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2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA)

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE), Pune, India. Aug 26-27, 2022

Electronic Health Record Management using

Hyperledger Fabric
2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 978-1-6654-8451-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCUBEA54992.2022.10010988

1st Rohit Kota 2nd Harsh Wadhawe 3rd Vishaal Prasaad Computer Science College of Computer Science College of Computer Science College of
Engineering, Pune Engineering, Pune Engineering, Pune
Pune, India Pune, India Pune, India

Prof. Rohini Sarode

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
College of Engineering, Pune
Pune, India

Abstract—In these modern times, receiving health care services Information about a patient’s medical diagnoses, diseases,
from various hospitals and clinics has become very common due history, treatments, and reports is stored in Electronic Medical
to the predominant increase in the specialization of health care Record (EMR). In current systems, patients hardly have any
services and also as a consequence of people’s moving to different
cities and countries. Doctors who have a thorough understanding control over their personal data. The most critical issue is that
of a patient’s medical history can more accurately make a they do not maintain interoperability among various involved
diagnosis and provide treatment for the patient in the right identities. Therefore, a trustworthy and safe medical storage
timeframe. Despite improved medical services, healthcare service system is a necessity for us in the modern age.
providers face issues in sharing sensitive data. The major problem To meet these criteria, a blockchain must include the fea-
faced by healthcare service providers right now is ensuring data
security, data integrity, and confidentiality of the data while tures stated above, as well as an enterprise-grade network to
keeping the privacy of patients intact simultaneously. To solve this prevent unauthorised access. As a permissioned blockchain,
problem, we propose a blockchain technology using Hyperledger Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) provides a network that uses smart
Fabric that allows patients to control their medical information contracts to conduct network transactions. It enables all nodes
and access doctors for data. By creating a distributed database in the network to safely share data without relying on a central
of the patient’s medical records, the patient can switch hospitals
without bothering about the medical records. It also makes it authority to supervise all transactions. After other nodes have
easier for a doctor to keep track of a patient’s medical history. verified a transaction, it is stored cryptographically. Features
Index Terms—Electronic Health Record, blockchain, interop- of Hyperledger Fabric will be suited for building an integrated
erability, hyperledger fabric, smart contracts, privacy, security, EHR management platform with a high level of privacy and
Ethereum. confidentiality. We’ll explain how using Hyperledger Fabric to
store, administer, and maintain electronic medical records can
I. INTRODUCTION assure patient data security and privacy in this article.
As we know, blockchain provides a distributed database
framework through which we can make secure queries. Us-
ing Certificate Authorities, Member- ship Service Providers, A. Why Blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric?
and smart contracts, we achieve data security and privacy The blockchain stores data in a cryptographically secure
on the blockchain. Nowadays, sharing and storing personal manner, which solves the problem of data security. CA and
and medical data among network participants using unsecure MSP components provide secure identities like private keys,
mechanisms may cause the leak of critical data. It is also certificates, and validation for the users that are connected
possible for unauthorized personnel to access and modify data. to the network, which solves the problem of authorization
In today’s systems, patient medical records are stored digitally, and authentication. Fabric is a permissioned blockchain, so
called Electronic Health Records (EHR), which is shared with the data remains confidential to the outside world. It comes
different healthcare providers. EHRs hold the patient medical with the distributed nature of blockchain, which makes data
information in the form of Electronic Medical Records (EMR). available to all permissioned systems. The blockchain records

