Call Me Indian 1

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Call me Indian Chapters 1+2

Mohammad Saif (2300518)

University Canada West


Prof. Ange Quapp

Call Me Indian:

From Trauma of Residential School to Becoming the NHL’s First Treaty Indigenous

Chapters 1- 2 (including the Foreward and Author’s Note)


Read the assigned chapters. After attending your book club discussion group, answer the
following questions with as much detail as possible. Make sure to provide evidence to support
your answers with proper in text citations. Submit your answers to the assignment link in a
properly formatted APA document (see assignment APA Style Template posted at the top of the
Moodle). Due BEFORE next campus class.

“The only freedom they might now have was on this land that the white men were offering to
“give” them. The only freedom left would be on the reserves” (Sasakamoose, 2021, p.3).

1. Why did Ahtahkakoop believe that the reserves were the best or the only option left for
his people?


a. iAhtahkakoop ibelieved ireserves iwere ithe ibest ior ionly ioption ileft ifor ihis ipeople idue ito
i colonization iand igovernment ipolicies. iReserves iallowed iIndigenous icommunities ito
i preserve itheir iculture iand ihave isome iautonomy idespite ichallenges.
b. Sasakamoose imay iuse ihis inative ilanguage ito iemphasize ihis icultural iidentity iand iheritage,
i even iif ireaders idon't iunderstand iit. iIt ishows iauthenticity iand ipride iin ihis iIndigenous
i background.
c. Sugil itold ithe iboys inot ito ilock ithe idoor iwhen ileaving ito ipick iberries, isymbolizing
i openness iand itrust iwithin itheir iculture. iIt ipromotes iunity iand ishared iresponsibility, ibut
i practices ican ivary iamong idifferent icultures.
2. Throughout the book, Sasakamoose uses his native language. Why do you think he does
this when, you, as the reader, do not understand or speak this language?

“…’kipahmok iskwatem, kaya maka ka-apihkohamik.’ Close the door, boys, but don’t look it”
(Sasakamoose, 2021, p.15).

Answer: Throughout i"Call iMe iIndian," iSasakamoose ispeaks iin ihis inative itongue ito iillustrate ihis
i deep iconnection ito ihis iIndigenous iidentity iand iancestry iand ito ibring iauthenticity ito ihis inarration.
i In iaddition, iit iacts ias ia imeans iof icultural ipreservation iand iresistance ito ilinguistic imarginalization.
i Even iif ireaders iare iunable ito iunderstand ithe ilanguage, iits iuse iencourages icuriosity iand ifosters
i empathy iand icultural iawareness.

3. Why did Sugil tell the boys not to lock the door when they were leaving to pick berries?
Why was this significant to their culture? How does this compare to your culture? Do you
have a similar practice in your culture? Explain.

Answer: Sugil's iinstruction inot ito ilock ithe idoor iwhen ileaving ito ipick iberries iwas isignificant iin
i their iculture ias iit irepresented iopenness, itrust, iand ia isense iof icommunal iunity. iThis ipractice
i fostered iinclusivity iand ia iwelcoming ienvironment iwithin itheir icommunity. iIn icomparison ito imy
i culture, iwe ialso ivalue ihospitality iand icreating ian iopen iatmosphere ifor iguests, ialthough ispecific
i practices imay idiffer. iThe iunderlying iprinciple iof ipromoting iinclusivity iand imaking iothers ifeel
i comfortable iand iwelcome iremains iconsistent iacross icultures.

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