OMNI5 2ndsem2022 Module5 MM9Integral Calculus 1

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MM9 Calculus 3 Integral Calculus Module 5- Product of Sine and Cosine,Powers of

Sine&Cosines,Power of Tangents &Secants,Power of Cotangents & Cosecants

I. Competencies:
1.Use trigonometric identities to help integrate products of sines and cosines.
2.Develop the methods of evaluating integrals which can not be evaluating integrals which
cannot be evaluated directly by any of the standard formulas.

II. Notes:
Trigonometric Integrals are those whose integrands involve trigonometric functions. Some
trigonometric functions. Some trigonometric integrals can not be evaluated directly from
their given forms. However, they can be reduced to standard forms by use of appropriate
trigonometric identities. In this section, we shall evaluate trigonometric integrals of the
following types.
∫ sin u cos v dx
∫ cos u cos v dx
∫ sin u sin v dx
where u and v are differentiable functions of x and u ≠ v. The above integrals can be
evaluated with the aid of the following trigonometric formulas in trigonometry, respectively:
2 sin u cos v =sin(u+ v )+ sin (u−v )
2 cos u cos v=cos (u+ v)+cos ( u−v )

2 sin u sin v=cos (u−v )−cos ( u+v )

2 cos u sin v =sin(u+ v )−sin ( u−v )
We see that by means of these identities, the integral of a product of a sine and cosine can
be reduced to an integral of a sum of two sines while the integral of a product of two
cosines (or two sines) can be reduced to an integral of a sum (or difference) of two
cosines. That is
P1. ∫ 2 sin u cos v dx =∫ ¿

P2. ∫ 2 cos u cos dx= ∫ [ cos ( u+v ) +cos ( u−v ) ] dx
P3. ∫ 2 sin u sin v dx= ∫ ¿

The right member of P1 is then evaluated by T1(sec. 9.4) and those of P2 and P3 by T2.
Consider the following examples.
Example 1. Evaluate ∫ cos 6 x cos 2 x dx
Solution: We have the product of two cosines with u=6x and v=2x. Hence, we shall use P2
to evaluate this.
∫ cos 6 x cos 2 x dx= ∫ 2 cos 6 x cos 2 x dx
¿ ∫¿
¿ ¿
1 1
¿ sin 8 x + sin 4 x +C
16 4

Example 2. Evaluate ∫ 3 sin 5 x cos 4 x dx

Solution: We have the product of a sine and cosine with u=5x and v=4x. Hence, we shall
evaluate this by using P1.
∫ 3 sin 5 x cos 4 x dx= ∫ 2 sin 5 x cos 4 x dx
¿ ∫ (sin 9 x+ sin x )dx
¿ ¿
1 3
¿− cos 9 x− cos x+ C
6 2
We now consider the problem of integrating the powers of sine or cosine or the product of
such powers. In general, we shall integrate a trigonometric integral of the form
m n
∫ sin v cos v dx

Where v is a differentiable function of x and m, n, are real numbers. If m=n=1 or m=1, n≠ 1
or m≠ 1, n=1, the integral can easily be evaluated by the method of substitution discussed
in Section 9.3. For example, we can easily show that
∫ sin x cos x dx= sin2 x + C
3 −cos x
∫ sin x cos x dx= +C
4 sin x
∫ sin x cos x dx= +C
In this section, we shall deal with integrals of the general form given above but with m, n ≠ 1.
Consider the following cases:
Case I: When m is a positive odd integer and n is any number, we may write

sin m v cos n v=( sinm−1 v cosn v ) sin v

Since m is odd, then m-1 is even and therefore, we may use the trigonometric identity
2 2
sin v =1−cos v
To express sin m−1 v in terms of the powers of cos v . Then the given integral is reduced to
the form

∫ ( ∑ of powers of cos v ) sin v dx

which can now be evaluated by use of I4 (see section 9.2) by letting u=cos v.
Example 1. Evaluate ∫ sin 3 4 x cos 2 4 x dx
3 2 2 2
∫ sin 4 x cos 4 x dx= ∫ sin 4 x cos 4 x sin 4 x dx

¿ ∫ ( 1−cos 2 4 x ) cos 2 4 x sin 4 x dx

¿ ∫ (cos ¿ ¿ 2 4 x−cos 4 x )sin 4 x ⁡dx ¿


Let u = cos 4x. Then du = -4sin4x dx. Hence nf = -1/4

( )
3 5
1 cos 4 x cos 4 x
¿− − +C
4 3 5
3 5
cos 4 x cos 4 x
¿− + +C
12 20
Case II: When m is any number and n is a positive odd, we may write

sin m v cos n v=( sinm v cos n−1 v ) cos v

and then use the identity
2 2
cos v=1−sin v
to reduce the integral to the form

∫ ( ∑ of powers of sin v ) cos v dx

which can now be evaluated by I4 with u = sin v.

Example 2. Evaluate ∫ sin 2 x cos3 x dx
2 3 2 2
∫ sin x cos x dx =∫ sin x cos x cos x dx
2 2
¿ ∫ sin x (1−sin x )cos x dx
2 4
¿ ∫ (sin x−sin x )cos x dx (Let u = sinx)
3 5
sin x sin x
¿ − +C
3 5

Example 3. Evaluate ∫ cos 5 x dx

5 4
∫ cos x dx= ∫ cos x cos x dx

¿ ∫ ( cos x ) cos x dx

¿ ∫ ( 1−sin x ) cos x dx

2 4
¿ ∫ (1−2 si n x+ sin x)cos x dx
2 4
¿ ∫ cos x dx−2 ∫ sin x cos x dx+ ∫ sin x cos x dx
3 5
2sin x sin x
¿ sin x− + +C
3 5

Note that if m and n are both positive odd integers, then

m n
∫ sin v cos v dx
Can be evaluated by the method used in Case I or in Case II. The student is urged to show
6 4
3 3 cos x cos x
∫ sin x cos x dx= − +C by Case I
6 4
4 6
3 3 sin x sin x
∫ sin x cos x dx= − +C by Case II
4 6

Case III: When n and m are both even integers (either both positive or one positive and
one zero*), we may write
m n
sin v cos v=( sin v ) ( cos v )
m n 2 2 2 2

and then use one or both of the following identities:

2 1−cos 2 v 2 1+cos 2 v
sin v = ,cos v=
2 2

to reduce the given integral into an integrable form. The identities above are used
repeatedly when m or n or both are greater than 2.

