Reactivity Series 2 MCQ - Ans

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Reactivity series
Model Answers 2
Subject Chemistry (0620/0971)
Exam Board Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)
Topic Metals
Sub-Topic Reactivity series
Booklet Model Answers 2

Time Allowed: 30 minutes

Score: /25

Percentage: /100

Grade Boundaries:

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

>85% 75% 68% 60% 53% 48% 40% 33% <25%

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1. W, X and Y are metals, one of which is copper and one of which is iron.

• W has a coloured oxide which can be reduced by carbon.

• X has a black oxide and is also found in nature as a pure metal.

• Y has an oxide which cannot be reduced by carbon.

Which metal is the most reactive and what is the possible identity of W?

most reactive possible identity

metal of W

A X Cu
B X Fe
C Y Cu
D Y Fe

 Metal Y cannot be extracted by reduction with carbon.

 This means it must be fairly high on the reactivity series and is thus more reactive than
 Metal X is found in nature as a pure metal so it must be unreactive.
 Metal W forms a coloured oxide which can be extracted by reduction with carbon.
 W is most likely Iron as iron forms a red coloured oxide.

The reactivity series and extraction

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2. Tin is a metal that is less reactive than iron and is extracted from its ore cassiterite, SnO2.

Which statements about tin are correct?

1 Tin can be extracted from cassiterite using carbon.

2 Tin does not conduct electricity.
3 Tin is hard and shiny.

A 1, 2 B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 2 and 3 only

 Tin is a hard and shiny metal.

 It sits below carbon in the reactivity series and so can be extracted from its ore by
reduction with carbon.

The reactivity series

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3. Some chemical properties of three metals W, X and Y and their oxides are shown.

reaction with dilute reaction of metal

metal reaction with steam
hydrochloric acid oxide with carbon

W reacts reacts reacts

X no reaction no reaction reacts
Y reacts reacts no reaction

What is the order of reactivity of these metals, most reactive first?





 Metal Y cannot be extracted by reduction with carbon.

 This means it must be fairly high on the reactivity series and is thus more reactive than
W which can be reduced with carbon. It reacts with steam and dilute HCl.
 Metal W also reacts with steam and dilute HCl to it must be the second most reactive.
 Metal X does not react with steam or dilute HCl and can be reduced by carbon so it
must be the least reactive.

The reactivity series

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4. The list shows the order of reactivity of some elements.

K Na Ca Mg Zn Fe Cu

Which statement about the reactivity of these metals is correct?

A Copper reacts with steam to form hydrogen gas.

B Magnesium is more reactive than calcium.
C Potassium reacts with water to form hydrogen gas.
D Sodium oxide is reduced by carbon to sodium.

 Statement A is incorrect as copper is an unreactive metal.

 Statement B is incorrect as calcium is more reactive than magnesium.
 Statement C is correct as potassium is a reactive metal and produces hydrogen gas
when reacted with water:

○ 2K + 2H2O → 2KOH + H2

 Statement D is incorrect as sodium is above carbon on the reactivity series and so

cannot be reduced by carbon.

The reactivity series

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5. A student investigated the reactions of four metals, R, S, T and U, with solutions of their salts.

The results are given in the table.

What is the order of reactivity of the metals, most reactive first?



C S → U → T→ R


 Metal displacement reactions based on a reactivity series.

 R displaces both S and T from their nitrates; T displaces U; S cannot displace U.

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6. Some magnesium compounds undergo thermal decomposition.

What are the products of thermal decomposition of magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2, and
magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2?

