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4 Online multimedia resources for mK mM students at mmpublicalions 5. Brians. His, , 1. Ana,2 6261987, 3. American, F. Open answers. 4.72335, 5. 870-634 8995 F. Open answer ALA. aunt 5. nephew 11 Review) 2. cousin 6. daughter Suggested onawers: A. gang & niece 2 grandiather company electron 2 meet, 4 grandmother mother eee teal ding 8. counties: 3. men rota a Spain 4. bai 4. Poland Polish Havea ice ey 2 india 5 taly 5. Jonsory Thursday peer 3 chin 6: semester summer How do you spell your lastname? Nationalities BA thowe 5 cides Nicetomeet youJMows going?) 1 French, Mexican 2. mans & tis How ate you Going?/Whatsp? 2. Ineh 5: Posh 2 Theyre 2 paren Whats up? 2 Chinese 4. ths 8. her tas How are you doig?iNowsit going? €.1 ive 4 tusbond 4 is shes an. are they. they arent are you, m she ent 2. cousin 5 son 2. tenes. thir Wes bsit, is: 3. works 6. parents 'D. 1. Are those men your cousins? arethey. They re Are they. they 0.4. ge & work 2. These ciléren are from Braz. oer 2. works: 6. has. live. 3. My brothers go to King’s College. ‘Are you, we aren't +3. speaks 7. works, goes: ‘4. Those people are Spanish, Ish Hes 4. live 5. Are these my English books? Ace they cli phones? Yes they, 2. Susan speaks French and German, _6. Her teaches ae Hungarian. a . 2. Eade works with his father. 1 ends 4 has 3 Isheastudent? No,nelsr Hes Roger goes to college. 2. we 5. works a cpnanna 5 Emm es eu Reomk 6. go they arent. They're tennis players, + Pen answer. Ric 2e Sf 4d Ba 6b +B Suggested answers: Gav 1. Nice to meet you. 3. Kthe USA, Neen 4. namrsassce Fm 20 years old, ‘8. June a ie 2. Saturday ra Pee 2 March 2. 5 anaccounant a Down: 8. x 90225 August Monday a7 2 May 6. Friday 107 photographer architect, December Module 2 come gee 8.3, December 3a, 1986, jodule reporter aad ‘4, Nineteen seventy-four iu} waiter vet 5 January 30th, 2010 ‘ALA. take out the trash i ee 6. Two towand (ned tomntyone/ "2. ofan te ashen Karen and Eric are architects. ‘Twenty twenty-one 3. cook Ted is an actor. baby amipartonanl 4. wash the windows: Paul and Frank are teachers, eee 5. study, Lisa is a college student. hon Be hon 6. have breakfast Mary is a waitress. Se Bn hon B.1. MN. do..have Maryisawatess a. aulisromtalybuthespeaks 5 So eee Tmegarttensminewcats, 3 am ayeang —heeth ge frethege your newspapers? Fridays 4 corto 4 Daaet ‘These are nice watches. 3, My best friend's name is Timothy oe te ‘Those menover there arentmy Langley. & watch 16. Does..nelp, . brothers. ‘4. Maria lives in Moscow but she 7% Does.visit 17. she does 6. Those children are very uit. isnt rom there 8. hedoes $8. doesnt do Di jedey) a Youceur 5. Goodtoaee you, Glen How are —«&.-doesrt iit 18. washes 2. Hee % The vou doing? 0.comes—-20.heins 2 is Thave an appointment with Miss. 1. Does, Yes.does gee Taylor at 300 2. doesnt get. ots 2. women, her 2, Toby's French nachar fy fl noeaeart nalaoear warren eae tats best end ae 4. sister's, They're, Her ‘Dr. Smith lives on Witson Road. 5. Do..make, No..don't . Open answers. Eto 2d 3a 4 Be 61 7d RUF 27 af 47 SF oT a A.2, Wstwo dock 3. Its nine thirty. 4. its tree forty-tve It a quarter to four. 5. I's eight teen Its a quarter after eight. 6. Its seven-ohtive Its five after seven, Bt. on 4.trom, tote, during 2. tur, on 5.tivuntit, on Beaton . Suggested answers: 2. When do they do the laundry? 3. At3pm, 4 On Sundays, 5, When does Peter play basketball? 6. What time do classes start fon Tuesdays? 7. Yes, he does, 8. When does Brad have dinner with his mom? 9. At2pm, 10.00es Brad have lunch with his parents on Sundays? Dua 2b 3a 4b E. Open answers AL}. two hundred seventy three 2. inetyelght percent one mili five hundred ity thousand : ‘wo bition fifty-four percent four thousand nine hundred sixty-one 2. Sandy rarely sends text messages. 3. John often downloads Information from the Net. 4. Alice and Jenny always chat on the Net 2. How often do the ai parents? Once a week, 3. How oftenidoes he order pizza? Once a week, i 4, How often does Pauline have classes? ‘Three times a week . Tom often uses SN sites. Tom usualy plays video games. Tom sometimes Sends e-mall Tom never recelves text messages. Open answer. ome wee 2 visit their AL take 6. listen 2. tak 7. wake 3.90 8. read 4. meet 9. take 5. 90 Bub 2c Be 41 5d 6a ‘Open answers. C1. SMary Vidrinks, O-cotfee 2. 5: Tony and Susan, ¥imake, Os breakfast 3. S:daughter, V: takes, O:bath 4. 5:He, Vi reads,O: newspaper 5. 5: Gary and lV take, O: bus 6. S:Simon, V- doesn't play, O: soccer 1. 