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How would you fetch Object List to clipboard from Database table without using Activities?

By using List Datapage

From what all different sources we can fetch data in Data Page?

You can fetch data in a Data Page in Pega from various sources, including API, REST endpoints,
databases, data transforms, connectors, robotic automation, and robotic desktop automation.

What is the use of Post Load Processing Activity, which will be available in Data Page rule?

The Post Load Processing Activity in a Data Page rule in Pega is used to perform additional processing
after the data is loaded into the Data Page. It allows you to manipulate the data, perform validation,
and add messages to the Pega Clipboard.

What is the use of 'Pages & Classes' tab, which will be available in almost all rules in Pega?

The 'Pages & Classes' tab in Pega rules allows you to define the pages and classes that will be
accessed or updated during the execution of the rule. It helps in setting up rule prompting,
configuring rule validation, and applying the default class for list elements.

How do you save a data to Database table without using activities?

1 by using Savable datapage

* In the flow rule-we have advance shape- Save data pages.

* In the flow action rule-action tab post processing.

* Activity Method-(save-datapage)method. Note : If data page mode is savable :

* We have scope is Thread or Requestor.

2. In Pega, you can save data to a database table without using activities by using the Data
Transform rule. Data Transform rules allow you to define the mapping between properties and
columns in the database table. By configuring the Data Transform rule, you can populate the
properties with values and then use the "Save" option to persist the data to the database table.

Types of Inheritance PEGA Supports and mention them?

 Pattern and Direct Pattern Inheritance takes First priority

Mention Data Page Scopes and a small brief about each Scope of Data Page


 Thread: A thread scope of data page is accessible for sharing with in a single WO multiple

 Requestor: This scope of data page is accessible for sharing with in a single requestor session
among multiple WO’s but not with other requestors.

 Node: This scope of data page is accessible among multiple requestors who logon to same
node but not with requestors of another node.

What is an Access group in Pega and Access Roles in Pega ? Mention any one OOTB Access Role ?

An access group in Pega is a group of permissions within an application that determines what actions
users can perform. Access roles in Pega are specific capabilities associated with an access group that
determine the user's capabilities and access to features. One out-of-the-box (OOTB) access role in
Pega is "PegaRULES:SysAdm4", which is typically used for developers and designers.

What is a Rule Stack in Pega ?

The ruleset stack determines the order in which Pega Platform looks through rulesets to find the rule
that is in use.The RuleSet Stack tab is accessed by clicking Designer Studio > Application > Structure >
RuleSet Stack. This tab lists the rulesets and ruleset versions that make up your current application
including those inherited from any built-on applications.

Do you know anything about Code-Pega-List and when do we usually use it?

Code-Pega-List is typically used in Pega when we want to display a list of data in a report format, such
as with Obj-Browse methods and lookup lists. It is more efficient than the default format and is
automatically used by report definitions.

User needs to add multiple records with Name and price on Ui and sum of all prices should be
calculated and shown as Total price.

Conceptual Questions

1. What the use of Field Value Rule? What type of Field Value/Field Name will you
use to create for Button Property Control?
 The Field Value Rule in Pega is used to define items in a selection list presented to users or a
set of values for the Table features. It can also support localization by overriding an English
word or phrase with an equivalent term in another language. Field Value Rules are used to
restrict the values of a property to one of a fixed list of choices.

 To create a Button Property Control in Pega, you should use the Field Name of "pxButton"
and the Field Value of "Submit" or any other desired label for the button.

21 How do you clear the DataPage from clipboard manually and mention the OOTB Activity to
clear data in Data Pagel

For manually Click Clear data page on the Load Management tab of the data page rule form

For OOTB, Use the Page-Remove method in an activity and specify the data page that you want to
remove. For more information, see Page-Remove method.

Use the Remove action in a data transform and specify the data page that you want to remove as the
target. For more information, see Data Transform form - Remove action.

3 What is the use of 'Data-Set' method in Activity?

The 'Data-Set' method in an activity in Pega is used to perform data management operations on
records defined by a specific data set. It allows you to automate these operations programmatically
instead of performing them manually. You can use this method to save, browse, delete, and perform
other operations on data sets like File, HDFS, Database Table, Stream, and Decision Data Store.

3. what is the use of 'Obj-Sort’ method in Activity? Describe in few fines?

The 'Obj-Sort' method in an activity in Pega is used to sort the clipboard pages that are the values of
a property of mode 'Page List'. It allows you to specify one or more properties to sort on and the sort
sequence (ascending or descending) for each sort level. This method is useful when you need to
organize and arrange the data in a specific order within a page list property.

What is the difference between Parameters and Local Variables

Parameters are used to pass values into an activity, while local variables are used to store and
manipulate data within the activity.

what are the different types of Data Pages that are available in Pega ?

The different types of data pages available in Pega are read-only data pages, editable data pages, and
savable data pages.

Mention any 4 smart shapes that you are aware of in Pega ?

Four smart shapes in Pega are Capture Signature, Cascading Approval, Wait, and Subprocess.

build a Class Structure of Work, Data and Int using Enigma as Organization and WALKIN As
application Name.


Syntax for invoking Parameterized Data Page, Let's Say you have a Data Page Named
GetCustomerDetails and you need to pass Parameter CustomerName.
The syntax for invoking a parameterized Data Page in Pega is `<Data page name>[<parameter
name>:<parameter value>]`. To invoke the GetCustomerDetails Data Page and pass the parameter
CustomerName, the syntax would be: `GetCustomerDetails[CustomerName:"<value>"]`.

Function to invoke Activity from a Data Transform

 If you need to pass the current clipboard page context to the

activity, use pxExecuteAnActivity.

 If you only need to pass parameters and don't require the clipboard page
context, pega_rules_utilities.callActivity is simpler.

1.An employee should have an option to create a leave request and it needs

to go to approval for the Manager and if the employee is applying for more

than 4 leaves it needs to go to Senior Manager approval.

You can achieve this in Pega by configuring a workflow with approval steps. First, create a case type
for leave requests. Then, configure the workflow by adding an approval step for the Manager's
approval. Next, add a condition to check if the number of leaves requested is more than 4. If the
condition is true, add another approval step for the Senior Manager's approval. Finally, configure the
routing and assignment of the approval steps based on the employee's request. This way, an
employee can create a leave request that will be sent to the Manager for approval, and if applicable,
to the Senior Manager for approval as well.

2. An employee should have an option to create an application access request

needs to go to approval for the Manager and if the manager did not approve for

4 days, it should be Auto approved.

In Pega, you can configure an application access request process with approval and auto-approval
logic. First, create a case type for application access requests. Configure the workflow by adding an
approval step for the Manager's approval. Set the SLA (Service Level Agreement) for the approval
step to 4 days. If the Manager does not approve within 4 days, configure an escalation action to
automatically approve the request. This can be done using an SLA event and an automated process
to update the case status to "Auto Approved". This way, an employee can create an application
access request that will go to the Manager for approval, and if the Manager does not approve within
4 days, it will be automatically approved.

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