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Student’s Name


Division of Cavite, Cavite City

Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017

Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Work Immersion Learner’s Manual Vilma V. Bautista Revision # 00
Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017
Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Work Immersion Learner’s Manual Vilma V. Bautista Revision # 00

One of the goals of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is for you to develop the competencies, work
ethics, and values relevant to pursuing further education and/or joining the world of work.
To become a productive citizen that will contribute to our nation’s development targets, Work
immersion, a required subject in Senior High School, has been incorporated in to the curriculum that will provide
you with opportunities:

1. To become familiar with the work place;

2. For employment simulation; and
3. To apply your competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects in authentic work

To achieve the above objectives, Work Immersion is thus a requirement for graduation from secondary
education. You will be immersed in actual work environments such as Hotels and Restaurants, thus prior
training is relevant and National Certification from TESDA is encourage to be included in this portfolio.



This Work Immersion Learner’s Manual, contains training materials and activities related to
developing your skills and knowledge required to gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance
of the industry experts and workers.

In this module, you are required to go accomplish all the leaner’s output and submit the required
documents. You must follow and perform the activities on your own. If you have questions, do not hesitate to
ask for assistance from your immersion teacher.

Remember to:

• Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
• Coordinate with your Work Immersion Teacher assigned to supervise you at the work immersion
venue in coordination with the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor. He/she is there to
support you and show you the correct way to do things.
• You will be given plenty of opportunities to ask questions and practice on the job. Make sure you
practice your new skills during regular work shifts. This way, you will improve your speed, memory
and your confidence.
• When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your Immersion Teacher and
Partner Institution Supervisor to evaluate you. The results of your evaluation will be recorded and
will be part of your grade.
• Submit accomplished portfolio to your immersion teacher for checking and as reference for the
issuance of your certificate of completion.

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Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017
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Adopted from ISHRM School System Practicum Manual by E. Lorenzana

1. You must observe the rules of etiquette at all times.

a. Treat your supervisors with outmost respect at all times.
b. Give your customers the appropriate service.
c. You must be friendly at all times.
d. Maintain professionalisms in all of your activities.
2. You must observe the rules and regulations of the participating work immersion partner
a. Keep regular working hours as assigned to you at the hotel.
b. Inform immediately the work immersion teacher and the participating work immersion partner
institution/establishment of reason(s) for absences/tardiness.
c. Follow policies on break time, meals, etc., of the institution/establishment
d. Wear uniforms or attire required by the hotel.
e. Never bring out any institution/establishment property (food, utensils, linen, vases, cutleries,
f. Loitering in the institution/establishment is not allowed.
g. Cellphones and all other gadgets are not allowed institution/establishment while on duty.
 Present a medical certificate if the absence was due to health reasons. If the reason
was personal, then excuse letter from the guardian/parent must be presented.
3. No smoking within the establishment’s premises.
4. Accept and accomplish responsibilities given as part of the training and experience in the work immersion
5. Stay away from employees’ problems and intrigues.
6. If your training is terminated by the institution/establishment for valid reasons, you will have to undergo
practicum again next summer/ school year, after appropriate disciplinary action is taken by the school.
7. No student is allowed to interrupt the official practicum schedule.
8. Violation of the rules and regulations and other forms of misdemeanor may result to disciplinary action.
After thorough investigation by the representatives of the school and the participating
institution/establishment the disciplinary action could be any of the following:
a. Written reprimand
b. Suspension from the training
c. Termination from the training
 Depending on the gravity of the misdemeanor (i.e., pilferage, insubordination, etc.,) the
participating industry partner may decide on the outright “termination” of the OJT


______________________________ _________________________________
Student’s Name and Signature Parent’s/Guardian’s Name and Signature
Date:____________ Date: ____________

Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017

Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Work Immersion Learner’s Manual Vilma V. Bautista Revision # 00
LEARNER’S OUTPUT Documents Required
I. Pre-immersion
1. essay on the how to conduct oneself inside the Essay
company/ business establishment during the
Immersion period Resume
2. résumé Application Cover Letter
3. application
4. clearance documents Clearance Documents
II. Immersion Proper
A. Appreciating Management Process Narrative Report
1. written narrative on the profile of the company/
business establishment (may contain charts,
photos, or illustrations) Company/Business Profile
2. written report on the activities performed
3. supervisor’s rating
4. organizational chart
B. Appreciating Management Process Location
1. written narrative on the business processes of the
company/establishment (may contain charts,
photos or illustrations) Supervisor’s Rating
2. written report on the activities performed
3. supervisor’s rating
4. business process flow chart/s Organization Chart
C. Applying skills learned and proper values acquired in
1. daily tasks record Daily Task Record
2. supervisor’s rating
3. written narrative of what the student learned
4. photos or illustrations
III. Post Immersion
1. portfolio Written Report
o accomplished forms Accomplished Forms
o pictures of work site and nonwritten Sample Output
output/ projects with captions Gallery
o illustrations of activities performed (as Venn Diagram
needed) Updated Forms
o weekly diary (narrative/ account of
learnings and achievements, issues faced Self Evaluation
and corresponding resolutions)
o sample written output (if any) Certificate
o Work Immersion highlights
o other relevant pictures/ documents
2. gallery
3. updated résumé Time Card
4. reflection paper

