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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Caima, Sipocot, Camarines Sur


I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following explains how the Japanese song, “Sakura”, relates to the culture of Japan?
A. It implies to value the Japanese customs and tradition.
B. It gives information about the territory of Japan.
C. It signifies spring season of Japan and the time to reflect as Japanese people.
D. It is a time to celebrate their advancements in technology.
2. How is the “Arirang” song classified?
A. welcome song B. love song C. song for spring D. parting song
3. Which of the following explains how the Korean song, “Arirang”, relates to the culture of Korea?
A. It evokes the feeling of the tears shed by Koreans.
B. It tells about the laughter’s they shared together.
C. It gives Koreans a feeling of assurance in life.
D. It is a welcome song for their visitors.
4. How is the Chinese music described?
A. It is gentle and lyrical. C. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful.
B. It is meditative and highly ritualized. D. It is slow and melancholy.
5. How will you relate the song “Mo Li Hua” to the culture and geography of China?
A. It is a way to remember their loved ones.
B. It is a song to remember their sad stories.
C. It describes a custom of giving flowers to their special someone.
D. It is a song to celebrate their achievements in life.
6. Which Japanese instrument is the counterpart of the kayageum?
A. Koto B. geumongo C. shamisen D. zheng
7. Which Japanese instrument is called the dragon flute ?
A. shinobue B. hichiriki C. ryuteki D. shakuhachi
8. Which of the following is one of China’s most popular instruments?
A. haegum B. erhu C. koto D. shamisen
9. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. tsuzumi B. odaiko C. taiko D. changgo
10. Which Korean music category is traditionally associated with the lower class?
A. tang-ak B. chong-ak C. sog-ak D. a-ak

II. identify the elements of music through arranging the jumbled letters below.
11. nasal and throaty - M R E T I B -
12. duple, triple, quadruple - T H Y H R M -
13. pentatonic, diatonic, octatonic scale - O L E M Y D -
14. monophony, homophony, heterophony - Y D C I M A N -
15. measure of a tone - T R E M E -
I. Identify which country (JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA) each item belongs.
1. Yin – Yang -
2. Tal or T’al -
3. Origami -
4. Ukiyo-e -
5. Kabuki -
6. Minhwa -
7. Calligraphy -
8. Peking opera -
9. Kesho -
10. Jianzhi -
II. identify the arts of East Asian countries through arranging the jumbled letters below.
11. Traditional Japanese art of paper folding - R I O G M A E -
12. Chinese merchant who invented the paper - A I C U L N -
13. Korean mask that is historic - A T L -
14. Chinese beautiful art of writing - L L I R A G H A C P Y -
15. Korean traditional folk paintings - H I N W A M -

I. Identify each items given by choosing the answer on the WORDS below.

Shooting Dribbling 8 seconds violation

James Naismith Rebounding Soccer ball
December 1891 Passing Jump ball 10 feet
1.Who invented Basketball? -
2. When was Basketball invented? -
3.The act of throwing the ball with an intention of getting it into the ring or basket to earn points is called _________?
4. A regulation where 2 players on the center of the court are set up to jump the ball and get the possession to start the
game. -
5._________ is a skill that permits you to move inside the court. -
6.The ability to jump with power to gain possession of the ball as it bounces to the rim after a failed shot before it
touches the floor is called___________? -
7. Violation called to a player when he/she failed to bring to ball to their side of court within 8 seconds.
8. The height of the rim to the floor .
9.________ a kind of pass in basketball wherein the ball is thrown to the floor so that it bounces to the intended
receiver. -
10.The first ball used in basketball was ________ ball. -

11-15. Give the 5 positions of the players on the court.

I. identify the items below through arranging the jumbled letters.
1. smallest unit of society - Y I M L A F -
2. giving a sweet serenade song to the women - N A R H A A -
3. feeling of being completely carried away to someone - I F N A U A T N I O T-
4. period of agreement of couples to establish relationship - C O U T R H S P I -
5. arrangement of lovers to a vow of a wedding - M A R A R I G E -

6-10. Give at least 5 Courtship values of a Filipino that should be done by them even today.

III. Select at least 5 characteristics of a person whom you want to be with for the rest of
your life and explain why.

• Understanding
• Caring
• Loyal
• can share Philosophy
• Cooperative
• Mature thinker
• humorous
• Sharer and Giver
• Good Communicator

Prepared by:

