Critical Midterm

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Critical midterm:
1- To level the transducer the nurse, should position the stop clock at approximately?
(4 intercostal space med-axillary line)
2- The pressure bag use in flush system?
3- the function of amplifier in hemodynamic monitor is to?
(pick up the signal and transit to the cable)
4- the pulmonary artery reflect the function of?
(left ventricular)
5- In order to listen in the second intercostal space, you will heard the sound?
- S2 close of (aortic – pulmonic)

6- The LDL target with patient dose not have Coronary artery disease but has one risk
factor should be less than ?

7- the Dr write order to discontinues the patient the arterial line what is the nursing
priority to do after discontinues the line?
(press in the site ( for 5 minutes )

8- patient has hypovolemia which mean low in fluid the nurse identify by ?
(Low CVP )
9- After assessment of JV the nurse document elevate in the JVP explain the reasons ?
(Fluid over load and right ventricular disfunctions)
10- Strep for ECG
Uniform PCV
11- Mr.smaer was admitted to ICU suspect of MI ?
Elevated of ST
12- Patient has chest pain and first-degree heart block?
PR interval more than 0.20 sec
13- The nurse explain for the patient that the normal signal to initiate the heart should
come from the?
SA node
14- Which one of the following medications maximize the heart work with patient has heart
failure by increasing ventricular contractility ?

15- Which one of the following test indicate cardiac damage?

16- Ms. Mohammed 65 has three of the artery damage and become coronary artery
disease which of the following surgery is the best method for his cases ?

17- Patient admitted to ER with heart pain and during auscultating u heard crackles in the
lunge ?
Left sided heart failure
18- 69 years old admitted to the emergency chest pain (angina )what is the causes of angina
pain ?
(Decrease O2 supply and increase oxygen demand )

19- Patient come to the hospital with MI and he want to know what is the reason of taking
aspirin ?
To prevent any further clotting
20- The health care provider write prescribes of ECO which of the following actions should
the nurse take to prepare the patient for the procedure ?
Tell the patient the procedure is pain less and it will take 40-60 minutes
21- MI means that the muscles has?
(dead tissue - necrosis )
22- For diagnosis of coronary arty disease, the Dr detect dysrhythmia and request to apply
the test for r24hours he request to use?
23- A patient is admitted to the hospital with diagnosis of pericarditis any sign?
Fracture ribs
24- Patient has frequent PVC the nurse should focus on which items ?
Blood pressure and Oxygenation
25- Patient with history of heart disease experience Acute MI he has given thrombolytic
therapy what finding u find that patient has complications of this medications?
Blood in stool
26- Which of the mood O2 deliver should use with patient has diagnoses ARDS?
Mechanical ventilator
27- Which of the following common causes of indirect causes of ARF?
28- Male patient develop ARDS the patient deteriorate which one use for lunge protect
strategies ?
Low Tidal volume – low End inspiratory
29- Which of the following associate of develop type one raspatory failure ?
Decrease o2 level in the blood
30- The patient admitted to the hospital 24 hours ago after sustain of blunt-chest trauma
the nurse monitor of early signs of ARDS ?
Tachypnea- dyspnea

1- ABG
2- ECG
3- MEDICATION (midazolam – morphine sulfate -
norepinephrine) asking for ( classification – 3 symptoms–
the most 3 important interventions )
4- The procedure (withdrawal from arterial line)

Good luck everyone (study well and focus during the exam)
‫ هللا يوفقكم يارب‬..

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