Research Paper On Homelessness in The United States

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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on the topic of homelessness in the United States?

Crafting a comprehensive and compelling research paper on such a complex and pressing issue can
be a daunting task. From gathering relevant data to conducting thorough analyses and presenting
your findings effectively, the process can be overwhelming.

Navigating through the vast array of information available, ensuring accuracy and relevance, and
organizing your thoughts in a coherent manner requires time, dedication, and expertise. Additionally,
addressing the multifaceted aspects of homelessness, including its causes, impacts, and potential
solutions, adds another layer of complexity to the task.

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Under this housing assistance program, homeless veterans and their families are provided with
vouchers across the country to live in market rate rental housing. In 2010, USICH convened a
meeting of experts and stakeholders to discuss the feasibility of adopting standard definitions and a
standardized vocabulary as mandated by the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition
to Housing Act of 2009. Pathways Housing First was an early model created to provide PSH
focused on client choice, although the term “housing first” is now used more broadly as a general
approach rather than a particular program. This response consisted primarily of temporary housing
shelters for the homeless run by nonprofit community organizations and local governments.
Homelessness is not a static or isolated event, and many people live in and out of homelessness for
years. For further information see HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development).
2018. HMIS Requirements. Available at:. Accessed on April 21, 2018; HUD. 2018. HMIS Guides
and Tools. Transitional housing has been a mainstay of the homeless service system for families and
individuals who are not deemed to need or who cannot find places in PSH. Homelessness:
Prevention Strategies and Effectiveness. While numerous studies have documented health problems
associated with the experience of either spending time in a homeless shelter, or being homeless and
living on the street, the committee acknowledges that there may be additional methodological
challenges in assessing the health outcomes in this population which are not described here.
Unemployment, depression, and hopelessness have been cited as some of the factors that affect
heavily on the criminal justice system; they contribute to high rates of crime and thereby
overburdening the system. It’s really easy to forget those people, because we have a house to live in
and we go to school. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy
source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Ultimately, a research paper
on homelessness could aim to provide a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of this complex
issue, and to offer recommendations for effective and compassionate approaches to addressing it.
There is also a myth that most homeless people in California are not local residents. Pathways
Housing First is described below, with the more general HF described afterward. HOPWA assistance
may also include support for substance abuse, mental health, nutrition, job training and placement,
and assistance with daily living ( HUD, 2016d ). On the other hand, some alcoholics get money
from illegal sources and they never become homeless (Polakow 67). Differences in the
characterization of homelessness allow agencies to tailor definitions to represent the needs of their
unique subpopulations (e.g., homeless unmarried adults, homeless children, or homeless families) and
the goals of the agency’s programs and policies. You can use it for research and reference purposes to
write your own paper. As a result, many organizations are in operation to satisfy this need through
construction of affordable houses (Kusmer 34). Knowledge generators, decision makers and
knowledge brokers interact to enhance the rationality of the policy making process by means of
policy analysis techniques Levinson, 2004. This is the most temporary type of housing available and
is meant to be a short-term safety net. They are cold most of the times, because they don’t have
heather at night to keep them worm. This raises questions about the completeness and reliability of
any estimates of the homeless population. This means that poverty which results from unemployment
or underemployment is a contributing factor to homelessness because unemployed person cannot
afford a house without financial assistance from the government (Haig 612). The action you just
performed triggered the security solution. These services can take the form of caseworkers checking
in on students at risk for homelessness, therapists providing counseling and help to couples with a
history of domestic violence, or medical professionals assisting with medication and local community
programs for those suffering from mental illness. The goals are to provide communities with funds to
build, preserve, and rehabilitate rental homes that can be afforded by very low income families;
provide homeless with comprehensive health insurance that can stabilize chronic healthcare issues;
finally, to revoke unproductive ordinances that criminalize homeless people by arresting them for
living, sitting, and sleeping in public places 2013 Annual Homeless Report Assessment to Congress.
In recent decades, federal agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the philanthropic community have
worked hard to develop and implement programs to solve the challenges of homelessness, and
progress has been made. We are a very healthy and active community with a large retirement group.