1. Sally does the laundry twice week 2. Ted usualy surts the Net on weeksays 3. Karen sometimes goes jogging after work 4. Ted never stays home on the weekend 5, How often does your husband ‘wash the windows? 6. | always check my exmall inthe morning. A dea aa 5b 6h Zc Be BL parttime 5 busy 2. downtown 6. late 3. roommate 7, studies 4, messy 8. snacks 1. doesnt have in, start, at 2, dogo, go, belore, Does. go ‘doesnt Ike, plays | 3. get, at, dont go,tilfuntl from, tof tint 4. takes, on, stays, eaves, in 1. Dan doesn't usualy get up early ‘on weekends 2. Does thei son sometimes play video games? 3. Terry always goes jogging in the morning. 4, Does Lucy often help with the housework? 5, We usually receive lots of e-mail 6. {dont often text friends. Eg 2h 3b 4c Bd GI Ze Ba FOL, Andrew's cousin 2. He drives him crazy. / He s really lazy 3, He does the laundry, 4. He usualy eats pizza 5. Yes, he does. 6, They go out and visit friends. Module 3 [30 1. comedy = D 2. thniter-+ A 3. romantic comedy-» B 4 documentary C B. Open answers C21. watching, watching stening 2, studying, studying 3. 1090, 090, to have, to come 4. toplay. playing . Open answers Eha 2b 3b 4b 5b Ga 2. dangerous 6. instrument 9. photographs Down: foreign instructions Can.cant,can 3. Can, cant can Cancn 4 Cancan ‘an you use a computer ean ean ‘can speak French (Can you speak Russian? {can cook Chinese food 8. I carit cook Korean food . ast-> fast careful-> carefully good well bad badly happy-> happily early early easily easily nice nicely late late ‘quiet > quietly 5. curious 8. energy NewapNenneyn 1. weliicely 2. nicelgood/appy 23. late 44 early 5. 900d 6. easily 7 welt . Open answers. a Z ‘A, workout lasses: pilates, erobies,2umba, yooa, samba martial arts: Judo, taekwondo, capoeira, karate Bt member 7. special 2. tacties 8. join 3. exercises 9. welght 4. personal 10, shape 5. triendly Mt feet 6 workout 42 healthy Ge 2f 3b ae DL Name: Maria Health problems: no Classes pilates, dance aerobles a Alb 23 3a 4c 5a 6b Sd 6a 1 and 5 but 2s 6. because 3. because 7 but 4. and Gib 2b Ra da Eo) Suggested answers: 1. action. comedy, trier, se 2, zumba,youa, plates, aerobics 3. take photographs, lay the plano, go Bowling, do aerobics da 2b 3c 4a Sc 6a 7b Ba G1. tocome, towatch, watching 2. spending. going 3. listening, singing, listening 1.1. CanMe Miles crive, he cant, can ride, Can he speak, he can 2.Can your sons swim, they can, Can they play they cant 5b 6D 1 quickly 4. terinly 2. dangerous 5. easly 3. fast 6. siow Rud 2e 31 42 5c 6b G. Suggested answers: 1. That sounds ike fun 2. goto the movies 3. Ican speak French 4. Thats boring WLP 2F 37 aT ST Module 4 @ A. Suggested answers: Mark: Marks chubby He has short, ‘ray halr and a goatee, He has brown eves Sally: Sali is slim. She has tong, curly brown hair anc Bue eyes, B. 1. Whose, hers, Her. yours. your 2. Who'syour, my, Our, vu, Mine, Ours ©. your, Theirs, thelr 2 my.its 3. his, Her BL. Peters sim 2. Miranda nas beautiful. tong hal. 3. Linda/Nora and Nora/Linda have ‘oreen eyes. 4. Colin is a handsome, mide ‘ged man. 5. My aunt sn ta 16. Chelseaisapolte git Eto 2a 3a 4b F. Suggested answers: 1. Wel fn not sureit sults you Youlook great 2. {con't think they sut you. tink they suit you a on 5. between 2. couch 6. faucet 3. over 7. shelves 4 lamp 8. armchairs 1. Are there there arent, there are 2 there arent there are Is there, there, There is, there isnt Gta 4. 2The 5.the Ba 6a . Open answer. ‘A. strong > weak nervous ~ calm dangerous > safe ‘outgoing shy ‘good -» bad 1 shy 2. sate 3. dangerous 4. strong 5. nervous Suggested answers kind 2. enthusiastic 3. unnappy 1 positive 2 unhappy 2. helpful 8. unfriendly 3. aggressive 9. kind 4, strange 10. enthusiastic 5. moody 1. dynamic 6. annoying . open answers. a AL sink 2. garage 3. microwave 4, air-conditioner 5. view 6. neighborhood 7 washing machine oor B. Hive im house inthe countryside, IRis nice and big and very cozy ‘We have three bedrooms and each bedroom has a bathroom, We dont hhave an elevator or a balcony, but wwe havea big yard. We spend hours playing baseball out there. And an B.the ‘my mother does gardening on the weekend. We have beautiful lowers, ‘We also ge horseback riding during the weekend and climo tees when we are Bored. There arent any malls ‘near our house, but I dont mind ©. Suggested answers 1. Do you live downtown? 22. Who do you live with? '3. Do you live in an apartment? 