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Radheshyam das,

President, ISKCON Camp & NVCC temples, Pune,

Presidential board Member, ISKCON Hyderabad
Regional Secretary Assistant to GBC (Maharashtra, India)

Global Duty Officer (GDO) for USA youth outreach

Whatsapp : 08378978734
(India) Phone : 922 585 3964,
Email : Dated 23 AUGUST 2023

For whomsoever may concern

Dear Canada and USA devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Recently due to multiple health issues of acid reflex, mouth dryness due to vata and formation
of a vocal cord nodule, my throat needed attention of a Doctor. I consulted an ENT Specialist,
who had told me that vocal cord nodule will disappear by itself if I give a voice rest for a
couple of weeks along with speech therapy for moderating the use of my voice. If I neglect it,
then it will get complicated and will need a laser surgery. Soon after hearing it, I started
complete voice rest for a week till now.
Today I came to know from the Speech therapist that vocal cord nodule is a hardened flesh
portion on the vocal cord which will require gradual treatment spanning over six months, daily
half an hour period. He also said that after one month I can speak 20 minutes/day, then second
month upto 2 hours/day and then in third and fourth month 4 hrs/day to 6 hrs/day, as the vocal
cord nodule dissolves and vocal cord becomes stronger. It is a delicate portion and needs time to heal, he said.

Thus cure is a gradual process and with my current health situation, even if I enthusiastically fly to Canada and USA you can only
see my face with a smile and folded palms to indicate a Hare Krishna, but I have to keep silence due to Doctor’s restriction!
Keeping this in mind, I decided to cancel my current trip and visit all of you in January 2024 to February 2024.
HG Vanamali Pandit Prabhu, Temple President of ISKCON Boston had arranged my to and fro flight tickets from India to Canada
and USA and back. HG Brajakripa Prabhu had co-ordinated a complete Schedule of my travel across USA and informed all the
respective Temples of the dates of my visit. All these Temples have booked my flight trips as per the plan. I feel so sorry to let
you all down due to my inability to serve you this time. You have to make the cancellations at the earliest and I wish to get well
soon and be back to serve you all Prabhujis and Matajis.
Talkative as I am, Krishna has given me an interesting austerity, which I am never used to in my life – to keep silent -- to learn to
restrain my speech and practice KC more by internalizing my consciousness atleast for six months. I have been giving so many
instructions to so many devotees; now is my time to hear instructions of my Spiritual Master and various Vaishnavas through their
lectures and sincerely apply them in my life. I would like to utilize this time to strengthen myself spiritually for performing my
preaching service with better quality.
Some Congregation devotees, whose hearts are filled with service attitude, wrote to me asking me whether I would like to stay in
recluse in their farm and they gave me invitation to a dozen farms. I said I am staying in one of the VOICE student Centers close
to Doctor’s Clinic in Hyderabad and I am attending the morning program with the youths, rendering physical services like serving
prasad, washing my clothes, responding to Emails, hearing, studying and writing articles for youth preaching and doing
management problem solving through emails etc. Only my talking is restricted for some time and I will stick to Doctor’s plan so
that I can get back my strong voice to preach KC again after a few months.
With my best wishes and prayers for the all-round well-being of all your family members, Hare Krishna.
Your servant
Radheshyam das

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