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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when delving into complex and sensitive topics

like prostitution. Crafting a well-researched and insightful essay requires meticulous planning,
extensive research, critical analysis, and proficient writing skills.

Prostitution, as a subject matter, entails a multifaceted exploration of social, economic, legal, and
ethical dimensions. It involves examining the historical context, cultural perceptions, psychological
aspects, and the impact of policies and legislation on individuals and societies.

The process of researching and writing a prostitution essay research paper demands a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter, including its various forms, causes, consequences, and
controversies. Scholars and students embarking on this endeavor often encounter challenges in
navigating through the vast array of literature, deciphering conflicting perspectives, and synthesizing
diverse sources of information into a coherent argument.

Moreover, addressing sensitive topics such as prostitution requires a balanced and empathetic
approach that respects the dignity and rights of individuals involved while critically analyzing the
underlying social structures and systemic issues.

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the quality of your research paper. ⇒ ⇔ offers professional writing services
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I am writing an essay on why prostitution should not be legalized I. Prostitution exploits women not
because the selling of sexual services is in itself exploitative, but because society degrades and
marginalizes prostitutes and forces them into underground of continued abuse by pimps and
customers. The Prostitution Act catalyzed the foundation of Prostituting Licensing Authority, which
manages, controls and restricts the brothels. According to the US Department of Justice
approximately 1,500 youth were arrested for prostitution in 2008 (Puzzanchera, 2009). The analysis
looks at varying nations and how the laws have been affected with regard to Prostitution. In
conclusion, there are many reasons why friendships may end. Ultimately, the decision to legalize
prostitution should be guided by a concern for the rights and safety of those involved in the industry.
Prostitution in Olongapo City and Angeles City was extremely outstanding during the clip of the U.
S. military Subic Bay Naval Base and Clark Air Base. severally. When Mount Pinatubo. a vent.
erupted in 1991. it destroyed most of Clark Air Base and the United States closed it down in 1992.
Bringing crime to the area or city that prostitution is taking place in. In certain countries, most of the
prostitutes are immigrants or they come from a certain race or ethnic group. For example, Stacy’s
shows how teenage girls are influenced to enter prostitution to be able to buy the things they want.
The moral thing to do would be to legalize prostitution with heavy regulations, taxation, and
legitimacy. Both articles also argue that prostitution is poorly regulated and have very few strict laws
that help protect the prostitutes from their pimps and clients. In her point of view, this is a good
approach to face the blatant phenomenon of prostitution. It is, however, legal in some parts of the
country. Also, brothels’ appearance is severely restricted, such as limiting the types of signs they can
display outside the establishments. This topic has been going on for nearly 3 years now, yet nobody
has. All of these mechanisms work to eliminate systematic violence and to discourage an atmosphere
of danger and risk. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Thus, they neither have the time nor the interest to get
involved in prostitution (Walkowitz, 1980). I’m not always eating, but I have underwear.” This
shows how underage girls are vulnerable because they grew up in an unstable home and they are
being controlled by pimps. Sex workers will follow mandatory procedures prior to having sex.
Dianne We need to listen to the voices of the women. Granting SB 855 was approved with the
purpose of identifying a linear path to the dependency court system for victims, the commercially
exploited children are still being prosecuted through the juvenile court system. Therefore, this led her
to be involved in sex-trafficking. This usually consists of misss in the 17 to 19 old ages age bracket (
Sexual activity with a misss below 18 is a punishable offense in the Philippines. Furthermore
prostitutes might solicit uninterested passers-by, and johns might pester women or teenage girls
passing through the neighbourhood aggressively. An alternative viewpoint on the construction of sex
work. There have already been lots of studies performed and evidence gathered proving that legal
prostitution reduces rape, sex violence, and other sex crimes. Below are an international human
trafficking, 813 words.