4. Does it havea yard? '5. What’ the neighborhood the? . Open answers. oor ‘A. Appearance: blond, bald, overweight, skinny, handsome Furniture: desk, couch, armen, coffee table, cabinet” Personality: cheerful outgoing, aggressive, moody, dynamic ‘Appliances: stove, freezer. microwave, ‘ishwasher, washing machine “suggested answers 8.1 under ain 2. behind & between 2 above 1. er the 2 yours. my Mine, is hers 3 your, Yours AA. Whos. the thera, he, There is 2. Whose Mine, Are aren. tee 3. here are. s.2,The.a eastaa Ric 2a ab a 5 1. organizes 5 stadium 2. competion 6. fan & prize 2 win 4 place 8. money ¥ are-doing—&, arenotstaying amattending 9. ts geting UP iespeaking $0is not going ‘staking Wh. Is- staying ‘Ne thinking 12 taking is performing ¥ not going aregoing 6.1. What times the race starting next Sunday? The race is starting at 9am. 2 Where's the performance taking place? The performance is taking place atthe stadium. 3. What are the boys doing next Saturday? The boys are going horseback fiding next Saturday. . Open answers. Eub 2c ad a oO ‘A calher back leave a message answer the phone ‘iv fee 3cal hhang up the phone tet 4 2 % a 5 me check hhang up the phone callner back ‘lve ner a cal let me check leave amessage B. Suggested answers: 1% AA cue bat. "Mom, can we go to this theme park? Sorry. busy now. Can borrow your cell phone? Sure, Here you go. Can you drive me tothe airport, please? Sure, no problem, Can you pick up/answer the phone? No, m afraid not. im washing the dishes, hi, He 4. They. it them she. her 5. lm, We, us ime 2a 3b 41 Se Be ‘communication 4. phrases destroying 5. order abbreviations 6. experts ‘am working, meet, stay {0 .. do, play. are going think is. running, is haviig. are eating, tke . Is. talking, is not aking, studying doesn usualy study, doesn't want 2b 3b 4a Paul 4, 247-854-9925 2. South American, 245, Green a ALE Park station 26 Be 4a Bb Be B. Suggested answers: 1 2 a 2 Congratulations! What wonderful news! How excita! : Good luck! Good tor you! Have funt ‘Suggested answers: Hey 5. believe it How are 6. bye 3. for your email 7. Seeyou 44. Guess what fom ALD 2a ab 5b 6c 1B stadium 4. competition 2. tlashiight 5. library 3. stage 6. lecture GA bim ame 7 us 2 They 5 them Bit Boher 6 He . 1. are you listenin, talking, Does ine speak are you doing, re you surfing, {am not suring, organizes, am creating| 3. are you leaving, am meeting, are going, dont have Etd 2b 3a 4c Be 6f F. 1. Donald Morgan at Jazz Cate), 2. On Thursday. 3. $20. 4. at9.00pm. 5. Atthe entrance or onine Gt 6, The German post modernist painting exhibition (at Hilsworth Gallery, 7. By emaling ot calling 333-454-4433, Module 6 @ esterday 5, expensive ter 6. ago 3. amazing. last 44. cost B.1. started 9 spent 2. didnotend 10. had 3. didnotgo ML. arrived 44. wanted 2. tried 5. didnothave 13. went 6. didnot mind 44. looked 7 decided 15. didnot find 8 met . Suggested answers: 2, Peter went tothe oym, but Kathy didt goto the ay. 3. Peter ate a steak, but Kathy didnt eat a steak, 4. Katy went for cotee with a iend, but Peter dit go for Coffee with a frien. ‘5. Kathy ate @) sala, but Peter ait eat @) salad 66. Kathy went shopping, but Peter Aidt go shoppin, . Open answers. a have an accident miss the bus run out of gas lose one's cel phone ‘get stuck in traffic cet aflattre 1 gota lat tre 2. ran out of gas 3. had an accident lost my cell phone miss the bus get stuck in trate Did take she did Did-break 7, Did. lose tas 8, did lose took 9. lett Did .get Where did you go? We went to the movies. What dia you watch? 44. We watched the Avengers. ‘5. What time dia the movie start? 6. Itstarted at seven thirty. 7 Did you tke? 8. Yes, tal Did 2b Rc 4a Bh 61 Zo Be a A. Across: 1. ancient 7 appearance 4. famous 8. population 6. technology 9. vegetables Down: 2. education 5. architecture 3. Jewelry B. 1. Could you court, couldnt, could count CCan ity speak, she can, couldnt speak 3 can draw, Could you draw, Teouldnt, can't draw, coula draw, could walk were, was, Were, wasnt, was Were, werent, were, was, was Was, wasnt, was, Was, was was, wasnt, werent (the city 09 Rome OAD about 400 years London 5. Roman baths 16a) [A stay at hotel travel abroad 90 hiking taste local food buy souvenirs 1% gohiking 2. travel abroad 3. stay at hotels 4, taste local food 5. buy souvenirs B, 2. ts snowing, 3. Itsaining ts windy. 5. its cloudy. 6. Its cloudy. 