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Excellent (10-9) The thesis statement is based on credible reason and
evidence; and has three or more ideas to be supported
and elaborated.
Better (8-7) The thesis statement is based on credible reasons and
evidence and has two ideas to be supported and
Good (5-4) The thesis statement and the ideas to be explained are
nearly related to credible reasons and evidence.
Needs Revision (3-1) The thesis statement and the ideas are not related to
credible reasons and evidence; and has no characteristics
of thesis statement.

3 2 1 0
Thesis/Topics Topics are clear and Topics are broadly Topics are completely No Topics
x2 related to thesis. defined or unrelated to thesis.
tangentially related to
Details Details are specific Details are general Details are absent or No details
x3 and provide support and barely support do not support topic.
for topic. topic.
Sources Source information is Source information is Source information is No source
provided for all provided for most provided for few information is
referenced details. referenced details. referenced details. provided.
Organization Outline is Outline follows most Outlines tends to be No organization.
X3 hierarchically rules of organization, not structured or key
organized with clear but may pose some points are difficult to
points and easy to challenges in recognized and/or
follow format; moves structure. interpret.
from general (Main
Idea) to specific
Mechanics Outline is free of Outline contains few Outline contains Errors interfere with
grammatical/spelling grammatical/spelling many comprehension; most
errors; entire outline errors; few grammatical/spelling topics/subtopics are
is in complete topics/subtopics are errors; several not complete
sentences. not complete topics/subtopics are sentences.
sentences. not complete

Component Description Score
Content  (12 – below) Hardly gives any information; fails to communicate message.
 (13 - 18) Gives a little information; ideas present but not developed; lack supporting
 (19 – 24) Provides adequate information some ideas are developed; some ideas lack
supporting details.
 (25 – 30) Gives very complete information; ideas well developed; thorough; relevant; on
Organization  (10 – below) No organization whatsoever; manner of putting sentences together
indicated lack of knowledge of how ideas should be organized.
 (11 – 15) Limited order to the content; lacks logical sequencing of ideas; ineffective
ordering; absence of appropriate cohesive devices makes text choppy disjointed.
 (16 – 20) An apparent order to the content is intended; uses coherent devices but
makes text choppy disjointed.
 (21 – 25) Logically and effectively ordered; main points and details are properly
connected; fluent; not choppy whatsoever.
Vocabulary  (8 – below) Exhibits lack of knowledge of appropriate vocabulary and idioms.
 (9 – 12) 9 –16 Erroneous word use or choice resulting in confused or obscured
meaning; limited use of appropriate words; some literal translation and invented words.
 (13 – 16) Adequate but not impressive; 5 – 8 erroneous choices of words but meaning
is not confused or obscured, some use of appropriate words.
 (17 – 20) Broad; impressive, 1 – 4 errors in word use and choice; extensive use of
appropriate words.
Language  (6 – below) Shows lack of knowledge of basic synthetic rules; simply put together
words that fails to communicate meaning.
 (7 – 9) 9 – 16 grammatical errors (e.g. S-V agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement,
tense, faulty use of articles, etc.); erroneous use of language impedes
comprehensibility; work poorly edited for language.
 (10 – 12) 5 - 8 grammatical errors; erroneous use of language does not impede
comprehensibility; some editing for language evident but not thoroughly done.
 (13 – 15) 1 – 4 grammatical errors; language clearly expresses meaning; work well
edited for language.
Mechanics  (4 – below) Work is dominated by errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and
 (5 – 6) 9 – 16 inaccuracies in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing.
 (7 – 8) 5 – 8 inaccuracies in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing.
 (9 - 10) Only 1 – 4 inaccuracies in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and

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