Anatomy 10 Years MMC

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Q.1. Microanatomy of thyroid gland.

Q.2. Microanatomy of liver.
Q.3. Microanatomy of tongue.
Q.4. Microanatomy of thymus.
Q.5. Microanatomy of pituitary gland.
Q.6. Microanatomy of lymph node.
Q.7. Microanatomy of ovary.
Q.8. Microanatomy of palatine tonsil.
Q.9. Microanatomy of testis.
Q.10. Microanatomy of mixed salivary gland.
Q.11 Enumerate: Name any 4 sites where the lining epithelium is stratified
Q.12. Microanatomy of duodenum.
Q.13. Microanatomy of kidney.
Q.14. Microanatomy of spleen.
Q.15. Microanatomy of stomach.
Upper limb
Q.1. Short notes on:
Flexor retinaculum hand.
Axillary nerve.
Q.2. Explain the anatomical basis of the following….
Wrist drop.
Median Cubital vein is preferred for I.V injection.
Q.3. Enumerate…
Muscles supplied by median nerve in palm.
Muscles forming rotator cuff of shoulder joint.
Branches of brachial artery.
Branches of axillary artery.
Q.4. Give an account of …..
Lymphatic drainage of mammary gland.
Superficial palmar arch.
Q.5. Explain the anatomical basis of …..
Policeman tip position in Erb’s paralysis.
Q.6. Enumerate…..
Structures passing superficial to flexor retinaculum.
Branches of supraclavicular part of brachial plexus.
Branches of posterior cord of brachial plexus.
Q.7. Explain the anatomical basis of …….
Winging of scapula.
Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Q.8. Write short note on…..
Superficial palmar arch.
Q.9. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Claw hand.
Painful arch syndrome.
Q.10. Enumerate…..
Branches of radial nerve in Axilla.
Q.11. Write short notes on….
Retro mammary space.
Flexor retina culum of hand.
Dorsal digital expansion.
Q.12. Explain the anatomical basis of…..
Extension of elbow is possible after radial nerve injury in the spiral
Q.13. Enumerate…..
Muscles forming rotator cuff of the shoulder joint.
Q.14. Give an account….
Movements at carpometacarpal joint of thumb.
Extent, relation and branches of brachial artery.
Classification and movements accruing at Radioulnar joint.
Q.15. Enumerate….
Any 4 muscles supplied by median nerve in hand.
Q.16. Give an account of …
Deep branch of ulnar nerve.
Any four structures passing through the carpal tunnel.
Q.18. Explain the anatomical basis of ….
Ape thumb deformity.
Wrist drop.
Q.19. enumerate…
Any four branches of axillary artery.
Muscles attached to medial border of scapula.
Q.20. Explain the anatomical basis.
Dislocation of shoulder joint more commonly occur inferiorly.
Involvement of pelvic viscera in breast cancer.
Q.21. Draw well labeled diagrams only….
T.S of palm showing facial spaces.
Q.22. Describe the origin course, relations, branches, and applied anatomy of
radial nerve.
Q.23 Write short notes on:
Klumpke’s paralysis.
Q.24. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Fracture at surgical neck of humerus may cause difficulty in abduction at
shoulder joint.
Q.25. Enumerate….
Distal row of carpal bones from medial to loteral.
Q.26. Draw a well labeled diagram of ….
Cutaneous nerve supply of palm.
Q.26. Give an account of ….
Boundaries of Cubital fossa and enumerate the contents.
Q.28. Enumerate…
Muscles supplied by anterior interosseous nerve.
Branches of radial nerve in Axilla.
Q.29. Give an account of …
Movements occur and muscles taking part in shoulder joint.
Q.30. Explain the anatomical basis of ….
Middle three digits are pricked for taking a blood film.
Q.1. Draw a well labelled diagram of …..
T.S. of Mediastinum at the lower border of T4 vertebra (forth thoracic)
Q.2. Write short notes on…..
Thoracic duct.
Interior of right atrium.
Q.3. Enumerate…
Relation of neck of first rib.
Q.4. Draw a well labeled diagram of…
T.S. of thorax at thoracic inlet.
Q.5. Enumerate…
Structures forming impression on mediastinal surface of right lung.
Q.6. Write short notes on….