7. Wscold Suggested answers: 2. The food was delicious. ‘usualy fee teribe after eating seafood. We gota wonderful massage on the beach this morning, “Thomas took an awesome picture ‘of a dolphin yesterday ‘Our trip was baring, There was nothing interesting todo, 7. The weather was awl lastnight {8 We had a great time during our vacation in Malaysia, ‘Suggested answer: Last spring, Peter and his friend Kevin went to Alaska for vacation. ‘They stayed for two weeks at Peter's cousin's house and they nad an amazing time. The food was delicious fn the weather was sunny, but cold ‘They cid lots of awesome things, Ike skiing and snowboarding. for report 5. lost diet 6. realized missed % mineral apologized age 5. growing rained 6. technology out 7. windy ignore population Did enjoy» 9 Did. learn didnt.go | 10. Coule was Son were haa 12 coule stayed 13 coulant Didpass 14. could ia 15 were took . Open answers. Ete ad za 4b Bh Gf Ze ao 1 3500 years ago. 2. Aspecial bed with a stove under Ito keep the bed warm, 3, They.were the fist people to make some ofthe fist star chars and also fo create paper and printing, ‘9un powder and the compass 4, Beautiful buldings and temples (Ghat the ancient Chinese bull. 5, About 4.000 mites tong. Module 7 [7a] ‘A. mushoom-C —water-U apple -C salt-U tomato -C soup -U rice sandwich -C B. 1. asticeof cheese acupof tea ‘can of soda bottle of mile 2 glass of water 3 4 5. e ‘bow! any any pub 2 Ba 6. welgnt Junk of salad 8 some 8. any 410. some 1. some 12 any 13. no 14. some eRe ae 1 4 4 5 lot offlots of, much, much, lot offots of ‘many, many ‘much, much, aot of/ots of atew alotot many 4 .. D. Suggested answers: How much Thee ia lite mik inthe bottle. How many There are a few Kiwis. How much ‘There ia litle apple ple How many There are los of aft of peas. How much ‘There i ite lettuce, How many ‘There are lots of lot of strawberties. 1 2 2 ALA. Ingredients 5. 2utime 6 3. ent z 4. cut a B. Suggested answers: 1 spicy 5. 2 tasty 6 2. sweet 7 ish 5. salty 6 tasty 7 recipe ethnic 5 invite 6 crepes 7 sushi 15. some 16. some 1. any 18. any 19. some 20. any 21. some 4c 1] a3 calories ate ada tty Finally dlsgusting salty variety pot chet order Invitation refuse Bub 29 34 40 Be GI ze . Suggested answer: HiBen, Thank you for inviting me to lunch tomorrow. Ii lke to come, but leant ‘make It because | am visting a friend Inthe countryside. have an idea, How about going out for dinner next weekend? We can go anywhere you Tike. Marke or A. Suggested answers: 1 strawberry chili pepper 2. sushi pastries 3. menu bottle 4, mayonnaise milk 5. order add 6. sick spicy dessert 5. fork 2 vegetarian 6. avoid 3. customer 7. contain 44 barmful Gle 2a de 4b Ba be Zb Ba G2 10d Ma ic . Suggested answers: Yes. I would lke the vegetarian pasta dish, please Yes, please, Just wate, No thank you. 4 845,136.27 Rub 2e Ba 4b Module 8 Oo A. Across: 2. foot 4. platform 16. passenger 8 conveyor 40. meter Down: 1. dollars 3. boarding 5. tare 7 suitcase 8. crowded B. 2. Tom has to leave home at 200. 23. Tom has to be at work at 730, 4. Tom has to pick the children up from school at 400. 5. Tom has to drive the children to their karate cass at 700, ‘Suggested answers: 6. Ihave to wake up at 630. 7. Ihave to be at schoo! at 800. Ihave to. goto basketball practice at 430, 9. Ihave to visit my grandmother at 7200. Ge 2d de 4a Bb Daz b2 cl aa EL si0s 4. £750 2. ¥1760 5. $20 3. €12575 6. 55 ALA. through 4. towards 2 over 5 to 3 of 6. past B. 1. north 3. south 2. east 4. west . Suggested answers: 1. Go down George Street and take the second right onto Greenfield Street. Then go straight. The police station ison your let 2. Go down Park Avenue and go ver the bridge. The museum is (on your lett, across from the police station. 3. Go down George street and turn lett onto Windmil Road. Then 90 straight. The bookstore ison your right, across from the mal, 4. Go down Park Avenue, go over the bridge and then turn right ‘onto Windmill Road. Then go Straight and tuen right onto George Street The post ofice is. ‘on your lft, between the general store andthe bank, ceeiceniera acum {environmental event in April? Yes, shel Ld 2e 2a 4g Bb 6e I Bum 2M 3c 5M 61 2c ©. Suggested answers: nit sit 2.there 6. There 3 They z.0We tis Bit ALA. trienaly 5, cycling 2. roots 6. produce 3. reduce 2 electricity 4. rush devices B. 1. Sorry.t nave to meet with Angela, 2. Imatraid not. have to work ti, late 3. No. You have to get off atthe next stop. 4. Sorry. You have tose euros, A. ate going to take, am not ‘90g to take 2. |. going to drive, i going to cycle, am going to carpool 3. Is. going to take part, is going to plant. am not going to be . Open answers Eta ze 3c 41 5b 6a RAT 2F 3F 47 5F 6T Module 9 a A. Suggested answers Max is wearing a gray sult and alight blue shirt He's wearing a blue tie and black shoes, Linda is wearing a black jacket and Jeans. She's wearing a ehite scart, 2 hat and brown boots, Open answers. 