Example 4. Evaluate ∫ sin 4 x dx

Solution: This is Case III with m=4 and n=0.
∫ sin x dx= ∫ (sin ¿¿ 2 x ) ² dx ¿

( )
1−cos 2 x
¿∫ dx
¿ ∫ ( 1−2cos 2 x +cos 2 x ) dx
¿ ∫ 1−2 cos 2 x+
4 2 )
1+cos 4 x

1 3
4 2 ( 1
¿ ∫ −2cos 2 x + cos 4 x dx
2 )
¿ (
1 3x
4 2
−sin 2 x + sin 4 x +C
8 )
3 x sin 2 x sin 4 x
¿ − + +C
8 4 32


Consider the trigonometric integral of the form
m n
∫ ta n v se c v dx
If m=n=1, we evaluate the integral by T9(see Section 9.4). If m=any number and n=2, we
evaluate the integral by the ordinary method of substitution used in Section 9.3. For
example, by letting u = tanx, we show that
3 2 tan x
∫ tan x sec x dx= +C
In this section, we shall consider the following cases:

Case I: When m is any number and n is a positive even integer greater than 2, we may
tanm v sec n v =( tan m v sec n−2 v ) sec 2 v
and then use the identity
2 2
sec v=1+ tan v
to reduce the given integral to the form
∫ ( ∑ of powers of tan v ) sec v dx

which is now integrable by I4 and with u=tanv.

Example 1. Evaluate ∫ tan3 x sec 4 x dx

3 4 3 2 2
∫ tan x sec x dx= ∫ tan x sec x sec x dx
¿ ∫ tan3 x ( 1+ tan2 x ) sec 2 x dx
¿ ∫ ( tan3 x+ tan5 x ) sec 2 x dx
4 6
tan x tan x
¿ + +C
4 6

Case II: When m is a positive odd integer and n is any number, we may write
tanm sec n v =( tan m−1 v sec n−1 v ) sec v tan v
and then use the identity
2 2
tan v=sec v−1
To reduce the integral to the form
∫ ( ∑ of powers of sec v ) sec v tan v dx
Which can now be integrated by I4 with u ¿ secv
Example 2. Evaluate ∫ tan 3 x sec 5 x dx
3 5 2 4
∫ tan x sec x dx= ∫ tan x sec x sec x tan x dx
2 4
¿ ∫ (sec x−1) sec x sec x tan x dx
¿ ∫ ( sec 6 x−sec 4 x ) sec x tan x dx
7 5
sec x sec x
¿ − +C
7 5

Case III: When m is a positive odd (or even) integer and n is zero, we may write
m m−2 2
tan v=tan v tan v
And then use the identity
2 2
tan v=sec v−1
To reduce the integral to a integrable form.

Example 3. Evaluate ∫ tan5 x dx

5 3 2
∫ tan x dx= ∫ tan x tan x dx
¿ ∫ ta n3 x ( sec 2 x−1 ) dx
¿ ∫ [ tan 3 x sec 2 x−tan 3 x ] dx
¿ ∫ [ tan3 x sec 2 x−tan x tan2 x ] dx
¿ ∫ [ tan3 x sec 2 x−tan x(sec 2 x−1) ] dx
¿ ∫ [ tan3 x sec 2 x−tan x sec 2 x +tan x ] dx
3 2 2
¿ ∫ tan x sec x dx− ∫ tan x sec x dx+ ∫ tan x dx
4 2
tan x tan x
¿ − −ln |cos x|+C
4 2


The technique involved in evaluating the integral
m n
∫ cot v csc v dx
where v is a differentiable function of x, is similar to that for evaluating the integral
m n
∫ tan v sec v dx
The identity csc v =1+ cot v or cot v =csc 2 v−1 is used to reduce the original
2 2 2

expression into an integrable form. It also consists of three possible cases and it is left to
the student to write down the procedure for evaluating each case.

III- IV. Exercises/Written Activities/ Performance Tasks: (Show you solutions).

Evaluate each of the following:
1∫ sin 3 xsin 6 xdx 6.∫ cos 4xdx

2. ∫ sin (4 x −3)cos (x +5) dx 7.∫ tan 2x sec 42xdx


3.∫ 4 sin 8 xcos 3 xdx 8.∫ (secx+ tanx) dx


4. ∫ sin x cos xdx 9. ∫ sec y tan y dy

3 5 4 4

5.∫ sin xcos 2xdx 10.∫ cot 4xdx

4 5

V.Learning Insights:
What makes it necessary to have knowledge and understanding about integration of the
product of sine and cosine? Can you site /relate applications in your real-life situations?
Differential and Integral Calculus by Feliciano and Uy

____________________ ________________________
Date Accomplished Pre-service Teacher’s
Signature over Printed Name

Date Received

The laws of Nature are written in the language of mathematics...the symbols are triangles,
circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a
single word. Galileo Galilei


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