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Objective: Recognize and practice using the active voice and passive voice when talking about
news and current events.
Individually, read the following news item in its entirety, and as you progress, identify and
underline the sentences or phrases that use the passive and active voice. Remember that the
active voice is usually indicated when the subject performs the action and the passive voice when
the subject receives the action.
Link to access the news:
Time limit: 15 minutes
Read the following text in detail:
Air pollution in the cities
Air pollution is a growing concern in urban areas worldwide. People in cities are contributing to
this problem through activities such as driving cars and operating factories. These activities
release harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and
particulate matter. As a result, the air quality in cities is deteriorating, leading to health problems
for the inhabitants.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the air quality in cities is being negatively impacted by both
natural factors and human activities. Natural factors, like wind patterns, can transport pollutants
over long distances. Additionally, pollutants are released into the atmosphere by various human
activities, such as industrial processes, which cause the air to be contaminated with harmful
To address the issue of air pollution in cities, governments and individuals must take action.
Government regulations should be enforced to limit emissions from vehicles and factories.
Moreover, citizens can contribute by using public transportation, carpooling, and reducing
energy consumption. These steps will help reduce the harmful emissions that are polluting the
In conclusion, it can be said that air pollution in cities is a serious problem that affects both the
environment and human health. Efforts are being made to combat this issue, but more action is
needed. By addressing the root causes of air pollution and promoting clean energy solutions, we
can work towards cleaner, healthier urban environments.
After having read about air pollution in cities, I invite you to tackle the proposed exercises within
a maximum period of 30 minutes.
Exercise 1. Transformation from active voice to passive voice:
Change the following sentences in the text from active voice to passive voice and vice versa.
Then, briefly comment on the impact of air pollution on a city.
• People in cities are contributing to this problem.

• Air quality in cities is being negatively impacted by natural factors and human activities.

• Pollutants can be transported over long distances by natural factors, like wind patterns.
• Citizens can contribute by using public transportation.
• People in cities are contributing to this problem through activities such as driving cars.
Exercise 2. Read the following questions that are in passive voice and answer using active voice:
a. How is air quality in cities affected by industrial processes?

b. What is being done to address air pollution in urban areas?

c. Is the air quality in cities negatively impacted by natural factors and human activities?

d. Is the air being contaminated with harmful substances by industrial processes?

e. Are government regulations being enforced to limit emissions from vehicles and factories?

Exercise 3. Transform the following sentences from active voice to passive voice and vice versa.
Also, try to identify the subject and agent in each passive sentence.
• Active voice: The government announced a new policy.
Passive voice:
Passive subject:

• Passive voice: The book was written by a famous author.

Active voice:
Active subject:
• Active voice: The company released a statement about the incident.
Passive voice:
Passive subject:
• Passive voice: The film was directed by Steven Spielberg.
Active voice:
Active subject:
• Active voice: The team won the championship.
Passive voice:
Passive subject:
Write a short news story (at least 5 sentences) about a current or imaginary event using both the
active and passive voice to describe different aspects of the event.

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