2024 PT Internship Contract or Agreement Zel

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Republic of the Philippines


Cabagan Campus
Cabagan, Isabela



This contract/agreement made and entered by and between:

______Keizel Ann Feith A. Casil___________, a student-intern of Bachelor of Physical

Education (BPEd), with office address at Isabela State University, Cabagan Campus (ISU- Cab),
Garita, Cabagan, Isabela, hereinafter referred to as the “First Party”,
Lanna National High School with office address at Tumauini , Isabela represented by its School
Head/Principal and hereinafter referred to as “Second Party”.

A. The First Party shall:
1. That the First Party will be deployed as practice teacher/student-intern at the secondary
school assigned for his/her internship for the period of March 4, 2024 to May 27, 2024.
2. That in view hereof, the First Party will provide with opportunities to apply relevant
knowledge and skills acquired to actual teaching setting;
3. That the First Party will enhance the knowledge and skill acquired in formal education of
the student intern through practice teaching, in order for them to become more responsive
future teacher;
4. That the First Party will develop the life skills of the student interns, including those
relevant to the values of professionalism and work appreciation and acquire a professional
work ethics for professional teachers;
5. That the First Party will perform the following roles and responsibilities:
a. enter into an internship contract and/or agreement with the participating cooperating
b. sign all the required documents necessary for his or her participation in the internship
program, including the acceptance letter, internship contract and/or agreement;
c. comply with the provisions of the contract and/or agreement including the rules and
regulations of the university and cooperating schools at all times;
d. undergo the required orientation/internship program conducted by the university and
cooperating school;
e. report for internship in the cooperating school based on the schedule indicated in the
internship contract and/or agreement;
f. perform task and activities indicated in the internship plan;
g. maintain confidentiality, when and where appropriate, during and after the internship
period of all the information where such information is not within the public domain
and is indicated or understood to be confidential;
h. adhere to the existing rules and regulations of the cooperating school;

Effectivity: 3/15/2019
Revision: 0
i. submit a journal of internship as required by the cooperating school reflecting on the
approved internship plan, his or her experiences describing the internship activities,
any problems encountered, and his or her reflections on the internship experience to
the SIP Coordinator;
j. complete the agreed duration of his or her internship; in case the student intern will be
unable to finish his or her internship within the designated period, he or she shall
inform the Supervising Instructor in writing of his or her intent and reasons to
prematurely end his/her internship. Failure to complete the internship program without
valid cause disqualifies the student intern from retaking the program with the
concerned cooperating school.
k. report to the Supervising Instructor for an exit assessment after the completion of the
internship period.
6. That the First Party will strictly follow and perform some provisions:
a. That s/he must complete eight (8) hours of internship work a day;
b. That s/he must perform daily teaching task such as preparing the detailed lesson plan
(DLP), instructional materials, weekly test/short quiz, summative test and quarterly
test, analyze items of the test conducted (test analysis), check the outputs of the
students, develop intervention module, conduct remedial activity, assist cooperating
teacher in preparing the school forms, participate in the classroom-based
program/activity, conduct consultation hours and other related works and task,
activities and duties ask by the cooperating school or cooperating teachers.
7. That the First Party shall:
a. participate in school-related activities;
b. notify the Cooperating Teacher in case of absences;
c. respect the dignity and rights of the children/students;
d. come prepared at all times;
e. secure clearance from the cooperating school;
f. accomplish the internship portfolio; and
g. project a good image as a would-be teacher at all times by observing code of ethics,
proper dress code and punctuality in all activities of the internship.
8. That this agreement, as well as its terms and conditions herein shall be held in strict
confidence and that no portion or part hereof be reproduced or be revealed to any
personnel or entity other the signatories herein of their authorized representative.

B. The Second Party shall:

1. accommodate student-interns until necessary.

2. implement and evaluate the training plan jointly with the ISU-AC/First Party.
3. issue a certificate of training upon completion of the program.
4. ensure that acquisitions of the necessary abilities, values & knowledge for the student-
intern are achieved in accordance with the approved training plan.
5. designate a Cooperating Teacher to implement the training plan.
6. require the student-intern to accomplish internship portfolio/learning episodes ready for
inspection at any given time.
7. ensure that the student-intern improve personality traits & that are protected from
physical danger.
8. entrust to the student-intern’s jobs that are related to the purpose of training and
commensurate with his/her capabilities.

Effectivity: 3/15/2019
Revision: 0
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties have hereunto set their hands this 14th day
of February 2024.

First Party: Second Party:

Lanna National High School

BPED, ISU-Cabagan Campus

___________________________________ Secondary School Principal
Student-Intern/Practice Teacher
Printed Name over Signature



BPEd,Student Teaching Coordinator



Dean, CEd Campus Academic Affairs Director



MUNICIPALITY OF ___________________

Before me, on the date and place above written, personally appeared the abovenamed
person/s, known to me and known to be the same person/s that executed the foregoing instrument and
he/she/they acknowledged to be the same is his/her/their free act and voluntary deed and that of the
institution he/she/they represent.

Notary Public

Doc. No.___________;
Page No.___________;
Effectivity: 3/15/2019
Revision: 0
Book No.___________;
Series of___________.

Effectivity: 3/15/2019
Revision: 0

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