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are immutable, and that’s why the data integrity problem has transactions and are used by the organisations to connect
been solved. The Fabric provides the consensus algorithm. to the network. Peers are divided into two categories.
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance solves the problem of 51% Endorsing Peers: For endorsing transactions while Com-
of nodes getting hacked, which we can see in Bitcoin because mitting Peers: To commit the transactions. This is done
all the approval from the peers, which is by default required, according to the endorsement policy, which is predefined
can be configured in the channel configurations as well. within the network.
Scalability has no problem either, because any number of peers
or users can join the network. Because all the modules are B. Fabric SDK
pluggable, we can use different databases as well. The Fabric
The Fabric SDK (Software Development Kit) is used to
SDK is available in different programming languages like Go,
communicate with the blockchain network. NodeJS and Ex-
Java, Javascript, and Typescript. The major components for
pressJS provide routes and APIs that are to be used by
constructing an EHR system using the Hyperledger Fabric
AngularJS for the frontend. The backend server then internally
architecture are:
calls the Fabric SDK to interact with the network. The
SDK provides multiple APIs to connect, invoke, retrieve, and
• Membership service provider (MSP): Using a member-
terminate transactions from the ledger. The “gateway” forms a
ship service provider, all network entities are enrolled in
link between the SDK and the backend server through which
the network with a unique identity. An individual MSP,
all the transactions within the network are to be routed. Each
along with a general MSP, is used by every organisa-
transaction is signed by the user’s certificate, where it can
tion to perform transactions, authorizations, and sign-in
be verified and endorsed to the ledger. The SDK handles
operations across the network.
the connection between the patient/ doctor and the triggers
• Distributed ledger: Every time a peer commits, the
they supply to the User Interface (UI). Whenever an API
transaction data is appended to a distributed immutable
is triggered, it establishes a network connection along the
ledger. Each ledger also has two additional components:
channel and fetches the chaincode. This transaction will be
the world state and the transaction log. A world state is
finally completed by invoking the gateway class’s termination
a representation of the ledger at any given time, whereas
a transaction log maintains a record of all transactions
recorded in that world state.
• Consensus: Transacting on Hyperledger Fabric only hap-
pens through specific peers. The endorsement policy de- To implement the blockchain solution for the EHR system,
termines the minimal acceptance of peers for appending we will map some components to the EHR system so the
transactional data to the ledger. organisations in the fabric components are the hospitals in
• Smart contracts: Smart contracts are predefined ways to the real world. All the hospitals are connected on the same
perform every task or function and are used to manage channel, and if some hospitals want to connect or maintain
and restrict the participants’ access to the ledger. There some other form of data, like cancer data, they will form
are several general programming languages through a new channel. The new hospitals will be connected to the
which they can be implemented, including Go, JavaScript, existing channel only after approving the hospitals that are
and Java. configured in the channel configurations. The patient data
• Chaincode: Chaincode is defined at the time of the will be treated as assets in the fabric, and all the data will
creation of the channel, and its role is to initialise and be stored in the blockchain database. The Fabric framework
manage the ledger state. It consists of a set of smart provides a getHistory API which will be used to retrieve
contracts as well as an endorsement policy. To engage the patient’s data and will be shown to the doctor so that
in any transaction through this channel, all channel par- he can get a proper understanding of the patient’s condition.
ticipants must first authorise the chaincode. All of the There are three roles involved in the system: admin, patient,
tasks that can be executed across the network are stored and doctor. Each hospital has an admin who is responsible
in Chaincode. for registering any new patient that visits the hospital and
• Channel: Only authorised parties have access to a per- the doctors working there. Every hospital would have the
missioned blockchain network. A channel is used to carry patient’s EHR in their ledger. Patients have complete control
out all transactions in Hyperledger Fabric. of their medical information and they can authorise doctors
• Orderer: It is the network entity in charge that manages who can view the patient medical details through grant and
and ensures that the transactions are appended to the revoke access mechanisms. When a patient grants access to the
ledger in a sequential manner. This was done after the doctor, only the doctor who has been granted access can read
endorsement by the peers. An ordering service is formed the patient’s EHR and update only the EMR of the patient’s
after coordinating multiple orderer’s to work efficiently health record when needed. Once the patient revokes access,
within a network. the doctor cannot access the patient’s EMR. Fabric will allow
• Peers: Peers are comprised of two components: Ledger patients to move more freely between doctors and hospitals
and smart contracts. They are directly involved in the inside the network as a result.