Thoracic part of esophagus.
Root of right lung.
Q.7. Draw a labelled diagram…..
T.S. of thorax at the level of upper border of forth thoracic vertebrae.
Q.8. Enumerate...
Tributaries of Azygos vein.
Q.9. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Pain along the medial side of left arm in angina pectoris.
Q.10. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Relation of medial surface of right lung.
Q.11. Write short notes on…
Interventricular septum.
Coronary sinus.
Costodiaphragmatic pleural recess.
Q.12. Write short notes on…
Bronchopulmonary segments of lung.
Q.13. Enumerate...
Openings in the thoracic diaphragm and the structures passing through.
Q.14. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Angina pectoris.
Cervical rib syndrome.
Pan coast syndrome.
Q.15. Write short notes on…
Arch of aorta.
Q.16. Draw a well labeled diagram of…
Arterial supply of heart.

Q.17. Enumerate...
Bronchopulmonary segments of left lung.
Q.18. Give an account of ….
Openings in the right atrium.
Sites of constriction in the esophagus.
Q.19. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Thoracic inlet syndrome.
Q.20. Enumerate...
Structures passing through the hilum of right lung.
Lower limb
Q.1. Write short notes on…
Femoral triangle.
Femoral canal & (femoral hernia)
Q.2. Enumerate...
Branches of common peroneal nerve.
Q.3. Write short notes on…
Inversion and eversion of foot.
Popliteal fossa with its clinical significance.
Q.4. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Relations of hip joint.
Q.5. Enumerate...
Branches of obturator nerve.
Q.6. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Club foot.
Q.7. Write short notes on…
Varicosity of lower limb.
Q.8. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Meralgia paresthetica.
Defense mechanism of inguinal canal.
Q.9. Explain…
Why tear of medial meniscus of knee joint in more common then the
lateral meniscus.
Q.10. Write short notes on…
Inguinal canal .
Q.11. Enumerate...
Muscles supplied by obturator nerve.
Q.12. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Pes planus / flat foot.
Q.13. Describe briefly.
Movements of knee joint.
Q.14. Give an account of following.
Deep relations of gluteus maximus.
Q.15. Explain the anatomical basis of….
(a)Femoral hernia. (b)Trendelenberg sign.
Q.16. Describe briefly.
Locking and unlocking movements at knee joint.
Q.17. Enumerate...
Muscles supplied by medial plantar nerve.
Q.18. Describe briefly.
Inversion and eversion of foot.
Q.19. Enumerate...
Muscles producing abduction at the hip joint.
Q.20. Write short notes on…
Foot drop.
Q.21. Enumerate...
Muscles supplied by deep branch of lateral planter nerve.
Muscles coursing extension of hip joint with their nerve supply.
Structures deep to extensor retinaculum of foot.
Q.22. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Femoral triangle.
Q.23. Enumerate...
Structures attached to the inter condylar area of tibia.
Q.24. Write short notes on…
Spring ligament
Adductor canal.
Q.25. Enumerate...
Muscles of third layer of sole with their nerve supply.
Q.26. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Pain in knee joint in cases of hip joint disease.
Q.27. Describe briefly.
Arches of foot.
Sciatic nerve.
Q.28. Write short notes with its clinical sign in fascia.
Gluteus medius and mininus.
Q.29. Enumerate...
Structures passing deep to flexor retinaculum of lower limb.
Q.30. Write short notes on…
Tibialis anterior muscle.
Movements at subtalar joint.
Q.31. Enumerate...
Name any four ligaments of knee joint.
Q.32. Write short notes on…
Piriformis muscle.
Menisci of knee joint.
Q.33. Explain the anatomical basis of….
Preferable site for giving IM injection in gluteal region.
Abdomen & Pelvis

Q.1. Write short notes on…

Spermatic cord.
Prostate gland (relations 4 lobes)
Q.2. Enumerate...
Branches of hepatic artery
Q.3. Write short notes on…
Rectus sheath.
Nerve supply on urinary bladder.
Q.4. Describe stomach under the following headings.
Arterial supply.
Nerve supply.
Q.5. Describe Uterus under the following headings.
Position & axis.
Parts with relations.
Blood supply with applied.