1. too tight. fashionable enough, 100 old fashioned 2. t00 late 3. strong enough 4, to0 casual, formal enough B.A. toomany 5. enough 2. enough 6. toomuch 3 enough 7 enough 4. toomuch 8, toomany Ete 2b 3b de a ‘ALJ. exchange 5. off 2. receipt 6. tit 3. discounts 7% cash 4, deal B.1 ones, ones, one 2. one, one, ones © 2. The brown ones. 3. The black one, 4. The green ones. Did 2e 3a 4b Be a AA iar 5. pollute 2. useless 6. picnic 3. continue 7. ton 4. useful 8. protect BL. anywhere 2. someone 3. everybody 4, Nobody 5. nothing 6. anybody €.1. anything, everything 2. anyonelanybody, Everyone! Everybody No one /Nabody 3. something, nothing, something 4. amyuhere. everywhere, Somewnere 13d AA. retun 5. funy 2. broken 6. assignment 3. funny 7 deadiine 4 idea 8B. Suggested answers |. turn off and on again 2. check tha its plugged in 3. asking her to buy you anew one 4. change the batteries 5. returning itto the store ©. 4.t00 3.also 2. Whats more/ Also. 4. What's more fom A. Across, 2. gloves 6. mistake 5. solar 2 plate Down: 1 discount 4, format 3. useless 4 t00 much, too many, big enough 2. too tuz2,to0 late, enough G1. one, one 2. ones, one, one 3. ones, ones, one Dub 2b 3a ac Ka 6b E3.5,8.2.716,4 Rib 2a Re 4a Sa Module 10 10a) Ale 2a 3c 4b Sf 6d B. 1. rest 4. thirsty 2 away 5. carry 3. meeting 6. heavy A. How may help you? 2. athe to make an appointment, 3. There's an opening tomorrow at 3 odlock 4. willyou aive me your name and phone number? 5. Dont pane owe you one, 7% Dont mention it {can always count on you 9. What are friends for? 10. What can do for you? Ht. appointment with Me Franklin. 12, Would you tke to make a new appointment? 13. Could we make itat seven? o ‘A problem 2. fu 3. symptoms 4. fever 5. runny 6. toothache 2 serious 8. pain elever B. 1, shoulent eat 2, should exercise 2. should come 4. shouldnt say 5. should hear 6. should talk 7, shouldnt decide 1. b, You should go to bed late 2. a, You shouldnt forget to eat breakfast. 3. @, You should take a pain relieve, 4. c,You should go on a diet. 5. J, You should drink some warm B3.14.25 0c] ‘Across 3. freesing % ambulance 5. alone 8. drop 6. reach Down 1 save 4. forecast 2. iteguara B. 1. to(please) be quit. 2. not tobe in a hurry 3. to take his medicine three times vay. 44. to-show him his driver icense 5, not to panic 6. tobe caretl 7. to.get out ofthe water. 8, to take his hand, Gur 2T 3F 4T Br 61 7F BF m ALA, stressed 5 fair 2. advice 6. boss 3. helpless 7 explain, 4. colleague & own. Ble 2d ac 4a 5b . Suggested answers 1 Dorit worry. You can explain to her that you dont like pets ‘That's a problem. Pertaps you should ask her to help you Buy Calm down, think you should ‘explain tor that she has to ask belore borrowing your clothes. It going tobe alright. You Should explain to him that it was an accident. ‘5. Cheer up. You can tell your friends wiy you cant go to practice. Dic 2b 3d 4a Se 6F na La 2b Re Ab Ba 6b Zc B. 1. She shouldnt work all day ‘She should drink ots of water. They shouldnt eat ice cream, They should see a doctor. 3. He shouldnt eat lots of fo. He should get some rest. 44. You should see a dentist You shouldn't eat chocolate, G1 to help him withthe shopping bags. 2. not to eat any food for four hours. 3. tostop running, 4 not to step on the ball. 5. tolend him his ea. Dic Ze 3d 4a 5b Lb 2e Bf 4a Be 6d At around B30a%m, 2. He drove past the house 3. He went ito the house twice 4, Part ofthe burning building fet fon him (and knocked him ou 5. Many reporters. 6. Because he isa famous heroin the area, A Across, 4. bed and breaklast 6. recreational vehicle own: 1. cruise ship 2. tent 3. cabin 5. resort B. 1 better 6 ienalier 2targer 7. more helpful 3. more convenient 8. bigger “4.turtner 9, more beaut 5 closer Gud 2d 3c 4a Se . Suggested answers: 2. Vacation Ais more expensive than vacation B 3. Vacation is more luxurious than vacation & ‘Vacation B is more tring than vacation A 5, Vacation Bis cheaper than vacation A 6, Vacation Ais shorter than vacation B ‘ocean 5. volcano mountain range 6. desert plain 7 waterfall rainforest nicest 5. loser biggest 6. cheaper most expensive 7 older closest Mount Pico da Neblina i higher than Mount Zugspitze Mount Kamets the highest of the three 2. The Ganges s longer than the Rhine ‘The Amazon f the longest of the thee. 3. Indias smaller than Braz Germany is the smallest of the three. 