
by the spears. The spears make their attack roll with a +7
bonus and deal 2d10 piercing damage on a hit. A creature
who takes piercing damage from the spears must make a
DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d10 poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Anthony Hotchkiss, Arne Hüggenberg, Austin Bush, Ava Enoch,
CREDITS Ayden Birch, Bella, Ben Doherty, Bonnie MacDonald, Brandon
Alan McClenahan, Brandon Wanner, Brett DeCosimo, Brett
Design Director: Matthew Colville Hollindale, Brian Diehl, Bridge Squitire, Bryce Beggs,
Lead Designer: James Introcaso ButterScotchParadox, Calos Cisco, CarlsXeEinar, Celeborn
Author: C. Steven Ross Stringham, Chris Hopper, Chris ten Den, Christian Smith,
Editor: Amber Litke Christopher Berry, Christopher Teale, Cinna, CO_Nielsen, Cole
Cartography: Miska Fredman Carey, Cole Guest, Cole Sharp, Cory Muraglio, Craig Getting, Curt
Production: Lars Bakke Clark, Curt Thornton, Dan Keyser, Dana Monahan, Daniel
Playtest Director: Lars Bakke Franco, Daniel Friedman, Daniel Hendricks, Daniel Lake, Daniel
Lane, Daniel Molteno, David Black, David Fleming, David Lucas,

MCDM CONTRACTORS Delfi Collard, Dennis Ware, Derek Fisher, Derek Lancaster,
Drew Flowers, Drew VandeLune, Duskers, Dustin
Hammersmith, Eli Baur, Emma Corbett, EndlesNights, Eran
Community Coordinator: John Champion
Arbel, Eric Sawchak, Eric Stefen, Eric Stephen, Erik Weingold,
Customer Support: Bobby McBride
Eris, Ethan Catt, Evelyn Keeley, Fábio Mesquita, Félix Gauthier-
QA Senior Tester: Spencer Hibnick
Mamaril, Fernando Cabana Porto, Fernando Corrêa, Forgotten,
Testers: Nathan Clark, Cassandra “Dig” Crary, Alecson de Lima
Franklin H, FULLMETAL337, Gabriel Hunt, Gabriel Sortica
Junior, James Dewar, Anna Guimarães, Alex Hencinski
Reichmann, Gina Delvin, Glynnis Hollindale, GotRickRolled,
Grumpy, Guilherme da Silva Moser, Hamilton Gensheimer,
MCDM PRODUCTIONS Hannah H, Hans “Horroar” Van den Eynde, Harrison Howe,
Harry Morris, Hazel Margaris, hdpinck, Howsen, Hunter Jones,
Lars Bakke: Development & Production Hunter Loose, Isaiah “IQBoy” Smith, J. Skillin, Jackson Reichert,
Jerod Bennett: Technology Jacob Richardson, Jai Gautam, James Bull, James Cook, Jared
Grace Cheung: Art “Jay” Busse, Jason Bond, Jay Tallsquall, JayPea, Jaysen Navarro,
Matt Colville: Writing & Design Jeanne Parker, Jeffrey Anderson, Jesse Helser, Joe Howell Wood,
Nick De Spain: Art & Art Outsource Management John Baccaro, John-Michael Gonzales, Josh Bird, Josh Goodwin,
Jason Hasenauer: Art & Art Direction Joshua Marmolejos, Joshua Nakhoul, Joshua Rodriguez, Joshua
James Introcaso: Lead Game Designer Sakata, Kai Bumpus, Katerina Brown, Kayla Gleeson, Kelly
Hannah Rose: Managing Editor Kirkpatrick-Peet, Kevin Conway, Kristoffer Mejborn Eliasson,
Kyle Gorman, Kyle McCordic, Lance Hobbie, Leonardo Vechi,

PRODUCT IDENTITY Lexie Bryan, Liam Kearney, Liam Lefferts, LlamaThor, Lucas
Chiesa, Luiz Felipe Kormann, Luke M., Luke Zich, Lynn, Lys
The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as Agnello, Maciej Sternik, Maegan Chiofalo, Maitreyi Viswanathan,
defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and Marcel Theilig, Margaret Mae, Mark Bruno, Marsha Auguste,
are not Open Content: All content which is not included in the Matt Harrison, Matt Rogers, Matthew Donndelinger, Mauricio
Systems Reference Document version 5.1 or has otherwise been Pinzon, Max “Howard Moon” Turner, Max Moore, Maxwell Allen,
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Grotto, Glittering Scales, Irontooth Kobolds, Kobold Keep, and all Gravenall, Mintedcopper, Misahale, Morgan “Adys” Fenwick,
Trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (including the Nadine McAuliffe, Naif Milaat, Nasse Williams, Natalie Boles,
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PLAYTESTERS Rain, Rain Hiraeth, Reality, Rebecca McCordic, RecklessRobbie,
Richard W. Sullivan, Robert G, Robert Hendricks, Robert Sachse,
Playtest Coordinators: Aaron Flavius West, Adam McLaughlin, AJ Roosevelt Cooper, Ryan Beattie, Ryan Guth, Ryan Madden, Ryan
Metzger, Alex Adkisson, Alex Hencinski, Anna Guimarães, Zschau, Sage, Sage1589, Sam, Sam Mannell, Sami Khan, Samuel
Bennoni Thomas, Casey Bell, Casey Williams, Chris Catterson, Walker, Scott Konig, SCSI_1, Sean W. O’Neill, Shawn McIntosh,
Claire Buzzelli, Clayton Salamon, David Lake, David, Lucas, Shockwave109, Shovel_Cat, Skye McLaren Walton,
davidqshull, Durante Bozzini, EagleRuler, Essjae, Ethan southern_woodsman, Stevan Bressan, Stewart Green, Teb,
Dunning, Félix Gauthier-Mamaril, Harley Kewish, Iris Gorton, Thomas Hill, Thomas Rolston, Tim Polka, Tim Skiba, Tom
Jack Vidulich, Janek Dalkowski, Jarrad Tait, Joel Russ, John Comte, Tom Stellar, Treb, Troy Gabriel, Vegas Lancaster, Vince
Bryant, Madeleine Bray, Matthew “OneEyed” Vansprang, Porter, Vincent Cramer, Vinicius “Teco” Bellé, Walter Ferrufino,
Moises Raul Montero, Nick Pierson, Reuben Hung, Roman Wes Hunt, Will Fiore, William F, William Pfeiffer, Zachary
Penna, Shane Parker, The GM Tim Paquette, Zachary Scott, Zachary Smith, Zander Gordon, Zehl
Alpha Playtesters: @andrewdagiant, @ElfSy 0XiDi, 5quids, Day, Zero
Aaron, Gotzon, Aaron Panglinan, abculatter_2, Adam McDivitt,
Adam Scholze, Adrian “EvenTallerTree” Orlando, Ahmed Nabil
Zouikri, Aidan Griffith, Aidan Sherrington, Alex “Kevin” Lover,
Alex Chapman, Allister Scott, Alpacnologia, Anastasia Alnykin,
Andrew Cousineau, Andrew Kane, Andrew Ng, Andy Heinrich,
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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represent that Your Contributions are Your original Authors: C. Steven Ross, Matthew Colville, James Introcaso

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