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Credits Credits % of credits Category Section

achieved available achieved weighting score (%)

Management 7 21 33.33 0.11 3.66

Health and 15 19 78.94 0.14 11.05

Energy 22 31 70.97 0.16 11.36
Transport 9 12 75.00 0.10 7.5
Water 6 9 66.67 0.07 4.67
Material 10 14 71.43 0.15 10.71
Waste 7 10 70.00 0.06 4.2
Land use and 7 13 53.85 0.13 7.00
Pollution 7 12 58.33 0.08 4.67
Innovation 1 2 50.00 0.10 5

01: 1/4 Project delivery planning: 1/1 Stakeholder consultation: 0/1 BREEAM Advisory
Professional (AP): 0/2
02: 1/4 Elemental life cycle cost (LCC): 0/2 Component level life options appraisal 0/1
Capital cost reporting: 1/1
03: 3/6 Environmental management: 1/1 BREEAM Advisory Professional (AP) (site) 0/1
Responsible construction management 1/2 Monitoring of construction site impacts: 1/2
04: 1/4 Commissioning - testing schedule and responsibilities: 0/1 Commissioning - design
and preparation: 0/1Testing and inspecting building fabric: 0/1 Handover: 1/1
05: 1/3 Aftercare support: /1 Commissioning – implementation: /1 Post-Occupancy
Evaluation (POE): /1

Visual Comfort: 4/6 Glare control:1/1 Daylighting: 1/2 View out: 1 Lighting level: 1
Indoor Air Quality: 3/4 Ventilation:1/1 Emission from construction materials: 1/2 Post
construction air quality: 1/1
Thermal Comfort: 3/3 Thermal modelling: 1/1 Design for future thermal modelling:
1/1 Thermal zoning and controls: 1/1
Acoustic Performance: 2/3 (4 for residential)
Security: 1/1
Safety and Healthy: 2 /2 Safe access: 1/1 Surroundings: 1/1
ENERGY 22/31

01: 8/13 Energy performance: 6/9 Prediction of operational energy consumption: 2/4

02: 2/2 Sub-metering of end-use categories:1/1 Sub-metering of high energy load and
tenancy areas:1/1

03: 1/1

04: 3/3 Passive design: 2/2 Low and zero carbon technologies: 1/1

05: 2/2 Refrigeration energy consumption: 1/1 Indirect greenhouse gas emissions: 1/1

06: 2/3 Energy consumption: 1/1 Energy efficient features: ½

07: 2/5 ???

08: 2/2

01: 2/2
02: 7/10

01: 3/5
02: 1/1 ???
03: 1/2??? Leak detection system 1/1??? Flow control devices 1/1
04: 1/1

01: 4/7
02: 1/1
03: 3/4 Enabling sustainable procurement: 1/1 Measuring responsible sourcing: 2/3
05: 1/1 Protecting vulnerable parts of the building from damage
06: 1/1
WASTE 7/10

01: 3/5 Pre-demolition audit: 0/1 Construction resource efficiency: 2/3 Simple
building - RMP measurements and reporting: 0/2 Diversion of resources from
landfill: 1/1
02: 1/1
03: 1/1
04: offices only!!
05: 1/1
06: 1/2

01: 1/2 Previously occupied land: 0/1 Contaminated land: 1/1

02: 1/2 Survey and evaluation and determining the ecological outcomes for the site

03: 2/3 Planning and measures on-site: 1/1 Managing negative impacts: 1/2

04: 2/4 Ecological enhancement: 0/1 Change and enhancement of ecology: 1/3

05: 1/2 Management and maintenance throughout the project and Landscape
and ecology management plan

01: 1/3 Impact of refrigerants: 1/2 Leak detection: 0/1

02: 1/2
03: 3/5 Flood resilience: 1/2 Surface water run-off:1/2 Minimising
watercourse pollution: 1/1
04: 1/1
05: 1/1

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