Task1 SelenaPerezClaro 22

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Task 1 - Reflecting upon English language awareness

Selena Pérez Claro

Grupo 22

Tutor: Norma Suleima Garcia Fonseca

Unad Open And Distance National University School Of Education Sciences - ECEDU
Bachelor’s Degree In Foreign Languages With Emphasis In English

February 2024

1. What is the purpose of the course?

The learning purpose of this course is to strengthen linguistic, sociolinguistic and

pragmatic foreign language skills through the development of oral production tasks
in specific sets of interaction in real time to communicate and discuss effectively on
complex topics.

2. There are 4 learning outcomes:

• Demonstrate oral skills to express oneself fluently and spontaneously on

different cultural topics for social and academic purposes.

• Argue about a controversial topic using arguments for or against to convince

a counterpart toward a specific point of view.
• Interpret extended discourse even when it is not clearly structured and
when relationships are only implicit and not explicitly stated.
• Describe complex topics with clear and detailed information, developing
particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.

3. What are synchronic interaction activities? (Definition)

Describes complex topics with clear and detailed information, developing particular
points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.

4. How many activities does the course have?

• Task 1: Reflection on knowledge of the English language
• Task 2: participate in seven mandatory weekly meetings
• Task 3: Debate controversial issues
• Task 4: Speaking part of Cambridge C1 Advanced
• Task 5: Standardized Listening Test
• Task 6: Deliver a mini webinar in real time

5. Which activities in the course imply real-time interaction? (Identify only that type
of activity: synchronic interaction).

• Task 2: participate in seven mandatory weekly meetings

• Task 3: Debate controversial issues
• Task 4: Speaking part of Cambridge C1 Advanced
• Task 6: Deliver a mini webinar in real time
6. Summarize with your own words the course rules and conditions

• Keep in mind values such as respect, tolerance, patience and empathy in our
academic environment.
• Follow the platform's security policies
• Have a stable connection for online meetings
• Have a device that has a working microphone and camera
• Have good use of online tools
• Obtain at least level B2
• Meet estimated times
• Review internal emails and institutional email

7. Is your institutional email working properly?

Yes, it is working properly.


1. Have you got an English language level certification? If not, what do you
consider your level to be at present?

No, I am currently taking an English course. I consider that I am between b1 and


2. How did you get to the level you have now?

Dedicating study time for 2 to 3 hours between days of the week practicing
different skills

3. Why are you studying English as a foreign language?

Because it is that international language that allows me to reach many corners of

the world to know and learn.

4. How is studying a language as an adult different from studying it as a child?

I believe that the difference between studying a language between a child and an
adult is that the child has the ability to absorb learning more effectively than the

5. . How long should you study a foreign language?

In a total time of 6 months to 1 year as long as it is constant dedication,
discipline and creating the habit so that it tends to be easier.

6. How can you make language learning a part of your life in the future?

Creating a habit that makes learning a language enjoyable

7. How can you organize lifelong language learning?

It can be organized by creating a study plan that satisfies the learner so that they
tend to see it with love and passion, which will make that constant organization

LINK: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF-CAkHdZs/kJ0nOEYCeK8Ne-
_view I'm sorry, teacher, the camera didn't work

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