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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students should be able to:
a. evaluate the effectiveness of various multimodal elements in conveying a message;
b. appreciate the use of multimodal elements in communication by giving different
examples of multimodal texts; and
c. demonstrate the ability to create their own multimodal text

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Multimodal Elements
Reference: Adrales, C. (2023). Multimodal Text. Butuan : Claudine Adrales.

III. Instructional Materials: powerpoint presentation, handouts

IV. Approach: Inductive Approach

V. Learning Procedure:
A. Routinary Activities
• Greetings
• Prayer
• Setting of classroom rules
• Checking of attendance
• The teacher will ask questions to students to recall the lesson from the
previous discussion.

B. Activity
• The teacher will group the class into four (4). The teacher will present an
infograph which will be observed by the students, after that, each group will
answer the following questions.
a. What is the material all about?
b. What can you see with the given material? Do you see pure text,
photos and other elements?
c. What do you think the purpose of combining multiple elements to
present information is?
d. What do you think will happen if one or more elements is removed?
Will removing an element change the way someone perceives

C. Analysis
• The teacher will present the definition of Multimodal Text to the students
without explicitly labeling it as such and will let the students guess what the
definition is referring to. Choose from a list of multiple-choice options that
correspond to the definition provided.

This refers to the use of multiple modes or literacies to effectively convey a message.
a. Multimodal text
b. Multimodal literacy
c. Multimodal communication

• The teacher will then proceed to discuss briefly what Multimodal text is.
Multimodal text conveys meaning through a combination of two or more
modes such as written language, image and spatial design. Each mode
uses unique semiotic resources to create meaning.

D. Abstraction
• The teacher will further discuss the lesson, highlighting the basic language of
multimodal texts, five modes of composition and language design.

Basic Language of Multimodal Texts

• Mode - refers to the method of communication being employed.
e.g. spatial, linguistic, visual, gestural, audio
• Medium/Media - refers to the ways a text reaches its audience. Can
contain multiple modes. e.g. photograph, website, song
• Genre and Genre Conventions - genres are further categorization of
media based on audience expectations. Each genre includes a set
of conventions.
• Author - in some multimodal texts, the author is named, such as a film
director or the author and illustrator who collaborate on a book.
However, in many instances the author is unknown.

Five Modes of Composition

• Linguistic - refers to word choice, delivery of spoken or written texts,
organization of sentence and phrases, coherence of ideas and
words. Ex. Documents, letters, newspapers
• Visual - refers to color, layout, style, size, perspective.
Ex. Symbols, photographs, posters
• Gestural - pertains to facial expressions, hand gestures, body
language, interactions between people.
• Spatial - refers to the arrangement organization, proximity of people
and objects.
• Audio - refers to the music, sound effects, noise, silence, tone,
emphasis and accent of the voice in spoken language and even
the volume of the sound. Ex. YouTube, Spotify

Language Design
• Emphasis - elements of an image that is most significant
• Repetition - repeated pattern of the same or similar shapes or objects
• Contrast - the sharp differences between elements that are noticeable
based on their relationship to each other.
• Layout - organization of elements on a page, including text, images
• Alignment - the way elements are aligned on a page, especially text
which is aligned at left, right or center.
• Proximity - The relationship between objects in a space, particularly
how close they are to each other.

• The teacher will then proceed to question some students.

a. How do different modes of communication work together to create
meaning in a multimodal text?
b. How might the intended audience affect the design choices made in a
multimodal text?
c. What strategies can be used to analyze the effectiveness of a
multimodal text in conveying its message?
d. How do cultural background and experience influence how individuals
interpret and respond to multimodal texts?
e. How does multimedia elements in a text differ from a traditional
written format?
f. How can the inclusion of diverse perspectives in multimodal texts
enhance the audience’s understanding of the topic?

E. Application
• The students will be group into four (4) , will be tasked to create a multimodal
Instruction: Using Instagram story, create any multimodal text of your choice by
applying the different multimodal elements.

Rubric for scoring:

Creativity -5
Collaboration -5
Content -5
Presentation -5

VI. Assignment
Study in advance for the next topic, which is “Literature Review.”

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