MAPEH Teacher
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Indian style of singing developed into a strong and diverse tradition over several centuries.
A. Samagana B. Sama Veda C. Melismatic D. Rig Veda
2. Which of the following refers to the music from south India with uniform style base on the same ragas played with
veena, flute and violin?
A. Hindustani music C. Pakistani music
B. Carnatic music D. Jewish music
3. The following are musical instruments of Israel, which is NOT?
A. Jewish Lyre B. Oud C. Psalterion D. Nout
4. Which of the following is the statement that describes the music of Pakistan?
A. It is gentle and lyrical.
B. It is formed in multiple influence in South and West Asia.
C. It is meditative and highly ritualized.
D. It is slow and melancholy.
5. Two known style of Pakistani music.
A. Carnatic and Hindustani C. Ghan and Tala
B. Secular and Devotional D. Ghazal and Qawwali
II. Write your TRUE if the statement is Correct and FALSE if the statement is Incorrect.
_______6. The music of India is alive and happy in nature played with various instrument and vocals.
_______7. Israel focused on religious music.
_______8. Central, South and Western Asia have the same style of music.
_______9. Punjab is the combine race of India and Pakistan.
_______10. India has five canonical text where its music was derived.
_______11. Qawwali is a devotional music of Israel.
_______12. The Philippine banduria traces its origin to the Middle Eastern oud and Indian sitar.
_______13. Hazan, the leader prayer has clear voice and know how to recite the prayers in Western Asia.
_______14. Khyal means “destiny” in North India.
_______15. Pakistan acted as the major crossroad for various cultures between Central, South and West Asia.
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Country known for making table cloths, curtains, bed spreads, and shawls.
A. Uzbekistan B. Kazakhstan C. Tajikistan D. Pakistan
2. Images created by removing part of the rock or wood surface by incising, picking or carving.
A. petroglyphs B. hieroglyphs C. calligraphy D. ochre
3. The famous and now a tourist spot in Pakistan that serve as settlement for ancient people.
A. Mohenjo - Daro B. Taj Mahal C. Harrapa D. Rangoli
4. A fascinating Church structure in India built by Sha Jahan for his beloved wife.
A. Mohenjo - Daro B. Taj Mahal C. Harrapa D. Rangoli
5. The following are artistic forms in West Asia, which is NOT?
A. embroidery B. ceramics C. metal work D. table cloth design
II. Identify each items given by choosing the answer inside the BOX below.
Diwali Rangoli Shiva Lakhsmi Diyas
Keteni Kot Diji Mogul era Soap Pakistan

6. The art of making designs or patterns on walls or floors of house.

7. Hindu Goddess of Wealth
8. Four-armed dancing Hindu Goddess of India
9. India’s Festival of Lights
10. Clay lamp to light the way of the Goddess
11. A homespun silk used for beautiful dresses worn by Turkmen.
12. An aesthetic products made famous by Syria and Lebanon in West Asia.
13. Pre-Islamic village or city that became tourist attraction in Pakistan.
14. Country in Central Asia recognized for its development in arts over a 3rd millennium.
15. One of Periods in Indian Arts.
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following scrabble tiles has a value of five points?
A. D B. X C. K D. Z
2. What area did the player hit if the score of the entire words or tiles were multiplied by 3 (16 x 3).
A. Double letter score C. Double Word score
B. Triple letter score D. Triple Word score
3. What country did the board game CHESS originate?
A. Japan B. India C. America D. Philippines
4. He was the first official champion in chess tournament played in London.
A. Steinitz B. Stauton C. Paul Morphy D. Adolf Andersen
5. Which of the following is the good effect of playing boardgames?
A. Playing board games can make you do whatever you want.
B. Playing board games can give you strength in carrying heavy things.
C. Playing board games can improve your speed in running.
D. Playing board games can develop your mind and bond to your family.
II. Write your TRUE if the statement is Correct and FALSE if the statement is Incorrect.
6. Playing scrabble will enhance your vocabulary.\
7. When the player able to place all the seven tiles on the board, he/she gets 100 points.
8. The scrabble is played at exactly 100 tiles.
9. The most powerful piece in Chess is the “Pawn”.
10. The knight moves in diagonal direction only.
11. If the king is captured after the check, the opponent being checked is “CHECKMATE” or loss.
12. Engaging in recreational activities like board games can foster benefits for health.
III. Give at least 3 Chess Pieces. (13-15)
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is known s the best and ideal form of infant feeding.
A. breastfeeding B. bottle feeding C. mix feeding D. all of the above
2.It is the process where the male gamete and female gamete unite to form new single cell?
A. fertilization B. ovulation C. implantation D. gestation
3. It is where the fertilized egg develops into a baby?
A. Ovaries B. fallopian tube C. uterus D. stomach
4. The process by which female release blood out of the vagina after her 28 day period
A. fertilization B. ovulation C. implantation D. menstruation
5. Which is an ingredient of a happy married life?
A. commitment B. love C. sincerity D. all of the above
6. Why is having small family important?
A. Ensures community’s progress
B. Provides for the basic needs of children for quality life
C. Requires lesser economic needs
D. Small family is quiet and peaceful
7. Which of the following beverages must a pregnant woman NOT drink?
A. Chocolate drink s B. fruit juice C. milk products D. apple wine
8. What is the right age Filipinos to enter into marriage, as set by the Family Code of the Philippines?
A. 15 B.18 C. 21 D. 25
9. Which of the following does not belong to the family structure?
A. Nuclear families B. Broken families C. Extended families D. Blended families
10. A family consist of parents with at most 2 children is considered_______________.
B. Small family B. Big family C. Enormous family D. No family

II. ESSAY: Explain how you can help as a student in avoiding or preventing EARLY PREGNANCY. (5

Prepared by:

MAPEH Teacher

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