Q.6. Write short notes with clinical relevance on…
Development of kidney.
Q.7. Enumerate...
The contents of ischiorectal fossa.
Q.8. Explain the anatomical basis of…
Callot’s triangle.
Caput medusae.
Q.9. Enumerate...
Branches of lumbar plexus.
Structures passing through greater sciatic foramen.
Q.10. Give the anatomical basis of…
Defense mechanism of inguinal canal.
Q.11. Write short notes on…
Meckel’s diverticulum.
Q.12. Explain.
Anatomical basis of pain at the tip of right shoulder in cholecystitis.
Applied anatomy of pouch of Douglas.
Q.13. Write short notes on…
Portocaval Anastomosis.
Coverings of testis.
Q.14. Describe urinary bladder under the following….
Nerve supply.
Applied anatomy.
Q.15. Describe anal canal under the following heading.
Relations & structures & blood supply.
Applied anatomy.
Q.16. Write short notes on…
Inguinal canal.
Q.17. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Structures piercing the perineal membrane in male.
Structures piercing the perineal membrane in female.
Q.18. Enumerate...
Branches of internal iliac artery.
Branches of abdominal aorta.
Structures crossed by the root of mesentery of small intestine.
Q.19. Give the anatomical basis of…
Tumor of left kidney leads to varicosity in testis.
Q.20. Describe the following…
Anal sphincters.
Q.21. Write short notes on…
Vascular and nerve supply of testis.
Q.22. Give an account of the following.
Contents of broad ligament.
Blood supply and development of pancreas.
Q.24. Enumerate...
Ligamentous supports of uterus.
Branches of splenic artery.
Branches of superficial perineal pouch in male.
Branches of superior mesenteric artery.
Contents of lesser Omentum.
Sites of constriction in the ureter.
Q.25. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Formation and contents of rectus sheath
Ischiorectel fossa.
Q.26. Write short notes on…
Mcburny’s point.
Common bile duct.
Q.27.Describe briefly.
Extra hepatic biliary apparatus.
Q.28. Give the anatomical basis of…
Hiatus hernia.
Enlarged prostate may cause urinary retention.
Q.29. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Posterior relations of kidneys.
Q.30. Describe spleen under the following….
Position .
Borders & surfaces.
Blood supply & applied.
Q.31. Enumerate...
Structures forming the stomach bed.
Tributaries of portal vein.
Q.32. Give the anatomical basis of…
Pain felt at umbilicus in acute appendicitis
Q.33. Describe briefly the duodenum under the following headings.
Parts & relations
Arterial supply.
Applied anatomy.
Ruptured spleen pain is referred where and why.
Q.35. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Anterior relations of right kidney.
Q.36. Give the anatomical basis of…
Indirect inguinal hernia.
Applied anatomy of pouch of Douglas.
Q.38. Describe portal vein under the following headings.
Sites of porto caval Anastomosis.
Applied anatomy.
Q.39. Enumerate...
Coverings of direct inguinal hernia.
Q.40. Describe diaphragm under headings as following…
Various openings.
Q.41. Describe the vermiform appendix under following headings….
Arterial supply and its source.
Peritoneal relations of caecum & appendix.
Positions of appendix which is most dangerous and why.
How to identify the base of appendix if it is inflamed & adherent to
surrounding structures.
Source of development of caecum & appendix.
Mention its other abnormal positions if not found in right inguinal
Q.42. Describe the pancreas under following heading.
Parts & relation.
Blood supply.
Q.43.Describe the gross anatomy of gall bladder. Add a note on its
development and applied anatomy.
Head & Neck

Q.1. Write short notes on…

Styloid apparatus.
Relations of palatine tonsil.
Relations of thyroid gland.
Q.2.Explain the following…
Wounds of the scalp blood profusely.
Horner’s syndrome.
Q.3. Enumerate...
Structures opening into middle meatus of nasal cavity.
Muscles producing elevation of mandible.
Structures related to medial surface of thyroid gland.
Branches of basilar artery.
Q.4. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Coronal section to show relations of the cavernous sinus.
Q.5.Explain the anatomical basis of ….
Pinching the pimples on the upper lip result in cavernous sinus
Q.6. Enumerate…..
Tributaries of cavernous sinus.