Mg(NO3)2 Mg(OH)2

A MgO, NO2 and O2 MgO and H2O

B MgO, NO2 and O2 MgO and H2
C Mg(NO2)2 and O2 MgO and H2O
D Mg(NO2)2 and O2 MgO and H2

 The stability of some metal compounds depends on the reactivity of the metal.
 Most metal hydroxides and all metal nitrates will decompose on heating.
 Metal hydroxides thermally decompose to produce the metal oxide and water:
○ M(OH)2(s) → MO(s) + H2O(l)
 All metal nitrates (except for Group 1 metals) thermally decompose to produce the metal
oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen:
○ 2M(NO3)2(s) → 2MO(s) + 4NO2(l) + O2(g)

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7. The diagram shows a simple cell.


metal P metal Q

sulfuric acid

Which pair of metals produces the largest voltage?

 An electrochemical cell produces higher voltages when the metals used for the
electrodes are far apart in the reactivity series.
 The more reactive metal releases electrons as its atoms become ions.
 In this case magnesium and copper are the metals which are furthest apart.

The reactivity series

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8. Four metals P, Q, R and S are added to separate aqueous solutions of their ions.

The results are shown.

What is the order of reactivity of the metals, most reactive first?





 A more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from an aqueous solution of its
 The less reactive metal becomes oxidized.
 Q displaces all the other metals so it is the most reactive.
 P is next as it displaces everything except Q.
 S is the third most reactive as it can displace R.
 R is the least reactive as it is unable to displace any other metal.

Displacement of copper by magnesium

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9. Which metal reacts with steam but not with cold water?

A calcium
B copper
C sodium
D zinc

 Aluminium, zinc, and iron react with steam to produce hydrogen gas, but they do not
react with cold water, thus D is the right answer.
 A and C are incorrect as calcium and sodium react with both water and steam.
 B is incorrect as copper does not react with either water or steam.

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10. The reaction below is called the ‘thermite reaction’.

2Al + Fe2O3 → 2Fe + Al 2O3

Which pair of substances reacts in a similar way?

A Fe and MgO
B Fe and ZnO
C Mg and CuO
D Zn and Al 2O3

 The thermite reaction occurs because aluminium is much more reactive than iron and
can displace it from a compound.
 There is comparable difference in reactivity between magnesium and copper for there
to be a similar reaction.
 In options A, B and D the metals are either too close to each other on the reactivity
series or the metal in the compound is more reactive than the metal in its elemental

The reactivity series

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11 The table shows the results of adding three metals, P, Q and R, to dilute hydrochloric acid and to

metal dilute hydrochloric acid water

P hydrogen produced hydrogen produced

Q no reaction no reaction

R hydrogen produced no reaction

What is the order of reactivity of the metals?

most reactive least reactive


 P is most reactive as it reacts with both HCl and H2O to produce H2 in both reactions.
 R is next as it reacts with dilute HCl.
 Q is the least reactive as it doesn'treact with either HCl or H20.

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12 Compound X is heated with carbon using the apparatus shown.

compound X and reaction tube




A brown solid is formed in the reaction tube and the limewater turns cloudy.

What is compound X?

A calcium oxide
B copper(II) oxide
C magnesium oxide
D sodium oxide

 Copper (II) oxide can be reduced by heating with carbon.

 The reaction is as follows:
○ 2 CuO(s) + C(s) → 2Cu (s) + CO2(g)

 Carbon dioxide gas is produced which turns limewater milky.

Test for CO2

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13. Some reactions of three metals are listed in the table.

metal reacts with dilute metal oxide is

hydrochloric acid reduced by carbon

P yes no
Q no yes
R yes yes

What is the order of reactivity of the metals?

most least
reactive reactive


 A metals reactivity can be measured by:

○ Its reaction with acid
○ Ease of reduction of its oxide by carbon
 Metal P is the mostreactive as it reacts with HCl and cannotbe reduced from its oxide
by heating with carbon.
 Metal R is next as it doesreact with HCl and can be reduced from its oxide by heating
with carbon.
 Metal Q is the least reactive as it does notreact with HCl and canbereduced from its
oxide by heating with carbon.
 The order of reactivity starting with the most reactive is thus:

○ P→R→Q

 B, C and D are therefore incorrect.

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14. Calcium nitrate decomposes when it is heated.

