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REVIEWER IN DISS (part 2) 1.

A condition or situation resented as

objectionable by a significant number of people.

2. it is considered as undesirable because of its

Fuller and Myers (1941)- those conditions which
injurious consequences.
members of the society regard as threat of their
values. Elucidating their ideas, they said at other 3. All social problems want correction through
place that is a condition which is defined by a collective action. They want charge in conditions via
considerable number of persons as a deviation some means of social engineering.
from some social norms which they cherish. 4. All aberrant behaviors or deviations from
Reinhardt- a situation confronting a group or a accepted norms are terms such as crimes, juvenile
section of society which inflicts injurious delinquency, prostitution, rape, drug addiction, and
consequences that can be handled only collectively. domestic violence, ethnic or communal tension.

Raab and Selznick (1959)- hold that a social 5. Social problems are not static but change in time
problem of human relationship which seriously and space. Changes in law also affects the concept
threatens society or impedes the important of social problem.
aspirations of many people.

Merton and Nisbet (1961)- a way of behavior that Types of Social Problems:
is regarded by a substantial part of a social order as
being in violation of one or more generally Sociologist distinguish between two types of social
accepted and approved norms. problems. First, problems of social organization
which are created by the way the community of the
Walsh and Furfey- a social problem as a deviation
society is organized. Community or society
from the social ideal remediable by group effort.
produces situations that some members of the
Horton and Leslie (1970)- a social problem is a society refuse to accept as the right or necessary or
condition which many people consider undesirable even inevitable. These are, for instance,
and want to correct. It is a condition affecting a communalism, castelsm, regionalism, poverty,
significant number of people in ways considered gender discrimination, population, environmental
undesirable, about which it is felt that something imbalance (different kinds of population, health
can be done through collective measures. hazards, etc.). Second, problems of deviance having
to do with the adjustment of people to alcoholism,
Components of Social Problem mental illness, various forms of sexual behavior
1. An objective condition, like crime, poverty, (rape, incest, sodomy), bigamy, prostitution,
communal tensions and so forth, the presence and vandalism and host of other behaviors, most of
magnitude of which can be observed, verified and which are forbidden by law.
measured by impartial social observers; and

2. A subjective definition by some members of the

Functionalism- Social stability is necessary for a
society that the objective condition is a ‘problem’
strong society, and adequate socialization and
and must be acted upon. Here is where values
social integration are necessary for social stability.
come into play. People start perceiving that some
Society’s social institutions perform important
values are being threatened.
functions to help ensure social stability. Slow social
change is desirable, but rapid social change
threatens social order.
Social problems weaken a society’s stability but do
Through the above cited definitions differ in not reflect fundamental faults in how the society is
ways that they are explained, the following structured. Solutions to social problems should take
important characteristics bay be discerned from the form of gradual social reform rather than
them: sudden and far-reaching change. Despite their
effects, social problems often also serve important This general framework reached fruition in the
functions for society. writings of Émile Durkheim (1858-1917), a French
scholar largely responsible for the sociological
Conflict Theory- Society is characterized by
perspective, as we now know it. Adopting the
pervasive inequality based on social class, race,
conservative intellectuals’ view of the need for a
gender, and other factors. Far reaching social
strong society, Durkheim felt that human beings
change is needed to reduce or eliminate social
have desires that result in chaos unless society
inequality and to create an egalitarian society.
limits them (Durkheim, 1952). It does so, he wrote,
Social problems arise from fundamental faults in through two related social mechanisms;
the structure of the society and both reflect and socialization and social integration. Socialization
reinforce inequalities based on social class, race, helps agreeing on important norms and values,
gender, and other dimensions. Successful solutions while social organization, or our ties to other
to social problems must involve far reaching people and to social institutions such as religion
change in the structure of society. and the family, helps socialize us describing and
understanding the functions that is parts–or, more
Symbolic Interactionism- People construct their
accurately, its social institutions–serve for the
roles as they interact; they do not merely learn the
ongoing health and stability of society. Thus,
roles that society has set out for them. As this
functionalism emphasizes the importance of social
interaction occurs, individuals negotiate their
institutions such as the family, religion, and
definitions of the solutions in which they find
education for producing a stable society.
themselves and socially construct the reality of
these solutions. In doing so, they rely heavily on Émile Durkheim was a founder of sociology and is
symbols such as words and gestures to reach a largely credited with developing the functionalist
shared understanding of their interaction. perspective.

Social problems arise from the interaction of As these comments might suggest, functionalism
individuals. People who engage in socially views social problem as arising from society’s
problematic behaviors often learn these behaviors natural evolution. When a social problem does
from other people. Individuals also learn their occur, it might threaten a social stability, but it does
perceptions of social problems from other people. not mean that fundamental flaws in the society
exist. Accordingly, gradual social reform should be
Functionalism, also known as the functionalist
all that is needed to address the social problem.
theory or perspective, arose out of two great
Functionalism even suggests that social problems
revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth
must functional in some ways for society, because
centuries. The first was the French Revolution of
otherwise these problems would not continue.
1789, whose intense violence and bloody terror
shook Europe to its core. Conflict Theory- In many ways, conflict theory is
the opposite of functionalism but ironically also
The Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and
grew out of the Industrial Revolution, thanks largely
nineteenth century reinforced these concerns.
to Karl Marx (1818-1883) and his collaborator,
Starting first in Europe and then in the United
Friedrich Engels (1820-1895).
States, the Industrial Revolution led to many
changes, including the rise and growth of cities as According to Marx and Engels, every society is
people left their farms to live near factories. As the divided to into two classes based on the ownership
cities grew, people lived in increasingly poor, of the means of production (tools, factories, and
crowded, and decrepit conditions, and crime was the like). In a capitalist society, the bourgeoisie, or
rampant. Here was additional evidence, if European ruling class, does not own the means of production
intellectuals needed it, of the breakdown of social and instead is oppressed and exploited by the
order. bourgeoisie. This difference creates an automatic
conflict of interests between the two groups.
Simply but, the bourgeoisie is interested in
maintaining its position at the top of the society,
while the

proletariat’s interest lies in rising up from the

bottom and overthrowing the bourgeoisie to create
an egalitarian society.

Marx and Engels’ view of conflict arising from

unequal positions held by members of society lies
at the heart of today’s conflict theory. This theory
emphasizes that different groups in society have
different groups in society have different interest
stemming from their different social positions.
These different interests in turn lead to different
view on important social issues. Some versions of
the theory root conflict in divisions based on race
and ethnicity, gender, and other such differences,
while other versions follow Marx and Engels in
seeing conflict arising out of different positions in
the economic structure. In general, however,
conflict theory emphasizes that the various parts of

Symbolic Interactionism- Symbolic interactionism

focuses on the interaction of individuals and on
how they interpret their interaction. Its rots lie in
the work of early 1900s American sociologists,
social psychologists, and philosophers who were
interested in human consciousness and action.
Herbert Blumer (1969), sociologists at the
University of Chicago, built on their writings to
develop symbolic interactionism, a term he coined,
Drawing on Blumer’s work, symbolic interactionists
feel that people do not merely learn the roles that
society has set out for them; instead they construct
these roles as they interact. As they do so, they
negotiate their definitions of the situations which
they find themselves and socially construct the
reality of these situations. In doing so, they rely
heavily on symbols such as words and gestures to
reach a shared understanding of their interaction.

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