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Work Immersion Learner’s Manual Vilma V. Bautista Revision # 00

Student Name: ___________________________________ Grade/Section: ___________________

Track: _____________ Strand: _____________________ Specialization: _____________________
Contact No. _____________________________________ LRN # __________________________
Parent/Guardian: _________________________________ Contact No.: _____________________
Class Adviser: ___________________________________ Contact No.: _____________________
Work Immersion Teacher: __________________________ Contact No.: _____________________

REQUIREMENTS Remarks In-Charge Signature
 Resume in prescribed format
 Parents’ / Guardians’ Consent
 List of Task/Activities
 Photocopy of the school ID
 Photocopy of Insurance
 Pre-Immersion Seminar
 Medical Clearance
 Initial Interview
√ Meets the criteria ○Meet some aspect ● Did not meet the criteria × Did not comply

Time Alloted for

Class Schedule for the Current Semester
Work Immersion
Subject Units Grade/Section Time Days Room Day/Date Time

This is to certify that the above student have completed the pre-immersion requirements and is
recommended to endorse his/her application in:

Company Name: _______________________________________________________________

Company Address: ______________________________________________________________
Contact Person: _______________________________ Telephone No./s : _________________
Position: ________________________________________

Endorsed by: ________________________________

Work Immersion Teacher

Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017

Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017
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Name of Student Grade and

School Immersion
Track Strand /
Duration of Work

School Contact
Parnerships Focal Number
Work Immersion Contact
Teacher Number


Competencies Tasks / Activities Time Actual Remarks
Allotment Schedule

Students shall not be given other activities outside of those previously agreed upon, which are
anchored on the stated competencies.

Certified true and correct:

___________________________________ ____________________________________
Student’s Signature Over Printed Name Parent’s Signature Over Printed Name

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Work Immersion Teacher Signature Over Printed Work Immersion Supervisor Signature Over Printed

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Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Pre-immersion Requirements

Write an essay on the how to conduct oneself inside the company/ business establishment during
the Immersion period. Create your own title, use the format on the box and guide questions below to
complete your essay.



Paragraph 1: What are the questions that you ask yourself when you were informed that you will undergo
work immersion and where did you get the answers to your questions?

Paragraph 2: What are the behaviors expected from you in your work immersion?

 List characteristics of a responsible employee

 Describe ways you can get along with your supervisor
 Describe ways you can get along with co-workers
 Describe ways you can get along with customers
 Describe work rules for your job.

Paragraph 3: Name at least top 5 rules and regulation in your work immersion venue that you should strictly

Paragraph 4: Discuss your understanding on the terms and conditions of work immersion memorandum of
agreement (MOA).

Paragraph 5: Discuss the required credentials for your work immersion and its importance?

Paragraph 5: Why is there a need for Portfolio presentation at the end of Work Immersion? What should be
the content of a work Immersion Portfolio?

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Prepared by:

Student’s Name and Signature

Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017

Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Immersion Proper Documentation Requirements

Write a report on your learning experiences during your work immersion. Create your own title, use
the format on the box and guide questions below to complete your essay.



Paragraph 1: Evaluate your overall performance during your work immersion? State whether you
were satisfied or not satisfied on your performance. Provide reason for your evaluation.

Paragraph 2: Describe the task/activities you performed during your work immersion.

Paragraph 3: Did you ask your supervisor to evaluate your performance? What did you learn from
his/her evaluation?

Paragraph 4: How would you describe the overall business organization, management, processes
and operation of your work immersion venue?

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Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017
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Prepared by:

Student’s Name and Signature

Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017

Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Discuss the profile of the company/ business establishment. You may attach charts, photos, or
illustrations on the next page.