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1 and 2, come together and form a channel.
The public-private key pairs are generated by MSP and CA
which are also responsible for signing digital certificates. To
be trusted in the network, every hospital needs to have their
own MSP and CA. In our solution, every hospital has one peer
as they cannot directly interact with “HospitalChannel” in the
fabric network. A copy of the state database is associated with
every peer, which stores the current world state of the network.
When any CRUD transaction is carried out, the world state
is updated for all the peer ledgers. We have used the name
“HospitalChannel”, which is the only channel in our simple
network and it is connected with the help of the hospital
channel configuration. So in this case, it is shown in Figure
2 that Hospital 3 is an additional organization. If it wants to
Fig. 1. Web Application connect this channel, hospitals 1 and 2 need to give approval.
Every hospital peer has one ledger and a smart contract on it.
The current options for databases provided by Hyperledger
Fabric are the default database, LevelDB, and an alternate
database, CouchDB. We have used CouchDB in our solution
because it can handle images and supports indexing. All the
patient data is stored in CouchDB, so there is no need to
have a separate EHR store. In the fabric network, the number
of Docker images of the peers will be the same as that of
CouchDB because each peer has one CouchDB and they both
run on the same server. We have used CouchDB for the world
state and all the transaction records that lead to the world state
have been stored in a log file called “transaction log”. Smart
contract is the main logic that helps the participants in the
fabric network interact with the database. We have 3 smart
contracts for every role: admin, patient, and doctor. These
smart contracts are packed into a chaincode, and this chaincode
is deployed on every peer node of the hospitals and on the
“Hospitalchannel” too. To create a transaction, the Fabric SDK
needs to invoke a smart contract, which then performs changes
to the ledger.
B. Implementation using Hyperledger Fabric Components
Fig. 2. Hyperledger Fabric Network 1) Smart contracts: As described in the architecture sec-
tion, our application is primarily comprised of three
smart contracts: admin, patient, and doctor. When the
A. Architecture chaincode is deployed, all smart contracts in it are
The architecture is very simple. The network has been available to the application.
established by the blockchain administrator and all the peers in • Admin smartContract - Admins can add or delete
the organisation are the Docker running containers. To connect patient objects on this smart contract. The smart
the network, the Fabric SDK is used, which is written in contract also allows us to see patients available in
multiple languages, but we have used Javascript. Along with the network.
that, we are using ExpressJS as a server for the backend by • Patient smartContract - This smart contract has
providing a REST API. We used the Angular 13 framework the logic for the patient to interact with the ledger.
for the user interface. Communication between the frontend In addition to updating or viewing personal infor-
and backend is done using REST API calls with JSON web mation, a patient can also see the history of the
tokens (JWT) for authentication, and Redis is a key-value pair doctors they have visited using the getHistory API.
database which is used to store the doctor’s credentials (so A patient may also grant or revoke access methods
just a username and password). In the network, the orderer to the doctor that will allow him or her to see the
organisation initiates the blockchain, which means it creates medical details of the patient, and finally, the patient
the first block in the blockchain, which is called the “genesis may set new login credentials while interacting with
block.” The other two organisations, which are like hospitals the application.

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• Doctor smartContract - By using this smart con- 4) Membership Service Provider (MSP): In our applica-
tract, the doctor can update or read the EMR of the tion, all the participants of the network, such as admins,
patient. patients, and doctors, need to prove their identity to carry
The goal of these three smart contracts is to ensure that out any type of transaction within the network, MSP is
the appropriate role has invoked the appropriate smart the one to manage those identities. The MSP checks the
contract to interact with the ledger’s data. When one members’ private keys by comparing them to the public
role interacts with the application using its own methods, key that has been stored. The hospital’s peers propose
other roles cannot access these same methods. They are a transaction by using the hospital’s private key in our
free to employ their own methods, which are specified application. The public key, which is needed to ensure
in their smart contracts. The method for reading patient that the private key associated with the transaction
data is the same for all roles in our application, but the is legitimate, is preserved in the MSP present at the
method for retrieving data using smart contracts varies ordering service. Once the participant’s public key is
depending on the role. For example, an admin can only stored the hospital’s MSP, participants are connected as
see the patient’s name, a doctor can see the patient’s hospital members to any other member of the hospital.
medical details if the patient has granted access to the C. Features
doctor, and a patient can see the entire object.
2) Database: We have used CouchDB as our database and Our application offers the following benefits:
stored each patient health record as a JSON document, • Blockchain technology can be used for the exchange of
shown below in Figure 3. We have grouped JSON patient information between hospitals, pharmacies, and
documents (in our instance, health records) by executing insurers. This technological advancement can optimise
grouped queries as CouchDB supports it. Each EHR the medical supply chain and make previous data manage-
features a number of fields, including the patientId field, ment systems obsolete for cross-verifying one’s medical
which is used to identify the patient who owns the records and history.
medical record. Other areas are for the patient’s personal • All data is shared within the ledger using smart contracts.
information and the electronic medical record (EMR). Access to the patient data is limited for collaborators, and
The last field is a list of doctors who have access to the patients have the option of granting or rescinding their
EMR. A doctor’s ID must be listed on the list to gain access.
access to the EMR; otherwise, it will be denied. • The system is robust and secure due to the confidentiality
and immutability of the blockchain ledger.
• Hyperledger Fabric is a zero-knowledge protocol imple-
mentation, meaning that both the communicating parties
have no prior knowledge of each other. Thus, they need
to build trust only with the specific information provided,
without the use of any third-party authorization. Using
this method, the patient can interact with various stake-
holders while ensuring their privacy.
• Since blockchain is a universal technology, it will ensure
that the EHR architecture is interoperable and compatible
with a variety of healthcare applications.
• Blockchain technology ensures that chains of custody
Fig. 3. Data Collection Configuration
remain transparent among participants.

