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GREETINGS Very good volcanoes are openings in the earth crust that emit magma, ash

and gases.
"Good day, my bright and eager students! It's a brand-new day filled with
opportunities to learn, explore, and grow. Let's make today a great day of How about the type of volcanoes?
discovery and fun. Are you ready?
Very good the types include shield, stratovolcano, and cinder cone.
Beside all of that Let us all stand and pray
To start our lesson this morning. we will have group activity, and the class will
In the name of the father of the son and the holy spirit amen be divided into 2 groups. I have here pieces of papers. The goal is to
assemble the puzzle to reveal the image. you only have 2 minutes to finish
b. Greetings
the activity!
Okay once again good morning class!
Are we all clear?
How are you today?
Ok post your activity in front.
c. Checking of Attendance
Do you have any idea of what is our lesson this morning based on our
Now were checking our attendance, Okay class, who are absent today? previous activity?

Seems like we’re have a perfect attendance today! very good children Exactly, it is all about the solar system.

d. Classroom Management SHOWING PICTURE

But before we start, kindly arrange your chairs and pick up all the trash that The solar system consists of the Sun, planets, dwarf planets, moons, and
you see. numerous smaller objects such as comets and asteroids. But why solar
system is important?
And lastly the most important is to listen, avoid any noise and enjoy our  How many planets are in our solar system? 8
discussion for today? Is that okay?  Which planet is closest to the sun? mercury
 Which is the biggest planet in the solar system? Jupiter
 Which star are closest to the earth? Sun
Just to review, who among you here can still remember what we have
discuss last meeting? Discussion:

Very good it is all about volcano? What are volcanoes? Describe to the pupils the Solar System using PowerPoint Presentation
The solar system consists of the Sun and everything that orbits, or travels Neptune, the farthest from the sun, has a cold, methane atmosphere and a
around, the Sun. This includes the eight planets and their moons, dwarf diameter four times larger than Earth. It has thirteen moons and a faint ring
planets, and countless asteroids, comets, and other small, icy objects. system.
However, even with all these things, most of the solar system is empty space.
The solar system itself is only a small part of a huge system of stars and
Alright so since were done discussing the planet in the solar system we will
other objects called the Milky Way Galaxy. The solar system orbits around the
have here an activity which will enhance your creativity, imagination and your
center of the galaxy about once every 225 million years. The Milky Way
knowledge about our discussion,
galaxy is just one of billions of galaxies that in turn make up the universe
Group Activity:
Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, rotates slowly and experiences
temperatures up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. As the smallest planet in the your previous group will be your group for this activity, all you need to do is to
solar system, it has no moons, rings, or an exosphere-like atmosphere. create a model of a solar system. I will supply you the materials needed in
making the activity. The materials are Styrofoam ball which will be the
Venus, the second planet from the sun, is the largest night sky planet due to
representation of planets and the sun and, color paint, round wood stick,
its hot, dense atmosphere primarily composed of sulfuric acid and carbon
cardboard, paint brush, glue, scissor. You only have 15 minutes to finish the
activity. Before that will present a video on smart tv on how the activity will be
Earth, the largest terrestrial planet, hosts living beings and has liquid water created.
on its surface. Its atmosphere, composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon
Thankyou class for the wonderful work.
dioxide, supports diverse ecosystems.
So why do you think it is important that we know about solar system?
Mars, known as the Red Planet, has a red surface, volcanoes, deep valleys,
and frequent wind storms, with a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere and colder What role does the sun play in our lives and in the lives of all living things?
I think you already understand the lesson, so we will have a short today, get
Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, features 63 moons and a faint ½ sheet of pad paper and listen to me carefully because I will only repeat the
ring system, with its distinctive colored cloud patterns influenced by swirling question twice. Okay?
storms in its atmosphere
For your homework. Make or draw a model of the solar system, including a
Saturn, a gas giant with a complex ring system, is a 9.5-times Earth-sized description of each component and its properties. Make use of items you
planet with 62 moons and a 9.5-times Earth radius. already have at home.
Uranus, a cold planet four times Earth's size, spins parallel to its orbit, with a
large methane atmosphere and a dense core, a faint ring system, and 27

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