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6 Skills You Need To Succeed In Accounting

by Riana Topan

Ready to explore some of the top career skills you’ll need in accounting? Start here!

Identifying the skills that lead to success in accounting will not only increase your job
satisfaction, but also make it easier for you to build towards your long-term career goals.
Here are the top 6 skills that will help you to stand out as an egg-cellent accountant.
We’ve included some tips to help you start developing these skills while you’re still in
school, but don’t be afraid to look for other opportunities as well!

1. Organization
Accountants are important people. They manage a lot of responsibility, which means that
they generally stay pretty busy.
To be a good accountant you need to have a system to keep track of those responsibilities
– such as any portfolios you manage, the transactions you handle, and any important
dates and deadlines you need to meet – to ensure that you fulfill all of your duties to the
best of your ability.
You can make use of tools like calendars, alphabetized folders, day planners, colour-coded
post-it notes and highlighters, and apps and programs designed to help you stay highly
organized and in the short- and long-term.
Being well-organized is a great way to demonstrate to your coworkers and manager that
you are reliable, competent and able to get the job done. Start honing your organizational
skills now and by the time you begin applying for jobs, you’ll be able to discuss your
organizational skills with confidence.

Tip: Not sure where to start? Try creating a study schedule for each of your classes, using
a day planner for your daily to-do list and starting a filing system for your notes.

2. Time management
Good time-management skills go hand-in-hand in with strong organizational capabilities.
A system for managing your workload is only effective if you also know how to budget
your time. As an accountant, you’ll need to manage competing priorities and juggle
myriad tasks – while completing everything on time.
The ability to work within deadlines and to continually re-prioritize your to-do list will take
you far. Not only will it impress your boss, co-workers and clients, it will also help you to
maintain a healthy work/life balance and keep your day-to-day productive.

Tip: Give yourself blocks of time to complete certain tasks. Got an exam coming up?
Allocate four or five 2–3-hour windows to get your studying done, and make a list of what
you want to accomplish during each study session.
3. Adaptability
The accounting industry is highly dynamic, so accountants who are able to adapt quickly
and easily are at a distinct advantage.
In addition to being able to provide better services to their clients, adaptable individuals
are more likely to learn and grow in their careers because they see each new challenge as
an opportunity to learn and test their skills.
Embrace change – learn to make the most of every curveball that your work throws your
On a related note, it’s also great to be proactive. Although it takes a bit of extra effort to
be informed about changes as they happen, it definitely pays off: it will keep you on the
cutting edge of the industry, earn you the respect of your peers and ensure that others
look to you when planning ahead.

Tip: Next time something unexpected happens, look for the opportunity in the situation. If
you have to work with a difficult classmate at school, for example, focus on your his or her
strengths and use the situation.

4. Communication
No matter where you work, what your job entails or who you work with, strong
communication skills are incredibly valuable. Being able to communicate well in writing
and in person will help you to get a job, work as a team with your colleagues, interact with
clients and, with time, advance professionally.
Well-developed interpersonal skills will also be useful for networking. Whether you have
to attend a corporate function or are simply welcoming a new coworker to the office, the
ability to assert yourself when meeting new people in order to establish profitable
relationships will serve you well. Never underestimate the importance of making a good
first impression.

Tip: To start with, work on your smile, your handshake and your posture. Then move onto
practicing communicating clearly and tactfully with family and friends, and memorize a
short list of questions to ask people about themselves when you first meet them.

5. Openness
Honesty and integrity are highly valued in the accounting world.
Accountants – and the firms they work for – pride themselves on adhering to the strictest
ethical standards. It’s why the public, other businesses and the government know that
they can trust accountants to always look out for their best interests.
Being transparent when making decisions and giving advice has the added benefit of
improving your working relationships. It will make teamwork easier and will help you to
foster an environment that is respectful and collaborative.
Many accountants work on larger teams, so the importance of being trusted can’t be
overstated. Get into the habit of thinking about the consequences of your actions each
time you have to make a big decision.
Tip: Ask yourself the following questions: What are my reasons for coming to this
decision? Who will benefit from this? Who stands to lose? What is the short- and long-
term impact of this choice? Be honest with yourself about your motives for making
particular choices and see what you learn.

6. Leadership
Being a good leader means knowing how to mentor and teach, and making yourself
approachable and available to the people you’re responsible for. You have to balance
being a role model and the person in charge while still being part of the team. It also takes
confidence, patience, and the ability to delegate – traits which don’t come easily to most
In accounting, leadership skills also include strategic thinking and long-term planning.
Many accountants provide consulting services, which means that they offer advice and
business solutions to help companies improve their operations, so the ability to look
ahead is key.
The top players in accounting are generally known for being visionary – for making logical
decisions that also involve a bit of creativity. To be a successful accountant, you need to
be able to show your clients that you’re working to improve their present and future.
Tip: There are inspiring individuals in all walks of life. Read up on some of the more
prominent leaders in history to see what made them unique or talk to a real-life role
model about what they think makes a good leader. If possible, sign up for a leadership
position at school or in your community so you can practice the skills you’ve read or heard


1. ________________________

Some of the responsibilities you need to keep track of are:

a. ________________________
b. ________________________
c. ________________________

Some tools you can use to get organized are:

a. ________________________
b. ________________________
c. ________________________
d. ________________________
e. ________________________
f. ________________________

2. ___________________________

This implies the ability to __________________________ and to_____________________

your to-do list.

3. ___________________________

This skill is important because the accounting industry is __________________________.

Adaptable individuals can:

a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________

Another valuable skill is to be proactive. Some of the benefits it provides are:

a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________

Strong communication skills will help you to:

a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________

In the accounting world, ____________________ and ___________________ are highly

appreciated values.
Accountants adhere to the strictest ethical standards. They should always look out for
their clients’ best interests.

Working relations can be improved by:

a. ___________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________

A good piece of advice is to think about the consequences of your actions when you

6. ___________________________

Being a good leader means:

a. ___________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________

A good leader has the following traits:

a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________

A leader accountant also has the skills of:

a. _________________________
b. _________________________

When providing consulting services, accountants offer advice and business solutions to
help companies improve their operations, so they need the ability to look ahead.

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