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บริษัท พะงัน พาสปอร์ ต จํากัด


ทีอยู่ : 204/16 หมู่ที 1 ตําบลเกาะพะงัน อําเภอเกาะพะงัน จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี 84280 ประเทศไทย โทร. 065-724-7277
Address : 204/16 Moo 1, Tambon Kohphangan, Amphoe Kohphangan, Suratthani 84280 Thailand Tel. 065-724-7277
เลขประจําตัวผูเ้ สียภาษีอากร/Tax ID : 0845566001052

Procedures for applying for a business visa and work permit

Option 1 : Apply inside Thailand
Step 1 : Change Visa from Tourist to Non immigrant B 30,000 Baht, ( Takes 30 days )
Immigration will issue a 3 months business visa.
Step 2 : 1 Year Non B + Work permit issued 45,000 Baht ( Takes 30 days )
Total visa : 15 Months (3 months Non B + The I Year Non B with work permit )
Total price 75,000 Baht ( Single Entry )
77,000 Baht ( Multiple Entry )

Option 2 : Apply at Thai Embassy Abroad

Step 1 : We prepare all documents for you including Sponsorship letter , DBD and WP 3 approval
letter from the Ministry of Labour.
Step 2 : 12 month Non - B Business Visa issued (Local Embassy fee apply – approx. $80 USD
Step 3 : Return to Thailand and 1 year work permit is issued by M.O.L
Total Visa : 12 Months Non B Visa + 12 month Work Permit.
Total Price : 45,000 Baht ( Single Entry )
47,000 Baht ( Multiple Entry )

Social Security For work permit :

1. Register the employer with the social security of Surat Thani. It takes 10 days.
2. Arrange 4 Thai people as employees per 1 foreigner.
3. Must pay 3 months social security for the 4 Thai employees : 4,200 Baht per month.
Total 12,600 Baht.

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