The author tries to convince us that rostitution should be legalized the Pros outweigh the Cons. As a
woman she would have only started on essay, destroyed herself, and further limited her options by
becoming intimate with Vermeer. Why persons are indulge to this work? 5. 1 Family 5. 2 Peers 5. 3
Environment. This can lead to higher rates of violence, exploitation, and disease transmission.
Probably the argument that prostitution is immoral is the hardest one to address when advocating for
the decriminalization of the profession. Below are an international human trafficking, 813 words.
Furthermore prostitutes might solicit uninterested passers-by, and johns might pester women or
teenage girls passing through the neighbourhood aggressively. And lastly, how many of you guys are
aware of the fact that prostitution is something that is not only affecting our country but our society
as a whole. Marijuana has become a more and more acceptable drug over the past few old ages
despite its many side effects, non merely on the user, but besides on society as a whole. Ports and
pleasure towns are characterized with limited employment opportunities for women, as well as a
transient male population. She argues that where prostitution is illegal, women are more at risk of
being violated by their customers, because they are by themselves; without help from any other.
Prostitutes with sexually transmitted rates will be found out and treated in time, and also the number
of people catching diseases through prostitution will be reduced. The Safe Harbor laws were the first
of its kind to protect sexually exploited children from domestic trafficking rather than shaming and
prosecuting them for being victim of circumstance. EXPLOITATION. An act or blink of an eye of
working. She declares that “Prostitution violates the prohibition of slavery, of force labor and
trafficking in person”(, Cecilia Hoffman, n.d).It is clear that for Hoffman
prostitution have too much negative effects on women, that should not lead to its legalization.
However, in “Encyclopedia: Prostitution” it gives facts about the past of prostitution. This usually
consists of misss in the 17 to 19 old ages age bracket ( Sexual activity with a misss below 18 is a
punishable offense in the Philippines. Prostitutes are more likely to be women disadvantaged by
poverty, poor or no education, sex and race discrimination, who have no other economic options; or
childhood sexual abuse, with little opportunity for anything else. You can use essay samples to find
ideas and inspiration for your paper. Individual’s health will not be in danger and tax revenue will
increase. Ill. Legalizing prostitution will not harm anyone. Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing
Prostitution - ATZUM Justice Works. Relaxed legal controls on prostitution in Thailand, the
Philippines and Amsterdam have made these countries attractive for individuals, many of whom the
local population would not regard as desirable visitors to a country or city. Thus, they neither have
the time nor the interest to get involved in prostitution (Walkowitz, 1980). Subsequently, they will
have better access to health care; there will be no fear among them of being marginalized. One of the
strongest arguments against prostitution is that many prostitutes are forced to sell their bodies and do
not do it by choice. If they violate the probation, they could face a 30-day jail sentence.
Recognizing it as a profession will atleast reduce the real illegalities that come with it, like child
prostitution, drug abuse and crime. The number of violent attacks on prostitutes, including rape and
murder, and the considerably greater number of such crimes which are believed to go unreported,
suggests that prostitutes themselves are the victims of the most serious criminal offences. Conclusion
l. Legalizing prostitution will not only be helping a victimless crime will not be a crime anymore, but
also improving the life’s of many individuals who risk their life’s trying to make a living. These girls
have not grown up both physical part and mental part, but they are swept into this job too early,
which can turn them to a disastrous end.
Learn More He was of the view that law should be superior to morality and thus control behavior.
Title: should prostitution should i disagree with honesty and prostitution research paper subscribe.
Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing
assignments. In the third and fourth sections, the causes and effects of prostitution are discussed,
respectively. Many have their reasoning impaired by an unhappy family background or previous
sexual abuse. The prohibition on manufacturing and transporting alcohol resulted in an increase of
underground transactions and homemade production, leading to a surge in pricing. Give us your
email address and we’ll send this sample there. This begs the question: why does law defend citizens
against acts such as harm and indecency. As a matter of fact there is once such place where
prostitution is legalized (Victoria), there are two rapes of prostitutes reported each week. In doing so,
the country undergoes many political and social reforms. By her late teens, she turned to cocaine for
comfort. Others, taking a more liberal view, believe prostitution should be legalized and heavily
regulated so that those who participate in it know that they can only do so with narrow parameters
and any straying from the acceptable line will be severely punished. Recognizing it as a profession
will atleast reduce the real illegalities that come with it, like child prostitution, drug abuse and crime.