Nature of Business:

Description of Products and Services:


Target Clientele:

Company Rules and Regulations:


Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017

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Vicinity Map / Location Map


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Senior High School October 10, 2017 Issued By: CNHS
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Adopted from On-the-Job Training Manual by DOLE Region VI

OJT Evaluation Report for Mr. / Ms. _________________________________ of CNHS-SHS, Cavite City
Track/Strand ____________________________ with the Specialization of _________________________

Please rate the Student’s overall practicum performance according to the rating scale below:
1 = Did not meet job requirements. Significant performance improvement urgently needed.
2 = Met minimum job requirements. Work improvement plan was needed to bring performance to a satisfactory level.
3 = Met normal job requirements with few exceptions. Improvements in performance needed in one or more elements.
4 = Fully met job requirements. Performance was what was expected of a person in his/her position.
5 = Exceeded job requirements. Student performance was impressive, exceeded what is normally expected in this position
NA = Not Applicable

Criteria / Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Work Habits
Reports regularly
Performs tasks without much supervision
Practices self-discipline in his / her work
Demonstrates dedication and commitment to the tasks assigned to him/her
Work Habits Total/Average
Work Skills
Demonstrates the ability to operate machines needed on the job
Handles the details of the work assigned to him / her
Shows flexibility (whenever the need arises) in the process of going
through his / her task
Manifests thoroughness and precise attention to details
Fully understands the linkage or connection between his / her task to
previous, intervening and subsequent tasks
Usually comes up with sound suggestions to problems
Work Skills Total/Average
Social Skills
Shows tact in dealing with different people he /she comes in contact
Shows respect and courtesy in dealing with peers and superiors
Willingly helps others (whenever necessary) in the performance of their tasks
Is capable of learning from and listening to co-workers
Shows appreciation and gratitude for any form of assistance granted to
him / her by others
Shows poise, self-confidence and is always well – groomed
Shows emotional maturity
Social Skills Total/Average
Over All Total / Average Rating
Work Immersion Partner Supervisor’s Signature over Printed Name:

_______________________________ Date: _____________

Work Immersion Student’s Signature over Printed Name:

_______________________________ Date: _____________

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Attached a copy or illustration of your work immersion venue organizational chart on this page.

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Record your daily tasks performed for each day during your work immersion.

Day 1 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Day 2 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Day 3 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Prepared by: Noted by:

_________________________ ______________________ ____________________

Student’s Name and Signature Work Immersion Supervisor Work Immersion Teacher

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Day 4 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Day 5 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Day 6 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Day 7 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Prepared by: Noted by:

_________________________ ______________________ ____________________

Student’s Name and Signature Work Immersion Supervisor Work Immersion Teacher

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Day 8 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Day 9 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Day 10 Date: _____________________ Day: _______________


Prepared by: Noted by:

_________________________ ______________________ ____________________

Student’s Name and Signature Work Immersion Supervisor Work Immersion Teacher

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Post Immersion Portfolio

Write a report on your learning experiences during your work immersion. Create your own title, use
the format on the box and guide questions below to complete your essay.



Paragraph 1: List the forms that you were asked to accomplished before, during and after your work
immersion. How does it help you?

Paragraph 2: Narrate/account your leanings and achievements, issued faced and corresponding resolution
for week 1 of your work immersion.

Paragraph 3: Narrate/account your leanings and achievements, issued faced and corresponding resolution
for week 2 of your work immersion.

Paragraph 4: Is there any non-written outputs and/or projects that were assigned to you during your work
immersion? If yes, give a short description of the accomplished output/project.

Paragraph 5: What were the highlights of your work immersion?

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Prepared by:

Student’s Name and Signature

Cavite National High School Date Developed: Document No. 10062017

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Pictures of work site and nonwritten output/ projects with captions

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Compare and contrast school and work application of skill, knowledge, and attitudes using the venn diagram
below. Write a short explanation on the space provided.


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Work Immersion Evaluation Form

Student’s Name:

Track / Strand: Specialization:

Training Company:

Company Address:

Contact Person:
Inclusive Date of
Training: From __________________ to _______________ , 20____
Other Department
Department Position Rater/Supervisor
Work Assignment

Date of Evaluation:

Describe your duties


What do you consider

your strongest area of
performance? Explain.

In what areas do you feel

you have improved the
most? Explain.

In what areas do you feel

you need the most
improvement? Explain

What situation challenged

you the most? Explain.

How did you overcome the

challenge? Explain.

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What did you learn from
your experiences?

Do you think your training

station is qualified to be
one of our school
linkages? Explain.

OJT’s suggestion/

Accomplished by:

Student’s Name and Signature
Date: ______________

Please do not fill out this portion.

Acquired Total Training Hours: ____________________________ Date of Completion: ____________

Acquired Total Performance Rating: _______________________________


Accomplished by:

Work Immersion Teacher’s Name and Signature
Date: ______________

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Your CNHS – SHS Family is so
proud of you…
God Bless

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