Hidden forms of homelessness include individuals temporarily or insecurely living with friends,
acquaintances or family due to not having a home of their own. By reading the complete sample you
will be able to write your paper fast on time as well. The different forms of supportive housing differ
greatly ranging from institutional arrangements for independent self-contained or shared
accommodation programs. Many developers in Toronto together with other cities claim that
construction of the low income rental apartments creates low profit and has compelled many
residents of the Canadian city to choose older, inadequate and deteriorating housing. How
homelessness is defined, as described below, impacts how these data are collected, and what we
know about who is experiencing homelessness, and informs what services are needed. As a result,
the causes of homelessness, which are economic, social and physical, require great considerations as
procedures towards abolition of homelessness focus on manipulation of the causes and impediment
of homelessness genesis. Even the people with full time jobs are in need of permanent residence.
Therefore, the delivery of services and treatment to persons experiencing homelessness is its major
activity. For example, women experiencing homelessness have higher rates of unintended
pregnancies when compared to housed women ( Crawford et al., 2011; American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2013 ). Its programs provide comprehensive, individualized care to
homeless veterans while at the same time striving to provide lasting solution to the problem (U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs, 2013). This response aims at preventing episodes of homelessness
especially within the HHS clientele, including families and individuals. Soon after his return Russell
re-injured his back, this time critically, with serious. A lively example of this issue is the debate over
capital punishment. Business plan expenses examples good book titles for harry potter research paper
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health care essay examples. This realization led to the development of PSH, as defined above. On the
other hand, some alcoholics get money from illegal sources and they never become homeless
(Polakow 67). New York City, Pollution, Predicate 546 Words 4 Pages Introduction to the Thesis
Statement: American History A thesis expresses the judgment of someone who has thoughtfully
examined a body of evidence on a topic. Third, to examine the link between being unsheltered and
an elevated risk of dying. PSH programs have two essential components: the provision of non-time-
limited housing, and the provision of an array of voluntary supportive services. This response has
yielded various positive outcomes, key among them being the reflection of the changing set of
priorities and challenges in responding to homelessness in America. For instance, the National Law
Income Housing Coalition has decreased the housing funds so that many people can afford it (Haig
567). According to a study in United States, most of the mentally handicapped people were
homeless because they could not get employment (Polakow 29). Homeless. ” Certainly, between 30-
40% (welfare recipients) are graduating into. For crisis services like emergency shelter and outreach,
the Housing First approach means referring and helping people to attain permanent housing. Without
access to medical respite care, individuals experiencing homelessness are unlikely to successfully
manage their post-hospital medical regimen. Prepared for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development. If the average middle class American and the upper class is earning much more. In
this essay, I will show the different life of homelessness between past and present in the world, why
people are homeless, the history of homelessness, social science of homelessness, government policy
of homelessness and solution for homelessness problem (National Alliance to End homelessness 2).
This four-times-higher rate of dying was independent of age, sex, and prior hospitalization. Among
them are migration from rural to urban life and lacking skills to support family needs, mental illness,
breakdown of family support, substance abuse, inept governments, and the global economy. It also
aims at helping eligible, homeless families and individuals receive social and health service.
The condition is basically a consequence of the increasing poverty levels and lack of affordable
housing which arise due to many other factors including the rise in the cost of rental housing. Under
the Social Impact Bond model, investors provide upfront funding to implement a social service
project. On the contrary, another study reported that mental health issues were not risk factors for
homelessness and in spite of some respondents feeling depressed prior to homelessness, they did not
believe that mental illness contributed to homelessness (Kusmer 56). For a brief history of
homelessness in the United States, please see Appendix B. We can also evidence some unnatural
death which is the result of malnutrition among children and adults as well. Criminal justice
components such as law enforcement agency and corrections are involved in USICH works with the
view of addressing criminal justice issues relating to homelessness. Its design, programs and
activities insist on the need for aggressive criminal justice responses in addition to the social and
economic responses. They can act freely on any of the homeless and can force an arrest by a police
o?cer upon them if they do not want to go to the welfare home. Three primary approaches for
operating PSH include. Early studies in this area documented higher premature death rates (three to
four times higher) in geographic zones that had a higher prevalence of persons experiencing