3) Certificate Authority (CA): To make transactions in D. Challenges encountered while developing the application
the network, the participants need to prove that they can 1) Since Nodejs doesn’t offer a good library for re- encryp-
be trusted. In our scenario, all hospitals have their own tion, we have to write our own. While some libraries
CA where they distribute certificates that are digitally exist, they don’t accept the usual forms of public and
signed. A public key with a set of rules and permissions private keys.
is given to each participant. After authenticating the 2) The public key is difficult to track since the wallet
CA’s signature, if the CA is trusted and its public contains the private key and certificate.
key is known, that participant owning the public key 3) While starting the network, some Docker containers are
as mentioned in the certificate can be trusted. Each powered down due to scaling the number of peers.
hospital in the network has its own CA server producing
identities using the server’s client to prove that the E. Issues in HLF
identity belongs to their hospital. With the Fabric SDK, 1) Implementing private data collection is difficult since
we made sure that our application leverages CAs to the getHistoryForKey API, which retrieves a patient’s
allow patients and doctors to register and enrol. history, works for public data, not private data.

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2) There are issues with configuring HLF when creating a • Cons:
user-defined role instead of grouping it under “client”. 1) HLFs complex architecture can be overwhelming
3) Since the doctor is not an asset, their details are being and difficult to deploy.
used as attributes of an identity. But in HLF, a client 2) Limited support for database management.
cannot read the details of another client. The admin can
read the client attributes. B. Conclusion
Although EHRs are used widely in healthcare services
today, there are still many issues that need to be resolved
with respect to the security of medical data and the privacy
A. Current system in Place of patients’ information. So we proposed a solution, which
India has a population of over a billion people. People here is to use HLF, a blockchain-based solution for this purpose.
are segregated into different communities by a wide range By using HLF, patients can control access to their data and
of geographical, linguistic, religious, and ethnic factors. This medical records. It will also ensure that only verified and
clearly requires a robust and secure healthcare infrastructure authorised personnel can access the respective patient data.
that allows each citizen’s health data to be processed quickly HLF helps in sharing data among all network entities securely
and efficiently. Currently, hospitals in India still maintain their and limits the possibility of leakage of any personal data.
records in a centralised database storage. The data is rarely However, there are some issues that can be further im-
circulated among different hospitals to coordinate their treat- proved. Since we will be dealing with lots of data, the
ment. This can conceal a patient’s previous medical records support for the databases needs improvement. Also, certain
and history, such as allergies or other chronic disorders, which performance and security issues in HLF and blockchain can
can have severe repercussions. The establishment of a network be enhanced.
with HLF can considerably improve the security and efficiency C. Acknowledgements
for insurers, doctors, and patients to access medical data.
The authors sincerely thank Prof. Rohini Sarode for her
B. Comparing similar technologies mentorship and feedback that significantly enhanced the
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