Arteries anatomising at Littles area of nasal septum.
Q.7. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Relations of hyoglossus muscle.
Q.8.Explain the anatomical basis of ….
Ludwigs angina.
Dangerous layer of scalp.
Black eye.
Q.9. Describe briefly……
Nerve supply of tongue with correlation of its development.
Q.10. Write short notes on…
Circle of Willis.
Q.11. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Medial wall of middle ear.
Q.12.Explain the anatomical basis of ….
During thyroidectomy superior thyroid artery is ligated close to upper
pole of thyroid gland.
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Caput succedaneum.
Q.13. Write short notes on…
Maxillary sinus.
Inferior constrictor muscle.
Q.14. Enumerate...
Branches of Ist part of maxillary artery.
Structures passing through lateral part of SOF(superior orbital fissure).
Q.15.Describe the thyroid gland under the following headings.
Situation & parts.
Blood supply.
Q.16. Enumerate...
Structures forming the floor of posterior triangle.
Muscles which open the mouth.
Q.17. Give an account of….
Situation, roots and distribution of otic ganglion.
Attachments, nerve supply and action of digastrics muscle.
Q.18.Explain the anatomical basis of ….
Thyroid enlargement cassis dynodes, dsphomeca & dysphonic.
Q.19. Write short notes on…
Cleary ganglion.
Attachments, nerve supply and action of cricothyroid muscle.
Boundaries & contents of suboccipital triangle.
Q.20. Enumerate...
Structures attached to styloid process of temporal bone.
Sensory nerves supplying anterior quadrant of scalp.
Features seen are medial wall of middle ear.
Q.21. Write short notes on…
Extra ocular muscle (action)
Anterior facial vein.
Q.22. Enumerate...
Any four branches of external carotid artery in carotid triangle.
Muscles supplied by Mandibular nerve.
Tributaries of internal jugular vein.
Q.23.Describe the parotid gland under the following headings.
Position & parts.
Secretomotor nerve supply.
Applied anatomy.
Q.24. Write short notes on…
Movements of Temporomandibular joint and muscles producing them.
Otic ganglion and its connections.
Lateral wall of nasal cavity.
Cutaneous nerve supply of face.
Q.25.Explain the anatomical basis of ….
Parotid abscess is preferably drained by horizontal incision.
Q.26.Give an account of…….
Relations & blood supply of suprarenal gland.
Q.27. Enumerate...
Tributaries of internal jugular vein.
Muscles of soft palate.
Q.28. Write short notes on…
Nerve supply of larynx.
Secretomotor pathway to parotid gland.
Lateral rectus muscle of eye ball.
Q.29. Describe briefly….
Visual pathway.
Q.30. Enumerate...
Branches of facial artery in the face.
Para nasal air sinuses.
Structures passing through the jugular foramen.
Q.1. Enumerate...
Deep cerebellar nuclei.
Branches of basilar artery.
Tributaries of cavernous sinus.
Q.2. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Supero lateral surface of cerebral hemisphere showing the functional
areas and their arterial supply.
T.S of medulla at pyramidal decussation.
T.S of midbrain at the level of superior colliculus.
Q.3. Describe the facial nerve under the following headings.
(a) Functional components and nuclei.
(b) Course & relations.
(c) Branches & distribution.
(d) Applied anatomy / infranuclear lesions.
Q.4.Describe briefly.
Internal capsule.
Q.5.Explain the anatomical basis of ….
Wallenberg’s syndrome.
Lumbar puncture.
Q.6. Enumerate...
Any 4 ascending tracts present in the lateral funiculus of spinal cord.
Q.7. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
T.S passing through the upper past of midbrain.
Q.8 Describe the functional components course, relation, distribution &
applied anatomy of Abducent nerve.
Q.9.Describe briefly.
Cortico spinal tract.
Cavernous sinus.
Q.10.Explain the anatomical basis of ….
Weber’s syndrome.
Q.11. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Floor of IVth ventricle.
Q.12. Write short notes on…
Circle of Willis.
Filum terminale.
Q.13. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
T.S of medulla at the level of sensory decussation.
Q.14.explain ….
Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature of face and contralaterl loss of
same sensations in the rest of the body in lateral medullary syndrome.