homelessness, shelters, soup kitchens, and substandard housing compared to the general population (
O’Connell, 2005 ). Services provided are linked to the impending move to PSH. It offered expanded
housing advice services and a clear focus on hidden forms of homelessness. Many more people
experience homelessness over longer periods, such as 1 year or more. In 2016, 1.42 million people at
some point stayed in a homeless shelter or a transitional housing program ( HUD, 2017a ). Today,
according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), veteran homelessness has declined by
nearly half since 2010. Central among these programs is the HUD-VA Supportive Housing program
(HUD-VASH), a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) and the VA. Among this subset, the 30-year risk of coronary heart disease, including (a)
being diagnosed with coronary heart disease, (b) having a myocardial infarction, and (c) having a
fatal or nonfatal stroke, is higher among individuals experiencing homelessness who also have a
mental illness when compared to the general population. Among them are migration from rural to
urban life and lacking skills to support family needs, mental illness, breakdown of family support,
substance abuse, inept governments, and the global economy. Veterans served the country well and
addressing the problem of homelessness among them is a great honour for their service (U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs, 2013). Synthesize the key disagreements among the research
studies; this will help your audience understand the need to study the issue. Among the reasons for
this problem are mental health problems, addictions, and domestic violence. The VA, in collaboration
with the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), has adopted a set of criteria and
benchmarks for achieving the goal of ending veteran homelessness ( USICH, 2017 ). It is made up of
19 federal cabinet secretaries and heads of various government agencies who work towards
achieving the outlined goals as regards preventing and ending homelessness (U.S Interagency
Council on Homelessness, 2013). It tailors response measures to vulnerable groups that need
assistance, such as older people, children, young people, and indigenous people. Furthermore, lack of
rehabilitation services can be identified as a major cause of homelessness in the US, especially when
focusing on the populace who are already affected by drug abuses and other anti-social activities.
Thus, instead of creating a standardized definition, the recommendation was to create a common
vocabulary and common data standards that would allow agencies to distinguish the needs of various
subpopulations. At the same time, plagiarism cannot be seen in the research papers written by the My
Research Topics scholars. Retrieved on 31 July, 2013 from National Alliance to End Homelessness.
(2013). The State of Homelessness in America 2013. Finally, the Projects for Assistance in Transition
from Homelessness (PATH) program is a state block grant program that offers similar supportive
services. In order to empower them and help reduce veteran homelessness, the Veteran Affairs
department also provides job placement and development, vocational assistance, as well as ongoing
supports towards improving employment outcomes among homeless veterans (U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs, 2013). Impact of Homelessness on Cities and Society Challenges in controlling
children Single parents experience the psychological challenge of being homeless and a greater
challenge of raising their children without the essential basic needs.
Moreover, three major strategies in alleviating homelessness include making houses more affordable,
comprehensive health care and paradigm shift (Daly 18). For details on the Pathways Housing First
program, see. From Maths to Management research paper help is provided by the My Research
Topics. This condition morally eviscerates poor people, forcing them to live with the scorn of their
fellow citizens who look down on them, denigrate them; in some cases, the poor begin to believe it
about themselves.. There may be more falls, burns and accidents in the home; there is nowhere safe
outside for the child to play so they are kept inside. Your work should be original, with quotations
limited to less than 10% of your total word count. It would be instructive to consider a the causes of
global homelessness, b moral rights of the global poor, and c locating moral responsibility for global
homelessness. The first phase of the Finnish strategy to reduce the number of homeless individuals
was considered to be broadly effective, reducing long-term homelessness levels by 28% within three
years (strategy review 99). As a result, creation of employment will alleviate homelessness. The
maternity shelter program assists pregnant and parenting young women that are homeless or at risk
of becoming homeless, to develop the skills necessary to live independently while providing a safe
and stable home for themselves and their dependent children Homeless Shelter Directory. This higher
risk was greater in men who were also substance users ( Gozdzik et al., 2015 ). In your paper, you
should underline that sometimes a place to stay may become a decisive factor between life and
death. Include both in-text citations in the outline and a references page following the outline. The
Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals is also a competitive grant program that
allows communities to provide services within PSH approach. This result suggests t hat at least some
members of the homeless population make frequent transitions between housed and homeless living
situations and that they may be included in household surveys more often than previously thought.