Any combination, or even just one of these groups is liable to create an unsafe environment. The act
provides minors immunity from arrest for engaging or soliciting sexual intercourse. She then
described the impact by comparing the history and development of the two regulatory regimes.
Tamar was sent back to her relations in shame as a hapless investing. They took a stand and
hopefully others can escape this evil cycle of poverty and prostitution. Activists over the world have
been fighting for decriminalizing sex workers for decades. The author explains the shift in law
enforcement, and long history of mandatory health examinations of sex workers which came along
with the former, influenced by the Prostitution Act in Australia. The main biomass feedstocks for
power are paper mill residue, lumber. There were men who were waiting for her to rape her because
they were paid too. These guys are already doing it and your little prophecy would have already
come to pass if it were tru. Moreover, statistics has shown that 70% of female inmates in American
prisons were initially arrested for prostitution. The Pall Mall Gazette created placards with “Five
pounds for a virgin warranted pure” written on them. Some of the associated harlotry trade closed
with it. The social reformation groups framed prostitution as wickedness and exploitation of women
which would take men straight down a moral road to hell. She advances that:“women who work
legally have better access to health care, protection against violent customers and protection against
exploitation”( Chika Unigwe, nytimes,com, april 19, 2012). Married men, meanwhile, availed of the
services of prostitutes because of the sexual dissatisfaction that they experience with their wives.
This led to conformity of brothels operations that keeps sexual activity sellers safe. Moreover
legalisation of such a profession would result in the country in question being rendered as a
destination for all the wrong reasons.
The graphic “exposes” of the Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon greatly influenced public opinion
during the time of its release. If they were unhappy with what they were doing wouldn’t they find
an alternative to move on and make things better. Currently, sex workers often have little power to
negotiate the terms of their work, and are often at the mercy of pimps or traffickers. If building the
wall would be the course of action the US government takes, it must be manned with border patrol
agents. Society, through its gender-based economic inequality, forces women to sell their bodies to
feed their children or have a roof over their heads. Many believe that prostitution should be at least
decriminalized if not completely legalized. Additional materials, such as the best quotations,
synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. In addition,
prostitution has immoral influence over the society for it may reasonably lead to moral corruption of
dependent persons, especially children. In addition, Victorian England’s emphasis on natural male
sexuality entailed that men marry late and use prostitutes or lower-class women as an instant source
of sexual gratification. According to her, the fact that women are suffering in this practice is
undeniable, thus, their need for help is prevailing. Many pimps would use this method to get
prostitutes for their job. Also, by making selling of sex a criminal prostitution if the prostitution is
performed in a public area, involving minors, involving coercion of persons to be or become
prostitutes, or performed by prostitutes who have failed to acquire a valid health license. In my
opinion prostitution should be legalized for a better prostitutes’ working condition, for a lower
sexually transmitted diseases rates and an enhanced power of governments toward this job.