What is the equation for the thermal decomposition of calcium nitrate?

A 2Ca(NO3)2 → 2CaO + O2 + 4NO2

B Ca(NO3)2 → Ca(NO2)2 + O2

C Ca(NO3)2 → Ca + O2 + 2NO2

D Ca(NO3)2 → Ca + 3O2 + N2

 Calcium nitrate decomposes to produce calcium oxide, oxygen and nitrogen dioxide gas:

○ 2Ca(NO3)2 → 2CaO + O2+ 4NO2

 Three products are formed; hence B is incorrect.

 C and D are also incorrect as calcium is not a product of this reaction.

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15. Some metal nitrates and carbonates decompose when heated strongly.

Metal Q has a nitrate that decomposes to give a salt and a colourless gas only.

The carbonate of metal Q does not decompose when heated with a Bunsen burner.

What is metal Q?

A calcium
B copper
C sodium
D zinc

 Metal Q is sodium as sodium carbonate does not undergo thermal decomposition

 Sodium nitrate thermally decomposes to produce the salt sodium nitrite and oxygen
gas, which is colourless:
○ 2NaNO3 → 2NaNO2 + O2
 A, B and D are incorrect as the carbonates of calcium, copper and zinc all undergo
thermal decomposition.

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16. Some reactions of three metals and their oxides are shown.

metal reacts with dilute metal oxide reacts with

metal hydrochloric acid carbon

S no yes

T yes no

U yes yes

What is the order of reactivity of the metals?

least most
reactive reactive





 A metals reactivity can be measured by:

○ Its reaction with acid.
○ Ease of extraction from its ore (more reactive metals are difficult to extract).
 Metal S is the least reactive as it does not react with HCl and can be reduced from its
oxide by carbon.
 Metal U is next as it does react with HCl but cannot be reduced from its oxide by
 Metal T is the most reactive as it reacts with HCl and cannot be reduced from its oxide
by carbon.

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17. Calcium, copper, iron and magnesium are metals. They can be placed in order of reactivity.

Which statement is correct?

A Copper reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form copper(II) chloride.

B Iron reacts with steam but magnesium does not.

C Iron(II) oxide cannot be reduced by heating strongly with carbon.

D Magnesium and calcium both react with hot water.

 Option A: copper does not react with dilute HCl.

 Option B: magnesium burns in steam producing magnesium oxide and H2 gas.
 Option C: iron (II) oxide is reduced by heating with carbon.
 Option D: both magnesium and calcium will react readily with hot water.

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18 Which row shows how the metal reacts?

reacts with reacts rapidly with reacts with

dilute acid cold water steam

A calcium   
B copper   
C magnesium   
D zinc   

 Magnesium is a Group II (alkaline earth) metal.

 Magnesium:
○ Will react with dilute HCl to produce MgCl(aq) and H2(g)
○ Will not react with cold water.
○ Will react with steam to produce MgO(s) and H2(g).

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19. A list of metals is shown.


Which metal will displace all of the other metals from aqueous solutions of their salts?

A aluminium
B iron
C magnesium
D zinc

 If the metal can displace all of the other metals from their salt solutions, then it must be
the most reactive metal on the list.
 Comparison with the reactivity series indicates that magnesium is the most reactive of
the metals provided in the question.

The reactivity series

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20 The section of the reactivity series shown includes a newly discovered element, symbol X.

The only oxide of X has the formula XO.


Which equation shows a reaction which occurs?

A Cu(s) + X2+(aq) → Cu2+(aq) + X(s)

B 2X(s) + Cu2+(aq) → 2X+(aq) + Cu(s)

C X(s) + Fe2O3(s) → 2Fe(s) + 3XO(s)

D X(s) + 2HCl (aq) → XCl 2(aq) + H2(g)

Reaction Will it occur? Reason

A No X is more reactive than Cu so cannot be reduced by Cu.

B No Cu is a weak oxidizing agent and cannot oxidize X.