As a result, the causes of homelessness, which are economic, social and physical, require great
considerations as procedures towards abolition of homelessness focus on manipulation of the causes
and impediment of homelessness genesis. Housing assistance, for instance, can help escape
homelessness to young people who have grown out of foster care, or low-income people with mental
illness who leave hospitals, or those individuals, who exit correction institutions. So, they do not
expect to be regarded with respect. Firstly, let us examine some of the causes of homelessness and
views about the homeless and from the homeless. This appears to be the result of many individuals
being included on the Census questionnaire of a household where they occasionally reside, despite
having actually been on the streets the day of the counting operation. These include relatively high
levels of unemployment and lack of support to the members of society who can least help
themselves. Moreover, it helps in ensuring that flexibility is attained in order to maintain efficiency
especially in the densely populated areas. Contrary to america that attempts to control external forces
to social justice, Hong Kong believes competition is mandatory. They are youth under age 25, with
the majority between ages 18 and 24. Shelter Plus care is a program supported by local funds and it
gives a person housing subsides. HUD argues that this is the population that needs to be served first
in PSH, rather than on a first-come, first-served approach. Poverty as a Peculiarity of the Economical
Development. This paper explores some of the vital sources that address the social problem of the
homeless in america. To begin with, unemployment is the gravest cause of homelessness because
unemployed people lack funds to settle bills (Burt 65). A statement from the U.S. Interagency
Council on Homelessness ( USICH, 2017a ) says. This is in addition to increasing outreach for the
homeless in rural and remote areas, and also developing a high-quality workforce for service
response staff (42).
Therefore, the delivery of services and treatment to persons experiencing homelessness is its major
activity. But the scenario is not much changed for the present decade as well in the country. Instead
human service professionals tried to help every client make good decisions, find resources to
overcome problems, and inspire the client to make improvements. Its design, programs and activities
insist on the need for aggressive criminal justice responses in addition to the social and economic
responses. In order to address the problem of homelessness, it is necessary to understand its causes
and consequences, as well as the various approaches that have been taken to address it. Infectious
diseases caused 2 percent of deaths in the Housing First group, compared to 13 percent in the
homeless group. Homeless youth face the same issues faced by children in the general population, but
their issues are exacerbated by the circumstances inherent to their homeless status. Pathways
Housing First was an early model created to provide PSH focused on client choice, although the
term “housing first” is now used more broadly as a general approach rather than a particular
program. In 2016, California enacted a new law that encourages state programs to adopt a Housing
First model in all programs for housing individuals experiencing homelessness. Before the deflation
California, Hawaii, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington State had the highest rates of homelessness
Homelessness 25. Job security and job stability have deteriorated in recent years, a situation that has
led to loss of jobs and difficulties for displaced workers to find new employment. Specialist services
cannot deliver a holistic response to homelessness, but by integrating them with mainstream services,
there is great potential for improved outcomes. The solutions needed to decrease homeless people in
the streets of United States are the same ones needed to prevent the occurrence of homelessness
(Helvie 41). Today, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), veteran
homelessness has declined by nearly half since 2010. All of these problems can be equated to the lack
of access to consistent health care. It helps criminal justice agencies at federal, state and community
level to implement initiatives and programs that are critical in not only addressing the problem of
homelessness in general, but also the specific issues that bring about homelessness in America. Third,
to examine the link between being unsheltered and an elevated risk of dying. I'm writing a 12 page
research paper on homelessness(USA) 2019-02-01. Taken together, these estimates suggest that on a
given night there are between 500,000 and 600,000 homeless people in the US, with about one-third
sleeping on the streets and two-thirds in homeless shelters. It’s really easy to forget those people,
because we have a house to live in and we go to school. When women and girls are homeless, they
are more vulnerable to sexual abuse. The laws and policies underpinning this response greatly relates
to the criminal justice system. There is a evident connection between homelessness and impoverished
workers; this can be seen in homeless shelters, most of which are housing large number of full-time
wage earners (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009). Even the people with full time jobs are in
need of permanent residence. The council creates a national partnership at all government levels and
with private sector as well with the view of reducing and ending homelessness in America. America
who are homeless at any one time over 2 million, do they have a culture of their. It serves as a
reminder that with a clear focus and adequate resources, homelessness can be markedly reduced or
even eliminated. The program began in 1992 and funds are administered through local PHAs. These
subsidies do not generally have any associated services. Specific elements of PSH, as outlined in a
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration ( SAMHSA, 2011 ) evidence-based
toolkit on creating and managing PSH programs, include the following.

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