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Objectives: Outline:

CHE132 1. Characterize the behavior of fluid that flows past • Motion of solid particle in a fluid
SINGLE PARTICLE IN A FLUID particles creating drag. (CO1, CO3)
• Particle falling under gravity in a fluid
2. Explain how the projected area, orientation and
shape of the particles affect drag. (CO1, CO2)
• Non-spherical particle
3. Calculate terminal velocities of particles settling
in a fluid. (CO1, CO3) • Effect of boundary on terminal velocity

Engr. Brylle Rosales


Single Particle In A Fluid Motion of A Single Particle in a Fluid Flow past flat plate

Drag force- the force exerted by the fluid on

the solid in the direction of the flow

Pressure drag force (Normal drag force)- the

pressure acting perpendicularly to the surface
of each point of the sphere

Shear stress drag force(Tangential drag force)-

the shear stress that is caused by the velocity
gradient in the surface

Motion of A Single Particle in a Fluid Motion of A Single Particle in a Fluid

Perry’s HB (8th Ed) Page 6-52 STOKES’ LAW STOKES’ LAW

In theory, Stokes’ law is valid only when Rep is

considerably less than unity.

STOKES’ LAW Motion of A Single Particle in a Fluid Drag Force Perry’s HB (8th Ed) Section 6

Creeping flow occurs at very low values

of Reynolds number.At higher
Reynolds number, the deviation of
using Stoke’s law increases.

As Re number increases, the surface

friction (shear stress drag force)
becomes proportionally less.

Haider and Levenspiel (1989), is also an expression given

for the drag coefficient for the intermediate region.

Particles Falling Under Gravity through a Fluid

Particles Falling Under Gravity through a Fluid

■ The relative motion under gravity of particles in

a fluid is of particular interest. In general, the
forces of buoyancy, drag and gravity act on the
Particles Falling Under particle:
Gravity through a Fluid
Particles Falling Under Gravity through a Fluid Terminal Velocity (Perry’s HB 8th ed section 6) Terminal Velocity (Perry’s HB 8th ed section 6)

Calculating for Terminal Velocity Calculating for Terminal Velocity Calculating for Terminal Velocity

• To calculate size x, for a given U . T

• To calculate U , for a given size x:


* Note that CDRe2p = 4/3 Ar

(HB p 6-52)

Non-Spherical Particles Non-Spherical Particles Calculations for Terminal Velocity

WORKED EXAMPLE 2.6 (Rhodes, 2008)

⚫ Reynolds number
of non spherical
particles is based A particle of equivalent volume diameter 0.5 mm,
on equal volume density 2000kg/m3 and sphericity 0.6 falls freely under gravity
in a fluid of density 1.6kg/m3 and viscosity 2x10- 5 Pa s.
sphere diameter. Estimate the terminal velocity reached by the particle.
Plotting CD vs ReP using sphericity (Figure 2W6.1)


Seatwork #2 Plotting CD vs ReP using sphericity (Figure 2W6.1) Effect of Boundary on Terminal Velocity

⚫ If other particles are present in the

A particle of equivalent sphere volume diameter neighborhood of the sphere
0.2 mm, density 2500 kg/m3 and sphericity 0.6
falls freely under gravity in a fluid of density 1.0 -↓ sedimentation velocity
kg/m3 and viscosity 2x10-5 Pa s. Estimate the
terminal velocity reached by the particle. -the effect will become progressively more
marked as the concentration is increased

3 Contributing Factors References

1. As the particles settle, they will displace an

equal volume of fluid, and this gives rise to an • Rhodes Particle Technology
• Perry’s Chemical Engineering HB (8th Ed)
upward flow of liquid • MRII Chemical Engineering Licensure Exam Reviewer
2. The buoyancy forced is influence because the
suspension has a higher density than the fluid
3. The flow pattern of the liquid relative to the
particle is changed and velocity gradients are

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