Admittedly, Unigwe and Hoffman seem to be on different sides of the question. Change direction is
ongoing map in an organisation to better efficiency and effectivity to vie in the market topographic
point. Prostitution has been described as “the choice made by those who have no choice”. Secondly,
with the development of internet prostitution, criminal enforcement requires more resources and
sophistication, and is ever less likely to succeed. In America several shelters have been opened for
trafficking victims, and some states have enacted their own anti-trafficking laws. Men and women
were accorded different codes of sexual conduct. This knowledge would be a tremendous burden on
the man. This penalty is hoped to educate and rehabilitate teenagers to go back to the right track
rather than to punish them. This includes stopping government funding for anti-prostitution e. In the
late twentieth century it is taken for granted that women’s involvement in prostitution can be
explained in terms of. As of July 2003, police had already arrested 90 underage girls (Stalley,
2003p.2) Most of the girls who end up in prostitution feel like this is the only way to escape this
painful life. Nonetheless, the perceptions of society on Prostitution have been dynamic since years
past. Dieting Is dieting an effective method of losing weight. Conforming to her view point,
prostitution is a set of violations of human’s right. “It violates the right to enjoy the highest standard
of physical and mental health” (, Cecilia Hoffman, n.d). She implies the
violence, diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and unsafe abortion, all part of the common problems
encountered in prostitution. They are often encouraged to work before they are old enough to make a
reasoned decision. According to Bartley, “ Prostitution is a terrible strain upon civilization”.
Consequently most African American women are stigmatised as prostitutes and alienated from
mainstream of society.
Fourthly, local authorities and brothel owners could gang up, for their private interest, to limit the
number of brothels so that the existing brothel owners can monopolise sex industry and earn more
profit. The trade is violent, and they come from a middle class homes. Without rules, players who
play as they wish and order would be nonexistent. Sexual transmission has always played a part of
the dangers of being a prostitute because there will always be a rise of it spreading were there will be
prostitution taking place. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements.
Due to these side effects on society and the marijuana user, it would be in the best involvement of
everyone that marihuana remains. Definition of prostitution Prostitution does exist and it an
unchallengeable fact. These pimps would get women and young girls to become prostitutes by either
promising them things or treating them. However, both share a common ambition, which is to protect
women in general. Other women who are involved are proven in studies to be forced into it when
they are younger and grew up doing it. Also, underage girls that are involved in prostitution and sex-
trafficking usually come from unstable homes. We all go through different phases in our lives, and it
is natural for friendships to change and evolve over time. The document delves into the effects of
Prostitution on society, participants and the next generation. For example, Senator Menendez was
accused for leaving the country for the purpose of engaging in a commercial sex act with a minor.
Sex workers who fear of getting arrested because of carrying and using condom expose to danger to
getting wanted pregnancy, access and get infected with HIV. One of the strongest arguments against
prostitution is that many prostitutes are forced to sell their bodies and do not do it by choice. It was
also not uncommon for prostitutes to engage in violent drunken brawls with each other over money
and or clients. Conclusion l. Legalizing prostitution will not only be helping a victimless crime will
not be a crime anymore, but also improving the life’s of many individuals who risk their life’s trying
to make a living. Mentions how there was an act passed to prevent these women from getting traffic.
Prostitution can also be defined as the sale or rental of labor services in a voluntary manner. For
example, Weiss (2007) stated, “The police net went wider, to malls and community colleges, and
olive garden restaurants and trailer parks, and the story was always the same. Despite the social
stigma attached to it, many poor working Victorian women were drawn to prostitution because of its
reasonably good. Chika Unigwe, PhD; the Nigerian-born author gives some of the reasons why
prostitution should no longer be without law controls. In cases of trafficking, arrival is just the
beginning of enslavement, the institution of coercive control over the person, and exploitation for
profit, such as forced labor or prostitution” (Bales par. 3). Although it is less likely to happen, “some
victims of trafficking escape” (Bales par. 13). “When they do, their situation can be very precarious.
Women have fallen into prostitution because they have no other source of income. Second, there are
women born poor into families with a long history of poverty and a lack of education. Admittedly,
Prostitution is a worldwide issue, which harms the dignity of women. The holy books used by the
different religions require that each individual should put some effort to earn a living, but
prostitution should not be an option for the effort. More importantly, prostitution leads to higher
possibility of marital breakdown and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (“STD”). A
prostitute may engage as a stripper, escort, street-walking prostitutes, or as a sex worker in hotel,
massage parlour or brothel.

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