4. Brazil hasabiager population than Germany. India has the biggest population ofthe tree Dia 2b Ba Lic} At. hw 4, shake 2. bow 5. point 3. kiss 6 pat begin. a appropriate, b shake, cheeks. ¢ hostess. a rude. Ald 2b ae . Suggested answers: 1 Isthere a poot? 2. Is there room service? 3. Does the room have ait conditioning? 4. Are pets allowed? 5. Do you have a wakeup service? 6. there parking? . Underlined: Hi Mr Adams, Correction: Dear Mr. Adams, Underined Im writing to tell you that Correction: | am writing to inform you that Underlined! want Correction: would ike Underlinee: Write hack ASAP. Correction: Please send me a reply 38 s00n as possible. Underlined: Take care Correction: Yours sincerely, . Open answers. A. Suggested answers: 1. hotel, resort, B68 2. mountain range, ocean, plain, 3. shake, bow, hug 4. business center, parking, single B.1 continent 5. book 2. foreigners 6. currency 3 offer 7 noisy “4. conversation 8. expect . big, Bloger. the biggest rich icher, the richest slow, slower, the slowest rude, ruder, the dest ‘thin, thinner, the thinnest ‘heap, cheaper, the cheapest helpful, more helpful, the most hetul i muchimany, more, the most bad, worse, the worst far, fathesurther the farthest/turthest BL. longest 2. heavier 3. hottest ‘more convenient 5. most iuxurious 6. higher Eta 2e 3b 4c 5a F.4. Korean 2. Spain 3. One. 4. On Ju stain, 5. Because most of South Korea is 6. over 10 mition, Module 12 2a) 1. season 4, coach 2. captain 5. field 3. foul 6. beat '. do, di, done ‘ake, took, taken 190, went, gone cat, ate, eaten score, scored, scored lek, kicked, kicked make, made, made ‘et, got. gotten C21 Has _met,has, hasn't met, has met 2. Have . seen, have, haven't seen, have seen . 1. Ross has visited Rome, Ross hasnt visited Pars, 2. John and Ryan have played tennis “iohn and Ryan have played Kieran and Betty have lived in the countryside Kieran and Betty havent ved inthe city, 4. Frank hasnt tried scuba diving, Frank as tried windsurfing. Etc 2a 3d 4b Be 69 7 8) 10h 2b] ALA. Biology 2. Engineering 3. Medicine 44. Arenitecture 5. Economics 6 Law 7. Psychology Bib 2a 34 4c C1. Have... been, have been 2. Has...gone, hast gone, has ‘gone 3, ave gone 4. Has...been, has . been, has been DLA. Have . seen, haven't, had, Have ~ looked, have, checked, weren't 2. Has...been, hast, has always wanted, went, stayed, Dia. visit, Dic take, dia, havent shown, avert BUT 2F RF 4T ST GT i2c} x researcher, foreigner, painter, trainet, player, writer ‘orsinventor, instructor, actor, Survivor, visitor sist biologist, arts, scientist, tourist B.A. inventor 5. instructor 2. painter 6. tourists 3 artlstspainters. 7. player survivors) writer . ACROSS: 1 succes Ace 3. play B.invertion own, 2. experiment 6. genius 5. discover Z.controt 2a] A. Suggested answers: 1. When were you bosn? Where were you born? Where did you grow up? When did you move to London? 2. Doyouhave alot? What are you studying? o you live with your parents? 3. Are you going to goto college? ‘What are you going to study? ‘Are you going to travel? ‘re you going to get married BL was 7. work 2 grew 8 love 3 went is 4. graduated 1O.nave made 5. moved .am going to move 6. live going to start Eom Abc 2b 3a Ac 5a Ga B. 1. childhood 2. manage 3. points 4, awards 5. pass 6. season 1 Toby and Fay have not been to Spain 2. Kevin has started his own business, 13. Have you seen Paul today? 44. Tim has not read that book 5. Has Sandia finished her homework? 6. Ihave made dinner DLL Have ever tried 2. have. wanted 3. teed 4. lovea 5. havent ried / entry 6. % vistea 8 had 9. spent 10. ett 1M. visited 12. have been 13. traveled 14. stayed 15. Have . ever had 16. tasted 17. vas 18. Have — ever made 19. bought ELe 21 3b 4d 5a Ge FAT 2F RT 4T BF GT week and also does the laundry. 3. A: The woman in this magazine fa Wel thts not so bad took ust ike Mary. BB: And she takes the trash out every B: No, she doesn't. Gay actuaysimreatyrapoywnh Ae She docs it bi She has the voor some ea hat Dem Be But Mary's hairs uy That ‘A: OK, before we continue, can | ask B woman's Is straight. you. few questions to complete, Helo, my name's Maria Jones and ‘As Yeah, you're right. mene tte aoe A try yours ht woman : Be Ofcourse how can hep ou is inher 0s, i Great Owner your ramet, A Wel te onthe gym but [As Maybe it's the green eyes, then. B Ana King Ton! how which casos to tke Fort knew Ara Kine B Fstot aldo youTaveany Neath Ax So, what do you think, Seve? RGnGiewencmcres ence em once Reais ene eae yousee A: No not aly But want tose sreakes? ‘A: OK, and what's your date of