C No Fe is above X in the reactivity series and so X cannot

displace Fe.

D Yes X is above H and so can displace H from HCl.

The reactivity series

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21 Which statement about all metals is correct?

A They are attracted to a magnet.

B They are weak and brittle.
C They may be used to form alloys.
D They react with water.

 All metals can be used to form alloys.

 An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals or ametal and a nonmetal.
 Alloys often have properties that can be very different to the metals they contain, for
example can have more strength, hardness or resistance to corrosion or extreme
 A is incorrect as only ferromagnetic metals such as iron, nickel and cobalt, are attracted
to a magnet.
 B is incorrect as most metals are hard and malleable.
 D is incorrect as only some metals react with water.

Structure of a metal and an alloy

Metal Alloy

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22 Which metal carbonate does not produce carbon dioxide when it is heated with a Bunsen

A copper(II) carbonate
B magnesium carbonate
C sodium carbonate
D zinc carbonate

 Some metal carbonates will thermally decompose on heating, producing CO2 and the
metal oxide.
 Sodium carbonate however is thermally stable; as are the metal carbonates of the Group
I metals which are below sodium on the Periodic table, hence C is correct.
 A, B and C are incorrect as all of these metal carbonates undergo thermal
decomposition and produce carbon dioxide gas:

○ M-CO3 → MO + CO2

Thermal decomposition of copper carbonate

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23 Two experiments are carried out.

In experiment 1, copper is heated with steam.

In experiment 2, copper(II) oxide is heated with carbon.

copper(II) oxide
and carbon


experiment 1 experiment 2

Which row describes what happens in experiments 1 and 2?

 In experiment 1 no reaction takes place.

 This is due to the low reactivity of copper metal which does not react with steam, hence
C and D can be disregarded.
 In experiment 2 a reaction does occur.
 Copper sits below carbon on the reactivity series and so carbon can reduce the copper

○ 2CuO + C → 2Cu + CO2

 Therefore, A is also incorrect.

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24 Metal X is added to a colourless aqueous solution of the sulfate of metal Y.

A coloured solution is formed and metal Y is deposited at the bottom of the beaker.

Which row describes elements X and Y and their relative reactivity?

type of element relative reactivity

A X is a transition element X is more reactive than Y

B X is a transition element Y is more reactive than X
C Y is a transition element X is more reactive than Y
D Y is a transition element Y is more reactive than X

 A coloured solution is formed, indicating the presence to a transition metal.

 The equation is as follows: X + YSO4 → XSO4 + Y
 It is easy to see that X has displaced Y.
 X must therefore be more reactive than Y.

Identifying An Unknown Element / Compound

Exam tip: for questions where you are given a letter such as X or Y to represent
an unknown element and a textual description of a reaction, it is helpful to write
out a chemical equation for the reaction using the letters you are given. This
makes it easier to identify what each species is doing eg: which element is
displacing the other etc.

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25 The equation for the effect of heat on hydrated sodium carbonate is as shown.

Na2CO3.10H2O(s) Na2CO3(s) + 10H2O(g)

Statements made by four students about the reaction are given.

P Anhydrous sodium carbonate is formed.

Q Steam is formed.
R There is a colour change from blue to white.
S The reaction is reversible.

Which students’ statements are correct?

A P, Q and R only
B P, Q and S only
C Q, R and S only
D P, Q, R and S

 Statement P is correct as the product Na2CO3 does not have any water of crystallisation
and hence is anhydrous.
 Statement Q is correct as the water molecules produced are in the gaseousstate,
hence steam is formed.
 Statement R is incorrect as Na2CO3.10H2O forms colourlesscrystals which turn white
when hydrated. The colour change from blue to white describes the effect of heat on
hydrated copper (II) sulphate crystals.
 Statement S is correct as the two-wayarrow in the equation indicates that it is
 Only statement R is incorrect, so B is the right answer.
 A, C and D are therefore incorrect.

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