Q.15. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
Transverse section passing through the lower pons.
Q.16. Enumerate...
Any 4 muscles supplied by cranial part of Accessory nerve.
Structures forming the blood brain barrier.
Name unpaired cranial venous sinuses.
Contents of inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Q.17. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
T.S of medulla oblongata at the level of pyramidel decussation.
Q.18.Describe briefly.
Sulci and gyri of supero lateral surface of cerebral hemisphere
Q.19.Explain the extra cranial part of Facial nerve under the following
(a) Course.
(b) Relations.
(c) Branches.
(d) Applied anatomy.
Q.20. Enumerate...
Any 4 descending tracts in the ventral funiculus of spinal cord.
Nuclei belonging to general visceral efferent column of brain stem.
Q.21.Describe the hypoglossal nerve under the following headings….
(a) Functional columns and nuclei.
(b) Course and relations.
(c) Branches and distribution.
(d) Applied anatomy.
Q.22. Describe the Occulomotor nerve under the following headings…
(a) Functional columns & nuclei.
(b) Course and relations.
(c) Branches and distribution.
(d) Applied anatomy.
Q.23. Draw a well labelled diagram of…
T.S of pons at the level of facial/ superior colliculus.
Q.24.T.S of medulla oblongata at mid-olivary lewel.
Q.25. Internal capsule under the following headings.
Parts - contents
Relation applied.
Q.26.Describe cavernous sinus under headings.
(a) situation.
(b) Relation.
(c) Tributaries.
(d) Communication.
(e) Applied anatomy.
Q.27.Explain the anatomical basis of ….
Occlusion of left middle cerebral artery leads to loss of speech.
Pituitary enlargement leads to bitemporal hemianopia.
Q.28.Describe briefly……
Origin course termination & applied anatomy of cortico spinal tract.
Q.29.Describe the functional components.
Course, distribution and applied anatomy of glossopharyngeal nerve.
Q.30.Describe briefly.
Functional areas of cerebral cortex.
Q.31.Explain the anatomical basis of Millard gubler syndrome.
Q.32.Give an account of…..
Fourth ventricle.
Q.33. Diagram of…
Coronal section to show relations of the cavernous sinus.
Supero lateral surface of cerebral hemisphere showing functional areas
and blood supply.
Q.34.Glossopharyngeal nerve.
(a) Functional columns & nuclei.
(b) Course & relations.
(c) Branches & distribution.
(d) Applied anatomy)
Q.1.Development of thyroid gland.
Q.2.Anatomical basis of……
Unilateral cleft of upper lip.
Cleft palate.
Q.3.Development of tongue with correlation of its nerve supply.
Muscles (only 4) developed from Ist pharyngeal arch mesoderm.
Q.5. Name manifestation of Fallot’s tetralogy way
Q.6.Explain the anatomical basis of….
Tubal pregnancy.
Lingual thyroid.
Polycystic kidney.
Skeletal derivatives of IInd pharyngeal arch.
Q,8.Describe briefly…
Pharyngeal arches.
Q.9.Development of diaphragm
Q10.Short notes with clinical significance.
Development of kidney.
Q.11.Development of uterus.
Q12.Short notes with clinical significance.
Tracheo –oesophageal fistula.
Rotation of midgut.
Q.13.Development of spleen.
Q.14.Development of pancreas.
Q.15.Derivatives of neural crest.
Q.16.Mesodermal derivatives of first brachial arch.
Q.17.Skeletal derivatives of IInd pharyngeal arch.
Developmental components of arch of aorta.
Derivatives of mesonephric duct in male & female.
Q.20.Development of stomach.
Embryological component forming the right atrium.
Q.22.Write short notes on...
Interatrial septum.
Derivatives of paramesonphric duct in male & female.
Q.24.Describe briefly…
Development of face.
Derivatives of sixth arch artery.
Q.26.Development of anal canal.
Q.27.Development of urinary bladder.
Q.28.Write short notes with clinical significance..
Patent ductus arteriosus.
Meckel’s diverti culum
Embryological components forming the suprarenal gland…
Q.30.Development of duodenum.
Q.31. Enumerate glands derived from endodermal pharyngeal pouches.
Q.32.Explain the anatomical basis of….
Interventricular septal defects.

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