birth? some weight. ‘A: Yeah, do you like them? B: June 26,1967 1: OK sordo you the group classes? Theyre not bo Bu tat red ‘A: 1987. Let’s see, are you from ‘A: Yes, | do. like doing pilates and Jacket Is really avresome! It really Spain ther? maybe some dancin. Sats you 8B: No, lm American. My parents Just: OK. How often can you work out? ‘As Thanks. I'd like to get red like Spanish names. ‘As Well, it's my first time after two ‘sunglasses, oo, What do you A ee Can have your 205,100, ee ay ihn please? Kejeetucertiestines seek? Ne Too much think B: Yess 244Southvew Avenue, |e Sev eae plates clsses, aybeyoureignt Forest ty, Aranses. Lee einoent A: Great. Do you know the zipcode too? elses too. a B: Yes, it's 72335. ‘A: Like what? 1 fello, Mr. Smith. This is Paul. 1: 72335 Now then, what youre ll Br Samba zumba, capoeira Rane . address? A: Capoeira is a martial art, right? A: Is Frank there? B: It's B: Yeah, but there's also music and Fe misaktss@gmallom? And your gacing boy tite mor ats? telephone number? ‘A: No, not really. What about samba Be Home or cel? dre mba? What ae they? eo ‘Both please B: Latin dance. But we also have com B: My home numbers 870-634-6005, dance asrobls aoe OK got ‘A: Hmmm. That sounds good. arse sues Be And my ellis 215598775 Bsa yucandopimessndimybe py arvasease A-lthinethatsi Hyoue Meo come tysome dance aerobics to. RS re vane fc Yeah sure tdlovetnatSo.nowdo —™ Nedaismebetoe# because Tet started? Thave an portant meeting 2a] B: First complete this form. afterwards Hise a Sare 3 No problem Helo Tom 2. A Helo? Tas iinee vies oan ley? an) bon?) Bs Hi. Lind. sme Rta, LUsten Betty ee 1. Asis your cousin Gary ere? dnd ging tothe atonal Realy? Bs Yeoh Hes over there sum tosee an exon B: Yes she helps tle wth the 1: What does ne ook the? ‘onerowsteneon st wun housework and. B: He's tall and he has dark brown vont eit coll le 2 hs Does she cook diner ata? hele Coed = Ber butnoton weekdays {sit do Ar lsthathim with the goate? al ‘A: What about on the weekend? “A Now, see him. Se eames Saturdays and Sundays B: Wher? These oldthings? need‘ Letsmeet outside Green Park heWow! Trasgreat andthedtsnes? Sime wench reals ote Ds Wel when tenok she washes te Ac akejeons Ike yours A: That’ fine. ee you tomorrow. dishes, And when she cooks, 1Wash. But yours are new. ‘ ‘A: That's good. Does she clean the Peete rir house? oa No, she doesr't. clean the house, __g Gh come on, they're fine. but she washes the windows every eH ‘A: Well done Craig. Sue, i's your turn now. Which civilization would you Tike? B: | think I go for Roman civization ‘A: OK, your time stats now. According tolegend, who bul the city of Rome? Bs Umm, | think it was Romulus and Remus. ‘A: That's right! Next question When did the Romans build the Colosseum? B: Was itn SAD? ‘A: No, it actualy finished in BOAD. Sorry! Now, onto the next question. ‘The Romans invaded Britain in 43AD but how long did they stay for? B: a say. about 400 hundred years, ‘A: Right again! And here's an easy fone, Londinium was the Roman ‘name for which city? London! {A: Of course. Time for one more ‘question, What could you find inmost Roman towns? twas a Popular place. The Romans often went there to relax Bs Oh, | know that, Roman baths. A: Very good. Now, let's see. ee Deo EEE 4. A: Hello. d like two tickets for the ext bus to Baltimore please, Bs That's the 10:45 night bus: A: Yes, the night bus. How much is that? B: $9260. ‘AcHere you are. fey, Wil. Whats up? Getting B: Actually this Is how | get to ‘work now. 2 ‘A By bike? Really? B: Yean, I cant stand using public transportation anymore, ‘A: How long does it take you? ‘About 45 minutes. 15 minutes? That sounds tring. \: Here we are, Sir. Fairview Station is right over there. 1B: How much isthe fare? $48, Here you go, ‘A: Thank you. Have ance trp. sxcuse me, can | ask you something? 1: How can Ihelp you? want to go to the National Museum, but don't know which stop to get off at. ‘or the museum you have to get off at Green Hil Avenue. 1: Excuse me? Green Avenue? A Green Hill Avenue. Thats three stops away. Thank you very much, Be EN xcuse me, no much is this? B: Its ten dollars and fifteen cents 2. A: How much does it cost to take ‘cab to the station? ‘One thousand seven hundred and sixty yen, \': How much is the bus fare to Paris? B: It's 125 Euros and 75 cents, \: How much does a fight to Manchester cost? Lets see. t's £7750. 5. A: How much isthe fare? 