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Ingles para Concursos



01 – The word “despite” in “Despite the growing 06 – __________ you want to get a good grade,
use of computers in classrooms, American you must study.
universities are still graduating millions of
technological illiterates.” Can be correctly a) Though
replaced, without a change in meaning, by: b) But
c) Even though
a) therefore d) Whereas
b) moreover e) If
c) in spite of
d) thus 07 – In the excerpt “The struggle to have a
e) hence piece of land to work on for a decent living
has produced conflicts between the landless
02 – The sentence “Though overshoppers later peasants, on one hand, and the powerful
experience considerable remorse, they find landowners and the government, on the other”,
shopping exciting.” contains an idea of: the expressions “on one hand” and “on the
other” convey the idea of:
a) addition.
b) alternative. a) consequence
c) cause. b) addition
d) condition. c) opposition
e) contrast. d) purpose
e) result
03 – In the sentence “He went to the market for
there was no food in the fridge.”, the word “for” can 08 – “Photojournalists are often people
be replaced, without a change in meaning, by: who feel a powerful social responsibility to
document the atrocities of humanity IN ORDER
a) while TO provide evidence to the world.”The capital
b) even though word expression is a marker of:
c) albeit
d) nevertheless a) result.
e) because b) reason.
c) purpose.
04 – Mark the word that can appropriately be used d) consequence.
to fill the blank: “They not only study hard every day,
___ they also take good care of their health.” 09 – In the sentence “In case you need any help,
don’t hesitate to call!”, the expression “in case”
a) yet can be replaced, without a change in meaning, by:
b) but
c) and a) Indeed
d) although b) If
e) however c) Then
d) Instead
05 – In the sentence “A less significant but e) Nonetheless
perhaps more curious use of the laser in medicine
is to remove tattoos. Whereas before tattoos were Read the paragraph and answer question 10.
virtually impossible to remove without considerable
difficulty and pain, now they can be removed “Compare that job market to the prospective
relatively painlessly.”, the word “whereas” means: immigrant labor force. Of recent arrivals, only
a) as. 63% have finished high school. No surprise that,
b) when. while immigrants make up only 12% of today’s
c) while. workforce, they clean half the restaurant tables in
d) where. the U.S. Yet immigrants also are 50% more likely
e) because. than Americans to have a graduate degree.”


10 – The sentence “Yet immigrants also are 50% 14 – In the sentence “If you wrote about the
more likely than Americans to have a graduate international banking systems for bankers,
degree” introduces: your language and information would be more
technical”, the author intends to transmit an
a) a conclusion. idea of:
b) a consequence
c) a contrast. a) conclusion.
d) a result. b) addition.
e) an example. c) condition.
d) comparison.
Read the paragraph and answer question 11. e) contrast.

“Of course the programmers who created 15 – In the sentence “Since many government
this system could foresee this would cause IT systems contain vast amounts of personally
a problem, but as well as a degree of short- identifiable information, federal agencies
termism there was a widespread disbelief that must protect the confidentiality, integrity,
anyone would be using the same computers and and availability of this information.”, the word
programs nearly thirty years later.” “since” coneys an idea of:

11 – The expression “as well as” indicates: a) cause

b) conclusion
a) conclusion. c) purpose
b) condition. d) comparison
c) contrast. e) addition
d) addition.
e) purpose 16 – Complete the following sentence in the
text using a word indicating purpose:
12 – In the sentence “The explosive growth in
these regions is due to high birth rates.”, the “They are skilled at using the tools of preventive
expression “due to” can be replaced, without a medicine _____ improve the health of workers
change in meaning, by: and their families.”

a) since. a) and
b) towards. b) but
c) from. c) for
d) because of. d) to
e) during. e) so

13 – In the sentence “The new phones can be 17 – The conjunction “therefore” in the
programmed to dial only a few numbers, like sentence:“They studied hard and therefore
home, or a parent’s office.”, the underlined they were approved.” can be replaced, without
word conveys an idea of: changing its meaning, by:

a) opposition a) hence
b) comparison b) albeit
c) exemplification c) however
d) addition d) awyway
cause e) moreover


18 – “Whereas” in “A computer is built from 20 – The word “whether’, highlighted in the

static parts, whereas your brain constantly text, means
rewires itself as you age and learn.” introduces
a(n): a) if
b) otherwise
a) cause c) thus
b) contrast d) yet
c) condition e) while
d) illustration
e) explanation 21 – Complete the sentence with the correct word:

19 – In the sentence “However, some scientists “My teacher and my mother have very different
fear that AI could get out of control.”, the word styles. One is a good athlete _____ the other
“however” can be replaced, without a change in prefer listen to the music every day.”
meaning, by:
a) as
a) accordingly b) when
b) moreover c) while
c) in addition to d) since
d) in spite of e) then
e) nevertheless
Read the cartoon and answer question 22.
Read the text and answer question 20.