'B: Twenty dollars \ Excuse me, how much does this suitease cost? 1B: Fifty-five Euros, mI eres oe tee ea Man RG REG a problem with the item? Well the color is perfect. t goes well with my suit. You see, Tineed It tor a wedding fm going to next month. All my work shirts are very ol. So, what isthe problem with the item? Well I’ too tight. think I need alarge. So, what would you like to do with your purchase, Sir? ‘That's why Im calling, What are my choices? You can send the item back to us and we can do two things. ‘We can give you your money back or send you a different | prefer to do the second. Do You charge extra for that? R&G_ No, its the same price. Man Great! ne ‘A: Hey, Brian, I heard your wife had an accident during your trip to Indonesia. ls she OK? B: Yes, she's better now. ‘A: What happened? B: Well,on the second day we decided to vist the isiand of Lombok to go scuba diving, We asked our hotel to organize everything. So, we didn’t check the weather on the Net or anything Well that was their job, ight? Yeah. Anyway, we met Captain Harrison at the port at Zam. and ur boat trip startea. It was 3 beautiful day, but about an hour later the sky turned gray and very strong winds started blowing, Within minutes, the boat moved violently from side to side, What aid you do? Captain Harrison told us to go inside quickly. At some point, Mona tried to stand up but she fell down and hurt her head, She was in alot ‘of pain and she couldn't remember what had happened. Iwas that serious, huh? Yes. Captain Harrison called for help and ten minutes later a rescue boat with a team of paramedics arrived. Back on the island, the doctors told Mona to rest fora few days and not to do any other activities, ‘A: What about her memory? Did she remember what happened to her? 8: Yes. She started remembering after REG BR Be BP B: Let me think..Isit Qatar? classes were pretty dificult, ‘A: Qatar's a small country, but t's not As And he just loves giving tests. "ve the smallest in Asia. The smallest, failed two of them so fa. ‘awhile and now she's fine. Anyway. and in my opinion perhaps one of _B: Don't worry about I. Youre still we spent the rest of our vacation the most beautiful is the Maldives going to take another ten by the Felaxing on the beach, Wecertainly at only 15 mi" time the semester is over. don't plan to go on any boat tries Br Yes, the Maldives are beautiful ‘As Ten? On mv. ‘again soon! Islands in the Indian Ocean, right? B: And who's your Biology professor? Thats tight. So, next question. Rone fe eee (On, that’ great. Just attend all his A: Wow.. That sounds lke a pretty, scary experience, Meas 0 ee cau tnan son mente [A: So, you've had Dr. Roberts, too? Yeah and it was the easiest A ve lever gotten. So relax. four Asia quiz. Want to play, Carl? Asm afrald the answer Is 48. 0h ure, why not? dear, ou're not doing very well. )K, 50 ets take a look at the first question whieh countrys mame (ET) EEEESEE) os ok Tea er Coss oe ‘means “Land of the Free?” A: Hey, Tom. definitely not easy, but they're not think it the Phippnes HuNaney. haven seen you tke Dr Jenkins eter A: No,thatrame’strom King Pip." grounds Wel making American Literature with her this semester ‘my classes and work. {and she seems OK so far. B: Really? Don't tell me you'te taking five classes again? ‘of Spain who went there in the 16t" a: 1 Know. Ive been very busy with century. The answer is actually ‘Thalland. Sorry. So, question 2 ‘Which is the largest country in Asia? . . ‘A: No.1'm taking Psychology, English ence Literature and Biology. But with ‘A: No. sorry, you're wrong again! work and everything, t's ust 100 China has the largest population feet And ion alae na EGTA butthe largest country is actually Gf the semester. It drives me crazy! Crabtree asta Yeah, ! know what you mean. That's peice tact why stopped working at my dad's }0 you know which country is the yestaurant last semester. had Dr. smallest? Jenkins for Psychology and his, Pioneer Elementary American edition Workbook Key Booklet H.Q. Mitchell - Marileni Matkogianni wrt ‘oR S*! Published by: MM Publications ‘ SAMeuc NOT F Offices UK Cyprus Frarice Greece Poland ‘Turkey USA, Associated companies and representatives throughout the word, Copyright © 2012 MM Publications All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers ‘The publishers have tried to contact all copyright holders, but in cases where they may have failed, they will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the ISBN: 978-960-509-163-9 Produced in the EU ISBN: 978-960-509-143-9 slivage0s) N1206005013-6319 143

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