There is growing evidence that L2 learners

pick up new words while viewing video but little
is known about the role of individual differences.
This study explores incidental learning after the
viewing of a French documentary containing 15
pseudowords and investigates whether learning
is moderated by participants’ prior vocabulary
knowledge and working memory. Sixty-
three higher-intermediate learners of French
participated in this study. Prior vocabulary
knowledge was measured by means of a French
meaning recognition test. Participants also
took a forward digit-span (phonological short-
term memory), a backward digit-span, and an Transcription: “Once I learn how to use Google,
operation-span task (complex working memory). isn’t that all the education I really need?”
After viewing the video, four surprise vocabulary
tests on form and meaning were administered. 22 – Identify, in the options below, a sentence
Results revealed that learning gains occurred in which the use of the conjunction “once” is
at the level of form and meaning recognition. the same as in “Once I learn how to use Google
Vocabulary knowledge was positively related […]”.
to picking up new words from video. Complex
working memory correlated with the recognition a) Once upon a time people knew the difference
tests showed more incidental learning gains for between right and wrong.
learners with higher complex working memory. b) The book club meets once a month.
c) Once again, racist attacks are increasing
across Europe.


d) Reading is the kind of habit that once acquired Transcription: “If you stop smoking now, you
is never lost. will add three years to your life. Since you are a
e) Computers are much cheaper nowadays than lawyer, that’s about six thousand billable hours.”
they once were.
25 – In “Since you are a lawyer”, the word
23 – Complete the sentence with the correct “since” is closest in meaning to:
conjunction: “I couldn’t go to the party _______
I was grounded.” a) rather
b) yet
a) although c) so
b) and d) because
c) however e) despite
d) because
e) conversely 26 – In the excerpt “Predictably, the tobacco
companies derided these and other studies as
24 – Read the fragment: “The purpose of the mere statistical arguments or anecdotes rather
notebooks _____ to keep track of where I’m than definitions of causality.”, the expression
wanting the book to go, but also to always feel “rather than” can be replaced, without changing
close to it.” its meaning, by:

Choose the best option that completes the a) because of

context given: b) such as
c) instead of
a) is not only d) so that
b) are not only e) due to
c) are only not
d) is rather Read the text and answer question 27.
e) are rather
According to the most recent trends in foreign
Read the comic strip below and answer question 25. language teaching around the world, there
is an implicit assumption that language and
culture are intrinsically connected. The relation
between language and culture is inseparable
due to the nature of the following concepts:
(language exists inside culture and (culture
cannot exist without the language it belongs to.
Consequently, the general expectation one might
have is that foreign language teachers should be
aware of this connection, and should be prepared
to adequately deal with language and culture in
their foreign language classes. ________, this
does not seem to be the case. It can be observed
that culture is still not taught appropriately or
widely in foreign language classes.

27 – The gap in reference in the text can be filled

in correctly with:

a) also
b) hence
c) therefore
d) however
e) besides


28 – Choose the item in which the idea GABARITO

introduced by the underlined expression is
correctly described. 1. C
2. E
a) “In fact, tsunami experts can now forecast 3. E
how tsunamis will flood distant coastlines hours 4. B
before the waves arrive” – Addition 5. C
b) “Since 2004, geologists have uncovered 6. E
evidence of several massive tsunamis in buried 7. C
sand layers preserved in Sumatran caves.” – 8. C
Cause 9. B
c) “The shaking was simply not strong enough 10. C
to trigger people’s fear of tsunamis, even 11. D
though islanders had self-evacuated after a 12. D
2007 earthquake.” – Contrast 13. C
d) “There was also no clear-cut warning from 14. C
the regional tsunami alert system” – Sequence 15. A
e) “When the three components come together, 16. D
then we can save everybody” - Emphasis 17. A
18. B
19. E
20. A
21. C
22. D
23. D
24. B
25. D
26. C
27. D
28. C


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